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2016-12-28 11:24:07 编辑:chenghuijun 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   A This Sunday B Next Sunday C Last Sunday 下面是中国招生考试网http: www chinazhaokao com 小编今天为大家精心准备了安徽 ...

  A.This Sunday. B.Next Sunday. C.Last Sunday.下面是中国招生考试网http://www.chinazhaokao.com/小编今天为大家精心准备了安徽省百校论坛高三第三次考试,希望对大家有所帮助!


  1.How does the man feel about dating?

  A.Fun. B.Not good. C.Stupid.

  2.What does the man mean?

  A.Reading novels is nice. B.Reading novels wastes much money. C.He dislikes reading novels.

  3.Why will the woman not have dinner with the man this Friday?

  A.Because she wants to have lunch. B.Because she is busy packing her things.

  C.Because she is getting ready to go to school.

  4.What is the man’s suggestion for the woman?

  A.Going to study abroad. B.Going travelling. C.Taking a part-time job.

  5.What is the man against?

  A.Watching TV all the evening. B.Playing games. C.Talking.

  第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


  6.When is Mother’s Day?

  7.What will the woman give to her mother?

  A.A cake. B.A card. C.A book.


  8.What is wrong with the jacket?

  A.It’s very dirty. B.It has a broken pocket. C.It looks old.

  9.What probably will the man do?

  A.Search the Internet. B.Go shopping. C.Sell jackets.


  10.Where are the speakers?

  A.In a store. B.In the office. C.At home.

  11.How many pencil sharpeners does the man have?

  A.About two. B.About five. C.About eleven.

  12.What kind of pencil sharpener will the woman buy of the man ?

  A.An electric sharpener. B.The one that can be stuck on the table. C.An ordinary one.


  13.What did the man do for his car?

  A.He went online to find a solution. B.He had his car repaired at once. C.He fixed his car on his won.

  14.How did the man get in touch with the site?

  A.By telephone. B.By e-mail. C.By meeting in person.

  15.How did the man pay for the solution?

  A.By paying in cash. B.By using credit card. C.By sending money online.

  16.What can be learned about the man?

  A.He was cheated. B.His car was repaired. C.He got his money back.


  17.What did Kenneth Baker keep walking around?

  A.He asked his neighbors. B.He kept waiting for it. C.He called the policeman.

  18.Why did Kenneth Baker keep walking around?

  A.It was his hobby. B.He hoped to find his cat. C.He wanted to find evidence.

  19.What did Kenneth Baker find?

  A.Dogs were running away. B.Cats were running away. C.A track of blood.

  20.What do you think of Kenneth Baker?

  A.Foolish. B.Determined. C.Lucky.


  Guild ford school of Acting (GSA) is possibly the world’s most successful centre for musical theatre training. Our philosophy is based on your growth as an individual and your development as an artist within a highly disciplined.

  We want you to view yourself as a potential artist who can compete and succeed in all aspects of musical theatre performance. To accomplish this, you will need to develop your professional awareness through a strict process of training.

  We will guide you towards the development of clear set of individual skills, with practical classes in : Group and individual singing, Ballet,Jazz,Tap and other forms of dance.

  Yours skills are further developed through many exercises, scene work and project rehearsals(排练). Classes in dance and singing are highly ranked alongside acting classes and project, which enable GSA Musical Theatre performers to become multi-skilled.

  Professional development classes and workshops with guest speaker drawn from the contemporary musical theatre industry ensure currency within your chosen field and enable you to maximize all employment opportunities. A final show presentation in a West End theatre helps you complete your change from a musical theatre student to a professional performer.

  The result is your development into a highly disciplined, individual and all-round performer who has both artistic skills and the ability to work in cooperation with others.

  You can get in touch with us by:

  Dr. Ana Fla via Zuim, Telephone:212-998-5154

  Professor Dianna Heldman, dh24@nyu.edu

  21.What type of the text is it?

  A.An advertisement. B.A diary. C.A travel guide. D.A performance report.

  22.Which of the following is one of the majors for students in GAS?

  A.Sports. B.English. C.History. D.Jazz.

  23.Where is the students’ final show presentation held?

  A.At a school hall. B.At a West End theatre. C.At a stadium. D.At a rehearsal room.

  24.Who will show special interest in GSA?

  A.Tom who wants to become a writer. B.Jake who lacks experience of drawing.

  C.Lucy who has the desire to perform musical theatre. D.Peterson who expects to direct an international film.


  One day I was listening to the radio about some poor children. As I listened, I felt that I had to do something for those children, so I asked four of my friends if they wanted to help a poor child. They agreed.

  Finally, we got a letter from a little child called Juanito Sanchez, in which he asked for some blankets and also some clothes and a pair of shoes for his little sister. In his litter he wanted to help his father fix the house which was in a bad condition because of the arrival of clod winter.

  We told the radio station that we wanted to help that child. After that, we started to think about how to collect all the money needed to buy all poor Juanito needed. After 5 days, we collested much money and bought many things for Juanito. We also bought some food for his family and some toys for him because we wanted to give him a little surprise.

  Finally, on December 22 the radio station made a big party in which all the children who asked for help were invited, and also all those helping these children. In the party we met Juanito, his mom and his little sister.

  First, we played some games with him, After that, we gave Juanito all the presents and also the surprise we had for him. When he opened all the presents, he was excited and happy, so were my friends and I.

  That day was one of the most beautiful day,in my life, and I learned something important from it. It is giving help to those who need it that is one of the most beautiful things that you can do because this makes you feel good and also makes the persons who you are helping happy.

  25.What caused the author to help a poor child?

  A.A radio program. B.The arrival of cold winter.

  C.A letter from Juanito Sanchez. D.Advice from his four friends.

  26.To give Juanito a surprise, the author .

  A.decided to repair his house B.collected more clothed for him

  C.did as Juanito asked him to do D.prepared more than Juanito needed

  27.What did the author learn on December 22?

  A.We all can live happily. B.Helping others benefits us.

  C.It is our duty to ask for help. D.We need to live a rich life.

  28.It can be inferred from the text that .

  A.there were eight people present at the party B.the author didn’t buy gifts for Juanito’s sister

  C.the author will help more people in the future D.Juanito’s father was too ashamed to attend the party

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