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反复收看了鲁子问教授的〈My new friend〉这一课的视频

反复收看了鲁子问教授的〈My new friend〉这一课的视频,深受启发和教育。

一、用教师的激情去感染学生,建立融洽的师生关系,创造和谐的课堂气氛。 正所谓“亲其师而信其道”,教师的激情是激发学生学习兴趣的催化剂。教师有足够的input (输入)的时候,学生才能output (输出)。这就需要我们教师平时多进行阅读,丰富自己的课外知识。教师在上课时,不仅要善于调动自己的情感因素,保持饱满的热情,更要以情去感染学生,激发学生的情感,使师生感情融洽、气氛和谐、和谐课堂气氛,使教学达到最佳效果。本节课中鲁教授丰富的肢体语言、夸张的语音语调、及时的指导评价,牢牢地吸引了学生,课堂气氛很轻松。老师能做到这样放松,学生自然而然也非常地轻松,学得开心,学得有劲,学生没有紧张感,学习兴趣高涨。

二、借助图片、视频,注重学生的参与,重视学生语调的模仿和感情的投入,注重矫正学生的语音语调,激励学生大胆地开口说。模仿的过程,由听到说,再到听再操练,非常到位,照顾了班级了很多学习困难的学生。如,I am a teacher.老师从头到尾说了几十遍,展示了不同的语音语调,似乎是一个个不同背景的人物在特定的场合演绎着自己的职业,可以说有点怪腔怪调,但是学生通过这样的模仿,毫无疑问已牢牢地掌握了I am a teacher.整个内容。再如矫正单词read的读音时,当快读完"read/meet"后,立刻用手捂住嘴巴,以示“d/t”要发轻音。学生也用手势来跟读,领悟地更快。在新授teacher, Chinese, 2 years old 等单词和词组时,不仅配了图片还有句子,且操练的相当到位。



my friends公开课教学构思

.1. 本课时是本单元的第一课时,主要是教学一些描写人物特征的单词和句子以及怎样问和怎样答的方式,描写人物外貌特征,内容在PEP教材中的Unit3 Part A中出现,学生虽然初次接触本课的新单词,但人的外貌特征,是学生每天都接触到的,所以这是个提高学生能用本课的单词描述一个人的运用能力。2、本课时的教学目标主要有三点:

⑴学生能听、说、认读friends、long hair 、short hair、thin、strong、 quiet。 ⑵学生能用句型My friend is… She \He has long/ short hair. She/He is thin/ strong/ quiet.来介绍他的朋友,并描述长相.

⑶学唱英文歌曲friends 2. 本课着重以学生学习为主体。教师启发引导,我把教学过程分为四个部分来完成,即:Step 1 Warm-up,(1)Greeting,⑵ Revision

Step 2 Presentation, Step3 practice Step 4 Homework

Unit3 my friends这一单元非常贴近学生生活,因而学生会非常感兴趣,所以,第一课时的课程设计就必须尽可能从学生的实际生活出发,充分调动起学生的学习积极性。首先,warm up里我设计了三部分活动,第一个是greeting,师生间进行日常对话练习,第二部分,我利用partC 部分的let’s sing friends,这首儿歌来引出本课时的topic friends. 最后,用三年级下册第六单元的let’s do来复习tall,short,long,big,small这些单词,同时,也能活跃课堂气氛。 接下来是Presentation,主要任务是呈现新单词,所以,我使用课件中的图片来让学生接触并了解这些形容人的新词汇,图片更能让学生有学习的兴趣。然后,出示单词卡,带领学生读单词。接下来,得操练这些词汇,我设计了一个pair work,让学生通过小组对话来运用这些新单词描述他们的朋友。然后,再继续学习thin,strong,quiet,接下来,我随机请一个学生站起来,让另一个学生用刚学过的新单词来描述他。最后,我导入课文中let’s learn的对话,让学生找出谁是


第三部分是PRACTICE,是对本课时的新词汇的进一步操练,这里有三个活动。第一个是,利用填表格来总结陈洁与姚明的外貌特征。第二个是,带领学生做课文中的let’s find out部分。第三部分是复习friendship这首歌,加深学生对朋友的理解。


My New Friend 教学设计

My New Friend Part B let’s read 教学设计


知识目标:能够听、说,认读句子:They are very different .

能力目标:培养学生自主阅读,获取文本信息及综合运用语言的能力。 情感目标:培养学生建立互助、互学、互乐、互玩的友谊情感。


重点:理解阅读Let’s read 中的语篇;





Step1: Warm-up

1 .Play a game “Concentration ! One ,Two !”【my,new,friends,教学视频】

2 .Free talk

T: I’m excited ,very excited. Let’s be good friends .OK?

Ss: OK!

T:What does she like ?\ How does she go to school ? Does she ….everyday?【my,new,friends,教学视频】

Step2: Pre-reading

Teach: twins , same, different


T: Now ,you have many good friends . I have a good friend ,too.

T: Please look ! Who is she ,do you know?

Ss: It’s you ?

T: No! No! No! She’s my twin sister . We are twins .

T: Please look at me .Am I beautiful ? Is she beautiful ,too?

Ss: Yes .

T:Thank you . I think I’m very happy today. We look the same.

Step3: In-reading


T: This is my friend ,here comes another friend Liu Yun. Let’s watch and listen ! T: Do you want to know her friend?

Ss: Yes.

(一) General reading

Read and circle.

T: Please read quickly and circle Liu Yun’s new friend and her family members. T: Check the answers.

(二) Detailed reading

1. Read and underline

Read paragraph 1 and 2,then find the difference between father and mother. T checks student’s task.

2. Read and finish the chart.

Read paragraph 3, then find the difference between Alice and Ann and finish the chart. T checks their understandings .

3. Read and answer

Read the text carefully and answer the following questions in groups.

4. Read aloud

Step4. Progress

1. Watch and think: What can we do for friends?

2. Let’s chant .

We are friends ,

Friends ,friends, friends.

We help each other,

Help each other!

Remember ! Remember!

Friendship forever ! Forever!

Step 5.Homework

1. Read the text after class.

2. Try to retell the information about Alice and her family members to your class.

四年级上英语教案-Unit 1 This is my new friend-人教版(精通)【小学学科网】

Unit 1 This is my new friend.

Lesson 6 Revision.

课 题:Unit 1 This is my new friend. Lesson 6 Revision.


教学目标: 1、知识与技能目标:

(1)Review four words: China,good,friend,brother,sister,teacher

and so on. (2)Review three words: America,England,Singapore,Canada and

so on .

(3)Review key sentences:Where are you from? I’m from

China.What does your father/mother do?He’s /She’s a doctor.Who’s this boy/girl?He’s/She’s my brother (sister).








教学重点:Review keywords and key sentences 教学难点:Can use the keywords and key sentences.

课 型:复习课

教学方法:1、讨论法 2、示范法 3、游戏激趣法

学习方式:1、自主学习 2、合作探究

课程资源:The courseware and word cards 教学过程:




Step 1:Warm-up (1)Greeting

(2)Let’s sing .(Where are you from?)

Step 2:Review

1、Key sentence: Where are you from? I’m from China.

(1) What’s the meaning of this sentence?

(2) Let’s say: I love China. (3)keywords:China,Canada,England,America,Singapore.

(4)Practice 1:Select and attachment

(5)Let’s play .

T:I have some word cards,and I need a boy(or a girl) to take one card out.then the other boys should ask him:Where are you from?The boy (or a girl)should answer them:I’m from...

T:Do you understand?


T:Who can help me?

SA: Me!

2、Key sentence:What does your father/mother do? He’s/She’s a doctor.

(1) What’s the meaning of this sentence?

(2) Let’s chant:

父亲父亲father母亲母亲mother姐姐妹妹sister哥哥弟弟brother医生医生doctor 司机司机driver护士护士nurse 农民农民farmer邮递员 postman postman教师教师 teacher

(3) Mouth game:teacher,farmer,nurse,doctor,postman and so on.

(4) Listen and number.


(1)What’s the meaning of this sentence?

(2)Guess game.

4、Play the cards.(Which sentence can be?)

Step 3: Class summary. What did you learn in this lesson ? Step 4:Writing design 3、Key sentences:Who’s this boy/girl?He’s/She’s my brother

Unit 1 This is my new friend.

Lesson 6 Revision.

Where are you from? I’m from China.

What does your father/mother do?

He’s /She’s a doctor.

Who’s this boy/girl?

He’s/She’s my brother (sister).

Step 5:Homework

1、Copy the four words each 2 times.

2、Read the words and sentences each 2 times.





Unit 3 My friends (第1课时)教学设计-公开课-优质课(四上人教PEP版)

英语 四年级上册


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