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2017-08-28 15:02:56 编辑:huangtingting 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   在中国,英语也是一门主要的课程,与语文数学并列,是求学者永远离不开必学的一门课程。下面是招生考试网www chinazhaokao com小编是为大 ...



  III. 单项选择。(20分)

  ( )1. ----How are you, Mike? You look so________. ----It's raining outside. I can't play football.

  A. happy

  B. excited

  C. sad

  ( )2.----Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. How tall is

  Ted? A. 150cm

  B. 160cm

  C. 170cm

  ( )3.----What's the matter?

  ----My leg _____.

  A. hurts

  B. sore

  C. is hurts

  ( )4.----_______did you go on your holiday? ----Shanghai. A. What B. Where C. How ( )5.----Did you ______ pictures yesterday? A. take B. took

  C. taking

  ( ) 6.__________ did you do yesterday?

  ------I visited my grandparents. A. What B. where C. How

  ( ) 7. My sister books in the evening. But she books yesterday evening.

  A. reading; read B. reading ;didn’t read C. reads ;read ( ) 8. How__________ are you? I’m 35kg. A. old

  B. tall

  C. heavy

  ( ) 9. Did you __________the piano yesterday?

  A. play

  B. played

  C. plaied

  ( ) 10. ______you have fun watching TV? Yes, I do.

  A. Did B. Do C. Was ( )11. Does Miss White teach _________ English?

  A. you

  B. your C. our ( )12.This is Mr Li's room. _____ room is clean.

  A. He

  B. His

  C. Her ( )13.What is __________ hobby?

  A. Mike's

  B. Mike

  C. Mikes’

  ( )14.Tom:_____________?

  Jack: He likes collecting stamps. A. What is he like B. What does he like

  C. What is he

  ( )15. --____________? –He is a worker.

  A. What does your father like? B. What does your father do? C. Where is your father like?

  ( )16.We usually go to school _____ 7:30 ____ the morning. A. in, in B. on, in C. at, in ( )17.Does Mr. Black ________ TV every evening?

  A. watch B. watches C. watching ( )18.My uncle is ____artist and his uncle is _____ doctor. A.a, a

  B.an, a C.an, an ( )19 .Where are you going _________the weekend ?

  A. this

  B . on

  C . at

  ( )20 .Different people have different_________.

  A. hobby

  B. hobbies

  C. a hobby

  IV.用括号里所给词的适当形式填空( 10分)

  1. There are many _________(people) in the park. 2. Let’s ________(go) to the zoo this afternoon.

  3. There _______ (be) some water in the glass. 4. Today is ________(sun) , Let’s go swimming. 5. I am _______(heavy ) than my brother.

  6. He is a teacher . He _______(teach) English. 7. He likes _________(fly) kites.

  8. She wants__________(buy) a magazine. 9. Mike often (go)to work by bus. 10.He can (play) the piano.

  V.连词成句。( 10分)


  one, older , year , you, I ,than, am, (.)

  2. comes the It from river in water the( . )


  am ,I ,on big ,a ,going, trip(.)


  for, my bought,I, friends, presents(.) 5.

  did, you ,what ,do weekend, last(?)

  6. brown. the ,is ,stronger, monkey(.)

  7. at cinema Turn the left ( . )

  8. then What do you should ( ? )

  9. I danced my with and sang new friend.

  10. Did help them you their room clean ?

  VIII 、选用方框内句子补全对话。 ( 5 分)

  Mike:Hi,Sarah! Where did you go on your holiday? Sarah: Mike:What did you do there? Sarah: Mike:Great! How did you go there? Sarah: Mike:Did you eat good food there? Sarah: Mike:Did you go to the Shanghai Zoo? Sarah:Of course,we did.Mike:It was a nice time.

  A.I bought a new sweater and a pair of shoes. B.Yes,I did.

  C.It's the biggest one in our country. D.I went to Shanghai. E.I went there by train



  We stayed at a beautiful small village. We arrived on Monday and ate some fresh fish from the lake. On Tuesday we had some tasty fruit . Grapes are my favourite . On Wednesday we tasted some new vegetables .On Thursday I drank some carrot juice. It was fresh and healthy. On Friday I went hiking with my friends . I was very happy this holiday.

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