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2017-08-31 17:19:31 编辑:zhangyanqing 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   试卷是一些纸张或电子版的答题卷或问题卷,在纸张或电子版上印有考试组织者为检测接受考试者学习情况而设定的并规定在一定时间内必须完 ...

  试卷是一些纸张或电子版的答题卷或问题卷,在纸张或电子版上印有考试组织者为检测接受考试者学习情况而设定的并规定在一定时间内必须完成的试题。下面是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 小编为大家带来的2017pep五年级下册英语期末试卷,希望能帮助到大家! 



  Listening ( 听力部分30分)


  ( )1.A by B fly C why

  ( )2.A winter B which C when

  ( )3.A clean B climb C cousin

  ( )4.A funny B study C chant

  ( )5.A bear B wear C sweater

  二、 听音选图。每小题读两遍(5分)






  ( )1. A. Yes, I get up. B. I go to bed at 9:30. C.I get up at 6:00.

  ( )2. A. I like swimming. B. I like spring best. C. I am reading.

  ( )3. A. It's Sunday. B. It's June the 4th. C.It's my birthday.

  ( )4. A. I'm writing. B.I can skate. C. I often go shopping.

  ( )5. A. It's swinging. B. He is climbing. C. They're flighting.


  A:What are you doing?

  B:I am sending Grandma an e-card.




  B:___________ 9th.

  Writing (读写部分,70分)


  ( )1.A fly B jump C walk D climber

  ( )2.A cat B monkey C zoo D panda

  ( )3.A head B nose C ear D mom

  ( )4.A march B spring C summer D winter

  ( )5.A tofu B cabbage C trunk D eggplant

  ( )6.A cool B cold C skate D hot

  ( )7.A season B summer C fall D winter

  ( )8.A cloud B snow C rain D spring

  ( )9.A always B swim C skate D sleep

  ( )10.A evening B work C noon D morning





  ( )1. ---What’s your new teacher like?


  A. She’s a lady B. She’s tall and thin. C. She’s strict.

  ( )2. ---Are there any birds?

  ---Yes, __________

  A. there’re B. there are C. there aren’t

  ( )3. ---What day is it today?


  A. It’s sunny. B. It’s cool C. It’s Tuesday.



  1.hear(过去式)      2.before(反义词)

  3. photo(复数)       4.say(过去式)

  5. write(过去式)      6.child(复数)


  1.穿过马路        2.出去跑

  3.下棋            4.在操场上

  5.唱得不好          6.a fantastic goalkeeper

  7.stand on one‘s hand     __________


  1. He wants to wore it.    ( )

  A    B  C

  2. I like Sam skip with me. ( )

  A     B     C

  3. You shouldn’t ran in the road. ( )

  A    B   C

  4. Do you feeling sad?     ( )

  A     B   C

  5. I‘m going to make a cake to you. ( )

  A     B     C


  (  )1、When   you come back?  Next week.

  A. did   B.will  C.do

  (  )2. Did you   in London yesterday?

  A. lived    B. lives      C. live

  (  )3. When   you come back?  Last Monday.

  A. did   B.will  C.do

  (  )4. When   you come back?  Every week.

  A. did   B.will  C.do

  (  ) 5.Please ________ careful.

  A. is  B.be C. are

  (  ) 6.There _____ enough time.

  A. are  B.aren’t   C. isn‘t

  (  ) 7. I control the ball_____.

  A. well    B. bad   C. good

  (  ) 8. He likes _______ on the bed.

  A. jumps  B. jumping  C. jump

  (  ) 9.Tom is ___________ a cake.

  A. making  B. makes  C. make

  (  )10. Thank you very much.

  A. No, you don’t.  B. It‘s wrong.  C. That’s all right.


  Sam and Amy are _______(argue) now.Amy says Sam _______(take) her T-shirt yesterday and he wanted to ________(wear) it.Sam says it isn‘t ________(she) .Then Ms Smart says ________(they) T-shirts are on the line.Ms Smart washed ______(they) ,but she didn’t _______ (wash)________ (Lingling) .Amy and Sam say sorry to Lingling together.



  Tom and his brothers, Jack and Bob, are playing. Their mum comes in and says, “Here is a box of sweets for you. Tom, Share it with your younger brothers.” “Thank you, Mum!” Tom says happily. “There are eighteen sweets.” Tom says to his brothers, “Let‘s share(共享) them.”

  “One for Jack and one for me. One for Bob and one for me. One for Jack and one for me. One for Bob and one for me...” Tome is dividing( 分) the sweets. “ON, no, Tom, that’s not fair(公平)!” His brothers cry.

  (  )1. Jack is Bob‘s ________.

  A. sister  B. brother C. father

  (  )2. Mum give them _______.

  A. a bottle of milk  B. a bag of apples C. a box of sweets

  (  )3. There are________.

  A. 18 sweets   B. 80 apples   C.80 sweets

  (  )4.Tom divided(分开) the sweets. Was that fair?

  A. Yes  B. No. C. We don’t know.

  (  )5 ________ felt sad.

  A. Jack  B. Bob  C. Jack and Bob


  The sky is grey today. Little Bear is really bored. He takes his colours. He paints a strawberry with his red colour. He paints a lemon with his yellow colour. He paints a leaf with his green colour. He paints jeans with his blue colour. The sun comes out again. Little Bear sees a rainbow with all the different colours. How beautiful it is!

  1.The sky is blue today. ( )

  2. Little bear feels very bored. ( )

  3. He paints a lemon with his yellow colour. ( )

  4. He paints a leaf with his yellow colour. ( )

  5. Little bear sees a rainbow with the same colours.(  )



  a Day of Bob

  Bob is a fine boy. He does everything very carefully. Every day,

  he_________________________________at 6:00. He____________________at 7:00. He__________________________ at 8:00.

  He _________________________at 5:00.

  He __________________________ at 7:00.

  He __________________________  at 9:00.

  Bob is a real great boy, isn‘t he?

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