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张靓颖Bang Bang歌词

2016-01-06 19:01:47 编辑:lin13459411179 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   张靓颖Bang Bang歌词   She got a body like an hourglass,   but I can give it to you all the time   She got a booty like a Cadillac, ...


  张靓颖Bang Bang歌词

  She got a body like an hourglass,

  but I can give it to you all the time

  She got a booty like a Cadillac,

  but I can send you into overdrive (oh)

  (you've been waiting for that, stop,

  hold up, swing your bat)

  See anybody could be bad to you,

  you need a good girl to blow your mind,


  Bang bang into the room

  (I know you want it)

  Bang bang all over you

  (I'll let you have it)

  Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)

  Wait a minute tell you (ah)

  Bang bang there goes your heart

  (I know you want it)

  Back, back seat of my car

  (I'll let you have it)

  Wait a minute let me

  take you there (ah)

  Wait a minute tell you (ah)

  She might've let you hold her hand in school,

  but I'mma show you how to graduate

  No, I don't need to hear you talk the talk,

  just come and show me

  what your momma gave

  (Oooh yeah)

  (You've got a very big shhhh, mouth but don't say a thing)

  See anybody could be good to you,

  you need a bad girl to blow your mind

  Bang bang into the room

  (I know you want it)

  Bang bang all over you

  (I'll let you have it)

  Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)

  Wait a minute tell you (ah)

  Bang bang there goes your heart

  (I know you want it)

  Back, back seat of my car

  (I'll let you have it)

  Wait a minute let me

  take you there (ah)

  Wait a minute tell you (ah)

  It's Myx Moscato

  It's frizz in a bottle

  It's Nicki full throttle

  It's oh, oh

  Swimming in the grotto

  We winning in the lotto

  We dipping in the pot of blue foam

  Kitten so good

  It's dripping on wood

  Get a ride in the engine that could

  Go, Batman robbin' it

  Bang, bang, cockin' it

  Queen Nicki dominant, prominent

  It's me, Jessie, and Ari

  If they test me they sorry

  Ride us up like a Harley

  Then pull off in this Ferrari

  If he hanging we banging

  Phone ranging, he slanging

  It ain't karaoke night but get the mic

  cause i'm singing

  B to the A to the N to the G to the uh

  B to the A to the N to the G to the hey

  See anybody could be good to you,

  you need a bad girl to blow your mind

  (your mind)

  Bang bang into the room

  (I know you want it)

  Bang bang all over you

  (I'll let you have it)

  Wait a minute let me take you there (ah)

  Wait a minute tell you (ah)

  Bang bang there goes your heart

  (I know you want it)

  Back, back seat of my car

  (I'll let you have it)

  Wait a minute let me

  take you there (ah)

  Wait a minute tell you (ah)

  Bang bang into the room

  (I know you want it)

  Bang bang all over you

  (I'll let you have it)

  Bang, bang, bang, bang,

  bang, bang,

  Bang, bang, bang, bang,

  bang, bang, bang

  Bang bang there goes your heart

  (I know you want it)

  Back, back seat of my car

  (I'll let you have it)

  Wait a minute let me

  take you there (ah)

  Wait a minute tell you (ah)

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