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2016-02-08 13:49:36 编辑: 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

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爱护公共卫生环境 从良好习惯做起!!





温馨提示: 各位朋友:因厕所下水道堵塞,该厕所正在维修当中,暂时停用!请另择它处,谢谢合作!



1、Business Hours 营业时间

2、Office Hours 办公时间

3、Entrance 入口

4、Exit 出口

5、Push 推

6、Pull 拉

7、Shut 此路不通

8、On 打开 ( 放)

9、Off 关

10、Open 营业

11、Pause 暂停

12、Stop 关闭

13、Closed 下班

14、Menu 菜单

15、Fragile 易碎

16、This Side Up 此面向上

17、Introductions 说明

18、One Street 单行道

19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右

20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过

21、Wet Paint 油漆未干

22、Danger 危险

23、Lost and Found 失物招领处

24、Give Way 快车先行

25、Safety First 安全第一

26、Filling Station 加油站

27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟

28、No Photos 请勿拍照

29、No Visitors 游人止步

30、No Entry 禁止入内

31、No Admittance 闲人免进

32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭

33、Parting 停车处

34、Toll Free 免费通行

35、F.F. 快进

36、Rew. 倒带

37、EMS (邮政)特快专递

38、Insert Here 此处插入

39、Open Here 此处开启

40、Split Here 此处撕开

41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理

42、"AA"Film 十四岁以下禁看电影

43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车

44、No U Turn 禁止掉头

45、U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯

46、No Cycling in the School 校内禁止骑车

47、SOS 紧急求救信号

48、Hands Wanted 招聘

49、Staff Only 本处职工专用

50、No Litter 勿乱扔杂物

51、Hands Off 请勿用手摸

52、Keep Silence 保持安静

53、On Sale 削价出售

54、No Bills 不准张贴

55、Not for Sale 恕不出售

56、Pub 酒店

57、Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆

58、Bar 酒巴

59、Laundry 洗衣店

60、Travel Agency 旅行社

61、In Shade 置于阴凉处

62、Keep in Dark Place 避光保存

63、Poison 有毒/毒品

64、Guard against Damp 防潮

65、Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手

66、Complaint Box 意见箱

67、For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用

68、Bakery 面包店

69、Keep Dry 保持干燥

70、Information 问讯处

71、No Passing 禁止通行

72、No Angling 不准垂钓

73、Shooting Prohibited 禁止打猎

74、Seat by Number 对号入座

75、Protect Public Propety 爱护公共财物

76、Ticket Office(or: Booking Office)售票处

77、Visitors Please Register 来宾登记

78、Wipe Your Shoes And Boots请擦去鞋上的泥土

79、Men's /Gentlemen/Gents Room 男厕所

80、Women's /Ladies/Ladies' Room女厕所

81、Occupied (厕所)有人

82、Vacant (厕所)无人

83、Commit No Nuisance 禁止小便

84、Net(Weight) 净重

87、Admission Free免费入场

88、Bike Park(ing) 自行车存车处

89、Children and Women First 妇女、儿童优先

90、Save Food 节约粮食

91、Save Energy 节约能源

92、Handle with Care 小心轻放

93、Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内

94、Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火

95、Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶

96、Road Up. Detour 马路施工,请绕行

97、Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒立

98、Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind 当心不要丢失东西

99、Please Return the Back After Use 用毕放回架上 100、Luggage Depository 行李存放处


1、微笑是我们的语言,文明是我们的信念。 2、礼貌是最容易做到的事情,也是最容易忽视的事情,但她却是最珍贵的事情。 3、礼貌和文明是我们共处的金钥匙。 4、鸟儿因翅膀而自由翱翔,鲜花因芬芳而美丽,校园因文明而将更加进步。 5、关心学校,我们的职责;爱护学校,我们的义务;热爱学校,我们的心声。 6、学校是学习之所,文明是成功之本。 7、让我们一起来:关心集体,爱护公物,保护环境! 7、环境整洁优美,生活健康科学,社会文明进步。 8、手边留情花似锦,脚下留情草如茵! 9、让我们的素质及文明展现在一言一行中! 10、向老师说声好,不困难;困难的是,要坚持向老师真心地说声好。 11、让文明的气息洋溢在学校的每个角落。 12、花儿用美丽装扮世界,我们用行动美化校园! 13、顺手捡起是的一片纸,纯洁的是自己的精神; 有意擦去的一块污渍,净化的是自己的灵魂。 14、以滥用水为耻,以节约水为荣。 15、讲文明,讲卫生,讲科学,树新风。 16、讲究社会公德,爱护公共环境。 17、珍惜自己,关爱他人,革除陋习,从我做起。 18、告别陋习,健康文明。 19、讲究公共卫生,爱护公共设施,维护公共秩序,遵守公共道德。 20、 “勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为”、 21、 “今天,你微笑了吗?你问候了吗?你礼让了吗?你帮助别人了吗?” 1、微笑是我们的语言,文明是我们的信念。 2、好少年=文明+价值+爱心+力量 4、礼貌是最容易做到的事情,也是最容易忽视的事情,但她却是最珍贵的事情。 5、礼貌和文明是我们共处的金钥匙。 9、鸟儿因翅膀而自由翱翔,鲜花因芬芳而美丽,校园因文明而将更加进步。 11、文明是快乐的源泉。 12、让我们的心灵像花一样美丽。 15、关心学校,我们的职责;爱护学校,我们的义务;热爱学校,我们的心声。 16、学校是学习之所,文明是成功之本。 17、让我们一起来:关心集体,爱护公物,保护环境! 18、让我们告别不文明的行为。 21、文明是彼此沟通的桥梁。 23、手边留情花似锦,脚下留情草如茵! 25、天空是温暖的摇篮,不要再向天空吐烟,让地球心酸;草地是美丽的地毯,不要再乱扔杂物,让地球难堪! 26、绿色、文明是希望,让我们一起来播种希望吧! 27、让我们的素质及文明展现在一言一行中! 28、文明是成功之花的蕊,是理想之舟的帆。 29、星空为我们贡献灿烂,天空为我们贡献蔚蓝,森林为我们贡献绿色,鲜花为我们贡献绚丽,大自然为我们贡献了自己,而我们该为大自然贡献点什么呢? 30、

向老师说声"好",不困难;困难的是,要坚持向老师真心地说声"好"。 33、让文明的气息洋溢在学校的每个角落。 34、花儿用美丽装扮世界,我们用行动美化校园! 35、给我一片洁净的天空,我才能翱翔;给我一片蔚蓝的海洋,我才能遨游;给我一个美丽、文明、宁静的校园,我才能在知识的海洋中扬帆起航! 37、顺手捡起是的一片纸,纯洁的是自己的精神;有意擦去的一块污渍,净化的是自己的灵魂。 41、对不文明的行为说:"NO!" 别让坚强的生命,成为足下阴魂。 草坪 以滥用水为耻,以节约水为荣。 水资源 道路的拐弯处,人生的转折点。 放飞你的青春,奔洒你的热情。 珍惜每一滴水,让地球妈妈不在哭泣。 绿色的生命需要我们的共同呵护。 健康的体魄,来自运动。 1、讲文明,讲卫生,讲科学,树新风。 2、除陋习,讲文明,树新风。 3、讲究社会公德,爱护公共环境。 4、环境整洁优美,生活健康科学,社会文明进步。 5、讲文明,信科学,防非典,同行动。 6、珍惜自己,关爱他人,革除陋习,从我做起。 7、万众一心抗非典,众志成城保畅通。 8、科学、健康、环保、文明。 9、革除陋习,战胜非典。 10、告别陋习,健康文明。 11、讲究公共卫生,爱护公共设施,维护公共秩序,遵守公共道德。 12、大搞爱国卫生运动,铲除病菌滋生土壤。 13、告别陋习崇尚文明,向不良卫生习惯宣战。 14、克服不良习惯,养成文明行为。 15、学道德建设纲要,扬文明行为新风。 1、请勿乱倒垃圾污水 2、不准打架骂人斗欧 3、人人有礼貌,个个爱学校 4、好好学习,天天向上 7、请自觉遵守纪律 8、请保持室内卫生 10、请勿乱扔果皮纸屑 11、请讲普通话 14、上下楼梯靠右行勿喧哗 16、讲文明 讲礼貌 17、请保持安静 18、讲文明讲卫生人人有责 19、请爱护公共卫生 20、爱护花木 美化校园 21、请勿乱涂乱写 22爱护花草树木 23请讲礼貌用语 24请勿随地吐痰 25、博览群书 提高素质 26不在走廊乱跑乱跳 27请节约用水 29自觉遵守课堂常规 31请使用文明礼貌用语 32保持室内清洁卫生 34您好对不起谢谢再见 35自行车停放处 38人人要学法知法守法护法 39心灵美 语言美 行为美 环境美 40请勿吸烟 41男厕所 42女厕所 43爱护公共财物 44请不要把杂物丢进便槽 46生活简朴 不挑吃穿 47保护花木 人人有责 48保护环境卫生 人人有责 49自觉养成卫生习惯 50请保持室内外环境整洁 51 有道德有理想有文化有纪律 52爱护花木请勿攀折 53人人讲卫生 个个爱清洁 54人人动手

搞好卫生 55饭前便后要洗手 57普及文明用语 提倡礼貌待人 60讲究卫生保持清洁 61、团结进取争创名校 62讲卫生光荣 不讲卫生可耻 63学校是我家 清洁靠大家 64排队做好快静齐 “播种文明、收获温馨”、 “美是文明、美是智慧、美是奉献”、 “勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为”、 “礼貌是人类文明共处的金钥匙”、 “今天,你微笑了吗?你问候了吗?你礼让了吗?你帮助别人了吗?”认真学习深入贯彻十六届六中全会精神,努力创建安全文明校园建设和谐社会 2、 百善文明为先 万思安全最重 3、 关注自己一言一行 创建你我美好校园 4、 文明在于细节处理 安全在于未然防患 5、 健康生活 文明做人 平安每天 幸福一生 6、 安全与幸福携手 文明与美丽同行 7、 安全意识 时时具备不可忘 文明之道 刻刻铭记你我心 8、 树文明新风 立安全意识 做健康大使 展真我风采 9、 让健康与我们相随 让安全与我们相伴 让文明与我们相拥 10、 安全——唱响生命之歌 文明——点燃心灵之窗“团结、紧张、严肃、活泼;活跃文化生活,陶冶公民情操”“我喜欢、我参与、我能行”“坚持体育真义方向,促进公民体质增强”事事有着落,件件有回音


﹛1﹜Business Hours 茠珛奀潔

﹛﹛2﹜Office Hours 域鼠奀潔

﹛﹛3﹜Entrance 諳

﹛﹛4﹜Exit 堤諳

﹛﹛5﹜Push 芢

﹛﹛6﹜Pull 嶺

﹛﹛7﹜Shut 森繚祥籵

﹛﹛8﹜On 湖羲 ( 溫)

9﹜Off 壽

﹛﹛10﹜Open 茠珛

﹛﹛11﹜Pause 婃礿

﹛﹛12﹜Stop 壽敕

﹛﹛13﹜Closed 狟啤

﹛﹛14﹜Menu 粕等

﹛﹛15﹜Fragile 眢呯

﹛﹛16﹜This Side Up 森醱砃奻

17﹜Introductions 佽隴

﹛﹛18﹜One Street 等俴耋

﹛﹛19﹜Keep Right/Left 蕞酘/衵

﹛﹛20﹜Buses Only 硐袧鼠僕陬籵徹

﹛﹛21﹜Wet Paint 蚐帤補

﹛﹛22﹜Danger 峉玸

﹛﹛23﹜Lost and Found 囮昜桸鍰揭

﹛﹛24﹜Give Way 辦陬珂俴

25﹜Safety First 假菴珨

﹛﹛26﹜Filling Station 樓蚐桴

﹛﹛27﹜No Smoking 輦砦柲捈

﹛﹛28﹜No Photos 昦鼴桽

﹛﹛29﹜No Visitors 蚔砦祭

﹛﹛30﹜No Entry 輦砦囀

﹛﹛31﹜No Admittance 玿轎輛

﹛﹛32﹜No Honking 輦砦霪嶽務

﹛33﹜Parting 礿陬揭

﹛﹛34﹜Toll Free 轎煤籵俴

﹛﹛35﹜F.F. 辦輛

﹛﹛36﹜Rew. 給湍

﹛﹛37﹜EMS (蚘淉)杻辦蚳菰

﹛﹛38﹜Insert Here 森揭脣

﹛﹛39﹜Open Here 森揭羲

﹛﹛40﹜Split Here 森揭侉羲

41﹜Mechanical Help 陬謙党燴

﹛﹛42﹜※AA Film 坋侐呡眕狟輦艘萇荌

﹛﹛43﹜Do Not Pass 輦砦閉陬

﹛﹛44﹜No U Turn 輦砦裁芛

﹛﹛45﹜U Turn Ok 褫眕U倛蛌俔

﹛﹛46﹜No Cycling in the School苺囀輦砦陬

﹛﹛47﹜SOS 踡摹寰陓瘍

﹛﹛48﹜Hands Wanted 桸

49﹜Staff Only 掛揭眥馱蚳蚚

﹛﹛50﹜No Litter 昦觴娸昜

﹛﹛51﹜Hands Off 昦蚚忒類

﹛﹛52﹜Keep Silence 悵厥假噙

﹛﹛53﹜On Sale 祅歎堤忮

﹛﹛54﹜No Bills 祥袧桲泂

﹛﹛55﹜Not for Sale 芊祥堤忮

﹛﹛56﹜Pub 嬴虛

﹛57﹜Cafe 縉溜奩﹜苤絃奩

﹛﹛58﹜Bar 嬴匙

﹛﹛59﹜Laundry 炴畟虛

﹛﹛60﹜Travel Agency 藏俴扦

﹛﹛61﹜In Shade 离衾秝褸揭

﹛﹛62﹜Keep in Dark Place 旌嫖悵湔

﹛﹛63﹜Poison 衄馮/馮

﹛﹛64﹜Guard against Damp 滅陰

65﹜Beware of Pickpocket 輝滅勒忒

﹛﹛66﹜Complaint Box 砩獗眊

﹛﹛67﹜For Use Only in Case of Fire 鏢鳶蚳蚚

﹛﹛68﹜Bakery 醱婦虛

﹛﹛69﹜Keep Dry 悵厥補孲

﹛﹛70﹜Information 恀捅揭

﹛﹛71﹜No Passing 輦砦籵俴

﹛﹛72﹜No Angling 祥袧晶袱

﹛﹛73﹜Shooting Prohibited 輦砦湖轂

﹛74﹜Seat by Number 勤瘍釱

﹛﹛75﹜Protect Public Propety 乾誘鼠僕笙昜

﹛﹛76﹜Ticket Office(or ㄩBooking Office)忮揭

﹛﹛77﹜Visitors Please Register 懂梅腎暮

﹛﹛78﹜Wipe Your Shoes And Boots笠衧奻腔懾芩

﹛﹛79﹜Men※s/Gentlemen/Gents Room 鹹翎垀

﹛﹛80﹜Women※s/Ladies/Ladies※ Room躓翎垀

﹛﹛81﹜Occupied (翎垀)衄

﹛﹛82﹜Vacant (翎垀)拸

﹛83﹜Commit No Nuisance 輦砦苤晞

﹛﹛84﹜Net(Weight) 噱笭

﹛﹛85﹜MANㄩ25032002 汜莉ㄩ2002爛3堎25

﹛﹛86﹜EXPㄩ25032002 囮虴ㄩ2002爛3堎25

﹛﹛87﹜Admission Free轎煤部

﹛﹛88﹜Bike Park(ing) 赻俴陬湔陬揭

﹛﹛89﹜Children and Women First 蜀躓﹜嫁肵蚥珂

﹛﹛90﹜Save Food 誹埮襄妘

﹛﹛91﹜Save Energy 誹埮夔埭

﹛92﹜Handle with Care 苤陑溫

﹛﹛93﹜Dogs Not Allowed 輦砦觓囀

﹛﹛94﹜Keep Away From Fire 昦輪鳶

﹛﹛95﹜Reduced Speed Now 熬厒俴妡

﹛﹛96﹜Road Up. Detour 鎮繚囥馱ㄛ俴

﹛﹛97﹜Keep Top Side Up 昦給蕾

﹛﹛98﹜Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind 絞陑祥猁隍囮陲昹

﹛﹛99﹜Please Return the Back After Use 蚚救溫隙殤奻

﹛﹛100﹜Luggage Depository 俴燠湔溫揭




2、预约健康 让未来少些遗憾。






8、老人、妇女、儿童、残障是我们的家人, 宣传、预防、保健、医疗是我们的职守, 敬业、诚信、关爱、助人是我们的理念, 健康、幸福、欢乐、和谐是我们的追求,



11、树公共卫生爱心、热心、细心、耐心的服务理念, 创居民就医暖心、舒心、放心、欢心的医疗氛围。














24、亲情的关照,真心真意守护百姓身体健康, 规范化管理,尽职尽责奉献公共卫生服务。























1. All conditioned空调开放

2.Do not touch the exhibits/objects勿触摸展品/物品

Airport lounges 机场休息室

Airports shuttle 机场班车

Arrivals 进港

Assistance 问讯处

Check in area (zone) 办理登机区

Customers lounges 旅客休息室

Departure airport 离港时间

Departure times on reverse 返航时间

Departures 出港

Destination airport 到达机场

Domestic flights. 国内航班

Emergency exit 安全出口

Exit to all routes 各通道出口

Flight connections 转机处

Help point (desk) 问讯处

Inquiries 问讯处

Left baggage 行李寄存

Lost property 失物招领

Luggage from flights 到港行李

Luggage pick up 取行李

Luggage reclaim 取行李

Missing people help line 走失求救热线

Missing, police appeal for assistance 警察提供走失帮助。

No smoking except in designated area 除指定区域外,禁止吸烟。

Nothing (something) to declare 无(有)报关

Passport control 入境检验

Please leave your luggage with you at all times 请随身携带你的行李。

Queue here 在此排队

Reclaim belt 取行李传送带

Reserved seating 预定的座位

Return fares 往返票价

Short stay 短暂停留

Stay close 跟紧

Welcome aboard 欢迎登机

Hotels 旅店宾馆

Be careful when using the bath.使用此浴室时小心。

Booking made through most travel agents. 可通过各地旅游代理商定票。

Centrally located overlooking a park with free parking. 市区中心,紧靠公园,免费停车。

Cleanliness and comfort assured.保证干净舒适。

Conference facilities. 会议设施

Easy access to… Close to city center. 紧靠市中心,去……交通便利,。

Equipped and furnished to a high standard. 家具配备高档,设施配备精良。

Extremely well equipped. 设施配备精良。

Friendly family guest house near city center and railway station. 家庭式客房,紧靠市中心和火车站。

Full central heating with house provided hot water 24 hours 中央暖气系统,房间24小时提供热水。

Fully centrally heated.中央暖气全部开放。

Indoor swimming pool 室内游泳池

Laundry service. 提供洗熨服务

Night porter on duty. 夜间有行李搬运服务生。

Price according to season and size of flat. 价格按季节和公寓大小而定。

Reduced rates for elderly. 老人优惠

Shave pins in all bedrooms 所有卧室备有刮脸刀/脱发器插头

Stay a minimum of 3 nights and receive 1 extra night free. 最少住三晚,另外免费一晚。

Tea/coffee making facility in all bedrooms. 所有卧室有沏茶和煮咖啡的条件。

This offer is available for all stays to 31 October 2003. 对截至2003年10月31日的住宿实行优惠。

Warm, friendly service in a comfortable home. 热情友好的服务,舒适温馨的家。

Purchases and Sales 商品买卖

15% off with this flyer 凭此宣传品优惠15%

50% off on selected lines 部分商品降半价

Accessories & spares delivered to your door 配件送货上门。

All the range of … available. 各种……有货

As many repairs as you need, free of charge 随时免费维修

Ask at the counter for details 详情问柜台

Ask inside for details 详情里面询问

Best choice and best discounts 最佳选择,最大优惠

Big sale 大甩卖

Brighter shopping, brighter prices 明智的购物,透明的价格

Buy any two together and save 10% off both products 一次性买俩,每个优惠10%

Buy one and get anyone free 买一赠一

Buy two get one free 买二赠一

Children's wear 童装

Closing sale 关门大甩卖

Computers in stock 电脑有货

Customer care is our top priority 顾客至上

Customer services 顾客服务处

Easy to use and great value too. 好用实惠,物美价廉

Fill in your selection here and take to a pay point. 在此选购商品填单,然后到收款台付款。

Final clear out 清仓大甩卖

For more information,contact our customer service desk 详情请和顾客服务处联系。

Free delivery to your door 免费送货上门

Furniture sale now on 家具现降价销售

Half price sale 半价甩卖

Hours of opening: 营业时间

Massive stock, clear out 大量库存,清仓甩卖

Offer is subject to availability. 现货优惠,卖完为止

Open for business as usual 照常营业

Opening soon 即将开业

Opening times (hours): 营业时间:

We can provide the complete hospitality service. 我们提供热情周到的服务。

Out of hours, delivery at … 下班时,送货到……

Peace of mind from the minute you buy 买着放心

Please ask for assistance 需帮助请询问

Please check your change before leaving the checkout area 请当面点清。

Please retain this receipt as proof of your purchase and your guarantee.请保存好收据,作为交款凭证,并享受保修。 Please leave bags at the counter 请把包放到柜台

Price crash 削价

Sale 50% off original price按原价的50%销售

Sale at breakdown price 跳楼价甩卖

Sale continues in store 商品继续销价

Save up to 50% off 50%大降价

Save up to 40% 6折优惠

Save your money 贱卖

Savings and discounts all around the store 店内所有商品均削价处理

Services as usual 照常营业

Special offer 特价

50% discount on selected items 部分商品五折

Summer price cuts.夏季大削价

Thank you for your custom. 感谢您惠顾光临

Try before you buy 先试后买

We will not be beaten on price 我们的价格最低。

Tour and Sightseeing 旅游观光

A place to relax and unwind 一个让你放松身心的地方。

Access all day.全天开放

Admission is free 不收门票

Advanced booking is essential to avoid disappointment 提前预定,避免错过。

All passengers are strongly advised to obtain travel insurance. 建议所有乘客购买旅游保险。 All tours require advance booking. 旅游需要提前定票。

All-inclusive ticket 票价包括所有费用。

Cafeteria available 提供自助餐

Child reductions 儿童优惠

Children are free if supervised.有监护人的儿童免费。

Children under 12 half price throughout season 全季12岁以下的儿童半价

Clean and comfortable 清洁舒适

Come with us to the world's most beautiful cities 和我们一起游览世界上最美丽的城市。 Concessions (票价)优惠

Discounts available for pre-booked groups 团体提前预定优惠

Fine views of London 伦敦美景

For more detailed information please call 欲知详情,请打电话。





2.预约健康 让未来少些遗憾。






8. 老人、妇女、儿童、残障是我们的家人,宣传、预防、保健、医疗是我们的职守,敬业、诚信、关爱、助人是我们的理念,健康、幸福、欢乐、和谐是我们的追求。




































Office 办公室

Air quality improvement area 空气质量净化区

All visitors must report to office 来客必须到办公室登记。

All visitors please report to the gate warder 来客请到门房登记。

Anyone caught using this lift will be removed from this lift 发现用此电梯者将被清走。 Business office 商务办公室

Close the door behind you 请随手关门

Demonstration available 可以进行演示

Electrically operated gate 电动门

Floor cleaning in progress 正在清扫地板

Front entrance 前门入口

For your convenience we are open 7 days a week. 为了方便你,我们每周7天开放。 Head office 总部

Interview in progress 正在面试

Lift out of order 电梯发生故障

Lift out of use 电梯停止使用

Meeting in progress, quiet please 正在开会,请保持安静。

No food is to be consumed in this area.此处不准吃食物。

No littering 勿乱扔废弃物

No smoking in this area 此处禁止吸烟

No smoking in this lift 电梯内禁止吸烟

Office to let 办公室出租

Please close the door on leaving 离开时请关门

Please do not help yourself 不要随便拿东西。

Please do not help yourself to books from this shelf 请不要随便从架子上取书籍。

Please ensure that this door is closed top & bottom 请确保此门上下关紧。

Please keep this office tidy and use the bins provided 请保持办公室整洁,使用所提供的垃圾箱 Please wait here for enquiries请在此等候咨询。

This is a smoke free building 楼内禁止吸烟

We do not buy at this door 谢绝推销

Restaurant and Pub 餐馆酒吧

Air conditioned 空调开放

Daily specials 每日特色菜

Drinks purchased are for taken away only 饮料仅供外卖

Eat in or take away 店内吃或外卖

Please ask to taste 欢迎品尝

Please wait here or take advantage until our hostess escorts to your table. 请稍等或自便,主人会领你入座。

Superb cuisine and wide selection of drinks. 美味佳肴,各种饮料

Take away service available 提供外卖

Today's special/Today's specialties 今日特色菜

Try our summer range of food 品尝夏季各种食品

Wines & spirits 红酒白酒

Construction Site 建筑工地

Apologize for any inconvenience caused during building operation 对施工期间带来的不便表示歉意。

Danger of death. Keep out. 生命危险,严禁入内。

Danger,building site, keep out 工地危险,禁止入内。

Danger,evacuation 危险,请走开

Dangerous structure, this bridge is unsafe 危险结构,该桥不安全。

Hot work in progress 正在施工

No persons allowed beyond this point 任何人不许越过此处。

Safety footwear.穿安全靴

Safety helmets must be worn on this site 此工地必须戴安全帽。

Site entrance, dangerous 工地入口,危险

Slow, site entrance 工地入口请慢行

This button has been moved for remedial work 该按钮已卸下拿去修理。

This is just for construction personnel 仅供施工人员使用。

This lift is only for construction personal 此电梯仅供施工人员使用。

This work will be completed by the end of this year. Thank you for your patience during the inevitable disruption 此工程于年底完工,感谢你施工期间的宽容大度。

We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this works 对施工期间引起的不便表示歉意。

Working overhead 上面在施工

Banks and Insurance 银行保险

24-hour credit card bookings 24小时信用卡预约

An attractive rate of interest on any money. 存款利率高

Automatic teller machine 自动取款机

Bring proof of identity to open your account. 开户需带证件

Bureau de change/Currency exchange 兑换外汇

Call us with credit card details on … 打电话……询问,需提供信用卡记录详情。

Fast, safe worldwide money transfers available here.我们能提供全球快捷安全的转帐业务。 Foreign exchange (services) 外币兑换

Look out our lowest rate loans on personal 提供个人低息贷款。

Making your money grow 让你的钱增值。

Our telephone banking service is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.我们的银行开通每年365天每天24小时的服务电话。

Repayments guaranteed to stay the same throughout the length of the loan. 偿还的贷款保证在还贷期间保持不变。

Sell to customer rate: 卖出价:

There is no cash left in this machine overnight 此机夜间无现金

This till position is closed. 此取款机停止使用

Travelers cheque commission 旅行支票收手续费

We can supply all your foreign currency. 我们提供各国货币

We give you great rates and instant access 我们提供优惠的价位快捷的服务。

You open an account with at least £10 开户至少10镑

Your insurance plan will protect your product against accidental damage.保险将保护你的产品免受意外损失。

Post Office and Communications 邮局电信

Abroad 国外信件

All prices include postage and packing 全部价格包括邮资和包装

Calls charged at the national rate 电话按国内长途收费

Counter service 服务柜台

Country letters 国内信件

Enquires 问讯处

If your mobile breaks down more than twice because of a mechanical fault, we will replace it. 如果你的手机出现两次以上的故障,我们将予以更换。

If your mobile phone breaks down, we will carry out as many repairs as your product needs, free of charge. 如果你的手机出现故障,我们随时提供免费修理。

In most instances we will repair your mobile phone within five working days. 一般我们在5个工作日修好你的手机。

Internet e-mail with free fast access to useful sites 发电子邮件,免费访问常用的网站。 Local calls 本地电话

Mobile phone center 移动电话中心

National calls 国内长途电话

Nokia original accessories 诺基亚原装配件

Please join the main queue 请排成一队

Please post all your mail here,thank you 请在此邮寄,谢谢合作

Pocket phone shop 手机商店

Post your comments here 请留下您的意见

Price paid including fees and vat.所付价格包括服务费和增值税

Simply return your damaged or faulty phone to our store and it will be exchanged for a loan phone until your phone has been repaired.只要你把你损坏或有故障的手机拿回我们商店,在你的手机修好前,我们会提供备用电话。

Stamp vending machine 邮票销售机

We offer a special instant replacement service for pagers. 我们对BB机提供快捷换货的特别服务。

We will replace any accessories you bought from us for your original phone. 我们为你从我们这买的原装手机换配件。

Theatre and Cinema 剧院电影院

24 hour ticket line … 24小时售票电话……

All prices quoted include any service charges applicable.票价包括一定的服务费。

All sessions last for approximately 1 hour. 演出大约1小时

Booking Office 售票处

Bookable in advance at the box office only with ID 凭身份证可在售票处提前预定。

Booking by post, phone, fax or e-mail or in person. 可通过邮寄,打电话,发传真或发电子邮件或亲自定票。

Booking can be made through … on … 可打电话 ……通过……定票

Concessions 优惠

No booking fee 不收定票费

Performance times 演出时间

Previews 预演

Regular price 普通票价

Special reductions are available to groups 12+ at all performances. 所有演出对12人以上的团体给予特别优惠。

The performance runs 2 hours 30 minutes including an interval 整个演出2小时30分,包括中间休息

The price shown on the ticket includes ticket price and service charges.票上的价格包括票价和服务费。

This ticket will not be exchanged nor the purchase price refunded.票不可交换,也不能按购买价退票。

Tickets are subject to availability. 票在销售,售完为止

Tickets available from all accredited ticket agents. 可在所有的指定的代理商买到票

Hotels and Hostels 旅店宾馆

Be careful when using the bath.使用此浴室时小心。

Booking made through most travel agents. 可通过各地旅游代理商定票。

Centrally located overlooking a park with free parking. 市区中心,紧靠公园,免费停车。 Cleanliness and comfort assured.保证干净舒适。

Conference facilities. 会议设施

Easy access to… Close to city center. 紧靠市中心,去……交通便利,。

Equipped and furnished to a high standard. 家具配备高档,设施配备精良。

Extremely well equipped. 设施配备精良。

Friendly family guest house near city center and railway station. 家庭式客房,紧靠市中心和火车站。

Full central heating with house provided hot water 24 hours 中央暖气系统,房间24小时提供热水。

Fully centrally heated.中央暖气全部开放。

Indoor swimming pool 室内游泳池

Laundry service. 提供洗熨服务

Night porter on duty. 夜间有行李搬运服务生。

Price according to season and size of flat. 价格按季节和公寓大小而定。

Reduced rates for elderly. 老人优惠

Shave pins in all bedrooms 所有卧室备有刮脸刀/脱发器插头

Stay a minimum of 3 nights and receive 1 extra night free. 最少住三晚,另外免费一晚。 Tea/coffee making facility in all bedrooms. 所有卧室有沏茶和煮咖啡的条件。

This offer is available for all stays to 31 October 2003. 对截至2003年10月31日的住宿实行优惠。

Warm, friendly service in a comfortable home. 热情友好的服务,舒适温馨的家。

Tour and Sightseeing 旅游观光

15% off with this flyer 持本广告85折优惠

A place to relax and unwind 一个让你放松身心的地方。

Access all day.全天开放

Admission is free 不收门票

Advanced booking is essential to avoid disappointment 提前预定,避免错过。

All passengers are strongly advised to obtain travel insurance. 建议所有乘客购买旅游保险。 All tours require advance booking. 旅游需要提前定票。

All-inclusive ticket 票价包括所有费用。

Cafeteria available 提供自助餐

Child reductions 儿童优惠

Children are free if supervised.有监护人的儿童免费。

Children under 12 half price throughout season 全季12岁以下的儿童半价

Clean and comfortable 清洁舒适

Come with us to the world's most beautiful cities 和我们一起游览世界上最美丽的城市。 Concessions (票价)优惠

Day trip to … ……一日游

Discounts available for pre-booked groups 团体提前预定优惠

Fine views of London 伦敦美景

For more detailed information please call 欲知详情,请打电话。

Free children admission with full paying adult 卖成人票,儿童免费。

Free children ticket with this leaflet 持本广告儿童免费。

Free entry for all. 向所有人开放

Free entry to over 60 attractions 免费到60 多个景点旅游。

Free for accompanied children under 16 years of age. 所带16以下岁儿童免费。

If you would like to join our club, please contact… 如想参加我们的俱乐部,请联系…… Pick up points and times 接站地点和接站时间

Reservations 预定


一. 剧 院

序号 中文名称 英文名称

1 请勿摄像 No Filming/No Video

2 请勿录音 No Recording

3 请勿拍照 No Photography

4 请勿吸烟 No Smoking

5 请勿蹬踏 Don't Step On

6 请勿触摸 Don't Touch

7 请勿入内 No Admittance

8 保持安静/请勿大声喧哗 Quiet Please

9 请勿乱动开关 Please Don't Touch the Switch

10 请勿将软包装的饮料带入场内 No Drinks from Outside

11 请随手关门 Keep Door Closed /Please close the door behind you.

12 请节约用水 Please Save Water/Don't Waste Water

13 请节约用纸 Please Save Paper/Don't Waste Paper

14 请出示证件 Please Show Your ID

15 请排队等候入场 Please Line Up

16 请保持场内清洁 Please Keep the Area Clean/ Don't Litter

17 请关闭通讯设备 Please Turn Off Cellphones & Beepers

18 请将手机和寻呼机静音 Please Mute Cellphones & Beepers

19 小心烫伤 Caution! Hot

20 小心地滑 Caution! Slippery/Caution! Wet Floor

21 小心玻璃 Caution! Glass

22 道路湿滑请小心 Caution! Slippery When Wet

23 下台阶时请您小心 Watch Your Step/ Mind the Step

24 观众止步 No Admittance

25 非公莫入 Staff Only

26 禁止通行 No Admittance/No Entry

27 谢绝参观 No Admittance

28 谨防扒窃 Beware of Pickpockets

29 严禁使用明火 No Open Flame

30 场内禁止吸烟 No Smoking

31 非演职人员请勿入内 Staff Only

32 演出人员请到此止步 No Admittance for Performers

33 一米以下儿童谢绝入内 No Admittance for Children Under 1m.

34 贵宾专用通道 VIP Only

35 办公区域,观众止步 Staff Only

36 舞台重地、观众止步 Staff Only

37 贵重物品请随身保管 Please Don't Leave Your Valuables Unattended 38 易碎品,请轻拿轻放 Fragile! Handle with Care

39 商品展示柜,此产品不参加活动 Display Only

40 请保管好您随身携带的物品 Take Care of Your Belongings

41 离开时请您带上您的包 Please Take Your Belongings When Leaving

42 演出进行中,请勿大声喧哗或随意走动。 Performance in progress, please keep your voices down and stay in your seat.

43 欣赏交响乐曲时,乐曲的乐章之间,请不要鼓掌。 No Applause Between Movements Please

44 请准时入场,对号入座,迟到的观众请在场外等候,待幕间安静时,入场就近入座 Please arrive punctually and take your numbered seat. Latecomers please wait outside, and take a seat nearby during an interval.

45 谢谢合作! Thanks for your cooperation!

46 机房重地,非公莫入 Machine Room. Staff Only.

47 自动门 Automatic Door

48 应急疏散出口 Emergency Exit

49 紧急出口 Emergency Exit

50 禁止出入 Please Remain Seated During Performance

51 电源 Power Supply

52 消防通道禁止停车 Fire Engine Access. No Parking.

二. 书 店

序号 中文名称 英文名称

1 找零请当面点清 Please check your change before leaving

2 本柜结帐请稍候 Temporarily Closed

3 本层图书请在本层购买 Please Pay at This Floor

4 乘梯须知:乘梯请注意安全,站在黄线以内,下梯时及时抬脚,儿童老人应有人领乘。 Notice: Be careful. Stand behind the yellow line. Children and seniors must be accompanied.

5 交款后仍引起报警器鸣响的读者,请您持所购商品到开票处重新消磁,由于设备原因给您造成不便,特表衷心歉意。 If the alarm beeps after you pay, please go to the counter with purchased books for re-demagnetization. We are sincerely sorry for any inconvenience.

6 请上二层 Upstairs to Floor 2

7 欢迎您选用 Thanks for Shopping Here

8 欲购此架图书请向营业员索取 To buy books on this shelf, please ask the assistant for help.

9 禁止吸烟 No Smoking

10 读者止步 No Admittance

11 乘电梯右侧站立 Stand on Right

12 小孩乘电梯须有大人陪伴 Children must be accompanied by an adult. 13 营业时间 Open Hours/Business Hours

14 推 PUSH/Push

15 拉 PULL/Pull

16 请勿拍照 No Photography

17 闲人免进 Staff Only

18 勿乱扔杂物 No Littering

19 请勿用手触摸 Don't Touch

20 保持安静 Quiet Please

21 未交款图书,请勿带入洗手间 Please don't take the unpaid-for books to the toilet.

22 请节约用水 Please Save Water/Don't Waste Water

23 营业员为您查询图书 You can ask the assistants to help search for books. 24 注意安全 CAUTION! /Caution!

25 请勿坐靠 Please Stand Clear

26 右侧站立 左侧急行 Stand on Right, Pass on Left.

27 小心碰头 Mind Your Head/Watch Your Head

28 读者止步 No Admittance/Staff Only

29 推杠报警 Push for Alarm

30 别让您的烟头留下火患 Please Put Out Your Cigarettes.

31 危难时刻 迅速报警 110 Emergency Call 110

32 火警119 Fire Call 119/Fire Alarm 119

33 止步,高压危险 Danger! High Voltage

34 配电设施:2米范围内严禁放置易燃物品 Power supply facilities: No flammable materials allowed within 2 meters

35 警告 防火卷帘门请勿堆物,开关操作时请勿站人 Warning: Keep everything clear of the automatic fireproof sliding door. Stand clear when in operation.

三. 图书馆

序号 中文名称 英文名称

1 入口 ENTRANCE/Entrance

2 危险 DANGER!/Danger!

3 紧急出口 Emergency Exit

4 安全出口(太平门) EXIT/Exit

5 闲人免进 Staff Only

6 请安静 Quiet Please

7 请将通讯工具设置为静音 Please Mute Cellphones & Beepers

8 办公区域 读者止步 Staff Only

9 来宾登记 Registration

10 请勿拍照 No Photography

11 灭火专用 Fire Extinguisher

12 消火栓 Fire Hydrant

13 紧急情况 击碎玻璃 Break Glass in Emergency

14 阅览室 Reading Room

15 请将未选中的书放回原处 Please reshelf the books you don't want.

16 请将目录屉放回原处 Please put the drawer back into its original place. 17 请爱护书籍 Please Take Care of the Books

18 注意归还日期,按时还书 Please Return Books on Time

19 馆内禁止吸烟 No Smoking

20 馆内禁止喧哗 Quiet Please

21 馆内禁止饮酒 No Alcohol

22 电梯 Elevator/Lift

四. 网吧和娱乐场所

序号 中文名称 英文名称

1 禁止吸烟 No Smoking

2 请节约用水 Please Save Water/Don't Waste Water

3 服务台 Service Desk

4 安全出口 EXIT/Exit

5 灭火消防器材 Fire Extinguisher

6 小心地滑 Caution! Slippery/ Caution! Wet Floor

7 安全通道 Emergency Access

8 身份证登记处 Registration

9 上网前请出示有效证件 Please Show Your Valid ID

10 禁止黄、赌、毒 Pornography, Gambling and Drugs Prohibited

11 禁止吸食摇头丸 No Drugs

12 贵重物品请自己妥善保管、如有丢失自己负责 Keep an eye on your belongings. Personal valuables left at the owner's risk.

13 收款台 Cashier

14 上网登记处 Registration

15 禁止浏览黄色网站 Pornographic Website Visit Prohibited

16 请勿长时间上网 Please don't surf for a long time.

17 游戏区 Game Zone

18 聊天区 Chatting Zone

19 上网区 Surfing Zone

20 请保持场所内清洁 Please Keep the Area Clean/ Don't Litter



3、"公共标语" 地址:http://www.chinazhaokao.com/tuijian/218969.html,复制分享给你身边的朋友!