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人教版PEP第七册《Unit 5 Dinner’s ready》教学设计

2015-08-17 09:51:22 编辑:ruan18650468816 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 教学设计 人教 第七 1、 四会掌握本单元的单词10个。 2、 正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,并在小组合作中编写对话,表演对话。 3、 初步认知句子:What w...

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  人教版PEP第七册《Unit 5 Dinner’s ready》先学小研究

  班级: 姓名: 组名:_____________

  Show time(每日一歌曲\每日一赠言)


  一、 你会读以下单词吗?

  beef chicken noodles soup vegetable rice fish juice milk bread apples banana pineapple pork mutton water

  二、 你能把以上单词进行分类吗?

  Food Drink Fruits

  三、 你会读P38,41课文吗?询问对方想吃或是想喝点什么,怎样表达呢?



  四、 来吧!发挥你的聪明才智,仿照课文编一段小对话。

  (尽量用以下句型:What would you like ? I’d like some\a\an…

  Would you like some\a\an… ? Yes,please.No,thanks.)


  人教版PEP第七册《Unit 5 Dinner’s ready》教学设计


  1、 四会掌握本单元的单词10个。

  2、 正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,并在小组合作中编写对话,表演对话。

  3、 初步认知句子:What would you like ? I’d like some\a\an…

  Would you like some\a\an… ? Yes, please. No, thanks.


  一、 Show time (每日一谚语、每周一歌曲)

  二、 Games(Sharp eyes)

  Review the words about food, drinks and fruits.

  三、 study the new words

  Show the work sheet, discuss in group. How to read the words.

  Show them in the class.

  四、 Study the new sentences.

  Write the key sentences on the blackboard, then read in the class.

  五、 Study the new text.

  Read the new text, point out the difficulty in reading.

  六、 Presentation(小组汇报)

  Show the new dialogue in the class.

  七、 Summary

  人教版PEP第七册《Unit 5 Dinner’s ready》教学片段课堂实录

  S:Class begins.

  T:Good morning class.

  S: Good morning Miss Lai.

  T: Who’s on Duty today?

  S: I am.

  T: Liao Siqing,please.

  S: Hello. Today ,I’m on duty .Let’s share a song <The more we get together>.

  S: (sing a song<the more we get together>.

  Liao:Now, Let’s share <the proverb every day>An apple a day keeps a doctor away.Please read after me.

  S: An apple a day keeps a doctor away.Please read after me.

  T: Keeps the doctor.Keeps.|k-i:-ki:ps|

  S: |k-i:-ki:ps|

  T:Thank you,Liao Siqing. Please show me your work sheet, then discuss in group. After 2 minutes, you should be a little English here and teach us how to read the words. Now, let’s start.


  T: Time’s up. Who wants to be the little teacher? Tang Maofa, please.

  Tang Maofa: beef chicken noodles soup vegetable rice fish juice milk bread apples banana pineapple pork mutton water

  T:You are so great! A big hand for him. Who wants to try? Qiu Zheming, please.

  Qiu Zheming: beef chicken noodles soup vegetable rice fish juice milk bread apples banana pineapple pork mutton water

  T: Excellent!Read the word together.(stick the word card on the blackboard)

  (Show a picture of beef)Look, beef is a kind of meat. And the pork is a kind of meat, too.(Put the word card on the box of food),Can you tell me, which is a kind of fruit,the apple or the chicken?


  T: Good, now ,let’s have a game. Put the word cards in the right box. Every group has one box. Group 1,which box do you choose?


  T: How about you, Group 2?


  T: And you, Group 3?

  G3: Fruits.

  T: Let’s start. Time’s up. Wow, so much food. Can you Introduce the food?Group1,please.

  G1:OK.They are beef, chicken, fish, rice, soup and noodles. They are food.

  T: Very good.Group2,please.

  G2:They are milk, juice and water. They are drinks.

  T:That’s great! And Group 3,please.

  G3:They are apples, bananas and watermelon.

  T:Very good. Thanks.Would you like something to eat? Would you like something to drink? 看到那么多的美食,想吃或是想喝点什么吗?

  S: Yes!

  T:询问对方想吃或是想喝点什么,怎样表达呢?哪一组来朗读一下课文,并把文中的key sentences找出来。Group3,please.

  G3:(read the text)The key sentences are What would you like ? I’d like some\a\an… Would you like some\a\an… ? Yes, please. No, thanks.

  T; 你们都赞同吗?


  T:Good.Let’s read the text and the sentences together.

  S: (Read the text and the key sentences)

  T: Now. It’s the show time.

  S: Yh……

  T: which group is the first?Group1,please.

  G1: (At home)

  A: Mum, I’m hungry.

  B:What would you like to eat?

  A: I’d like some chicken.

  B: Would you like some rice?

  A: Thanks Mum. Dad, would you like some soup?

  C: yes, thanks.

  T: Very good.还有那一组上来汇报。Group 2,please.

  G2: (In the supermarket)

  A:Wow, so much food. Mum, I like bananas.

  B: Would you like some apples?

  A: No, thanks. I’d like a watermelon.

  C: The peaches look nice. Would you like some?

  A: Yes, thanks Dad. What would you like Dad?

  C: I’d like some mango.

  T: Thank you.时间关系,下一节课我们再继续汇报。

  以上就是五度学习网http://www.wudu001.com/带给大家不一样的精彩范文。想要了解更多精彩的朋友可以持续关注五度学习网,我们将会为你奉上最全最新鲜的内容哦! 五度学习网,因你而精彩。

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3、1、知识与技能:理解单项式、单项式的系数、单项式的次数的概念,说出它们之间的区别和联系,并能指出一个单项式的系数和次数。 2、过程与方法:初步学会观察、对比、归纳的初一数学教学设计 田家炳中学(2015-07-16)

4、 我遵循“语文课程应致力于学生语文素养的形成与发展”的教学理念,实施以学生发展为要旨的阅读教学。使我们的阅读教学既能够切合课程目标的要求,初一语文阅读指导课教学设计 评优范文(2015-07-16)

5、基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略。倡导体验参与、全员参与、合作与交流的学习方式。 小学英语教学设计案例 左立红(2015-07-16)

6、信息技术是一们新兴的学科,它是以计算机技术为基础,近年来在教学中开始被运用,尤其在英语教学中发挥越来越重要的作用。信息技术与英语课程的整合,体现了信息时代英语课程的发展信息技术与初中英语教学整合的教学设计 南平五中(2015-07-16)

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