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2016-12-02 10:35:24 编辑:zhangyanqing 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   译林出版社 成立于1988年的译林出版社前身为江苏人民出版社《译林》 编辑部。作为中国重要的专业翻译出版社,译林出版社主要出版面向 ...

  译林出版社 成立于1988年的译林出版社前身为江苏人民出版社《译林》 编辑部。作为中国重要的专业翻译出版社,译林出版社主要出版面向海外的外文版图书、外语工具书、外语学习教材及学习辅导读物、外国文学作品及外国社科著作、外国文学及语言研究论著等。以下是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 分享的译林七年级上unit1教案,希望能帮助到大家! 





  To grasp the words : e-dog, master, look after, good night


  To learn how to greet with each other in English.


  To train the Ss’ love to each other and respect each other


  To learn how to greet with each other.


  The same as the above.


  Preview the new words.



  教 师 活 动

  学 生 活 动




  Step2 Presentation


  Free talk Ask the Ss to greet their partners.

  1)Show Ss a clock and say: At this time of day, how do you greet your teacher or your partner? 2)Today we are going to meet some friends at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. This is their first English class. Open your books at Page 7 and read aloud what the Ss say. Show Ss a picture & say: Look! I have two new friends. Point to Eddie, say: It’s a dog. Then Hob It’s an e-dog. Ask: Do you want to know his name? Say: I have an e-dog. I look after my e-dog every day. Who is his master?

  Ss greet with each other.

  Ss read and find what the Ss say.

  listen and say



  教学过程 学生活动


  Step4.listen and answer

  Step5 composition


  Do you know? Present: master and look after T: Where’s the dog?

  Play the tape and answer the questions 1.What is it? ( It’s an e-dog .) 2.Who is Eddie? ( He is the master.) 3.Who is Hobo? ( He is the e-dog.) 4.Do you like this e-dog/Eddie/Hobo? 5.Does Eddie like the dog? How do you know? Get some students to answer them in English. ask the students to write a composition

  Test in class.

  Homework Finish the exercises in the workbook. Revise the use of the Prep. in English.

  Think of the question.

  Work in groups.

  write a composition

  Do the exercises.




  牛津译林版七年级上册《Unit1 This is me:周末练习2》学案


  1. Amy likes (游泳). She often does it at (周末).

  2. _________ you _________ (do) your homework at home3.The girls in the photo are your (表妹).

  4. (数学) is hard for me.

  5. Simon _________ (有时) plays football after school.


  6. Kate watches TV every evening. (改为否定句)

  Kate ________ _________ TV every evening.

  7. Sandy comes from Shanghai .(对画线部分提问)

  ________ Sandy 8. My friend is a good basketball player. (同义句)

  My friend ________ basketball very .

  9. They are English boys. (改为单数形式)

  _________ _________ English .

  10. I am in the Reading Club. (同义句)

  I am _________ _________ _________ the Reading Club.


  ( ) 11. The student happy today.

  A. isn’t B. aren’t C. don''t D.doesn’t

  ( ) 12. Simon is _________ Grade 7. He works hard_________ Chinese

  A. in; / B. in; at C. /; atD. in;in

  ( ) 13. --- Is it time ________ our PE lesson?

  --- Yes. Let’s go.

  A. to B. for C. on D. at

  ( ) 14.Do you usually walk Simon’s homeA. / B.from C. to D. at

  ( ) 15. My father ________ housework at all.

  A. don’t B. doesn’t C. don’t doD. doesn’t do


  Vera Cooper is a musician (音乐家). She is 16 New York, America. She works in a __17 club. There are 18 people in their club. 19 are Lisa, Jet, Martin and Vera. Vera plays the 20 in the club. Every day she 21 her work at around seven in the morning. She leaves (离开) her 22 at six-thirty. She often 23 at around nine at night and she is very 24 after work. She goes to bed after a shower (淋浴). At weekends, she 25 go to work, so she often takes a vacation (假期).

  ( ) 16. A. atB. fromC. forD. about

  ( ) 17. A. MusicB. SwimmingC. ArtD. Chess

  ( ) 18. A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four

  ( ) 19. A. SheB. HeC. TheyD. We

  ( ) 20. A. drumsB. volleyballC. tennisD. game

  ( ) 21. A. goesB. seesC. startsD. plays

  ( ) 22. A. schoolB. friendC. homeD. classroom

  ( ) 23. A. goes to the movieB. watches TV

  C. has lunchD. gets home

  ( ) 24. A. sadB. tiredC. happyD. healthy

  ( ) 25. A. doesn’tB. isn’tC. don’tD. aren’t


  It’s Sunday afternoon, Peggy goes shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper. Peggy wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a new shop.

  “What does your shop sel

  l?” Peggy asks. “A lot of things,” the girl in the shop answers. “you can buy food, drinks, clothes, school things and so on.”

  Peggy and her mother go in. There are many people in the shop. Peggy finds a nice white skirt.

  “How much is the skirt?” Peggy asks the girl in the shop.

  “It’s eighty yuan.”

  “That’s too dear (贵). Can I find a cheap (便宜的) one?”

  “What about the green one? It looks nice. And it’s only thirty yuan.”

  “OK, thanks a lot.”

  “You are welcome.”

  After that, Peggy buys some school things, too. Her mother buys a lot of food, such as (例如) bread, meat and fish. They get home very late.

  ( ) 26. Peggy goes shopping with her mother on ________.

  A. Saturday afternoonB. Saturday morningC. Sunday morningD. Sunday afternoon

  ( ) 27. Peggy wants to buy a new skirt and _________.

  A. some school thingsB. some drinksC. some clothesD. some food

  ( ) 28. Peggy finds a nice ________ skirt, but it’s too dear.

  A. greenB. whiteC. redD. cheap

  ( ) 29. The green skirt is ________.

  A. nice and cheapB. nice but dearC. not nice and cheapD. not nice but cheap

  ( ) 30. Peggy’s mother doesn’t buy any ________ for supper.

  A. fishB. breadC. meatD. eggs

译林七年级上unit1教案相关热词搜索:译林 教案 年级

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2、【范文】幼儿园清明节主题教案61早教网在清明节期间,组织幼儿系列教育活动,目的是让幼儿通过扫墓活动追念革命烈士的高贵品质,树立继承先 【范文】幼儿园春游主题教案(2015-07-07)

3、适宜年龄:2―3岁制作方法:1.把缝有粘链的长约20厘米的布带缝粘在消毒后的大药瓶上,布带两头缝上粘链或按钮。2.把粘链的另一面缝在小药 幼儿园教案塑料瓶宝宝找妈妈(区角活动)(2015-07-08)

4、教案 模板 教师   教案编写没有固定的模式,其内容一般包括课程名称、课型、课时、教学目标、教学重点和难点、教具、教学方法、教学过程、作业设计、板书设计、课后反思等。2015教师招聘试讲说课经典教案模板(2015-07-09)

5、代数式 版图 教案 教学目标   1 使学生掌握代数式的值的概念,能用具体数值代替代数式中的字母,求出代数式的值;初一数学《代数式的值》基础教案版图(2015-07-09)

6、模版 教案 教师 一、教学目标:   (一)情感态度与价值观:   通过对民族器乐曲的欣赏和了解,让学生 能够真正喜欢中国民族音乐,懂得继承和弘扬民族音乐 文化的意义;音乐教师面试经典教案模版(2015-07-09)

7、范文 教案 先生 【教学目的】   1、培养学生迅速、准确地抓住文中的关键信息的能力。(基础)   2、在老师的点拨下进行探究,启发思维。(重点)  面试试讲教师《五柳先生传》教案参考范文(2015-07-09)

8、教案 模板 格式 团总支宣传部找来了这么一些小小资料,大家一起分享哦~   方法 步骤   1 一 课题(说明本课名称)   二 教学目的(或称教学要求,教案怎么写?教案模板、教案格式又有何要求?(2015-07-09)

9、 小学数学中有各种各样的应用题。根据它们的结构形式和数量关系,形成了一些用特定方法解答的典型应用题。比如,和倍应用题、差倍应用题、和差应用题等等。和倍应用题及答案教案(2015-07-14)

10、以下是中国招生考试网www chinazhaokao com为大家整理的关于以下是中国招生考试网www chinazhaokao com为大家整理的关于***的文章,希望大 好习惯伴我行主题班会教案(2015-07-15)

11、教学目的:本课程旨在使修学者全面了解先秦文学发展的基本面貌和特点,对先秦时期诗歌和散文等文学样式、重要的作家和作品有较深入的认识,培养理解、分析文学作品、文学现象的能力。第一编第一分编 先秦文学教案(39课时)(2015-07-16)

12、1、知识方面:  识记:世界贸易组织、国际货币基金组织和世界银行的现状和作用 2、能力方面:  ⑴理解能力:通过对三个国际组织的含义的学习, 世界性贸易与金融组织 高中教案(2015-07-16)


3、"译林七年级上unit1教案" 地址:http://www.chinazhaokao.com/wendang/jiaoan/761743.html,复制分享给你身边的朋友!