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2015-07-09 14:00:31 编辑:liu13762219131 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 英文 范文 课件 (a)Title International trends in educational assessment and evaluation Abstract Drawing together international trends, this presentation forecasts the future of transparency and performance reporting in higher education It begins...


  (a)Title International trends in educational assessment and evaluation Abstract Drawing together international trends, this presentation forecasts the future of transparency and performance reporting in higher education. It begins by analysing the need for institutions to become substantially more transparent, and by advancing a series of guiding principles. The presentation then evaluates emerging indicators regarding research impact, graduate and learning outcomes, student engagement, community and industry engagement, and institutional operations. It then reviews emerging reporting mechanisms, giving particular attention to systems which rate the 'value added' of higher education. The presentation concludes that the next generation of reports will deliver more dynamic and robust information, and that these reports will unfold in parallel ways for industry, institutions, ministries and the public. Presenter Professor Hamish Coates, PhD Chair of Higher Education Centre for the Study of Higher Education University of Melbourne Victoria, 3010, Australia +61 423 475 605 hamishc@unimelb.edu.au www.cshe.unimelb.edu.au/people/coates.html Photo Please see attached. Biography Professor Hamish Coates has a Chair of Higher Education at the Centre for the Study of Higher Education (CSHE), University of Melbourne. He was Founding Director of Higher Education Research at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) from 2006 to 2013, and between 2010 and 2013 also Program Director at the LH Martin Institute for Tertiary Leadership and Management. Hamish completed his PhD in 2005 at the University of Melbourne, and subsequent executive training at INSEAD and MBS. Through research and development Hamish focuses on improving the quality and productivity of higher education. Interests include large-scale evaluation, tertiary education policy, institutional strategy, assessment methodology, learner engagement, and academic work and leadership. He has initiated and led many successful projects, including numerous national and international student surveys. He was Founding International Director of OECD's Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO).

  (b)Title GEMSTONE Organizer Hong Kong Police Force Description The course provides Chinese lessons and Police related activities Eligibility Full time non-ethnic Chinese in University Details See attached Deadline N/A Please note that this activity is not organised by PolyU and hence will not be covered by any of the insurance policies of the University. You are strongly advised to take care of your own personal accident / medical insurance. Also, please be aware and take care of?all your personal medical needs while undertaking the activity. GEMSTONE With a view to assisting local non-ethnic Chinese (NEC), Youth in integrating into the community, Yau Tsim Police District is currently running a Force-wide project, entitled 'GEMSTONE'. The project aims at providing Chinese Language tutoring and interviewing techniques for NEC youths, who are interested to serve the local community by joining government service. The project consists of two levels of classes with approximately 15 to 20 NEC youths according to their Chinese proficiency and each class contain two hours Chinese tutoring conveyed by an experienced Chinese teacher followed by two hours interviewing technique activities run by police volunteers at Yau Ma Tei Kai Fong Association School on every Saturday morning. Title GEMSTONE Organizer Hong Kong Police Force Description The course provides Chinese lessons and Police related activities Eligibility Full time non-ethnic Chinese in University Details See attached Deadline N/A Application Interested students please email to joeywong@police.gov.hk or call 61461001 Lesson Every Saturday morning from 9am-1pm Venue Yau Ma Tei Kai Fong Association School

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