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2017-02-14 11:37:46 编辑:zhangyanqing 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   英语作为(English)世界通用语言,是联合国的工作语言之一,也是事实上的国际交流语言。英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支 ...

  英语作为(English)世界通用语言,是联合国的工作语言之一,也是事实上的国际交流语言。英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,由古代从欧洲大陆移民大不列颠岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。以下是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 分享的八年级英语上册7-12单元复习课件,希望能帮助到大家! 



  Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake ?


  recipe 烹调法 食谱 bowl 碗 piece 一张(片 块 首……)

  instruction 用法说明 cup 茶杯 blender 果汁机 搅拌器

  pancake 烙饼薄煎饼 slice 片 薄片 ingredient 材料 原料 成分

  teaspoon 茶匙 green onion 洋葱

  sandwich 三明治 waterrmelon 西瓜


  sauce 调味汁 酱油 milk shake 奶昔 salt盐

  yogurt 酸奶 酸乳酪 lettuce 莴苣 bread面包

  relish 调味品 佐料 butter 黄油

  mutton 羊肉 duck鸭肉 fish 鱼肉 meat 肉

  turkey 火鸡肉 pork 猪肉 chicken 鸡肉 beef 牛肉





  3、不可用“不定冠词a / an 、基数词、many 、how many 、few、a few” 修饰;但是可以用“some、any、much 、how much、little、a little 、lots of 、a lot of ” 修饰。

  (二)、不可数名词表示的事物,其量通常用“piece 、slice” 或

  “盛其的容器”表示, 即:

  数词 + piece / slice / 容器 + of + 不可数名词

  a piece of bread 一块面包 two pieces of newspaper 两张新闻报纸

  three pieces of information 三条信息 a slice of turkey 一个火鸡肉片

  twe slices of duck 两个鸭肉片 a cup of milk shake 一杯牛奶昔

  five bowls of butter 五万黄油 four teaspoons of yogurt四茶匙酸奶

  四、 how many “多少” + 复数名词 :提问可数名词的量;

  how much “多少” + 不可数名词:提问不可数名词的量

  下面句子,就划线部分提问,体会how many 、how much 的用法:

  1、I need twenty watermelons .

  ______ ______ watermelons ______ ______ need ?

  2、We have twelve cups of sauce .

  ______ ______ sauce ______ you have ?

  3、My mother has a few recipes .

  ______ ______ recipes ______ your mother ______ ?

  4、Her daughter needs much butter .

  ______ ______ butter ______ her daughter ______ ?

  5、I will make a bowl of milk shake .

  ______ ______ milk ______ you make ?

  6、The aunt bought a little relish .

  ______ ______ relish ______ the aunt ______ ?

  7、My sister is going to bring some pancakes .

  ______ ______ pancakes _______ your sister going to bring ?

  8、There was lots of turkey last night .

  ______ ______ turkey ______ there last night ?


  1、My son had ______ and ______ for breakfast .

  A、a bread, a sandwich B、a pancake, twe cup of milk shake

  C、some turkeys , some duck D、a little chicken , a cup of yogurt

  2、How many ______ do we need ?

  A、sauce B、teaspoons of butter C、salt D、watermelon

  3、How much ______ does your mother ?

  A、green onions B、sandwich C、cups of yogurt D、beef

  4、There are three ______ in the sandwich .

  A、ingredient B、ingredients C、meat D、mutton

  5、Do you like ______ in sandwich ?

  A、tomatoes B、lettuce C、green onions D、turkeys

  6、Put ______ relish on a slice of bread .

  A、a B、two C、a few D、a little

  7、Here is ______ for a great turkey sandwich .

  A、a recipe B、a relish C、some teaspoons of sauce

  8、Cut up _______ .

  A、a watermelons B、some sauce

  C、lots of sandwich D、much turkey



  drink 喝 peel剥皮 boil 煮沸 烹煮 roll 卷 裹

  turn on打开 turn off关掉 cut 砍 割 切 cut up 切碎

  eat 吃 put… on … 把……放在……上面

  put 放置 put…in … 把……在……里面

  put … into… 把……放到……里面

  pour 倾倒 灌 浇 pout… into… 把……到人……

  add 加 增加 加添 add… to… 把……加到……上面


  first 首先 next 接着 其次 then 然后 finally最后

  how many 多少 how much多少 多少钱 top 顶部 上部


  boil noodles煮面条 eat noodles吃面条 pear bananas剥香蕉

  turn on the blender打开果汁机 turn off the radio 关掉收音机

  drink some yogurt喝一些酸奶 cut up some turkey切碎一些火鸡肉

  make a banana milk shake 做一份香蕉奶昔

  Look at the instruction 看这条用法说明

  pour some sauce into a cup 把一些酱油倒入杯子里

  put some tomatoes in a bowl 把一些西红柿放入碗里

  put some relish on a slice of bread 把一些调味品放在面包片上

  add some ingredients to the sandwich 把一些原料加到三明治上


  A: Can you make a banana milk shake ?

  B: Yes , I can .

  A: How do you make it ?

  B : It’s easy . Let’s make it .

  A: OK , good idea . What ingredients do we need ?

  B: Bananas , ice cream and milk .

  A: How many bananas do we need ?

  B: Three .

  A: How many pieces of ice cream ?

  B: One piece .

  A: How much milk do we need ?

  B: Let me think . We need two cups . Now let’s make it . First , peel three

  bananas ans cut up them . Next , put the bananas ans ice cream into the blender . Pour the milk into the blender . Then turn on the blender for about two minutes . Finally drink the milk shake .

  Unit 8 How was your school trip ?


  gift 礼物 aquarium 水族馆 shark 鲨鱼 seal 海豹

  souvenir纪念品 autograph亲笔签名 octopus 章鱼 prize奖品 奖金


  am / is ----was 是 成为 are ----were 是 成为 go ----went 走 去

  have ----had 有 吃 buy ----bought买 get ----got 获得 得到

  see ----saw 看见 win ----won 赢 获胜 take ----took带走 花费 乘坐

  meet ----met 遇见 do ----did 做 sleep ----slept 离开


  Be tired 是累的 be busy 是忙的 take a class 上课

  buy a hat买个帽子 buy a gift买件礼物 buy a souvenir 买个纪念品

  win that hat赢得帽子 win first prize 获得一等 win a prize 获奖

  take photos 拍照片 hang out with friends 跟朋友闲逛

  see some sharks 看见一些鲨鱼 see a octopus 看见一条章鱼

  go to the aquarium去水族馆 go to the beach 去海滩

  go for a drive again 再次开车去兜风 go camping in the rain在雨中去野营

  have ice—cream 吃冰激凌 have a hamburger 吃汉堡堡

  have a great time 过得愉快 have fun camping 野营过得愉快

  get his autograph获得他的亲笔签名 get we t变湿

  take the bus back to school 坐公共汽车返回到学校




  表示 过去某个时间“发生的动作 或存在的状态” 。

  2、一般过去时态的动词形式:一般过去时态规定,动词用“过去式” 。规则动词后加ed构成过去式 ;不规则动词有固定的过去式。


  last 短语。

  过去时间状语 ago短语

  yesterday 短语

  4、规则动词构成过去式加ed 的方法:

  (1) 、一般情况的,加ed

  play → Play ed 玩,耍 clean → clean ed 打扫,清洁

  visit → visit ed 拜访 访问 watch → watch ed 观看

  (2) 、以e结尾的,加 d

  practice → practice d 实践 练习 live → live d 居住

  (3) 、以“重读闭音节”结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,先双写辅音字母,


  stop → stopp ed 停止 停下来

  (4)、 以“辅音字母 + y ”结尾的,变y 为i , 再加ed

  study → studi ed 学习

  (5) 、ed 的发音

  在清辅音后读 / t / ,

  在浊辅音和元音后读 / d / ,

  在/ t / / d / 后面读 / Id / 。


  本块习题 一、判断动作发生的时间或状态从在的时间,确定时态

  1、----How ______ ( is ) your school trip last weekend ?

  ----We ______ ( have ) a great time .

  2、----Did you go to the zoo ? ----No, I ______ ( go ) to the aquarium.

  3、----Were there any sharks ?

  ----No , there _______ ( are not ) any sharks ,but there ______ ( are ) some really clever seals .

  4、----______ she ______ ( buy ) a souvenir ?

  ----No , she didn’t . Her friend Jim ______ ( buy ) a souvenir .

  5、Yesterday afternoon I _______ ( hang ) out with my friends in the aquarium . We ______ ( see ) some seals and sharks . My friends alse ______ ( take ) some photos .

  6、Her daughter _______ ( meet ) a famous actor and ______ ( get ) his autograph two hours ago .

  7、Who _______ ( win ) first prize yesterday ?

  8、The student ________ ( not have ) a good time . They _______ ( not see ) an octopus . They ______ ( walk ) home in the rain . They all _______ ( get ) wet .


  1、The tourists took the subway back to his hotel . ( 否定句)

  The tourists ______ ______ the subway back to his hotel .

  2、Our teaher was very happy . (否定句)

  Our teacher ______ very happy .

  3、There were some seals in the aquarium .(一般疑问句)

  ______ ______ ______ seals in the aquarium ?

  4、My daughter took many photos . (一般疑问句)

  ______ ______ daughter ______ many photos ?

  5、Did you go to the aquarium last night ? (假如是,回答)

  _______________ .

  6、Were there any sharks or ocropuses in the aquarium ? (假设没有,回答)


  7、Was there a gift for me ? (假设没有,回答)


  8、We had fun camping last Saturday . (提问)

  ______ ______ your day off ?



  visitor = tourist参观者 访问者 游客 rain 雨 下雨 raincoat雨衣

  yard sale 庭院旧货出售 yard院子 庭院

  future将来 未来 in the future在将来 lucky幸运的 luckily幸运地

  monitor 班长在 umbrella 雨伞 player运动员 again再一次 又一次

  end结束 结尾 at the end of在……的末端 day off 休息 不工作 不上学

  competiton竞争 比赛 竞赛 in the competition比赛中


  visit my parents看望我的双亲 clean the bus 清洁公共汽车

  help a visitor 帮助一位游客 stay in the house呆在房子里

  play computer games玩电脑游戏 read a story读故事

  meet a famous actor again 再次遇见一位著名的演员 sleep late睡过头

  watch a move about sharks 看一场关于鲨鱼的电影

  watch a dolphin show in the future 在将来看一场海豚表演

  bring our umbrella and raincoat 带来我们的雨伞和雨衣


  1、I ______ ( win ) a prize in tomorrow’s competion .

  2、Our monitor ______ ( win ) first prize in yesterday’s singing competition .

  3、We ______ ( meet ) a famous basketball player a week ago . We ______ ( get ) his autograph .

  4、I ______ ( have ) a bowl of noodles for lunch . It was terrible .

  5、The player ______ ( help ) his parents ______ ( buy ) a gift

  yesterday morning .

  6、We _______ ( watch ) a movie about living in the future .

  7、I am tired . I _______ ( stay ) in the house this afternoon .

  8、The tourist _______ ( visit ) the aquarium the day after tomorrow .

  9、Our house is very clean . Who _______ ( clean ) it ?

  10、Lots of people _______ ( come ) to the yard an hour ago .

  11、A: How ________ ( be ) your day off ?

  B: My day off was very fun .

  A: What _______ you ______ ( do ) ?

  B: I _______ ( go ) to the aquarium .

  We _______ ( watch ) a dolphin show .

  A: _______ ( be ) you tired ?

  B: Yes , I _______ ( sleep ) late this morning .

  I _______( not visit ) my cousin .

  A: What are you doing this afternoon ?

  B: I _______ ( stay ) at home _______ ( help ) my parents .


  1、Where did you go ? (去了the aquarium )

  I ______ ______ the aquarium .

  2、Were you with your family ? ( 是的)

  ______ , ______ ______

  3、What did you do ? ( play computer games )

  I ______ computer games .

  4、How was the weather ? ( rainy and winter )

  ______ ______ rainy and winter .

  5、Was the food good ? ( 不是)

  ______ , ______ ______

  6、Did you buy anything ? ( 是的。买了a gift )

  ______ , I _______ a gift .

  7、Do you want to go ? (是的)

  _____ , ______ ______

  8、Were there any people ? ( 是的)

  ______ ,______ _______ .

  Unit 9 When was he born ?


  record记录 golf 高尔夫球 golfer 高尔夫球运动员

  gold 黄金 medal 奖牌 奖章 gold medal 金牌

  grandson孙子 champion冠军(人) championship冠军(获奖等级称号)

  Asia 亚洲 athlete==player运动员 athletic 擅长运动的强健的

  piece 幅片首 university大学 table tennis 乒乓球运动

  piano 钢琴 pianist 钢琴家 the World Championship世锦赛

  violin小提琴 violinist小提琴手 the U.S( the United States) 美国


  win ----won 获胜 stop---- stopped停止 停下来 have ----had 有 吃

  tour ----toured 旅游 love ----loved 喜爱 begin---- began开始

  Start ----started开始 become---- became变成 spend ----spent花费 度过


  start learning English 开始学习英语 begin to learn piano 开始学钢琴

  start to play table tennis开始参加乒乓球运动 start ice skating 开始滑冰

  stop playing soccer 停止踢足球 become famous 变得出名

  tour Asia 旅游亚洲 tour the United States旅游美国

  spend all his free time 度过他的所有闲时间 love music 喜爱音乐

  become a skating champion成为一名滑冰冠军 have a party有个聚会

  win a gold medal at the World Champion在世锦赛上或得金牌

  本块习题 判断动词发生的时间,确定时态

  1、The child ______ ( start ) to learn piano at the age of five .

  2、She ______ ( begin ) to study English last year .

  3、The player ______ ( stop ) playing soccer two weeks ago .

  4、The tourist often ______ ( tour ) Asia .

  5、The golfer ______ ( love ) music ten years ago ,but now he ______ ( love ) to play golf .

  6、The violinist ______ ( have ) a party twice a month .

  7、Zhang Yining often often______ ( win ) gold medles at the World Championships .

  8、The ping—pong player _______ ( become ) famous when she ______ ( be ) fifteen years old .

  9、Our pianist _______ ( tour ) the United States in a month .

  10、She _______ ( spend ) all her free time with children . The children like her very much . 11、I _______ ( become ) a skating champion in the future .



  be born出生 become 变成 get 变成 be 是 变成

  call 呼叫 称呼 perform表演 join 加入 could 能

  skate 滑冰 溜冰 tour旅游 take part in参加 win 获胜

  major主修 钻研 major in主修 钻研 stop 停止 停下来


  alive 活着的 在世的 loving 慈爱的 kind 和蔼的

  well—known 出名的 famous 著名的 unusual 不寻常的

  outstanding杰出的 出色的 creative 有创造力的 talented 有天赋的

  national 国家的 民族的 because of 因为 because 因为


  begin to learn management 开始学习管理 start to play golf开始打高尔夫球

  get creative 变得有创造力 be well—known 是出名的

  call the loving aunt 呼叫这位慈爱的阿姨 major in management主修管理

  tour the unusual place 游览不寻常的地方 too … to … 太……而不能……

  take part in a competition 参加竞赛 join us 加入我们

  become famous all over the world变得文明全世界


  1、be 是成为

  become 变成 成为 做“系动词” ,后可跟形容词。

  get 变得

  (1) The pianist is talented . 这位钢琴家是有天赋的。

  (2) The violinist became famouse five years ago .这位小提琴家五年前出了名。

  (3) The athletic got unusual last year . 这位运动员去年表现得不寻常。

  2、join “加入” 指加入某项活动

  take part in“加入” 指加入社会组织、团体或某人行列。

  (1)、Deng Yaping joined the national table tennis team in 1988 .


  (2)、Li Yundi took part in the competition . 李云迪参加了这次比赛。

  (3)、Please come to join us . Let’s golf . 请来加入我们中,让我们打高尔夫球。

  3、start == begin 开始 start to do sth . == begin to do sth .

  (1)、He started to learn the piano when he was seven years old .

  (2)、She began to write music at the age of four .

  (3)、The athlete started to play golf ten years ago .

  4、major“主修 钻研”, 后面不接“主修、钻研的对象”

  major in “主修 钻研”, 后面必须接“主修、钻研的对象”

  Deng Yaping majored in management and English .

  5、too….to… 太……而不能……

  (1)、I am too tired to walk . 我是太累而不能行走了。

  (2)、You are never too young to start doing things .


  (3)、My mother is too busy to talk part in the competition .


  (4)、The golfer is tall to win first prize .


  6、because (介词) “因为” + 句子

  because of (介词短语) “因为” + 词 / 短语

  (1) He stopped playing soccer because of his sore back .

  (2) Wang Nan won a gold medal because she was outstanding .


  be born 出生 when 什么时候 how long 多长 for 达 计

  1、----When were you born ? ----I was born in 1973 .

  ----How long did you skate ? ----I skated for thirty years .

  2、----When was she born ? ----She was born in 1980 .

  ----How long did she perform ? ----She performed Beijing Opera for twenty years .

  3、----When was he born ? ----He was born in 1990 .

  ----How long did he golf ? ----He golfed for ten years .


  A: Who’s that woman ?

  B: She is Mrs Wang .

  A: When was she born ?

  B: She was born in 1973 .

  A: What does she do ?

  B: She is an outgoing and well—know ping—pong player .

  A: When did she start to play table tennis ?

  B: She started to play it in 1978 .

  A: How long did she play it ?

  B: She played it for twenty—two years .

  A: When did she stop playing table tennis ?

  B: She stopped playing it in 1999 .

  A: When did she win a gold medle ?

  B: She won it at the World Championships in 1999 . She became a champion .

  A: She is really unusual .

  B: Yes , she is talented and creative .

  本块习题 : 改错

  1、The pianist became was famous in 1993 .

  A B

  2、That violinist took part in the Part in 1922 .

  A B

  3、The golfer is joining an international competition next year .

  A B

  4、The child began majoring in management last month .

  A B

  5、When did you major Chinese ?

  A B

  6、The musician stopped writing music because his death .

  A B

  7、----When are you be born ? ----I was born in 1970 .

  A B

  8、The golfer toured three weeks .

  A B

  Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player .


  grow 生长 成长 grow up 成长 长大 act 表演 演戏

  move 移动 搬动 hold 举行 主持 build 建造 建筑

  save 储存 储蓄 travel 旅行 长途旅行 retire 退休 退役

  communicate 交流 沟通 communicate with sb 跟某人交流

  exchange 交换 互换 exhibition 展览 展览会

  programmer 程序师 engineer工程师 pilot飞行员 artist艺术家

  lady淑女 女士 reader 读者 somewhere 在某处 到某处


  travel all over the world旅游全世界 save some money 储蓄些钱

  find a part—time job找到一份兼职工作 build a big subway建造个大地铁

  practice basketball every day每天练习篮球 take acting lesson 上表演课

  move somewhere interesting搬迁的有趣的地方 move to New York搬迁到纽约

  be a professional pilot 成为一个专业的飞行员 be an engineer成为一名工程师

  study math really hard 真正努力地学习数学

  study computer science 学习电脑科学

  hold an art exhibition 举行一次美术展览

  retire somewhere quiet and beautiful 退休在安静美丽的地方

  communicate better with an programmer 跟一位程序师很好的交流

  四、表示“将来某个时间打算、计划干某事”的结构:be + V ing 或者

  be going to + V原 .。 这两个结构常与“将来时间状语”连用,且be是助动词,有三个形式:am is are

  学习下列每个动词短语和用它造的句子,体会“be going to + V原 ”这一结构和用法。

  1、be a professional pilot 成为一名飞行员

  I am going to be a professional pilot when I grow up


  2、study computer science 学习电脑科学

  The programmer is going to study computer science next year .


  3、hold an art exhibition 举行一次美术展览。

  That artist is going to hold an art exhibition in a year .


  4、move to New York 搬迁到纽约

  These pilots are going to move to New York the day after tomorrow


  5、travel all over the world 旅行全世界

  The lady is going to travel all over the world . 这位女士打算旅行全世界。

  6、retire somewhere quiet and beautiful 退役到安静美丽的地方。

  The reader is going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful .



  1、That programmer ____________ ( travel ) all over the world .

  2、An engineer ____________ ( find ) a part—time job next month .

  3、Our pilot ____________ ( move ) somewhere interesting in a month .

  4、______ that readers _________ ( practice ) basketball this afternoon ?

  5、A artist ____________ ( communicate ) better with a programmer the day after tomorrow .

  6、What ______ you _________ ( be ) when you grow up ?

  7、I ____________ ( take ) acting lessons next summer .

  8、They want ______ ( be ) an engineer in the future .

  9、The lady wants _______ ( save ) lots of money and be a rich woman .



  at the same time 同时 dream 梦 梦想 幻想 over 超过

  exhibition 展览 展览会 art exhibition 美术展览 resolution决心

  instrument 工具 乐器 when 当……时候

  exchange 交换 交流 exchange student 交换生 fax 传真

  part—time 兼职的 professional 专业的 职业的 rich 富裕的

  fit == health 健康的 foreign 外国的 foreigner 外国人

  all over China全中国 all over the world 全世界 all over 到处

  communicate with sb跟某人交流 computer science 计算机科学


  make new year’s resolutions 制定新年决定 Write an article 写文章

  be an exchange student成为一名交换生。 leave her job 辞掉工作

  find a part—time job 找到一份兼职工作。 get good grades 获得好成绩

  become rich and fit变得富裕而健康 get over twelve faxes 受到十二个多传真

  get lots of exercise获得大量的练习 learn computer science 学习电脑科学

  keep fit == keep healthy 保持健康 hold art exhibitions 举行艺术展览

  travel all over the world旅游全世界 eat healthy food 吃健康的食物

  communicate better with a professional programmer


  send some articles to magazines and newspapers


  learn a foreign language at the same time 同时学习一门外语

  三、句型 (要求背诵)

  what 什么 how 怎样 where 在哪儿

  A: What are you going to be when you grow up ?

  B: I’m going to be a professional programmer .

  A: How are you going to do that ?

  B: First, I’m going to learn computer science and English . Then , I’m going to move New York . I’m going to a university there . At the same time I’m going to find a part—time job . Finally ,I’m going to work harder .

  A: Where are you going to work ?

  B: I’m not sure yet . Maybe Beijing or Shanghai .

  本块习题 :判断下列动作是“过去发生” 、“正在发生”还是“将来发生” ,分清时态,然后用动词正确形式填空。

  1、I ______ ( save ) a lot of money last year .

  2、The actor ______ ( act ) Beijing Opera once a week .

  3、These programmers ______ ( study ) computer science now .

  4、A pianist ______ ( learn ) to play a instrument this evening .

  5、Please ________ ( make ) new year’s resolutions .

  6、I _______ ( be ) an engineer when I ______ ( grow ) up ?

  7、Look ! Your father _______ ( communicate ) better with a professional programmer .

  8、These days the reporter ________ ( write ) a article . He _______ ( send ) it a newspaper .

  9、In a year the pilot _______ ( travel ) all over the world .

  10、We must ________ ( get ) lots of exercise and _______ ( eat ) healthier food every day .

  11、They _________ ( become ) very rich three years ago .

  12、I want ________ ( be ) a teacher . I _______ ( get ) good grades in the future .


  1、What are you going to do the day after tomorrow ?

  ( 用build a big subway 回答)

  I______ ______ ______ ______ a big subway .

  2、Where are you going to move ? ( 用somewhere interesting 回答)

  I ______ ______ ______ ______ somewhere interesting .

  3、How are you going to do that ? ( 用practice playing an instrument 回答)

  I ______ ______ ______ ______ playing an instrument .

  4、The artist is going to hold an art exhibition in two weeks . ( 划线部分提问)

  ______ ______ the artist going to ______ in two weeks ?

  5、Is the girl reader going to save lots of money ? ( 是的,回答)

  ______ , ______ ______

  6、The lady is going to make new year’s resolution . ( 否定句)

  The lady ______ ______ to make new year’s _________ .

  Unit 11 Could you please clean room ?


  chore杂务 杂事 dish盘碟 菜肴 trash垃圾废物 teenager青少年

  player运动员 唱机 living room 起居室 meeting会议 mine 我的

  snack小吃 快餐 care 照顾 照管 laundry 洗衣店 洗的衣物


  do the dishes 洗餐具 do chores 做杂务

  buy some drinks and smacks 买些饮料和小吃 do the laundry 洗衣服

  clean the living room 打扫起居室 go to a meeting 去开会

  take care of teenagers 照顾青年 take out the trash倒垃圾

  use your CD player 用你的CD唱机


  can “能 可以” ,其过去式could ;may “可以,可能”


  A: Could you ( please ) + V原 …… 你可以干……

  could语气比 能省略;

  may can更委婉 但用上,语气更委婉

  B: Yes , sure . / Sorry , I can’t . I have to + V原 ……

  (1) ----Could you please do the dishes ?

  ----Yes , sure .

  (2) ----Could you please take out the trash ?

  ----Sorry , I can’t . I have to do my homework .

  (3 ) ----Could you please take care of my sister ?

  ----Sorry , I can’t . I have to clean the living room .


  A: Could I + V原 …… 我可以干……


  may can更委婉

  B: Yes , you can . / No , you can’t .

  (1) ---- Could I use your CD player ? ---- Yes , you can .

  (2) ---- Could I buy some drinks and snacks ? ---- No , you can’t .

  (3) ---- Could I go to the movies ? ---- Yes , you can .

  3、some 用于“肯定句”,any用于“否定句”和“疑问句”中,但是在“委婉礼貌地提出要求、提出请求”的句型中,用some

  (1) ---- Could you borrow some money from your parents ?

  ---- Yes , sure .

  (2) ---- Could I invite some friends to a party ?

  ---- No , you can’t .

  本块习题 一、选择

  1、---- ______ you ______ do chores? ---- Yes , sure .

  A、Can , please B、May , please C、Could , D、Could , please

  2、---- Could you do the dishes ? ---- ____ , I can’t .

  A、Yes B、No C、Sorry

  3、---- Could I ______ the trash ? ---- Yes , you can .

  A、take B、am taking C、take out D、am taking out

  4、We have to ______ teenagers .

  A、take care B、take care of C、taking care of D 、takes care of

  5、Could you clean the ______ room ?

  A、live B、lives C、living D、to live

  6、I have to go to ______ .

  A、meeting B、an meeting C、a meeting D、a meet

  7、I like ______ the bike ______ I can be ourside .

  A、clean , because B、cleaning , because of

  C、cleaning , because D、cleaning , because of

  8、Thanks for ______ take care of my dog .

  A、take B、to take C、taking D、be taking

  9、We need more drinks and snacks . Could you buy ______ ?

  A、any B、some C、a little D、much


  1、想要儿子take out the trash ,你最好怎么说?

  ______ you ______ ______ out the trash ?

  2、想知道父母是否允许自己go to a movie ,你怎么说?

  ______ ______ ______ to a movie ?

  3、------ Could you please do the laundry ? ( 愿意洗,会答 )

  ----- ______ , ______ .

  4、-----Could you take him for a walk ? ( 不可以,自己必须go to a store )

  ----- ______ , I can’t . I ______ ______ ______ to the store .

  5、We have to look after teenagers . ( 同义句 )

  We have to ______ ______ ______ teenagers .



  sweep 扫除 清除 fold 折叠 折起来 work on 从事 忙于

  Hate 憎恨 憎恶 borrow 借入 借用 invite 邀请恳请

  feed 喂养 饲养 make one’s bed == make the bed 整理床铺


  fold your clothes 叠你的衣服 hate to do chores 讨厌做杂务

  borrow some money 借一些钱 sweep the floor 清洁地板

  take him for a walk 带它去散步 feed my dog 喂养我的狗

  go to the movies 去看电影 stay out late 待在外面时间长

  get a ride 搭车 eat breakfast 吃早餐

  have a test 考试 have fun 过得愉快

  agree with sb 同意某人的意见 watch TV 看电视

  like to cook 喜欢做饭 go to the store 去商店

  give him water and feed him 给它水并且喂养它

  wash his bowl洗它的碗play with him 跟它玩

  forget to clean the bed 忘记清洁床

  invite my friends to a party 邀请我们朋友来参加聚会






  一般将来时态be ( am is are )

  be ( was were )

  be + V ing

  be going to + V 原be + not

  isn’t aren’t

  wasn’t weren’t

  be 提到主语前


  (祈使句)V 原don’t + V 原Do+主语+ V 原

  V单三doesn’t + V 原Does+ 主语+ V 原

  一般过去时态V过去式didn’t + V 原Did +主语+V 原

  情态动词Can / could / should / may / must + V 原情态动词+ not情态动词



  1、I am in the living room now .

  ______ ______ in the living room . ( 否定句)

  ______ ______ in the living room ? (一般般疑问句)

  Yes , ______ ______ . No , ______ ______ .

  2、My grandson is sweeping the foor .

  My grandmother ______ ______ the floor .(否定句)

  ______ ______ grandson sweeping the foor ? (一般疑问句)

  Yes , ______ ______ . No , ______ ______ .

  3、The women’s engineer was talented and creative .

  The women’s engineer _______ talented and creative ( 否定句)

  ______ the women’s engineer talented and creative ? (一般疑问句)

  Yes , ______ ______ . No , ______ ______ .

  4、They are going to invite their friends to the party tomorrow .

  They ______ going to invite their friends to the party tomorrow . (否定句)

  ______ they going to invite their friends to the party tomorrow ?

  ( 一般疑问句) Yes , ______ ______ . No , _______ _______ .

  5、She borrows some money once a week .

  She ______ ______ ______ money once a week . (否定句)

  ______ she ______ ______ money once a week ? (一般疑问句)

  Yes , ______ ______ . No , ______ ______ .

  6、My daughters work on their computers every day .

  My daughters ______ ______ on their computer every day . (否定句)

  ______ ______ daughters _______ on their computers every day ?

  (一般疑问句) Yes , ______ ______ . No , ______ _______ .

  7、He took the dog for a walk last night .

  He ______ ______ the dog for a walk last night . (否定句)

  ______ he ______ the dog for a walk last night ? (一般疑问句)

  Yes , ______ ______ . No , ______ ______ .

  8、I can watch TV and play with Jim .

  I ______ watch TV ______ play with Jim . ( 否定句)

  ______ ______ you watch TV ______ play with Jim ? (一般疑问句)

  Yes , ______ ______ . No , ______ ______ .

  9、I must fold the clothes .

  I ______ fold the clothes . ( 否定句 )

  ______ ______ fold the clothes ? (一般疑问句 )

  Yes , ______ ______ . No , ______ ______ .

  Unit 12 What’s the best radio station ?


  seat 座位 quality 品质 质量 theater剧院 戏院

  cinema 电影院 screen 屏幕 荧光屏 service 服务 招待

  music 音乐 musician 音乐家 clothing (总称)衣服

  clothing store服装店 radio 无线电 无线电广播 radio station 无线电台


  far 远的 fa r from离……远 easy 容易的 difficult 困难的

  bad 坏的 badly 坏地 worse更加坏的 worst 最坏的

  close近的 close to离……近 loud 响亮的 musical 音乐的

  dull == boring 乏味的 无聊的 comfortable 舒适的 安逸的


  comfortable seats 舒适的座位 big screen 大屏幕

  be far from my home 离我的家远 be close to my home 离我的家近

  good quality clothing 优质服装 good clothing store 优质服装点

  good radio station 优秀电视台 friendly service 友有好的服务

  worst cinema 最差的电影院 worse theater 更糟糕的剧院

  boring Tvshow 乏味的电视节目 loud musicial group 喧闹的乐队

  funny musician幽默的音乐家 expensive service 昂贵的服务


  形容词有三个等级:原级、比较级、最高级 。一个对象的特点、性能不跟任何对象作比较,用原级;两个对象的特点、性能进行比较时,用比较级;三个或三个以上对象的特点或性能进行比较时,用最高级。

  (一)、单音节和部分双音节形容词后加ed 构成最高级。est读作 / Ist /

  “形容词 + est ”的方法:


  loud响亮的---- loudest最响亮的 dull乏味的---- dullest最乏味的


  close近的---- closest最近的

  (3)、以“重度闭音节”结尾,且末尾只有“一个辅音字母” 的,先双写辅音字母,再加est

  big大的---- biggest最大的 thin瘦的---- thinnist最瘦的

  (4)、以“辅音字母 + y ” 结尾的,变y 为i ,再加est

  funny有趣的----funniest最有趣的 easy容易的 ---- easiest最容易的

  (二)、多音节形容词(比较长) ,前面加most 构成最高级。

  comfortable 舒适的---- most comfortable 最舒适的

  interesting有趣的---- most interesting 最有趣的

  expensive 昂贵的---- most expensive 最昂贵的


  good / well 好 ---- best 最好 bad / badly坏---- worst最坏

  many / much多---- most最多 little 少---- least最少

  far远 ---- fathest / furthest 最远



  (2)、最高级前面要加定冠词the ( 但是,最高级前面有“形容词性物主代词” 或“名词所有格” ,去掉the )

  (3)、最高级后面可以带“ of 短语” 或“in 短语” ,说明比较范围。

  of 短语:of all 在所有的里面 of the three 在这三个里面

  of the four在这四个里面 of the five 在这五个里面

  in 短语: in the classroom在教室里 in China 在中国

  本块习题 一、根据汉语,用所给形容词正确形式填空

  1、最好的无线电台是什么?( good )

  What’s ______ ______ radio station ?

  2、它有最大的屏幕。( big )

  It has ______ ______ screens .

  3、它有最舒适的座位。( comfortable )

  It has _______ ______ ________ sests .

  4、哪家是最坏的服装店?( bad )

  Which is ______ ______ clothing store ?

  5、他给我们提供最好的服务。( friendly )

  They give us ______ ______ service .

  6、在所有的乐队里,这个乐队是最喧闹的。( loud )

  This musicial group is ______ ______ of all .


  Which is ______ ______ _____ __ TV of the three ?


  The theater is ______ ______ to my home .


  1、几个以o 结尾名词的复数形式

  radio ---- radios 收音机 photo ---- photos 照片

  potato ---- photatoes马铃薯 tomato ---- tomatoes西红柿

  2、clothing store 服装店


  3、be close to a place离一个地方近 be far from a place 离一个地方远

  (1)、The cinema is close to my house . 这个电影院离我家近。

  The cinema is far from my house . 这个电影院离我家远。

  (2)、The theater is close to the radio station . 这个剧院离无线电台近

  The theater is far from the radio station . 这个剧院离无线电台远

  4、easy “容易的” ,其反义词是difficult “困难的”

  5、music 音乐 musician 音乐家 musical 音乐的

  He is a musician . He likes music . He is in the loudest musical group .

  本块习题 二、选择

  1、Lots of ______ came to the party last Sunday .

  A、music B、musical C、musician D、musicians

  2、My school ______ that cinema .

  A、close to B、far from C、is close to D、is far to

  3、Which is the best ______ ?

  A、clothing’s B、clothing stores C、clothes store D、clothing store

  4、Here are two ______ and some ______ .

  A、radioes, photoes B、radios , photos

  5、My son likes ______ and ______ .

  A、tomatos , potatos B、tomatoes , potatoes

  6、The theater has ______ service of all .

  A、good B、better C、best D、the best

  7、The story is ______ of the three .

  A、the boringest B、most boring C、the most boring D、more boring

  8、This cinema is ______ than that cinema .

  A、bad B、bader C、worse D、the worst

  9、His uncle is a ______ person .

  A、funny B、funnier C、funniest D、the funniest



  Jeans 牛仔裤 meal 餐 饭 distance 距离 路程

  talent天才 才干 talented有天才的 天赋的 talent show才艺表演

  success 成功 successful 成功的 province 省份

  perform 表演 performer 演员 演出者 still 还 仍然

  with跟同和 具有 without 无 没有 together 一起一块


  love喜爱 lovely 美丽的 可爱的 loving 慈爱的 enough 足够

  far 远的 father 更加远的 farthest 最远的 near 近的

  south南方 southern 南方的 north 北方 northern 北方的

  west 西方 western西方的


  popular music 流行音乐 bad story 糟糕的故事

  interesting movie 有趣的电影 expensive jeans 昂贵的牛仔裤

  quiet street 安静的街道 creative performer有创造力的演员

  beautiful piano piece 优美的钢琴曲 warm clothes 保暖衣

  be still cold 仍然寒冷 funny actor 幽默的演员

  lovely beaches 美丽的海滩 loving old man 慈爱的老人

  in Southern China在华南 in Northern China 在华北

  nearest place 最近的地方 farthest place 最远的地方

  Hainan Province 海南省 a successful talent show一次成功的才艺表演

  sing a beautiful song together 一块唱一首美丽的歌曲





  或前加morethanmuch = a lot = far

  a little == a bit



  或前加mostof all

  of the three

  in 短语the




  1、My son likes listening to __________ ( popular ) music .

  2、This story is __________ ( bad ) than that one .

  3、Which is __________ ( interesting ) movie , the first one , the second one or the third one ?

  4、This pair of jeans is _________ ( expensive ) of the three .

  5、He won the prize for the ________ ( creative ) performer .

  6、Who do you think is ________ ( funny ) actor of the four ?

  7、We should wear ________ ( warm ) clothes in winter .

  8、The pianist is playing a ________ ( beautiful ) piano piece .

  9、My mother lives in a ________ ( quiet ) street .

  10、There are ________ ( lovely ) beaches in Hainan Province .

  11、My home is ________ ( far ) than your home .

  八年级英语上册Units 7-12复习学案

  Units 7-12复习学案

  教师寄语: Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.

  经验是智慧之父,记忆是智慧之母。一、 学习目标知识目标: 掌握重点单词、短语如:turn on , too…to, invite, take care of, enough等。熟练运用句型How do you make…\When were you born\Could you please…及be going to 结构 能力目标: 学会用英语描述制作某物,提问出生日期,谈论将来,作比较及礼貌的提出请求。情感目标:在复习中积累知识,沉淀快乐,体味温故而知新的乐趣。二、教学重、难点:be going to 结构 及单词短语的识记

  三、学习步骤 Step 1预习导学或自测 ◆翻译下列短语:打开 切碎 把…倒入 闲逛

  将来 太…而不能… 出生 参加

  长大 铺床 照顾 足够大

  ◆将下列问题与答案匹配 How do you make a vegetable soup? A. I was born on December 20,1992. When were you born? B. Clean and cut up the ingredients. Could you please take out the trash? C. Sure I can. How was your school trip? D. Yes, I am .I believe I can . Are you going to be a football player like Messi(梅西)? E. Terrible . What do you think is the best cinema? F .Maybe the Movie Palace. ◆情景导入教师准备以下几张图片:奶昔,阿凡达,世博会中国馆或非洲馆,足球先生梅西,然后将几张图片用英文串起来。语言要与复习内容相关,(涉及理想,影院,制作过程,旅游等)。 教学资源集散地。" type="#_x0000_t75"> Step 2 自主学习 ◆浏览Units7-12 重点单词及短语,回忆其用法。◆复习各单元语法聚焦部分,熟记语法点。 ◆背诵各单元3a语篇内容。 Step 3合作探究 ◆词语辨析 1.much \many: much+ eg: 你需要多少酸奶?两杯。 many+ eg: 树上有多少苹果?二十个。 2. on ( )up turn down( ) off eg:请关掉电视,宝贝在睡觉。

  3.win \beat: win a game\win sth. eg:傍晚时,我们终于赢得了比赛。­­­­­­ beat sb. in sth.(或a match) eg:他经常在网球比赛中打败我。___________________________ 4.too…to…与not…(形容词、副词)enough及so…that…(如此…以至于…) The ice is too thin for me to skate on.=The ice is for me to skate

  = The ice is thin I can’t skate on it. 5.take(good) care of=look after(well)eg :你能好好照看我的狗吗? Step4. 拓展创新 Too much meat is bad for us. He drives much too fast. too much \much too意思分别是

  Step5梳理归纳 ◆祈使句多以动词原形开头。 ◆一般过去时:表示过去发生的事情或存在的状态,谓语动词使用过去式。判别方法看时间状语(yesterday ,in 1997, last Sunday,8 days ago)或语境。 ◆be going to:表示将要发生的事或打算计划决定要做的事情,后跟动词原形。★There is going to be+单数名词 \There are going to be +复数名词,表示“将会有…” Step6. 达标检测〈一〉单项选择( )1. ­—Where is Tom’s and Peter’s homework? —The two students_____ ill yesterday, and they didn’t come to school. A. are all B. were all C. are both D. were both ( ) 2. —Lovely weather, ______it?—Yes,it is warm today. A. doesn’t B. isn’t C. won’t D. wasn’t ( ) 3. —______ does he swim? —He swims twice a week. A. How long B. How soon C. How old D. How often ( ) 4.Thank you, mum. I won’t do it so well _____ your help. A. with B. without C. in D. under ( ) 5. If Mr. Smith comes, ask him to leave a __________. A. message B. sentence C. notice D. news ( ) 6. The boy wanted to be an engineer when he was a child,__ in the end he became an actor. A. and B. so C. or D. but ( ) 7. — Be quiet, please! The baby _______. — Sorry. A. sleeps B. slept C. is sleeping D. was sleeping ( ) 8. —John, you really did a good job. —Thanks, but I think I can do it even better if I have time.

  A. many B. much C. more D. less ( ) 9. — Would you mind my smoking here?— ________. It says “NO Smoking”. A. Not at all B. You’d better not C. I think so D. No problem ( ) 10. Go and tell the boy with the fire. It’s too dangerous. A. don’t play B. not play C. not to play D. not playing ( ) 11.He was _____ tired _______ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down. A. so; that B. too; to C. enough; to D. such; that ( ) 12. —Look! ___ carefully the girl is writing!--Yes, she is always very strict with herself. A. How B. What C. what a D. How a ( ) 13. Dictionary is a good teacher. You’d better _______ the new words in a dictionary instead of keeping asking others. A. put up B. wake up C. set up D. look up ( ) 14. The visitors are going to ______ three days in Henannext week. A. spend B. pay C. cost D. take ( ) 15. The beautiful music made the kids ________ . They began to dance to it. A. bored B. boring C. excited D. exciting 〈二〉完形填空 Here’s a ___16___for a great turkey sandwich!___17__, put butter on two __18__ of bread. Then, __19__up two ___20__. Put the tomato ___21__ the bread. __22__, add two slices of_23__. __24_, put two teaspoons of __25__on the turkey. Then you can enjoy it. It must be delicious. 〈三〉.阅读理解Ladies’ Shop

  We have all kinds of clothes, bags, shoes and so on for ladies. Please come and see! Business hours: 8am-9pm

  The Chinese Red Cross

  We hope you can do more for the people in the earthquake-hit areas. You can donate(捐赠) on www. Red cross . org. cn

  Great Basketball Game

  China VS America Date: January 20th Time: 5:00 PM Tel: 0375-7807729

  English Teacher Wanted

  Age: between 20-40 Loving teaching and children Tel: 0375-7807729

  A B C D TVXQ Comes to Pingdingshan Want to spend a wonderful evening? Want to enjoy exciting pop music? Want to see TVXQ’s perfect performance? Place: Yingcheng Square Time: 7:30 pm, February 6th Ticket: ¥280 E 下面是有关Ann, John, Mr. Wang, Mike and Miss Lee的一些信息,请根据这些信息,查读广告内容,将他们最有可能感兴趣的广告标号填入各人信息前的括号内(每空只可以填一个标号,且每则广告只对应一个信息)。 ( ) 26. Ann likes music very much. She often goes to the concert. TVXQ(东方神起) is her favorite. ( ) 27. John’s mother’s birthday is coming. He is going to buy a nice present for his mother. ( ) 28. Mr. Wang is a basketball fan. He likes watching basketball games a lot. ( )29.Mike will graduate (毕业) from a language university next year. He is looking for a job. ( ) 30. Miss Lee is very kind. She is always ready to help others. 〈四〉书面表达提示:Sonia邀请Henry ,但Henry很忙,不能去。请根据Henry的安排给Sonia发一份电子邮件。 Henry's calendar(日程表):

  Monday: study for the math test

  Tuesday: go to the guitar lesson

  Wednesday: do homework

  Thursday: help my parents with housework

  Friday: Susan's party

  要求:1. 邮件内容要包括提示及日程表里的主要内容 2. 格式正确,语言无误3. 词数:不少于80词

  四、典型例题解析There is going to a football match tomorrow. A. have B. has C. be D. is 解析:C. There be 的一般将来时态根据其主语的单复数形式分别是There is going to be 和There are going to be,应注意与have 表示所属的区别。

  五、中考链接(2010,安徽,99题).Tom i_____ (邀请) all his best friends to his birthday party last Sunday. 答案:invited 解析:由 时间状语last Sunday 可推知时态为一般过去式时,故用invited. 六.课后反思我的收获:___________________________________________________________________ 我的不足:_____________________________________________________________


  一、1-5 DBDBA 6-10 DCCBC 11-15 AADAC 二、16.shake;17.Peel;18.Mix;19.add;20.teaspoons;21.instructions;22.bread;23.cut; 24.sandwiches; 25.turkey 三、26-30 EDBAC


  Dear Sonia,

  How are you?

  You asked me to visit the Great Wall next week, I’d love to, but I can’t. Next week, I’ll be very busy. I’ll study for the math test on Monday. And on Tuesday, I’ll have to go to the guitar lesson. I usually have a lot of homework on Wednesday, so I have to stay at home and spend much time on it that day. Then on Thursday, I’ll do some housework. You know, my parents are very busy, they are tired after work, I think I should do something helpful. Susan’s party will come on Friday. So I don’t think we can go to the PalaceMuseum together next week. That’s a pity. I do hope we can find other time to do things together.

  Best wishes!


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