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导读: 五年级上册英语书苏教版(共5篇)...




一单元:新学期的第一天 the first day of the new term

1.互相 each other

2.在学校 at school

3.所有的学生 all the students

4.一座新大楼 a new building

5.许多房间 lots of rooms

6.在大楼里 in the building

7.我不确定。 I’m not sure

8.看一看 have a look

.让我看看。 Let me see

10.在花园 in the garden

11.在你家附近 near your house

12.好主意 good idea

13.许多花和树 a lot of flowers and trees

14.在盘子里 on the plate

15.在街上 in the street

16.在阅览室 in the reading room

17.第一天 the first day

18.三间乒乓室 three table tennis rooms


1.居住 live in

2.在他家附近 near his house.

3.他的父母亲 his parents

4.非常 very much

5.住在一间新房子里 live in a new house

6.在床上 on the bed

7.一间大的客厅 a large sitting-room


8.在你的卧室 in your bedroom

9一幅世界地图 a map of the world

10.在墙上 on the wall

11.一部电话 a telephone

12.一些图片 some pictures

13.在课桌上 on the desk

14.在桌子下 under the table

15.在门后 behind the door

16.在盒子里 in the box

17.在猫的嘴里 in the cats mouth

18.在我的书包旁边 near my school bag

19.穿红色外套的妇女 the women in the red coat

20.在沙发上 on the sofa


1.下午两点 two oclock in the afternoon

2.在音乐教室 in the music

3.上一节英语课 have an English lesson

4.唱歌跳舞 sing and dance

5.在教室里 in the classroom

6.拉小提琴 play the violin

7.弹钢琴 play the piano

8.唱一首歌 sing a song

9.学英语 learn English

10.骑自行车 ride a bike

11.听我说 listen to me

12.四点钟 four oclock

13.下课后 after class

14.模仿我 follow me

15.一起做飞机模型 make a model plane together

16.弹吉它 play the guitar

17.把书放在椅子上 put a book on the chair

18.找到他 find him

19.让我们开始吧。 Lets start

20.做个木偶 make a puppet

21.喜欢滑冰 like skating

22.吃个冰淇淋 have an ice cream

23.在教师的讲台下 under the teachers desk

24.打篮球 play basketball

25.在黑板后面 behind the blackboard


1.他的家人 his family

2.买东西 buy things

3.买些面具 buy some masks

4.需要些巧克力 need some chocolate

5.一些花和一个花瓶 some flowers and a vase

6.一个南瓜灯 a pumpkin lantern

7.什么面具 what mask

8.喜欢老虎面具 like tiger mask

9.多少钱 how much


10.一位公交车司机 a bus driver

11.在星期天 on Sunday

12.喜欢做饭 like cooking

13.看电视 watch TV

14.听音乐 listen to music

15.打乒乓球 play table tennis

16.在晚上 in the evening

17.找你的零钱 heres your change

18.画画 draw a picture

19.玩电脑游戏 play a computer game


1.星期天上午 Sunday morning

2.在家 at home

3.做家务 do housework

4.做家庭作业 do homework

5.扫地 sweep the floor

6.擦窗子 clean the windows

7.帮我学数学 help me with my Maths

8.今天下午 this morning

9.洗衣服 wash clothes

10.你是对的 youre right

11.做蛋糕 make a cake

12.找到我 find me

13.帮助我 help m

14.……怎么样 how about

15.上一节数学课 have a Maths lesson


1.放学后 after school

2.寻找 look for

3.在下午 in the afternoon

4.在办公室 in the office

5.在操场上 in the playground

6.打篮球 play basketball

7.来加入他们 come and join them

8.去操场 go to the playground

9.去图书馆 go to the library1

0.在图书馆学习 study in the library

11.打扫图书馆 clean the library

12.看报纸 read a newspaper

13.看杂志 read a magazine

14.看图画书 read a picture book

15.下棋 play chess

16.打牌 play cards

17.玩悠悠球 play with a yo-yo

18.坐在篮球上 sit on the basketball

19.追赶 run after

20.在床上跳 jump on the bed

21.吃狗粮 eat the dogs food

22.在狗头上跳舞 dance on the dogs head


1.一次野营旅行 a camping trip

2.在小山附近 near the hill

3.在营地 at the camping site

4.互相展示他们的东西 show their thing to each other

5.一个大的帐篷 a big tent

6.坐在他的帐篷旁 sit near his tent

7.一听鸡肉 a tin of chicken

8.一听鱼肉 a tin of fish

9.在那边 over there

10.两床毛毯 two blankets

11.一盒巧克力 a box of chocolate

12.一些水果 some fruit

13.许多玩具 a lot of toys

14.长头发 long hair

15.一只瘦猴子 a thin monkey

16.跑跳 run and jump

17.画一张脸 draw a face

18.一张大嘴巴 a big mouth

19.一个大鼻子 a big nose

20.在冰箱里 in the fridge


1.什么形状 what shape

2.一节艺术课 an Art lesson

3.怎样画画 how to draw

4.放风筝 fly a kite

5.一个正方形的橡皮 a square rubber

6.多少个圆形 how many circles

7.八个三角形 eight triangles

8.到黑板上来 come to the blackboard

9.画一个圆 draw a circle

10.一个五角星 a star

11.一张新年卡片 a New Year card

12.在纸上 on the paper

13.画一些树和星星 draw some trees and stars

14.怎样做贺卡 how to make a card

15.画六个长方形 draw six rectangles

16.新年快乐! Happy New Year

17.听 listen to

18.拿……玩 play…with

19.再见。 See you.

20.在音乐课上 at the music lesson




Day 一天,白天 at school 在学校,在上课 all 所有的,全部的 a lot(of)许多,大量 room 房间 any任何的,一些 house 房子住宅 flower 花 first 第一(的) of 。。。的 term 学期 back 回原处 each other 互相 building 大楼,建筑物 reading room阅览室 sure 有把握的 table tennis 乒乓球 toilet 厕所 garden 花园 swing 秋千 slide花体,滑道 street 街,街道


Live 居住,生活 bedroom 卧室,寝室 study书房 large大的 under在。。。下面 behind在。。。。。后面 door 门 parent 父母 bathroom 浴室 kitchen 厨房 dining-room餐厅 sitting-room 起居室 world 世界 wall 墙 telephone 电话机,电话 sofa(长)沙发 lamp 灯 mouses鼠


Lesson 课,功课 sing唱,唱歌 song歌曲 dance 跳舞 play 演奏 learn学习,学会 make制造,做 put 放,摆 him(用作宾语)他 music 音乐 have 进行,从事 first 先,首先 start 开始 listen to 听 follow 跟随,仿效 together 一起 skate 滑冰 溜冰 ski滑雪 model 模型 ride 骑(马,自行车) find找到,发现 aah(因惊奇或出乎意料而发出啊)的声音

UNIT 4【五年级上册英语书苏教版】

Family 家庭,家庭成员 thing 东西,物品 need需要 horse 马 pig 猪 work工作,劳动 with 和 evening 傍晚,晚上 Halloween 万圣节前夕(10月31日) tomorrow明天 vase 花瓶 mask 面具 lantem 灯笼 pumpkin南瓜 else别的,其他的 change 兆头,零钱 chicken小鸡,鸡肉, duck 鸭子,鸭肉 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天 cook 烹调 animal 动物


Morning早晨 home 家 help帮助 maths数学 sleep睡觉 jump 跳跃 walk 步行,散步 housework 家务劳动 at home 在家 ring 钟,铃等响 sweep扫,扫除 floor地面,地板 hoomwork 家庭作业 help。。。with。。。 See you。再见。 Stand站,立 sit坐 wash 洗涤,冲洗 clothes 复数 衣服


After 在。。。以后 ,在,,,后面 class 课,班级 look for 寻找 join参加加入 study学习,攻读 newspaper报纸 picture book 图画书,画册 play with 拿。。。玩,和。。。一起玩 after school 放学后 over 结束的 magazine 杂志 chess 棋 card纸牌 run after 追赶 food食物食品 cry哭,喊叫 laugh笑,大笑 game 游戏,比赛 UNIT 8

Children 孩子们 hill 小山 show 给。。。看,出示 fish鱼,鱼肉 fat 胖的,肥的 thin瘦的 camping trip 野营旅行 camping site 野营营地 tent 帐篷 tin 罐头 tin-opener开罐器 pot 锅 stove 火炉,电炉,煤炉 blanket 毛毯,毯子 telescope 望远镜 towel 毛巾 elephant 大象


Shape 形状 teach 教教书 fly飞,放(风筝,飞行模型) us(用作宾语)我们 sun 太阳 moon 月亮 star 星形,星形物 year年 know 知道,懂 paper纸 art艺术,美术 about关于 square 正方形方形物 rectangle 长方形 ciecle 圆 diamond菱形,菱形的 triangle三角形,三角形的 then 然后 Happy New Year!祝你新年快乐 grangparents

祖父母,外祖父母 forgrt 忘记 grandpa 爷爷,外公 only 只,仅仅



姓名 班级 得分 一、单词辨音:判断划线部分读音是否一致,对的打“√”,错的打“×。

1. Cake cat ( ) 2. house flower ( ) 3. There here ( ) 4. plate grape ( )


1.许多 2.看一看 3.在学校 4.一幢新大楼

5.阅览室 6. I’m not sure 7. Good idea

8. the first day 9. all the teachers 10. near the swing


( )1.There ___________ an apple and a banana on the table . A. Are B. Is C. am

( )2. Is there a swing in the garden ? No ,__________ . A. there is B. there isn’t . C. there are .

( )3. Are there__________ books in the bag ? A. Any B. Some C. much【五年级上册英语书苏教版】

( )4. How many ____________are there in your school ? A. Classroom B. Classrooms C. a classroom

( )5. All the________________ are in the office . A. Teacher B. Teachers C. a teacher

( )6. There___________ some swings and a slide in the park . A. Is B. Am C. are

( )7.There is a toilet_________ the building . A. In B. On C. at

( )8. There__________ some bread on the plate . A. Is B. Am C. are

( )9. Shall _____________go and have a look ? A. Us B. He C. we

( )10. There are some cars__________ the street . A. In B. On C. At


1. There (be)some girls on the slide .2. There are (some) boys in the playground .

3. I can see a lot of (bird).4. How many (toilet) are there ?

5. Let ( I ) see


( )What’s your name? ( ) Are there any flowers? ( )What would you like? ( )How many boys are there? ( )Is there a slide?

A.There are four. B I’m not sure. C.Helen. D.No,there aren’t. E.Some apples,please.


1、花园里有一个秋千吗?有。 there a swing________ the _______? Yes ,_________ ____________ .

2.树上有一些小鸟吗?没有。___________there_________ birds_______ the ________ ? No ,_______ ________ .

3.盘子里有个鸡蛋吗?没有。___________there_______ egg __________the plate ? No ,__________ ________ .

4.滑梯上有多少女孩?有三个。How_________ ______ are there the slide ? There are _______ .


1、can what you see box in the

What ______ you _________in_________ __________?

2、there toys under are any the table

__________ there __________ toys _________ the _________?

3、I sure am not

________ __________ ___________ _______.


There are three trees near the twins’(双胞胎) house . There is one bigtree andtwo small trees . In the big tree there is a bird . Can the bird sing(唱)? Yes , itcan . What’s that near the big tree ? It’s a cat .“ I want(想)some food (食物) .” thinks(想)the cat .“ Bird , come here , and it’s time for tea .” says the cat.“Not today,thankyou .”says the bird,“Youcan’tcatch(捉住)metoday .Good bye ! ”

( ) 1. There are_________ small trees near the house . A. two B. three C. no D. many

( ) 2. There is abird __________A. in the small tree B. on the small tree C. in the big tree D. on the big tree【五年级上册英语书苏教版】

( ) 3. The cat wants to eat __________.A. some tea B. the bird C. a cake D. some trees

( ) 4. At last(最后),________A. the bird goes away (走了) . B . the cat goes away C. the cat catches the bird

D. The bird gets down(下来)from the tree




( ) 1. A . should B.shouldn’t C . can

( ) 2. A . badly B. really C . ring

( ) 3. A . skip B . say C . secret

( ) 4. A . farm B . game C . mum

( ) 5. A . miss B . mine C . smell


( ) 1. A . I can catch the ball well.

B . I can play football well.

C . I can play basketball well.

( ) 2. A . He can't see . B . He can't hear .

C . He can't walk .

( ) 3. A . I get up at 7:30. B . I go to school at 8:00.

C . I go to bed at 8:30.

( ) 4. A . I feel angry . B . I fell hungry . C . I feel happy .

( ) 5. A . You shouldn't walk in the road .

B . You should walk in the road .

C . You shouldn't ride fast on the road .


( ) 1. A .Yes , she is . B . No ,it’s Linglin’s. C . Yes ,I do .

( ) 2. A . No , I didn’t . B . Yes ,I do. C . Yes, she did .

( ) 3. A . They walk to school . B . They play in the playground .

C . They went to the Great Wall.

( ) 4. A . Yes .Here you are . B . Yes .Dogs are useful .

C . No, we can’t have a dog

( ) 5. A . By bus. B . At 7:30. C . No, it isn’t .


一、判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“S ”,不同的写“D”。

1. mouth mother ( ) 2. game name ( )

3. dog nose ( ) 4. skip give ( )

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相关热词搜索:五上英语书苏教版 苏教版六上册英语书


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