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2015-07-06 14:31:49 编辑: 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 以下是中国招生考试网 http: www chinazhaokao com)为大家整理的《父亲节英语作文内容:家有酷老爸》的文章,供大家参考阅读!“喂喂喂, ...

以下是中国招生考试网 http://www.chinazhaokao.com)为大家整理的《父亲节英语作文内容:家有酷老爸》的文章,供大家参考阅读!

"Hey, come have a look! How was your dad this dress?"
Every morning, my father will do a lot of. Stem what? Tell me about it, the mirror Bai! He, at half past five every day got up, again and again are in front of the mirror to be half an hour, see a close shave no, face is not washed clean, wearing today which blouses and collocation which pants, which pair of shoes - - - - - - not to engage in good is never turns away from the mirror. At six o'clock, everything was ready, Dad came to my bedside "Guikulanghao", every day "Hao" is a question: "fast rise eyes to see, my dad dressed today how, cool, huh?" I even eyebrows did not move for a moment and said; "well, cool, cool, very cool, very cool, almost caught up with David Beckham!"
A listen to father, happy with the lottery like, toward my mother then smile: "your daughter said today I like Beckham, really good taste!"
Busy to seven points, get a lot of praise father, finally out of the house to be rash and too much in haste. "Oh, I sent this clown!" mother finally look cheerful. "Want to cool and is not a bad thing, there is a cool dad, I also can dip dipping! Don't I say, beautiful clothes, shoes, dad will take the initiative to buy to me, hey hey!" I secretly joy.
In the evening, my father came home from work, to change the room immediately. After that, he happily told me: "Hey, today and colleagues again I am cool and young again!"
Haha, a cool dad, l

父亲节英语作文内容:家有酷老爸相关热词搜索:父亲节英语作文有翻译 关于父亲节的英语作文


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