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my teacher英语作文

2019-05-14 09:46:21 编辑:huantt 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   老师伴我们成长,给予我们知识,你知道怎么写一篇英语老师的英语作文吗?以下是中国招生考试网分享的my teacher英语作文,希望能帮助到大 ...

  老师伴我们成长,给予我们知识,你知道怎么写一篇英语老师的英语作文吗?以下是中国招生考试网分享的my teacher英语作文,希望能帮助到大家!

  my teacher英语作文

  Miss Hou is my high school English teacher. Her English name is Jenny. She looks so weak that a strong wind may blow her away. She is not too tall, about 150cm. She is experiened of English teaching. She teaches me for three years.In the other word, she is the only English teacher during my high school study. She is special. She will show an English song to us before her class. A few days later, she will ask us to follow the singing on the tape. I can still remember some songs she taught us. It is strang that she looks so weak, but no one in my class will against her word. I think maybe is because her own personality.Everyone respects her. She is serious in work, so that our whole class’s English is good. Happily, she is our friend after class. She always palys badminton with us. She is also ready to help us if we have any difficultiy. In my mind, a good teacher is more than a million books. And she will be my mentor forever. Jenny, my teacher, I love you.


  my teacher英语作文

  My English teacher appears very beautiful and she looks about 40 years old.She has a son.Our English teacher is very strict with us,and sometimes,she is very friendly and kind to us.She is also humorous.On the April Fools Day,she said to us,"you are going to have a holiday this afternoon".Many students thought it true.

  Many students dare not talk,because she is very strict.We are afraid that we cannot pass the exam,because the teacher will criticise us if we dont pass.She doesnt give us too much homework,and she doesnt give us too much pressure.Sometimes,we like our Engllish teacher.I like English,and I like my English teacher.


  在上课的时候很多同学都不敢说话,因为老师很严格。我们害怕考试不及格,因为老师会批评我们。 英语老师布置的作业不是很多,没有给我们太大的压力。有时 我们很喜欢英语老师。

  my teacher英语作文

  In my middle school I had many good teachers, but Mr. Zhang was the one I partic ularly liked and respected. He was a middle-aged intellectual who lived a simple and hard working life but was always optimistic and spared no effort in teaching us.

  He was a scholar of Chinese literature and history. We felt that he knew everything in this field. His knowledge and eloquence, as well as his klndness, made his lectures so attrative and touching that we were reluctant to hear the bell ringing to dismiss the class.

  One lesson he gave us that I cannot forget concerned some quotations from a pupil of Confucius, who always felt at ease in spite of his life of abject poverty. In his lecture, Mr. Zhang revealed his true feelings in devoting himself to teaching all his life. This deeply moved us all.

  I respect Mr. Zhang and should learn from his noble spirit and do my best to study hard for our great socialist country.






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