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my ideal robot

2016-01-09 10:15:24 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: my ideal robot篇一:牛津9B unit 2 Robot (Integrated skills)课件 ...

本文是中国招生考试网(www.chinazhaokao.com)成考报名频道为大家整理的《my ideal robot》,供大家学习参考。

my ideal robot篇一:牛津9B unit 2 Robot (Integrated skills)课件

my ideal robot篇二:The Robot

The Robot

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Jin He is my name. I am very excited to give you the speech.

Now you will watch the video. CCTV_1 has broadcasted it on the Spring Festival Eve of 2012. The robot dancing project is made by the professor and students in Ha’erbin Industrial University.

Is it wonderful? Do you like them?

First, I will talk about the Artificial Intelligence. It is a computer that simulate [,simju'leit](模拟)human intelligence behavior theory, technology and application. It’s a new field of computer application. (计算机模拟人类某些智力行为的理论、技术和应用。人工智能是计算机应用的一个新的领域,这方面的研究和应用正处于发展阶段) The robot is one of the research and application.

1. How do you think about the robot?

When I was a pupil, my classmate has lended a story book which wrote a kind of machine that had the great wisdom like human being. It can help us to do the difficult works. So I think robot is the wonderful tool.

But the United Nations Organization for standardization adopted the United States of America to Robot Association under the definition of robot: "a programmable and multifunctional operation machine; or to perform different tasks with available computer changed and a special system programmable action."(联合国标准化组织采纳了美国机器人协会给机器人下的定义:”可编程和多功能的操作机;或是为了执行不同的任务而具有可用电脑改变和可编程动作的专门系统”。)

2.What is the robot composed of?

It is made up of actuator, driving device, a detection device, a control system and a complex mechanical. We human being do exercise with muscle, bones and joint. They are similar to the actuator of the robot. The second, driving device drives the movement of the body actuator; in accordance with the control system sends an instruction signal, by means of dynamic components, the robot action.(驱动装置驱使执行机构运动;按照控制系统

发送的指令信号,借助于动力原件使机器人运动)Sounds like the engine of a car. The next: a detection device. It is real time detection of movement of the robot and working condition, the required feedback to the control system, and setting information for comparison, to adjust the implementing agencies, in order to ensure the robot movements in accordance with predetermined:

[,pri:di'tə:mind] (预定的) requirements. (实时检测机器人的运动和工作条件,根据需要反馈给控制系统,与设定的信息进行比较,对执行机构进行调整,为了保证机器人的动作符合预定的要求) Oh, I feel cold today. My skin get the information .Then my nervous system transmits the information to our brain. The robot brain is the control system. It is the center of robot. One is the centralized control (the robot's control by a microcomputer to complete). Another is dispersed (level) control, which uses multiple computers to share the robot control. Our brain can analyze so much information. So is the control system. The last part: a complex mechanical is so complex. It is the hardware of the robot.

3. The robot history

Let’s talk about the robot history. As we know, the robot is a typical example of computer artificial intelligence. The computer is the core(核心)of robot.

Let we see these three pictures.

The first generation of robot is manipulator;

The second generation robot can feed back the outside information. There are certain tactile(触觉), visual and auditory(听觉);

The third generation robot is a real robot, with perception(感知) and understanding the surrounding environment, the use of language, reasoning(推理), planning(规划) and manipulating(操纵) tool skills, imitation(模仿) of human performing some action.

4. The robot application

The robot is not afraid of fatigue [fə'ti:g](疲劳), high precision(精确), strong adaptability, is now used for

conveying(搬运), spraying(喷漆), welding(焊接), assembly(组装) and other work. The robot can replace people in the heavy labor in dangerous work,in radiation, pollution toxic:

['tɔksik](有毒的),high temperature, low temperature and high pressure, underwater work environment.(机器人不怕疲劳,精确度高,适应力强,现已开始用于搬运、喷漆、焊接、装配等工作中。机器人还能代替人在危险工作中进行繁重的劳动,如在有放射线、污染有毒、高温、低温、高压、水下等环境中工作。)

If you are interested in robot, you may concern the robot competition. As I know, Japan is usually the champion. China is making progress. I think we will have a brighter future in the field of the robot research.

My talk is over. Ms Chen, thank you for giving me the opportunity to practice my speaking-English. Lin Yi, our monitor thanks for recommending me. And thank all of you for listening to my speech. Do you have any questions?

my ideal robot篇三:必修二unit3--Writing

my ideal robot篇四:八年级作文下


My ideal robot can walk like a human and even climb stairs. It looks like a girl. Every morning she will come into my bedroom and wake me up. After I get up, she will make the breakfast for me. Then she will do the dishes, clean the table and sweep the floor. She can also show me the latest news and weather reports. When I was bored, she can tell jokes, sing songs and even dance for me. Wow, that’s really exciting.


提示词: put … away 把……收拾好

Dear friend,

What a terrible day today! This morning I was late for school and my teacher was angry with me. Then I found I forgot my science book. Since I stayed up late last night, I felt sleepy in class this afternoon. I could hardly hear what the teacher said. Could you please give me some advice?


Looking for Help

Dear Looking for Help,

There are many things you should do. First, I’m afraid you’re wrong to be late for class, so you should get up early in the morning and get to school on time. And you should go to bed earlier at night. Before going to bed, you should put away your school things. If you do so, I’m sure you will become a happy student.


our friend


Time Events

2:28 pm, May 12th, 2008 A big earthquake happened in Wenchuan, Sichuan.

8:00 pm, August 8th, 2008 The 29th Olympics opened in Beijing. September 25th, 2008 Shenzhou Ⅶ went into space.

I still remember what I was doing when these important events happened. When

the big earthquake happened on May 12th, 2008, I was taking a math lesson in the classroom. I felt very sorry. And I was watching TV with my parents when the 29th Olympics opened in Beijing. How exciting it was! When Shenzhou Ⅶ went into space on September 25th, I was listening to the radio with my classmates. We talked about it a lot.

四、书面表达( 15分)



语文A 你的作文写得非常好,希望你继续努力!

数学A 你很聪明,不过还得再细心一些(more careful)哦!

英语C 你一直都很努力,希望你多听、多说。

物理B 物理可能有一点难,但你能做得更好!

科学A 我相信你的聪明和努力!

历史A 除了课本,你需要多读一些历史故事。

Dear Tom,


Li Hua

Dear Tom,

I got my report card today. I got As in Chinese, math, science and history. My Chinese teacher said that I did well in writing. My history teacher encouraged me to read more stories. And I need to be more careful in math. I did OK in physics. I got a B, but my teacher said I could do better. The worst was a C in English. My teacher said I should do more listening and speaking. Could you give me some advice on learning English?

Write soon.


Li Hua

五、你的好友Mary想让你陪她一起过周末。下面表格中列举了你们各自的打算和安排。请根据表格中的信息提示,以“My plan for the weekend”为题写一篇70词左右的短文。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Mary’s possible plan My plan

To go to the bookstore To buy books on history

To see her grandparents To bring them some fruit

To go to the zoo To take photos

My plan for the weekend

My good friend Mary asked me to be with her this weekend. I’m happy we can spend time together.

My plan for the weekend

My good friend Mary asked me to be with her this weekend. I’m happy we can spend time together. If she goes to the bookstore, I will buy some books on history. I’m interested in such books. If she goes to see her grandparents, I will bring them some fruit. I hope they are in good health. If she goes to the zoo, I will take many photos of the cute animals there. I love animals very much. I think Mary and I will have a great time this weekend.



Information about Jack

Name: Jack Lewis

Age: 15

Grade: 8

Country: Australia

Favorite subjects: math, Chinese, history

Hobbies: reading, writing, movies, swimming, music

Daily (日常的) activities: listening to Chinese radio programs, watching Chinese movies, reading books and magazines

Jack Lewis is a student of Grade 8 in Yucai Middle School. He is from Australia. He’s 15 years old. Math, Chinese and history are his favorite subjects at school. He has many hobbies including reading, writing, watching movies, swimming and music. He usually listens to Chinese radio programs, watches Chinese movies, and reads books and magazines. So he’s quite good at the Chinese language.

1—3、请根据下面的要点提示,以“My study plan for this term”为题写一篇英语短文。70-80 词。


◇What subjects do you do better / worse in?

◇What’s your hobby?

◇What should you do this term?

My study plan for this term

At school I’m good at Chinese, math and physics, but my English and history are not good.

This term I should work harder at English. I think I should ask Li Jia to help me with my English. Her English is very good. For my history, I think I should read my history books more often than ever before.

I like playing football. This term I should do more exercise and practice, so I can join the school football team.

4-5、假如你有很多钱,你会做些什么?请以If I have lots of money … 为题写一篇70词左右的短文。注意:想象要合理、语句要连贯。

If I have lots of money …

If I have lots of money …

If I have lots of money, I will build a big house for my parents to live in. I hope that they can live a happy life. I will also plant more trees and flowers around the house. I will travel around the world, too. I will give money to schools and charities to help the people in trouble. In a word, if I have lots of money, I will do many meaningful things.

期中、假如你是陈明,你会跟父母说些什么呢?请写下你想对他们说的话。 要求:思路清晰,语句通顺,60词左右。

Mom and Dad,

Mom and Dad, you argued with each other yesterday evening. I know you were arguing because of my studies. But don’t you know I want a warm family? So please get on well with each other. As for my studies, please do not worry. I will study hard and I’m sure I will get a good grade next time. I won’t let you feel disappointed.

七、. 书面表达 (15分)



1. 爸爸这几天工作繁忙,妈妈要去市里参加一个重要会议;

2. 下午放学后去超市购买一些食物和水果;

3. 明天上午10点,去火车站接叔叔和堂妹;

4. 妈妈明天11点左右到家做饭。


Dear Betty,

Your dad is busy working these days.

See you soon!

Love, Mom Dear Betty,

Your dad is busy working these days. I’ll be at an important meeting in the city. Would you mind going to the supermarket and buying some food and fruit after school this afternoon? Could you please meet your uncle and cousin at the train station at 10 tomorrow morning? You can take a taxi. I’ll be back tomorrow around

11. I’ll cook when I’m back.

See you soon!

my ideal robot篇五:牛津译林版九年级下 Unit2 Robots Reading 课件

my ideal robot篇六:新人教高一英语必修2Unit3Writing

my ideal robot篇七:牛津英语9A unit2

my ideal robot篇八:9A U2 已编辑好中考复习 (55P)4

my ideal robot篇九:9A_Unit2_正在使用复习课件

my ideal robot篇十:My ideal

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