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2016-01-09 14:51:20 编辑:lin13459411179 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: It shocked me when I heard of the event that the farmer was attacked by the city manager, which seems common in China Everyone has his right to chase the dream but on its muddy way...



  The china dream has become the hottest topic after our president Xi jinking said in his first public speech in the 18th Party Congress. So what is china dream? People's views on that vary from a person to person. As far as I am concerned, the china dream has a specific meaning. It includes the renewal of our chinese nation and the aspirations of the chinese people for a good standard of living. Maybe there is a long way to go to fulfill that dreams.

  However, I think, the most significant thing to realize that dream is to make everyone's dream accomplished. Imaging that if everyone realize his dream, there will be more elites in our country. Obviously, they must be excellent, thus making them contribute to our country better. As a result, our country is on the way to flourishing. On top of that, I think we also can't deny the fact that the people's dream can't be fulfilled without a stronger nation. What's more, only our government provide us better education, stable jobs, great social security, better medical and healthcare can we realize our dream eventually.

  In conclusion, the whole nation's dream and the individual's dream are tied up together. So I believe that only everyone's dream be accomplished can the china dream be realized.


  Nowadays,''Chinese Dream has become a heated topic all acorss China.Unlike the celebrated(广为人知的)American dream,it refers to '' a stronger and more properous China and the accomplishment of the well-being for the Chinese people.

  As far as i am concerned,the pursuif for "Chinese Dream combines both our nation's vision for the future and individual's dream.When it comes to China,we are poised to bulid it into a modernized country from a developing country.Throughout the modern history,our people and country have suffered from a series of miseries so that we have full reason to grow powerful to restore our glory in the ancient times.

  As for the individual aspect,the current task for me is to study hard and master all sorts of knowledge which will be played its role in the modernized construction.i believe as strongly as ever our country and people will be rising only when we as a individual do our utmost to dedicate the energy as much as we can.

  So that s my understanding of the Chinese Dream.By hard work and relentless determination and relisience,this dream will be bound to come true.


  Nowadays the topic on Cinese Dream by our Chairman Xi’s speech inspires everyone all over China, especially the students who will enter university to achieve their dreams. I’m so proud that I am the one.

  As for my own dream. I have always wanted to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save people’s lives but also they are doing a respectable job. Doctors can also help people to live a better life with their professional knowledge. I believe to help others is to help ourselves, and it surely can bring me happiness and pleasure.

  To realize my dream, firstly, I must try to work hard from now on. And I must learn as much as possbile so that I can get into a good medical college, where I will prepare myself adequately for the job of a doctor. Senondly, I have to train myself to be more careful, that is the basic to do everything . Finally, believe myself. Because confidence is the key to success. I think only in this way can I accomplish my goal, my Chinese dream.


  It shocked me when I heard of the event that the farmer was attacked by the city manager, which seems common in China. Everyone has his right to chase the dream but on its muddy way, he should experience monstrous trouble to realize it. When the person is pursuing his dream he cannot ignore the extrinsic and intrinsic factor. In China, people may mostly contribute to the extrinsic factor. They show hatred of government on the Internet. They make no effort to hide their emotion to attack whatever government does. It seems that Chinese are not proud of their motherland and they leave their country in haste. They do not consider that although the extrinsic reason is important, it cannot change and we can alter ourselves. However, in China, it can be seen commonly that people are always complaining atmosphere rather than down-to-earth. Citizens are eager to be upstarts in one night instead of working years to years. They are blind to their responsibility. If they complain the environment they are in, why not thinking who lead to the situation?

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