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2016-03-17 11:07:22 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 人生中的名言10句(共5篇)关于人生的十句格言关于人生的10句格言(Top 10 Quotes About Life)人生也可以是一趟奇妙的旅程,充满了爱、快乐和难忘的经历。这全然取决于你看待生活的方式。今天就与你分享的10句便是我最为喜欢的关于人生的格言~1 Give yourself permission to clai...




(Top 10 Quotes About Life)


1. Give yourself permission to claim your life. ~ Liz Strauss

I love this quote. For half my life I tried to live the way other people wanted me to. I tried to conform and to fit in. It’s only when I gave myself permission to be me, that life really came alive.

1.对自己作出许诺,过自己想要的生活。——利兹?斯特劳斯(Liz Strauss) 我喜欢这句话。我人生中的一半岁月都是在按着别人期望生活。我努力地去迎合别人的期许以适应这样的生活。而当我开始许诺做真正的自己之时,我的人生才开始变得鲜活起来。

2. Never tell your problems to anyone…20% don’t care and the other 80% are glad you have them. ~ Lou Holtz

I used to be stuck in a cycle of complaining. It’s easy to get caught up blaming everyone else. Then I realized… I was the problem!.

2. 不要把你所面临的困境透露给别人。因为,20%的人根本就对此毫不关心,而剩余的80%的人则对此幸灾乐祸呢。—— 卢?霍兹(Lou Holtz)


3. If you believe that even 1% of your failure to produce the results that you want is someone else’s fault, you will never be as successful as you could be. Until you decide that you alone are 100% responsible for the results that you are producing, you will never produce the results you are capable of. ~ S. Anthony Iannarino

When I finally took responsibility for my life, things changed quickly. When I put aside blame and set some meaningful goals, success just started to happen. Imagine that!

3. 要是你把失败的原因归咎于他人,哪怕是一点点的抱怨,你也就无法取得自

己应有的成就。只有你负起100%的责任时,你才能充分地展现自己的实力~ 安东尼?埃诺纳(S. Anthony Iannarino)


4. You might be the ―little drummer boy,‖ worried that what you have to say isn’t worthy. Everyone has something to contribute, especially if you remember to be the real you and not a copy of others you feel are successful. ~ Chris Brogan

10 years ago I was in a play at work. I though I was performing well, but the leader told me she couldn’t hear me. ―Be yourself‖,‖ she screamed. That one phrase made all the difference.

4. 你或许就是那个―小推销员‖( ―little drummer boy‖ ,同名歌曲---译注),老是担忧自己所说的话无法打动顾客。每个人都能作出自己的一份贡献,尤其当你勇于做真正的自己而不是模仿他人的成功模样之时。~克里斯?布罗甘( Chris Brogan)


5. ―Unreasonable,‖ ―unrealistic,‖ and ―impractical‖ are all words used to

marginalize a person or idea that fails to conform with conventionally expected standards.‖ ~ Chris Guillebeau

I used to shy away from controversy. Now I embrace it. Tell me something is impossible, and I’m fired up. Let’s go!

5. ―不可理喻‖、―空想主义‖、―不切实际‖,这些都是用来排斥与传统指标不相符的人或想法时所用到的词汇。~ 克里斯吉勒布(Chris Guillebeau)人生中的名言10句


6. Remind thyself, in the darkest moments, that every failure is only a step toward success, … Your life will never be the same again. ~ Og Mandino

Failure can be one of the greatest teachers in life if we are willing to learn from it.

6. 不要忘了,在人生中的艰难时刻,每一次失败都只是通向成功的一小步。人生总是在不停地变化着的。 ~奥格?曼丁诺 (Og Mandino)


7. Sadly, I have met very few people who have a plan for their life. Most are passive spectators, watching their lives unfold, one day at a time. They are reactive rather than proactive. They may plan their careers, the building of a new home, or even a vacation. But it never occurs to them to plan their life. ~ Michael Hyatt

When I actually spent a few hours and took a look at my life, things changed. I

realized that I can steer things in amazing directions.

7. 很可悲,我所遇见的人中只有一小部分才会为自己的人生作规划。大多数人都是他们人生的旁观者,看着自己的生活一天天地消逝。这是在被动地生活,而不是主动出击。或许,他们有自己的职业规划、买房计划或度假计划,但他们就是从来不为自己的人生制定计划。 ~迈克尔?哈特 (Michael Hyatt)


8. It’s easy to look at your life and try to think that you have ONE grand purpose and try to seek it, but what if you don’t? What if you have multiple purposes and God simply wants you to live your life on Purpose in order to find your Purpose? ~ Daniel Decker

I used to wait around for a grand purpose to show up. Everyone else seemed to have one. I was frustrated that I didn’t have a grand plan. Then I realized that maybe I have more than one…

8. 回顾一下自己的人生,然后找到一个人生目标去追寻,这是很容易就能做到的。而问题就在于,要是你没有这样的目标该怎么办?要是你有许多个目标,而你必须得找到一个真正的目标然后有目的性地生活,该怎么办? ~ 丹尼尔?德克(Daniel Decker)


9. Let’s face it, real life is tough stuff. We often get caught in the rain.

Sometimes just a shower, but other times we are hit hard with the storms of life. Where do you turn in life’s storms? ~ Chatty Kelly

It’s important to have friends, family, and faith in times of trouble. They are the foundation that gets us through life.

9.现实中的生活充满艰辛,还是让我们去直面它吧。在雨中淋一场雨往往会令我们感冒。有的时候只不过是一次小坎坷,而有的时候却是一次大磨难。在人生的狂风暴雨中,你会何去何从呢?~凯蒂?凯丽 (Chatty Kelly)


10. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing – Helen Keller.

Please don’t live a boring life that someone else has planned out for you.

10. 人生要么是一场华丽的探险,要么不是。 – 海伦?凯勒(Helen Keller)。 请不要按着别人的规划无聊地生活者。


关于人生的10句格言(Top 10 Quotes About Life)


1. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing – Helen Keller.

Please don’t live a boring life that someone else has planned out for you.

1. 人生要么是一场华丽的探险,要么不是。 – 海伦?凯勒(Helen Keller)。


2.Remind thyself, in the darkest moments, that every failure is only a step toward success, … Your life will never be the same again. ~ Og Mandino

Failure can be one of the greatest teachers in life if we are willing to learn from it.

2. 不要忘了,在人生中的艰难时刻,每一次失败都只是通向成功的一小步。人生总是在不停地变化着的。 ~奥格?曼丁诺 (Og Mandino)



3. If you believe that even 1% of your failure to produce the results that you want is

someone else’s fault, you will never be as successful as you could be. Until you decide that you alone are 100% responsible for the results that you are producing, you will never produce the results you are capable of. ~ S. Anthony Iannarino

When I finally took responsibility for my life, things changed quickly. When I put aside blame and set some meaningful goals, success just started to happen. Imagine that!

3. 要是你把失败的原因归咎于他人,哪怕是一点点的抱怨,你也就无法取得自己应有的成就。只有你负起100%的责任时,你才能充分地展现自己的实力~ 安东尼?埃诺纳(S. Anthony Iannarino)



4. You might be the ―little drummer boy,‖ worried that what you have to say isn’t worthy. Everyone has something to contribute, especially if you remember to be the real you and not a copy of others you feel are successful. ~ Chris Brogan

10 years ago I was in a play at work. I though I was performing well, but the leader told me she couldn’t hear me. “Be yourself”,” she screamed. That one phrase made all the difference. 1

4. 你或许就是那个―小推销员‖( ―little drummer boy‖ ,同名歌曲---译注),老是担忧自己所说的话无法打动顾客。每个人都能作出自己的一份贡献,尤其当你勇于做真正的自己而不是模仿他人的成功模样之时。~克里斯?布罗甘( Chris Brogan)


5. ―Unreasonable,‖ ―unrealistic,‖ and ―impractical‖ are all words used to marginalize a person or idea that fails to conform with conventionally expected standards.‖ ~ Chris Guillebeau

I used to shy away from controversy. Now I embrace it. Tell me something is impossible, and I’m fired up. Let’s go!

5. ―不可理喻‖、―空想主义‖、―不切实际‖,这些都是用来排斥与传统指标不相符的人或想法时所用到的词汇。~ 克里斯吉勒布(Chris Guillebeau)


6. Never tell your problems to anyone…20% don’t care and the other 80% are glad you have them. ~ Lou Holtz

I used to be stuck in a cycle of complaining. It’s easy to get caught up blaming everyone else. Then I realized… I was the problem!.

6. 不要把你所面临的困境透露给别人。因为,20%的人根本就对此毫不关心,而剩余的80%的人则对此幸灾乐祸呢。—— 卢?霍兹(Lou Holtz)


7. Sadly, I have met very few people who have a plan for their life. Most are passive spectators, watching their lives unfold, one day at a time. They are reactive rather than proactive. They may plan their careers, the building of a new home, or even a vacation. But it never occurs to them to plan their life. ~ Michael Hyatt

When I actually spent a few hours and took a look at my life, things changed. I realized that I can steer things in amazing directions.

7. 很可悲,我所遇见的人中只有一小部分才会为自己的人生作规划。大多数人都是他们人生的旁观者,看着自己的生活一天天地消逝。这是在被动地生活,而不是主动出击。或许,他们有自己的职业规划、买房计划或度假计划,但他们就是从来不为自己的人生制定计划。 ~迈克尔?哈特 (Michael Hyatt)

当我花些时间审视自己的生活的时候,微妙的事情发生了。我发现自己能更好地掌控所有事情。 2

8. It’s easy to look at your life and try to think that you have ONE grand purpose and try to seek it, but what if you don’t? What if you have multiple purposes and God simply wants you to live your life on Purpose in order to find your Purpose? ~ Daniel Decker I used to wait around for a grand purpose to show up. Everyone else seemed to have one. I was frustrated that I didn’t have a grand plan. Then I realized that maybe I have more than one…

8. 回顾一下自己的人生,然后找到一个人生目标去追寻,这是很容易就能做到的。而问题就在于,要是你没有这样的目标该怎么办?要是你有许多个目标,而你必须得找到一个真正的目标然后有目的性地生活,该怎么办? ~ 丹尼尔?德克(Daniel Decker)


9. Let’s face it, real life is tough stuff. We often get caught in the rain. Sometimes just a shower, but other times we are hit hard with the storms of life. Where do you turn in life’s storms? ~ Chatty Kelly

It’s important to have friends, family, and faith in times of trouble. They are the foundation that gets us through life.

9.现实中的生活充满艰辛,还是让我们去直面它吧。在雨中淋一场雨往往会令我们感冒。有的时候只不过是一次小坎坷,而有的时候却是一次大磨难。在人生的狂风暴雨中,你会何去何从呢?~凯蒂?凯丽 (Chatty Kelly)


10. Give yourself permission to claim your life. ~ Liz Strauss

I love this quote. For half my life I tried to live the way other people wanted me to. I tried to conform and to fit in. It’s only when I gave myself permission to be me, that life really came alive.

10. 对自己作出许诺,过自己想要的生活。——利兹?斯特劳斯(Liz Strauss)



篇三:《10句人生名言 教你如何获得真心朋友》

10句人生名言 教你如何获得真心朋友人生中的名言10句


1.Keep skid chains on your tongue; always say less than you think. Cultivate a low, persuasive voice. How you say it counts more than what you say.


2. Make promises sparingly, and keep them faithfully, no matter what it costs.


3. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody. Praise good work, regardless of who did it. If criticism is needed, criticize helpfully, never spitefully.

3.永远不要错失机会向某人说,或说关于某人的饱含善意和鼓励的话。赞美做得好的工作,不管那是谁做的。如果需要批 评,就做有益的批评,绝不要怀有恶意。

4. Be interested in others, their pursuits, their work, their homes and families. Make merry with those who rejoice; with those who weep, mourn. Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you regard him as a person of importance.


5. Be cheerful. Don't burden or depress those around you by dwelling on your minor aches and pains and small disappointments. Remember, everyone is carrying some kind of a load.


6. Keep an open mind. Discuss but don't argue. It is a mark of a superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable.


7. Let your virtues speak for themselves. Refuse to talk of another's vices. Discourage gossip. It is a waste of valuable time and can be extremely destructive.


8. Be careful of another's feelings. Wit and humor at the other person's expense are rarely worth it and may hurt when least expected.


9. Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you. Remember, the person who carried the message may not be the most accurate reporter in the world. Simply live so that nobody will believe them. Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.


10. Don't be too anxious about the credit due you. Do your best, and be patient. Forget about yourself, and let others "remember." Success is much sweeter that way.
















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