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2018-12-06 16:24:04 编辑:zhangmi 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   我喜欢的老师有很多,但我最喜欢的老师只有一个,那就是 以下是中国招生考试网www chinazhaokao com 分享的我最喜欢的老师英语作文 ...

  我喜欢的老师有很多,但我最喜欢的老师只有一个,那就是...以下是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 分享的我最喜欢的老师英语作文,希望能帮助到大家!


  My favorite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a small red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.

  Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.

  Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favorite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

  This is my favorite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.


  Echo,my favourite teacher,is a pretty and slim lady.One of the most important reason that I like her is that she is very sincere.When she talks to others,she always has a smile on her face.

  I think Echo is a natural teacher beacuse she has a lot of good methods on teaching.She is not only quite friendly, but also humorous.Her class is full of fun that you have never feel bored.To improve our grades,she usually gives us some advices about how to learn English well.What's more,she sacrificed her own time to help every student,no thought of gain.Sometimes,she nearly has no time to have lunch.When I ask her questions,she must spare no effort to make me understand,with patience and careness.I have never seen such a good teacher as her before.

  A good teacher can point out the direction and give you endless strength when you get into trouble.I'm lucky enough to have such a good teacher present to my life. Echo has a great inflence on me.I'm thankful her help very much.


  I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. SWhe is a very good teacher.

  She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much fun.She sings songs with us, plays games with us. We are so happy . And we learn English well. Our English are very very good.So I like her very much.

  She likes reading books and playing sports. After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us. We are very happy. We all love her very much.

  This is my favourite teacher.She is a good teacher .I like my English teacher very much. What about you?Do you have a good teacher, too?


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