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2016-02-13 10:05:13 编辑: 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

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安居乐业 白头相守 白头偕老 比翼连枝 比翼双飞 伯埙仲篪 陈设简陋 陈设雅致 乘坚策肥 吃着不尽 窗明几净 炊金馔玉 绰绰有余 大有希望 大有作为 灯光昏暗 灯火辉煌 东犬西吠 堆金积玉 儿孙满堂 肥马轻裘 丰衣足食 逢年过节 凤凰于飞 夫倡妇随 夫唱妇随 夫妻和睦 父慈母爱 富贵荣华 富甲天下 富可敌国 馥郁芳香 干净明亮 高朋满座 共挽鹿车 古色古香 光彩夺目 光线柔和 锅碗瓢盆 含饴弄孙 豪华家具 和和美美 和睦融洽 和睦相处 和气生财 和气致祥 和如琴瑟 红木家具 花香醉人 华灯初上 欢歌笑语 欢呼雀跃 欢聚一堂 欢天喜地 欢喜若狂 欢欣鼓舞 欢欣若狂 祸起萧墙 鸡飞狗跳 鸡犬不宁 济济一堂 家财万贯 家给人足 家庭和睦 家庭和顺 家徒四壁 讲信修睦 皆大欢喜 结草为庵 举案齐眉 开枝散叶 可致吉祥 款式新颖 老少欢欣 老有所养 乐不思蜀 令人作呕 流光溢彩 绿窗朱户 鸾凤和鸣 乱作一团 眉飞眼笑 美观大方 美满幸福 名贵家具 冥冥闪烁 男耕女织 你争我抢 牛衣对泣 蓬荜增辉 鹏程万里 贫贱夫妻 凭窗远眺 破旧家具 妻贤子孝 其乐融融 前程似锦 前程无忧 前途广阔 前途无量 琴瑟调和 琴瑟之好 沁人肺腑 全家团圆 人丁兴旺 如埙如箎 入结家足 生活甜蜜 笙磬同音 实木家具 式样时新 四世同堂 粟红贯朽 天伦共享 天伦之乐 甜甜蜜蜜 同床异梦 同甘共苦 同心协力 同舟共济 万家灯火 温香软玉 温馨快乐 温馨恬静 温馨团聚 五色缤纷 席丰履厚 席梦思床 喜出望外 喜眉笑眼 喜气洋洋 喜笑颜开 喜形于色 鲜衣美食 鲜衣怒马 现代气息 相敬如宾 相濡以沫 香气浓重 香气扑鼻 象箸玉杯 笑逐颜开 心花怒发 心花怒放 心满意足 心心相印 心心相映 欣喜若狂 幸福美满 悬灯结彩 绚丽多彩 埙篪相和 腰缠万贯 一日三餐 一头儿沉 衣轻乘肥 宜家宜室 宜室宜家 怡然自得 怡然自乐 溢于言表 鱼水和谐 饫甘餍肥 悦目娱心 枝形吊灯 指桑骂槐 钟鸣鼎食 子孙满堂 子孙绕膝 尊老爱幼 座无虚席


安乐椅 八仙桌 百叶窗 办公桌 玻璃窗 博古架 博物架 窗格子 床头柜 大衣柜 单人床 灯亮儿 电脑桌 电视柜 电视墙 红堂堂 老虎窗 乐滋滋 亮晃晃 六仙桌 梳妆台 双层床

双人床 四仙桌 太师椅 五斗橱 香馥馥 写字台 行军床 绣花枕 艺术品 折叠床

黯淡 板床 笨重 餐具 餐厅 餐桌 茶几 缠绵 吵斗 炒锅 沉沉 炽亮 窗洞 窗扉 窗格 窗户 窗花 窗帘 窗幔 窗媚 窗纱 窗樘 窗帷 窗沿 窗眼 窗纸 床板 床架 床榻 炊具 刺眼 粗劣 粗重 璀璨 打斗 第室 吊橱 吊窗 独院 翻脸 反目 饭间 饭厅 方台 方桌 风窗 腐臭 隔断 公案 供桌 古董 光亮 和美 和睦 后窗 后院 晃动 晃眼 辉煌 秽气 昏暗 昏沉 伙房 家具 家俬 简陋 箭窗 洁净 镜台 酒柜 居室 炕桌 客厅 浪漫 里院 楼窗 漏窗 门窗 明亮 木床 内寝 内宅 蓬荜 飘闪 屏风 气窗 寝室 清洁 雀跃 沙发 纱窗 闪光 闪烁 书案 书橱 书桌 酸臭 躺椅 套间 藤椅 天窗 甜蜜 条案 条儿 条桌 铁窗 铁床 庭园 凸窗 碗橱 微弱 温存 温馨 卧内 卧室 卧榻 香案 鞋柜 新式 馨香 轩窗 绚丽 雅静 腰窗 摇椅 衣柜 椅子 优美 幽暗 愉悦 圆台 圆桌 院落 院门 院宇

院宅 杂院 灶火 灶间 灶上 灶下 宅院 照明 照射 折椅 争吵 妆台




in the housedoorclockdoorbellumbrellastairsroofbalconygardenBedroompillowbedclosetblanketBathroomtoilet



Living roompicturevasesofa



Dinning roomtablechairteapotbottlebowlknifeforkspoonplatecupglass


trash cansinkcookerfridgeshelfpot



《family -- 与家庭有关的英语单词》

family 家庭

marriage 婚姻

spouse 配偶

couple 夫妻

parents 父母

child 孩子

single 单身者

male 男的

female 女的

husband 丈夫

wife 妻子

father 父亲

mother 母亲

son 儿子

daughter 女儿

grandchildren 孙辈 grandson 孙子,外孙

granddaughter 孙女,外孙女 brother 兄弟

sister 姐妹

twin 双胞胎的

grandfather 祖父

grandmother 祖母

granny 奶奶,外婆 grandma 奶奶,外婆 grandpa 爷爷,外公

great-grandfather 曾祖父 great-grandmother 曾祖母 son-in-law 女婿

daughter-in-law 儿媳

father-in-law 岳父(公公) mother-in-law 岳母(婆婆) sister-in-law 妯娌

stepfather 继父

stepmother 继母

stepson 继子

stepdaughter 继女

stepbrother 异父(母)之兄弟 stepsister 异父(母)之姐妹 foster father 养父

foster mother 养母 adopted son 养子

adopted daughter 养女

uncle 叔父,伯父,舅父,姑父

aunt 婶母,伯母,舅母,姑母 nephew 侄儿,外甥 niece 侄女,外甥女 cousin 堂兄妹,表兄妹 generation 代

descent 世系,血统 offspring 后代,后辈 ancestor 祖先

heir 继承人



在这一课里, 我们学习几个很有用的常用语, 比方 "打定主意" make up one's mind, "解决" work out, "应付" cope with 等等. 我们还要学习一些跟家庭生活有关系的词汇.

首先我们依照惯例听一段对话, 内容说到亨利的同事南希要跟丈夫史蒂夫分居的事情. 请你注意两位英文老师的发音和语调.

M: Kate, Nancy and Steve are breaking up.

F: It's really a shame. I've heard that they quarrel, but they've always made up afterward.

M: Things are not working out this time. They are getting a separation soon. F: What is going to happen to their daughter, Bonnie?

M: Nancy is going to take her.

F: The cost of living is so high. It will be difficult for her to take the responsibility. She had better think the whole thing over.

M: She seems to have made up her mind. She said she would rather be a single parent than cope with an unhappy marriage.

F: Well, I hope her parents will be able to talk her out of it.

现在我请英文老师再把对话念一遍. 请你注意听.

M: Kate, Nancy and Steve are breaking up.

F: It's really a shame. I've heard that they quarrel, but they've always made up afterward.

M: Things are not working out this time. They are getting a separation soon. F: What is going to happen to their daughter, Bonnie?

M: Nancy is going to take her.

F: The cost of living is so high. It will be difficult for her to take the responsibility. She had better think the whole thing over.

M: She seems to have made up her mind. She said she would rather be a single parent than cope with an unhappy marriage.

F: Well, I hope her parents will be able to talk her out of it.


M: Nancy and Steve are breaking up.

F: It's really a shame.

F: They've always made up afterward.

M: Things are not working out this time.

F: It will be difficult for her to take the responsibility.

F: She had better think the whole thing over.

M: She seems to have made up her mind.

M: She would rather be a single parent than cope with an unhappy marriage. F: I hope her parents will be able to talk her out of it.

现在我们从你刚才听到的句子里挑出一些常用语分别作练习. 首先我们学习break up, b-r-e-a-k u-p, break up 的用法. 这个词组的意思就是 "分裂, 解散". 用来说人, 尤其是夫妻的时候, 意思就是 "分手". 现在老师用这个词组作句子,提出一些有关南希和史蒂夫的问题, 比方他们是不是已经决定分手; 他们夫妻分居或是离婚会不会造成家庭分裂等等问题. 这些问题学生都一一地作肯定的答覆. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Have Nancy and Steve decided to break up?

F: Yes, Nancy and Steve have decided to break up.

M: Do Henry and Kate know that they are breaking up?

F: Yes, Henry and Kate know that they are breaking up.

M: Are Henry and Kate concerned about their breaking up?

F: Yes, Henry and Kate are concerned about their breaking up.

M: Does their family break up when they get a separation?

F: Yes, their family breaks up when they get a separation.

M: Does their family break up when they divorce?

F: Yes, their family breaks up when they divorce.


下面我们练习 make up, m-a-k-e u-p, make up 的用法. 这个词组可以用来表示"和好如初". 现在老师用这个词组提出一些有关南希跟史蒂夫的问题,比方"如果他们不彼此怨恨,他们会不会和好如初呢?" Would they make up if they didn't resent each other? 然后老师提出 yes 或是 no, 学生就根据他所听到的作肯定或否定的答覆. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Have Nancy and Steve always made up before?

M: yes

F: Yes, Nancy and Steve have always made up before.

M: Are they willing to make up this time?

M: no

F: No, they are not willing to make up this time.

M: Would they need a separation if they were willing to make up?

M: no

F: No, they wouldn't need a separation if they were willing to make up. M: Would they make up if they didn't resent each other?

M: yes

F: Yes, they would make up if they didn't resent each other.

M: Would it be better for their daughter if they made up?

M: yes

F: Yes, it would be better for their daughter if they made up.

下面我们学习用make up one's mind 来表示 "打定主意". 比方有一句话: "南希已经决定不跟史蒂夫和解." 这句话的英文可以这样说:Nancy has made up her mind not to reconcile with Steve.

现在我们作一组代换练习学学这个常用语. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 这组练习里的句子都是说到南希决定怎么样处理她的婚姻和家庭问题. 现在请你注意听, 并且跟学生一起作练习.

M: Nancy has made up her mind to break up her marriage.

M: not to reconcile with Steve

F: Nancy has made up her mind not to reconcile with Steve.

M: to get a separation

F: Nancy has made up her mind to get a separation.

M: to be a single parent

F: Nancy has made up her mind to be a single parent.

M: to keep her daughter

F: Nancy has made up her mind to keep her daughter.

M: to take the responsibility

F: Nancy has made up her mind to take the responsibility.


下面我们学习怎么用 work out, w-o-r-k o-u-t, work out. 这个词组可以用来表示"解决"; 比方 "他们不能够解决彼此间的歧见." They cannot work out their differences. 也可以用来表示 "顺利"; 比方 "他们的婚姻不顺利." Their marriage isn't working out. 下面老师问学生一些跟南希的婚姻生活有关系的问题.每问一个问题, 老师就会提出 yes 或是 no, 学生就根据他所听到的作肯定或否定的答覆. 在学生作练习的时候请你一起作.

M: Can Nancy and Steve work out their problems?

M: no

F: No, Nancy and Steve cannot work out their problems.

M: Can they work out their differences?

M: no

F: No, they cannot work out their differences.

M: Is their marriage working out?

M: no

F: No, their marriage isn't working out.

M: Would it work out if they didn't resent each other?

M: yes

F: Yes, it would work out if they didn't resent each other.

M: Would it work out if they reconciled?

M: yes

F: Yes, it would work out if they reconciled.

下面我们学学怎么用 cope with, c-o-p-e w-i-t-h, cope with 来表示 "对付" 或是"应付". 比方, "对付心理问题是不容易的." 这句话英文可以这样说: To cope with

psychological problems is not easy. 现在我们作一组代换练习,学学这种用法. 首先老师念一个句子, 学生跟着重复一遍, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 学生作练习的时候,请你也一起作.

M: To cope with an unhappy marriage is not easy.

M: single parenthood

F: To cope with single parenthood is not easy

M: the high cost of living

F: To cope with the high cost of living is not easy.

M: emotional problems

F: To cope with emotional problems is not easy.





homeless (无家的);

homeward (归途的);

homely (相貌平平的);

homesick (想家的);

hometown (家乡);

homemade (自制的);

homecoming (回家的);

homemaker (管家);

homeland (祖国);

home free(自由自在);

a home bird ( 喜欢呆在家里的人);

There's no place like home金窝银窝不如自己的土窝




Admission 参观券,入场券

An exhibition for professionals of furniture and furnishings produced 家具专业人士及厂商展

An inaugural cooperation between 与。。。的首次合作

Appeal to trade buyers X around the world 吸引来自世界各地买家参与

Appointed travel agent 指定旅游代理

Articles exhibited 参展内容

Attracting exhibitors吸引展商


Booth 展位

Business cards for registration 名片登记


Cost-effective 物有所值


D-double occupancy 双人房间收费

date 日期

doors close at 闭馆时间

during the exhibition period 参展期间


Enjoy a discount of 10% 享受九折优惠

Enjoy free access 享受免费待遇

Entrance 入口

Exhibition area 参展面积

Exhibition hall 展览馆


First name 名

Free admission with an invitation 凭柬免费入场

Furniture pavilion [u][b][color=#ff0000]家具展[/color][/b][/u]团


Gates a and B A。B 馆的入口处

Government tax 政府费

Group visitors团体参观者


Hong Kong Convention % Exhibition Centre 香港会议展览中心



International China Furniture Expo 中国国际家具展览会

International Furniture Fair. Cologne 德国科隆国际家具展览会

International Home Furnishing Fair, High point, North Carolina, USA 美国北卡罗来纳州海波因特(高点)家庭用品展

International traders 国际买家

Invitation 邀请信,请柬


Job title 职务


Launch a new event 举办一项新的活动


Make a business plan 安排商务计划

Make a business trip to 。。。去。。。做商务计划

Make a reservation 预订房间

Meet the escalating demand X the exhibitors and visitors 满足各地参展商和及买家的要求

Most important furniture event 最重要的家具业盛事


Offer a perfect sourcing form by drawing exhibitors 汇聚优秀参展商

Official carrier 特定航空公司

Official hotel 特定酒店

Official travel agent 特定旅游代理

Only granted to specific operation 只对专业人士

Opening hours 开始时间

Organizer 主办机构


Pre-registratioin 优先登记

Professional visitors 业内人士


R rates quoted above 以上费用

Reap the benefits 获利

Register 登记

Regular direct shuttle service 穿梭班车服务



s-single occupancy 单人房间收费

same time same venue 此时此地

service charge 服务费

showcase the finest and latest collections 展示各类精湛产品

shuttle bus 专车,班车

shuttle service 接送服务

sponsor 主办者,赞助机构

stand 展位

stay ahead of the competition 建立在市场上的领导地位

surname 姓


Time-saving 省时


Update on the net 网上资讯 家具展会V

Venue 展览场地,地点



阳性 阴性

父母亲 il padre la madre 儿女 il figlio la figlia

兄弟姐妹 il fratello la sorella 祖父母 il nonno la nonna 孙子/女 il nipote la nipote 叔舅姑姨 il zio la zia(z发/ts/) 堂表兄妹 il cugino la cugina 丈夫妻子 il marito la moglie

关于家的词汇相关热词搜索:形容家的词汇 形容家庭重要的词汇 大家的日语词汇


3、"关于家的词汇" 地址:http://www.chinazhaokao.com/wendang/haoci/225479.html,复制分享给你身边的朋友!