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勇敢__________ 乐于助人__________ 友善__________ 细心__________

小心__________ 有礼貌的__________ 感激的__________ 快的__________



1.Miss Cao is _____(idkn) to all students and everyone in her class likes her. 2.He likes ______(ctecoll) stamps very much. 3.The old woman was _____(gaetrafl) for his help. 4.Be ______(fluarec) when you cross the street. (二)合作探究

一、完成课本P81, Parts A练习。通过练习,你能找出部分形容词的反义词的变化规律吗?试着把它们写出来。


1. Who would Simon like to recommend for the Grade 7Most Helpful Student Award? 2. Where does Daniel spend a lot of time ? 3. Why do the other members of the club like him very much? 4. What is Daniel good at? 5. Who saved Mrs Lu last week? 二. 通过以上内容的学习,你能用形容词描述你的同学和朋友吗?向全班同学


四.Language points:

1.A helpful student Helpful是____词,意思是_______, 其反义词是________,意思是“无助的,无用的”,是由前缀加形容词helpful 构成的。

2.I would like to recommend Daniel for the Grade 7 Most Helpful Student Award. 我想要推荐丹尼尔为七年级“最助人为乐奖的得主”。

Recommend sb for…… 译为“推荐……做……” 翻译:我想推荐汤姆做厨师。______________________________

3.He is also good at swimming. 他也很擅长游泳。 Be good at…… 擅长于…… 翻译:我擅长唱歌。___________________

4.Mrs Lu was very grateful for his help.


Be grateful for “为……而感谢”,而be grateful to sb 感谢某人 be grateful to sb for sth 因某事而对某人感激 翻译;我们应该感谢我们的老师。

___________________________________________________ (一) 达标检测:

一. 根据提示补全句子.

1. Amy is a h________ girl, she never feels sad.. 2. Don’t be r________ to the others ,be polite! 3. Liu Dehua is a s______ star. People all over the world like his films and songs very much. 4. Monkeys are q________ animals. 二.翻译

1. Daniel不但善良而且勇敢 Daniel is not only _________ but also _________. 2他为俱乐部做了许多电脑方面的工作。 He _______ a lot of _________ __________ _________ the club. 3他常常想起那部有趣的电影。 He often ________ ________ that ___________ film. 4我想推荐Amy为最佳女运动员。 I would like ________ ________ Amy ________ the Best sportswoman Award. 5当你进行水上运动时请当心! __________ __________ when you play _________ _________.



near nice Nice to meet you. Not at all

在...附近 adj.好的,漂亮的 见到您很高兴。 不客气.一点也不. not...at all now

根本不 adv.现在

off often Oh dear! only

adv.(离)开;(走)开 adv.常常 哎呀!天哪! adv.仅仅

open orange other over

vt.打开;adj.开着的 n.桔汁 adj.别的,其他的 adv.结束,完了 people the people pioneer plane

n.人,人们 人民 n.先锋 n.飞机

postcard put away

n.明信片 把...收起来(放好)

read rice ride right

vt.读;朗读 n.米饭;大米 vt.骑(自行车,马等) adj.对的 正确的 river run

n.江;河 vi.跑

same Saturday say sell

adj.同样的,一样的 n.星期六 vt.说,讲 vt.卖

shop shopping sing small

n.商店 n.买东西 vt.& vi. 唱 唱歌 adj.小的

so I don't think so. sock soldier

pron.这样 这么 我不认为是这样. n.短袜 n.士兵,战士 something something to drink sometimes soon

pron.某事(物) 一些喝的东西 adv.有时 adv.不久,一会儿 sorry speak stand stay

adj.对不起的;抱歉的 vt.& vi.说 说话 vi.站,立 vi.停留;住 study Sunday supper swim

vt.学习 n.星期日 n.晚餐 vi.&n.游泳 take take off talk tea

vt.拿到;带到 脱去(帽子、衣服等) vi.说话,谈话 n.茶;茶叶 teach Thank goodness! them then

vt.&vi.教 教书 谢天谢地! pron.他(她;它)们 adv.那么;然后 there thing think throw

interj.那!你瞧! n.东西;事情 vt.想;认为 vt.投,掷

throw it like that Thursday to today

像那样扔出去 n.星期四 prep.(表方向)到;往 n.& adv.今天 tomorrow too Tuesday TV

n.& adv.(在)明天 adv.太 n.星期二 n.电视;电视机 uncle up USA(=the United States of America) n.叔;伯;舅;姨父;姑父 adv.向上 美国

very very much

adv.很,非常 很,非常

want want a go wash watch

vt.要;想要 要试一试 vt.&vi.漱洗;洗(东西) vt.观看,注视 water wear Wednesday week

n.水 vt.穿 n.星期三 n.周,星期 weekday welcome You're welcome. well【七年级上册英语单词mp3】

n.周日 adj.受欢迎的 别客气;不用谢 interj.喔,那么 What about... with women work

好不好?...怎样? prep.关于,和,用 女人(复数) n.工作;vi.工作 worker worry Don't worry. would n.工人 vt.(使)担忧 别发愁;别担忧. 想要 I'd like(=I would like) write wrong

想要 vt.写 adj.错误的

What's wrong What's wrong with...?

怎么啦?出了什么毛病? 怎么了?

young Young Pioneer

adj.年轻的;幼小的 少先队员

Smith Hunt King

史密斯(姓) 亨特(姓) 金(姓)都)

Washington London New York

n.华盛顿(美国首都) n.伦敦(英国首都) n.纽约(美国城市)






*England [’inglənd]n. 英国英,格兰 *English [’iŋg liʃ] adj.英语的 fourteen [,fɔ:’ti:n] num.十四

*meet [mi:t]v.认识,遇见 *first [fə:st] adj. 第一 *English [’iŋgliʃ] n.英语,英文 lesson [’lesən] n.(一节)课 class [klɑ:s] n.班级

eleven [I’levn] num.十一 blackboard [’blækbɔ:d]n.黑板 twenty -nine [,twenti’nain]num.二十

*student [’stju:dənt] n.学生

Miss [mis] n.女士;小姐(对未婚女性

fifty [’fifti] num.五十


twelve [twelv] num.十二 year [jə:]n. ...岁,年 thirteen [θə:’ti:n]num.十三 *too [tu:] adv.也,还

*from [ frɔm, frəm]prep.从…来 *close [kləuz] v.关闭 open [’əupən] v.打开 match [mætʃ] v.相称,匹配; *write [rait] v.写

practise [’præktis]v.练习 *city [’siti] n.城市






*parent [’pɛərənt]n.父,母;家长(pl.parents父母)

can [kæn, kən]aux. v.能,能够 *basketball [’ba:skitbɔ:l] n.篮球 piano [pi’ænəu] n.钢琴 tennis [’tenis] n.网球(运动) *table tennis [’teibl] [’tenis] 乒乓球 *ride [raid] v.骑;开(车) horse [hɔ:s]n.马

*welcome [’welkəm] v.欢迎

*international [,ɪntə’næʃənəl]adj.国际的

*factory [’fæktəri] n.工厂 hotel [həu’tel] n.饭店, 宾馆 university [,ju:ni’və:siti] n.大学 hospital [’hɔspitəl]n.医院 office [’ɔfis]n.办公室, *doctor [’dɔktə] n.医生 *worker [’wə:kə]n.工人 manager [’mænidʒə]n.经理 secretary [’sekrətəri]n.秘书

*at [æt] prep.在(工作或学习地点);向,朝

*photo [’fəutəu] n.照片 *family [’fæmili] n.家庭

*her [hə:]pron. (she的所有格)她的




*dictionary [’dikʃənəri] n.词典,字典 *libra[’laibrəri] n.图书馆,藏书室 *picture [’piktʃə] n.图片,照片 *right [rait] adj.正确的,准确的 fifteen [,fif’ti:n] num.十五 sixteen [,sik’sti:n] num.十六 seventeen [,sevən’ti:n] num.十七 eighteen [ei’ti:n] num.十八 nineteen [,nain’ti:n] num.十九 thirty [’θə:ti] num.三十 sixty [’siksti] num.六十 seventy [’sevənti] num.七 eighty [’eiti] num.八十 ninety [’nainti] num.九十 dining hall [’dainiŋ,hɔ:l] 饭厅;饭堂 gym [dʒim](=gymnasium/ dʒim’neiziəm] n.体育馆

*science [’saiəns] n.科学,科学课 lab [læb] (=laboratory [lə’bɔrətəri] )n.实验室

in front of [in] [frʌnt] [ɔv, əv, v, f] 在…前面

there [ðɛə, ðə] pron (用于引导句子) forty-six



next [nekst] to 在... ....旁边

behind [bi’haind] prep.(表示位置)在…的后面

*some [sʌm, səm] adj.一些,若干 *any [’eni, əni] pron.任何(一个) *one [wʌn] n.一个物,一个人 building [’bildiŋ] n.建筑物




uncle [’ʌŋkl] n.伯伯, 叔叔, 舅父, 姑父, 姨父

*sister [’sistə] n.姐, 妹

*have [hæv, həv] v.有 have got 拥有

*grandma [’grænmɑ:] n.奶奶,姥姥 *grandpa /’grænpɑ:/ n.爷爷;姥爷 *email [’i:meil] n.电子邮件 him [him,lm]pron.(he的宾格)他 *make [meik] v.做;制造

many [’meni] adj.许多

*people [’pi:pl] n.人,人们;一般的人 aunt [ɑ:nt] n.姑母, 姨母; 伯母, 婶母, 舅母

grandfather [’grænd,fɑ:ðə] n. 祖父;外祖父

grandfather [’grænd,fɑ:ðə]n.祖父,外祖父

grandmother [’græn,mʌðə] n.祖母;外祖母

*grandparent [’grænd,pɛərənt]n.(外)祖父,(外)祖母






healthe [helθ] n.健康的 *orange [’ɔrin dʒ] n.橘子,橙, 柑 drink [driŋk] n. 饮料; v.喝 *fruit [fru:t] n.水果;果实 *vegetable [’vedʒitəbl] n.蔬菜 beef [bi:f]n.牛肉 carrot [’kærət] n.胡萝卜 *chicken [’tʃikin]n.鸡,鸡肉 *juice [dʒu:s]n.果汁 melon [’melən]n.甜瓜

*milk [milk]n.牛奶 onion [’ʌnjən]n.洋葱 pork [pɔ:k]n.猪肉 potato [pə’teitəu]n.土豆 *tomato [tə’mɑ:təu]n.西红柿 *favourite [’feivərit]adj.最喜欢的 *noodle [’nu:dl]n.面条 candy [’kændi]n.糖果

them [ðem, ðəm]pron.他/她/它们(they的宾格) live [liv] v.活,生存;住 chocolate [’tʃɔkəlit] n.巧克力




Coke [kəuk]n.可口可乐

*hamburger [’hæmbə:ɡə] n.汉堡包 *ice cream [,aiskri:m] n. 冰激凌

invitation [,ɪnvi’teiʃən] n.邀请 cinema [’sinəmə] n.电影院 would [wud, wəd] aux.v. 愿意

unhealthy [ʌn’helθi]adj.不健康的,身体不好的,身心不健全的

film [film]n. 电影,影片 stadium [’steidjəm] n.体育馆

fridge [fridʒ] (=refrigerator[ri’fridʒəreitə]) n.冰箱

Revision module



match [mætʃ] n.比赛,竞赛 star [stɑ:]n. 明星 team [ti:m] n.队伍

evening [’i:vniŋ] n. 晚上,傍晚, 黄昏 Friday [’fraidi] n.星期五 Monday [’mʌndi] n.星期一 Saturday [’sætədi] n.星期六 Sunday [’sʌndi]n.星期日 Thursday [’sʌndi]n.星期日


party [’pɑ:ti] n.晚会,聚会 birthday [’bə:θdei] n.生日 last [lɑ:st] adj.刚过去的;最近的 table [’teibl]n.桌子;台子



Tuesday [’sʌndi]n.星期日 Wednesday [’wenzdi]n.星期三 with [wið] prep.和…在一起 (表示关系)

great [ɡreit] adj.好极的,伟大的 idea [ai’diə]n.想法,主意

playground [’pleiɡraund]n.操场 stay [stei]v.停留 game [ɡeim]n.游戏




let [let] v.让,使

let’s=let us [let] [ ʌs; əs, s] 让我们

talk [tɔ:k] v.谈论 about [ə’baut]prep.关于


when [hwen] adv.什么时候,何时 invite [in’vait] v.邀请 on [ɔn]adj. adv进行;上演

time [taim] n.时间

ask [ɑ:sk] v.问,询问 magic [’mædʒik] n.魔术

half [hɑ:f] n.一半

show [ʃəu] n表演 day [dei]n. 白天,日子 place [pleis] n.地点

chemistry [’kemistri] n.化学

price [prais] n.价格, theatre [’θiətə] n.戏院;剧院

maths [mæθs] n.数学

swimming 游泳 come [kʌm] v.来;来到 today [tə’dei] adv.今天


plan [plæn] n.计划,打算,方案





o’clock [ə’klɔk] n. ... ...点钟

past [pɑ:st] prep.超过 art [ɑ:t] n.艺术, 美术

history [’histəri] n.历史

at [æt, ət] prep.在(某时间或时刻) start [stɑ:t]n.开始


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1. a. what’s this? b. what’s that? c. what color is it?

2. a. this your pen? b is that your pen? c. this his pen?

3. a. his first name is jim.b. his last name is jim.c. family name is jim.

4. a. what’s this in english? b. what color is this? c. what’s your name?

5. a. it’s a pen. b. it’s a pencil. c. it’s a ruler.


6. a. how are you? b. thank you.c. i’m fine, thanks.

7. a. i’m amy. b. my name’s ben. c. his name is dale.

8. a. yes, it’s a ruler. b. no, it is.c. no, it isn’t.

9. a. i’m a pen. b. it’s a clock. c. this is a desk.

10. a. it’s a watch. b. yes, it is.c.w-a-t-c-h. ⅲ.听录音,填单词,补全短文。短文读两遍。(每小题2分,满分10分)

thank you for your letter. this is a __11_______ of my family. this is my _12______ .she is 75. this is my ____13_____ .he is 74. these are my __14_______ .that’s my ___15_______ .his name is liu dong. he’s an english teacher.




1.a.yes b. case c. base

2.a.call b. all c. spell

3.a.last b. let’s c. lost

4.a.gold b. girl c. gate

5.a.nineb. no c. know


6.a.hello! b. good morning!c. i’m fine.

7.a.hi,i’m john. b. what do you do?c. i’m john.

8.a.nice to meet you,too. b. i’m tom.c. his name is alan.

9.a.he’s 12. b. it’s white. c. it’s 284-5179.

10.a.is this your family name? b. is this your first name?

c. is this your full name?


11. a. yellow. b. black.c. blue.

12.a.yes, they are. b. no, they aren’t. c. sorry, i don’t know.

13.a. they are the girl’s. b. they are bob’s.c. they are jim’s.

14.a.yes, it is tom’s. b. yes, it is. c. no, it isn’t.


15.a. 459-3862. b. 495-3682.c. 495-3862.

iv.听短文, 填单词,补全句子。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)


is this your( 16)?

please call ( 17 ) .

phone 136-2087.


my (18 ) .

my name is ( 19 ) .

please call( 20.

unit 4 where’s my schoolbag?检测题



1.a.sitb. sisterc. friend

2.a.bringb. behindc. bag

3.a.bedb .bagc. hat

4.a.match b. mathc. thing

5.a.ballb. floorc. know


6.a.it’s a cup. b. it’s tom. c. it’s under the bed.

7.a.yes,she is. b. yes, he is. c. yes, they aren’t.

8.a.it’s on the table.b. he’s under the desk.c. they are on the chair.

9.a.no,they aren’t. b. no, it isn’t. c. no, she isn’t.

10.a.i don’t know. b. you’re right. c. of course not. iii.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)

11. where is the ruler?

a. it’s under the bed.b. it’s on the sofa. c. it’s on the bed.

a. it is on the table. b. it’s not in the room. c. it’s under the table. 13 .what’s on the bed?

a. a bag.b. a notebook. c. a book.

14. is her watch on the bed?

a. yes, it is. b. no, it’s in the schoolbag.c. no, it’s on the sofa.【七年级上册英语单词mp3】

15. where is the jacket?

a. it’s in the schoolbag. b. it’s on the chair. c. it’s under the schoolbag. iv.听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)

16.the library is in .

a. our city b. our factory c. our school

17.the school library is .

a. bigb. not small c. not big

18.in the library there are books.

a. moreb. muchc. many

19.some books in the library are english.

a. onb. in c. at

20.we can books from the library.

a. buyb. to buyc. borrow

unit 5 do you have a soccer ball?检测题

一、听力部分(每小题1分,满分20 分)

ⅰ.听句子,选择与句意相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分) ⅱ.听对话,根据内容选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)

6. what’s in mary’s pencil box?

a. a pencil sharpener. b. two pencils. c. two pens.

7. does lily want to play soccer?

a. yes, she does. b. no, she doesn’t.

c. no, she wants to watch tv.

8. does jenny have a basketball?

a. yes, she has two. b. yes, she does. c. no, she doesn’t.

9. where are the ping-pong balls?

a. on the dresser. b. in the drawer. c. under the desk.

10. can tony play baseball?

a. yes, he can. b. no, he can’t. c. no, he doesn’t. ⅲ.听问句,选择正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)

11. a. yes, i am. b. yes, i do. c. no, it isn’t.

12. a. that sounds good.b. it’s a ping-pong ball.c. yes, i like.

13. a. no, he doesn’t. b. no, i don’t. c. yes, he likes.

14. a. yes, they do. b. yes, it is. c. no, they aren’t.

15. a. yes, they do. b. they are under the desk. c. they like tennis. iv.听对话,根据内容判断下列句子正(t)误(f)。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)

()16. andrew likes tennis.

()17. andrew doesn’t like soccer.

()18. ann has a sister.

()19. ann and sue don’t play tennis.

()20. sue doesn’t like soccer.units 1-3综合检测试卷




ab c d e

1. 2.3. 4. 5.



()6. a. i’m fine, thanks.

()7. a. i’m ok.

()8. a. alice.

()10. a. spell it,please. b. it is a pen. c. it’s red. b. hello, mary. b. nice to meet you, too.b. nba. c. bye-bye. c. bob. c. it’s a bag. c. no , it isn’t. ()9.

20. a. r- e-d b. it’s red


(a) 听对话,将图片物品的主人的编号填入题前的括号内 ,读两遍。


a. bill b. davidc. jim


a. helenb. joy c. kate


a. andy b. tim c. john篇二:新版七年级英语上册unit5 课文录音文本

unit5 do you have a soccer ball? section a ,1b

a. do you have a ping-pong bat?

b. yes,i do.a. do you have a ping-pong ball?

b. no,i don’t.



a. do you have a soccer ball,paul?

b. no,i don’t.

a. does your brother alan have one?

b. yes,he does. coversation2

a. hi,mike!b. hi,john.

a.i want to play

basketball.do you have a basketball?

b.yes,i do.



a. hi,sally.

b. hi,jane.

a. sally,this is my friend,anna.

b. hi,anna,nice to meet you.

a. nice to meet you,sally.b. let’s play tennis.do you have a tennis ball,jane? a. sorry,i don’t. conversation4

a. do you have a volleyball,dale?

b. no,i don’t.but my brother does.let’s go and find him.

2d见课本p26 section b,1b

a. well,do you have a volleyball.

b. yes.

a. then let’s play volleyball.

b. oh,volleyball is so difficult.

a. ok,let’s watch tv.

b. that sounds

boring,hmm,let’s play soccer.do you have a soccer ball?篇三:七年级上册英语听力 七年级上册英语听力 m1~m4


(p2 module 1 unit 1 part 3 )


( )1、what is miss li?

a. a doctor b. a teacher c. a worker

( )2. where is lingling from?

a. beijing b. shanghai c. new york

( )3. what is the relationship between lingling and daming?

a. friends b. sister and brother c. mother and son

( )4. how old is wanghui?

a. 11 b. 12 c. 13

(p8 module 2 unit 1 part 3)


( )1. where is betty from?

a. china b. america c. england

( )2. how old is betty?

a11 b. 12 c. 13

( )3. where is tony from?

a. china b. america c. england

( )4. how old is tony?

a11 b. 12 c. 13

(p14 module3 unit1 part3)


( )1. how many students are there in a class in betty’s school?

a. 20 b. 21 c. 22

( )2. how many boys are there in daming’s class?

a. 22 b. 24 c. 25

a. daming b. miss li c. no one

( p21 module 4 unit1 part3)试题:

( )1. how many people are there in tony’s family?

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5

( )2. how many uncles does tony have?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3

( )3. tony doesn’t have any grandparents?

a. yes, he does. b. no, he doesn’t. c. sorry, i don’t know.


(p2 module 1 unit 1 part 3 )

miss li: hello. my name’s miss li. i’m a teacher and i’m chinese. i’m from wuhan. what’s your name? where are you from?

lingling: my name’lingling. i’m from beijing. i’m twelve years old and i’m chinese. this is daming. he’s my friend .we’re students.

daming: hello. my name’s daming. i’m a student and i’m twelve years old. i’m from beijing. lingling is my friend. what’s your name?

wang hui: my name’s wang hui. i’m a student and i’m from shanghai and i’m a student. i’m chinese. i’m in class one.

miss li: nice to meet you, wang hui.

wang hui: nice to meet you, too.

(p8 module 2 unit 1 part 3)

international school. this is betty.

betty: hello. my name’s betty. i’m from america. i’m 13 years old

and i’m a student. i can play football and i can play basketball. i can speak english, but i can’t speak chinese. this is tony. he’s my friend.

tony: hello. my name’s tony. i’m 11years old. i’m from england and i can

speak english. i can play football and table tennis, and i can ride a bike. lingling:

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