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2015-12-26 05:02:27 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 形容活动很成功词语篇一《表示成功的成语(2)》 ...



功败垂成gōng bài chuí chéng



例 句:况且十二道金牌,他未必不知道是假的,何必就班师回去,以致功败垂成。(清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六十一回)

道傍之筑dào bàng zhī zhù



事以密成shì yǐ mì chéng



黄袍加身huáng páo jiā shēn



例 句:黄袍加身御海宇,五代纷争从此休。(清·陈忱《水浒后传》第一回)

铁杵磨成针tiě chǔ mï chéng zhēn



心坚石穿xīn jiān shí chuān



行成于思xíng chéng yú sī



例 句:行成于思,这是学业、事业有成的格言。

九转功成jiǔ zhuàn gōng chéng



例 句:九转功成数尽乾。开炉拨鼎见金丹。餐饵了、别尘寰。足蹑青云突上天。(唐·吕岩《渔父·朝帝》词)

一箭上垛yī jiàn shàng duî


以狸饵鼠yǐ lǐ ěr shǔ



来之不易lái zhī bù yì



炉火纯青lú huǒ chún qīng



例 句:他的棋艺精深,可以说已达到炉火纯青的地步。

马到成功mǎ dào chéng gōng



例 句:只要不轻敌,相信你们一定会马到成功。




快活 开心 快乐 喜悦 快慰 愉悦 愉快 畅快 大喜 欣喜 喜洋洋 喜滋滋 兴冲冲 乐融融 乐陶陶 乐呵呵 乐悠悠 甜滋滋 兴高采烈 兴致勃勃 欢呼雀跃 兴趣盎然 手舞足蹈 欢天喜地 称心如意 心满意足 欢欣鼓舞 喜出望外 喜上眉梢 喜笑颜开 喜形于色 眉飞色舞 乐不可支 心旷神怡 心花怒放 欣喜若狂 洋洋自得 满面春风 自得其乐


悲伤 悲痛 悲切 悲叹 悲观 哀愁 哀怨 哀鸣 怅然 痛苦 伤心 伤感 心如刀割 痛不欲生 痛心疾首 悲痛欲绝 欲哭无泪 乐极生悲 慷慨悲歌


忧虑 忧伤 郁闷 焦虑 顾虑重重 满腹疑虑 坐立不安 惴惴不安 忧心忡忡 心事重重 心烦意乱 心乱如麻 心神不定 心急如焚 心急火燎 五脏俱焚 愁眉不展 愁眉苦脸 满面愁容


愤然 愤慨 愤恨 憎恶 怨恨 痛恨 仇恨 愤愤不平 深恶痛绝 令人发指 义愤填膺 切齿痛恨 深仇大恨 抱恨终身


激怒 怒火中烧 恼羞成怒 火冒三丈 怒发冲冠 怒气冲天 拂袖而去 勃然大怒 大发雷霆 暴跳如雷 怒不可遏 怒形于色 面有愠色 满面怒容 怒目圆睁


惊慌 惊吓 害怕 恐慌 恐怖 心惊胆战 胆小怕事 提心吊胆 做贼心虚 心有余悸 惊慌失措 张皇失措 如坐针毡 惊魂未定 惊恐万状 战战兢兢 面如土色 失魂落魄 心惊肉跳 胆颤心惊 不寒而栗 心胆俱裂 魂不附体 横眉冷对 憨态可掬 面红耳赤


喜上眉梢 落落大方 斗志昂扬 意气风发 威风凛凛 容光焕发 神采奕奕 悠然自得 眉飞色舞 喜笑颜开 欣喜若狂 呆若木鸡 喜出望外 垂头丧气 勃然大怒 开怀大笑 哄堂大笑 捧腹大笑 前仰后合 大发雷霆 火冒三丈 怒火中烧 怒气冲天 心如刀绞 泪如雨下 胆战心惊 魂飞魄散 惊心动魄 迫不及待 心急如焚 燃眉之急 垂头丧气 气宇轩昂 欣喜若狂 左顾右盼 神采奕奕 精神抖擞 容光焕发 神采飞扬 满面红光 精神焕发


形容学习工作认真的词语 形容工作态度的词语,由成功励志网收集,希望有关于形容工作态度的词语的文章形容工作态度的词语能对您有所帮助!

孜孜不倦 尽心尽力 废寝忘食 不辞辛劳

宵衣旰食 认真负责 勤勤恳恳 任劳任怨

鞠躬尽瘁、积极热情 刻苦耐劳 忠于职守

发扬老黄牛精神 改革创新 勇于拼搏、

克尽厥职(厥:其) 全心全意 全力以赴


一丝不苟 全神贯注 废寝忘食 专心致志 孜孜不倦 一丝不苟 一心一意 悬梁刺骨 凿壁偷光 囊萤映雪 闻鸡起舞 聚精会神 秉烛达旦 笃学好古、 牛角挂书, 发奋图强、持之以恒、 夜以继日. 好学不倦、 韦编三绝 夜以继日 如饥似渴 通宵达旦 聚精会神一目十行

手不释卷 举一反三 温故知新 悬梁刺股 磨刀不误砍柴工

事半功倍 学无止境 学而不厌 真才实学

学而不倦 发奋图强 废寝忘食

争分夺秒 孜孜不倦 笨鸟先飞 闻鸡起舞 自强不息 只争朝夕

不甘示弱 全力以赴 力争上游 议论纷纷 流言蜚语 口若悬河 一家之言 废寝忘食 全神贯注 专心致志 孜孜不倦 一丝不苟 一心一意 夜以继日 如饥似渴 通宵达旦 聚精会神一目十行



温故知新 悬梁刺股 磨刀不误砍柴工 事半功倍 学无止境 学而不厌 真才实学 学而不倦 发奋图强 废寝忘食 争分夺秒 孜孜不倦 笨鸟先飞 闻鸡起舞 自强不息 只争朝夕 不甘示弱



语法点:形容词和副词最高级 活动1:班级之最 词汇:dest / oldest / youngest / tallest /shortest /heaviest / thinnest

/ cleverest / bravest / prettiest / highest / farthest / fastest,most active /humorous / helpful /handsome / popular


(1)Whose…is the best of all?

(2)Who is theoldest / youngest / tallest / … / most helpful in the class?

(3)Who plays basketlall best / … / runs fastest in our class?

(4)The most popular / … students in our class are …



S1:Whose English in best of all? S2:I think Ann's English is the best. S3:I agree with you.

S4:Who jumps highest in our class? S5:I think Bob does.


(3)全班编辑“班级明星”手册。 活动2:动物世界

词汇:the biggest / smallest / smartest / cutest / cleverest / ugliest / scariest / tallest / shortest / fattest / heaviest / fastest / shyest / shortest /fattest / heaviest / fastest / shyest / quietest,loveliest / most lovely,friendliest / most friendly,most alone / lonely / interesting / beautiful/ dangerous / unfriendly


(1)Which animal is largest/cleverest / scari-est / tallest / …?

(2)Which animal has the longest neck / longest teeth / longest nose / biggest ears / …?

(3)Which animal flies farthest / jumps highest / runs fastest /…?

(4)Which animals do you like best? 活动步骤


—Which animal is the king of animals and is the scariest?

(A tiger.)

—Which animal is the cleverest and eats bananas and nuts?

(A nonkey.)

—Which animal only lives in China and eats bamboos and is the

shyest?(A panda.)

—Which animal has the longest neck?(A gi-raffe.) —Which animal is the lar-gest animal in the world and lives in

the sea?(A whale.)

—Which animal is the biggest and strongest animal on land and has the longest teeth and nose?(An elephant.)




—Which animal do you like best?And why? —I like a dolphin best because it's the smartest,clevetst,most beautiful and interesting ani-mal,and it can swim,play with a ball and walk in the water.I like dolphin shows very much.



表示活动的常用词组一 4. 主修…

5. 获奖学金 6. 遵守纪律 7. 网上聊天

8. 从事体育运动 11. 学…课程 12. 做…工作

13. 观看一场势均力敌的比赛 15. 参加社会实践 16. 获一等奖

19. 报名参加竞赛 20. 申请职位

21. 得到1000元奖励 22. 出席/缺席会议 26. 补课 /上课外班 27. 开展竞赛

28. 组织/参加课外活动 31. 做早操

32. 交流学生的计划 33. 做实验

38. 有出色的表现 39. 表演短剧

41. 和着音乐唱歌/跳舞 42. 分组讨论 43. 认真听讲

44. 进行热烈的讨论 48. 开辩论会

50. 扔垃圾 / 捡垃圾 51. 彻底搞卫生 52. 发表个人意见

54. 展现班级的面貌

55. 注意自己的一言一行 56. 安排某人做… 60. 为… 加油

major in …. get a scholarship

obey the school disciplines chat online go in for sports take up the course of …

take up a job as a volunteer / a guide / a attendant watch a close match/game take part in social practice come out first

enter for a competition

apply for a post

get 1,000 dollars as a reward

be present at a meeting / be absent from a meeting make up for the missing lessons/take up extra courses have a competition (between …)

organize / take part in the after class activities do morning exercises

(carry out) a project of exchanging students

do/make/perform the experiment perform well / do a good job in … put on a short play

sing songs/dance to the music have a discussion about … in groups

attend classes attentively have a heated discussion about .. hold/have a debate

litter rubbish about/ pick up litters do a thorough cleaning present one’s personal ideas display the image of a class mind one’s manners / behaviors arrange for sb to do sth cheer for sb

62. 参加某人之中做游戏 63. 参加社会实践活动 64. 参加才艺表演 67. 参加军训 69. 游览

join sb in playing games take part in a social activity join in a talent show take part in the military drills make a tour of … / take a trip to …


把---归因于--- owe---to--- 呼吁节约 call for economy

把---强加给--- impose---to--- 把---作为生活目标 set…as one’s goal in life 号召---做--- call on---to do--- 合理安排生活 have a balanced life

---势力壮大 ---grow in power 毋庸质疑--- it goes without saying that---

被淘汰 be outdated 兼有---和---的好处 combine the advantage of---and--- 采取---的政策 adopt policies that--- 处于不正常状态 be in an improper situation 解决矛盾 tackle the contradiction 与---处于类似的地位have a similar position with 反对---的做法 be against the practice of 得出---的结论 reach the conclusion that--- 权衡利弊 weigh the pros and cons 对---体现出体恤之情show consideration for

受到双重压力 take double burden 对现状很满足 be content with the present situation 对---有负面影响have negative effect on 对---大有好处 bring great advantages to

生活有规律 have a routine life 面临---的竞争 be faced with competition from 反映了---观点 reflect the view that-- 迎接挑战 meet the challenge

赶时髦 follow the fashion 使---终身受益 benefit sb through one’s life 跟不上时代 can’t keep pace with the time 看重 put high value on

关注--- be concerned about 将---的重点从---转到---shift the focus of---from---to--- 以---为己任regard---as one’s own responsibility以---为戒 take---as a warning 把---放在第一位put---in the first place 以---为荣 take pride in 以---装备--- equip---with--- 把责任归咎于--- put the blame on--- 以---为乐 take pleasure in 把---公之于众 make---known to the public 以---告终 end up with 以---来丰富--- enrich---by---

对---表示同情 have mercy on--- 以身作则 set an example for others 对---持乐观态度hold an optimistic attitude on以身试法challenge the law

以---的名义 in the name of 为---奠定基础lay the foundation for 对---评价很高 think highly of 对---缺乏信任 lack faith in

为---腾出空间 make room for 为---利益打算for the benefit of 为---找借口 find an excuse for 对---视而不见 turn a blind eye to 为---做准备 make preparations for 对---表示关心 show concern for

与---共命运 share fate with 与---协调一致 in harmony with 违反 go against 与不良现象作斗争fight against evil phenomenon 减负 reduce study load 开阔视野 widen one’s horizon 提高心理素质 improve psychological quality讲课 give a lecture

培养多方面才能 develop all-round talents 会独立思考have independent mind 偏科favor one course and neglect others 确立目标 set a goal

强化社会责任感strengthen the sense of duty to the society吸取经验教训 learn from experience

重视平时的努力 attach importance to daily work 体贴父母 be attentive to one’s parents 对---期望过高 expect too much of 向钱看 put money above all 助人为乐 find pleasure in helping others 物质回报 material rewards 陶冶情操 cultivate one’s taste 缓解烦恼 ease one’s trouble 精神财富 spiritual wealth 社会公德 social morality

奉献精神 spirit of devotion 爱护公共财物take care of public property 攀比 compete with others to see who is superior

自卑感 sense of inferiority 保持积极开朗 keep active and open-minded 误导消费者 mislead consumers 改善社会治安 improve the social security

既有教益又有娱乐性 be both instructive and entertaining扰乱治安disturb public order 带头 take the lead 把---委托给--- leave---to---

回首过去 look back on the past 心灵的沟通 the bridging of souls 履行义务 live up to one’s duty 抵制---的诱惑 resist the temptation of 世界观 world outlook 人生观,价值观 outlook on life and values 德才兼备 combine ability with character 大有作为 have a big role to play

无私奉献 make selfless contributions to 诚实守信 be honest and trustworthy 公共设施 public facilities 从---汲取营养 draw nutrition from 忙碌不安的时代 a restless hurry-up age 和谐相处 live in harmony with 抓住机会 grasp the opportunity 激烈的竞争 a fierce competition

对---造成损害 cause damage to 认真对待 take seriously 认为---理所当然 take---for granted 实施 put---into action 把---归功于--- owe---to--- 以---为代价 at the cost of

为纪念、表敬意--- in honor of 作为对---的报答 in return for 根据---判断 judge---by--- 误导---以至--- mislead---into--- 把---告诉--- inform---of--- 把---集中在--- focus---on--- 把---与---联系在一起 relate---to--- 与---妥协 compromise with 将---与---混淆 confuse---with--- 使---面对--- face---with--- 与---讲理 reason---with--- 以---威胁--- threaten---with---

把---定义为 Define---as--- 把---从---中解放出来 free---from--- 从---中吸取--- draw---from--- 为---羡慕--- envy---for---

名胜古迹 scenic spots and historic sites 失学青少年 school dropout 做出成绩 make accomplishments 农村地区 rural areas 公共服务 public services 公共设施 public facilities 娱乐活动 recreational activity 精神焕发 in high spirits

放眼世界 have the global view 激烈的竞争 a fierce competition 4. 洗淋浴 take a shower 11. 治愈某人的病 12. 匆忙赶往医院 13. 收/付100元钱 18. 陷入沉思 22. 约某人

cure sb of the disease hurry to the hospital

be lost in thought drop in on sb

5. 把…带到安全地带 take sb to a safe place

charge/pay 100

make an appointment with sb

23. 顺道拜访某人

24. 看家

keep an eye on the house lean against the wall/tree

29. 靠在墙上/树上 30. 逆风而行 33. 熟睡

struggle along the road against the wind be fast asleep

come to an end/put…..to an end seize sb by the hand/collar/arm

38. 结束 /使…结束

43. 紧紧抓住某人的手/衣领/胳膊 47. 查阅电话号码/住址/网址

46. 查阅字典 consult the dictionary refer to a telephone number/address/website 51. 严格要求某人

be strict with sb

57. 请某人吃饭/喝茶 58. 从口袋里掏某物 59. 腾空抽屉/口袋 63. 点灯/蜡烛

62. 往后/四周/上下看 68. 帮某人一把 70. 过马路/桥/河 76. 到达现场 77. 不辞而行 82. 作体力活 85. 切断电源

treat sb to dinner/tea

feel sth in the pocket/pull sth out of the pocket empty the drawer/pocket light the lamp/candle do sb a favor arrive at the spot do manual work

look back/around/up and down

cross the road/bridge/river take French leave cut off the power supply quarrel with sb about sth blame sb for sth wave sb’s greetings to line up on the playground be seated in the first row

86. 与某人争吵某事 87. 为某事责备某人 88. 向某人挥手致意 90. 送某人到门口 91. 在操场站队 92. 坐在第一排

see sb to the door

93. 记下某人的名字/电话号码/家庭住址 take down one’s name/tel.number/address 98. 一脚踩空

miss one’s step

102. 打中了某人的头 103. 占太大空间 104. 扑灭火灾 105. 苏醒过来 111. 闲逛

hit sb on the head occupy too much room put out the fire come to oneself

idle about

take sth by mistake cover 100 miles make up a lie

110. 误拿了某物 118. 走100里路 119. 编造谎言

121. 敲门

knock at the door win by one goal/point

123. 赢了一个球/一分 129. 铺开一张纸 134. 抢劫某人某物 136. 由…组成 137. 请两周假 138. 放鞭炮 139. 踩刹车 140. 量体温

124. 紧紧地拉着某人的手 hold one’s hand tightly rob sb of sth consist of

spread out a piece of paper

ask for a fortnight's leave take a brake

set off the firecrackers

take sb’s temperature block one’s way

148. 重重地摔在地上 151. 挡住某人的去路 152. 以高价卖出 153. 畅销

157. 交叉双腿/手 161. 监视某人 164. 调查某事 165. 罚款 172. 端饭

fall to the ground with sudden force

be sold at a high price be in great demand cross one’s legs/hands keep watch on sb look into sth

159. 为…提供优质服务 162. 正在吃饭/工作

provide sb with services of high quality

be at table/work

impose a fine on sb serve the dishes come to one’s rescue be diagnosed as put up a tent set the table

express one’s gratitude to sb for doing sth forgive sb for doing sth a live broadcast

167. 张开双臂拥抱某人 174. 去营救某人 180. 支帐篷 181. 摆桌子

stretch out one’s arms to embrace sb

175. 被诊断为…

185. 感谢某人做了某事 186. 原谅某人做了某事 190. 讲礼貌 194. 现场直播 195. 着手做…

lay emphasis on good manners set about doing sth pull in /out

201. 汽车进站 (出站)

202. 牵手 hold sb by the hand 安于现状 be content with things as they are

避重就轻 avoid the crucial point and take the minor 不得要领 be beside the point

不分轻重缓急 have no sense of priority

不顾大局 be regardless of the whole situation

不经灾难不知福 misfortune tells us what fortune is


形容学习工作认真的词语 形容工作态度的词语,由成功励志网收集,希望有关于形容工作态度的词语的文章形容工作态度的词语能对您有所帮助!

孜孜不倦 尽心尽力 废寝忘食 不辞辛劳

宵衣旰食 认真负责 勤勤恳恳 任劳任怨

鞠躬尽瘁、积极热情 刻苦耐劳 忠于职守

发扬老黄牛精神 改革创新 勇于拼搏、

克尽厥职(厥:其) 全心全意 全力以赴


一丝不苟 全神贯注 废寝忘食 专心致志 孜孜不倦 一丝不苟 一心一意 悬梁刺骨 凿壁偷光 囊萤映雪 闻鸡起舞 聚精会神 秉烛达旦 笃学好古、 牛角挂书, 发奋图强、持之以恒、 夜以继日. 好学不倦、 韦编三绝 夜以继日 如饥似渴 通宵达旦 聚精会神一目十行

手不释卷 举一反三 温故知新 悬梁刺股 磨刀不误砍柴工

事半功倍 学无止境 学而不厌 真才实学

学而不倦 发奋图强 废寝忘食

争分夺秒 孜孜不倦 笨鸟先飞 闻鸡起舞 自强不息 只争朝夕

不甘示弱 全力以赴 力争上游 议论纷纷 流言蜚语 口若悬河 一家之言 废寝忘食 全神贯注 专心致志 孜孜不倦 一丝不苟 一心一意 夜以继日 如饥似渴 通宵达旦 聚精会神一目十行



温故知新 悬梁刺股 磨刀不误砍柴工 事半功倍 学无止境 学而不厌 真才实学 学而不倦 发奋图强 废寝忘食 争分夺秒 孜孜不倦 笨鸟先飞 闻鸡起舞 自强不息 只争朝夕 不甘示弱



虹口区 47.The music sounds and many people are fond of it so much.

A)beautifully B)sweet C)excited D)well 50.What the clown said was so that all of us laughed all the time.

A)interesting B)boring C)amazing D)amusing

长宁区 41.It's essential that you have some experience if you want to get the job.The underlined word means " ".

A)wonderful B)necessary C)special D)usual

52.Her speech was so dramatic that everyone was attracted.The underlined word means " ".

A)exciting B)surprising C)amusing D)interesting 58.Her friends were all at her great progress in English.(surprise)

59.He was thought to be for the fire that destroyed the new house.(responsiblity)

松江区 36.Your plan for the writer holiday sounds .I think we can give it a try.

A)excited B)well C)good D)clearly 61.When I was small,my mum often told me many stories.(amaze) 63.The meeting room is full,so it is to find a seat there.(possible)

普陀区 51.As we all know,friendship is one of the most things in our lives.

A)equal B)precious C)convenient D)accurate

57.Visitors received a lot of help from the volunteers at the Expo.(friend)

61. food is very important to help our minds work properly.(health)

徐汇区 41.The students of Class Two watched an football match on TV last night.

A)interested B)disappointed C)relaxing D)exciting

60.Please open your eyes and you 'll see yourself in a pretty and garden.(colour)

63.Ton felt because he had to keep his pet dog in a very small place.(happy) 卢湾区 36.We soon became with the couple next door.

A)politely B)easily C)friendly D)slowly 61.pansy is a tall and girl with a cheerful face.(please) 63.There are many ways to communicate through the Internet.(different) 64.I got in the animated cartoon the first time I watched it.(interest) 浦东新区 41.The policeman worked very hard to keep the 2010 Shanghai World Expo .

A)safe B)safely C)safety D)save

闸北区 60.Nowadays blogs are much more useful than (tradition)

宝山区 61.Jack likes eating food very much.(freeze)

62.The smoke which has been cleaned is .(harm)

嘉定区 36.My daughter looked when she was wearing that red hat.

A)funny B)interesting C)attractive D)amazing

60.I think it is for kids to know about some ways of protecting themselves.(importance)

黄浦区 46.The roast beef tastes so 。May I have one more piece?

A)well B)beautiful C)nicely D)awful 61.You'd better not ask questions during the interview.(person) 63.The newly published books are quite to teenagers.They can learn a lot.(help) 64.The young man is quite .He did everything on his own.(dependent) 静安区 62.For reasons,the work can't be done at present.(variety) 63.The little child looks thin and weak because of his diet.(healthy) 金山区 34.The police are working hard to keep our city all the time.

A)save B)being safe C)safe D)safely 38.To have a picnic at this weekend sounds .

A)exciting B)well C)friendly D)wonderfully

64.In order to keep healthy,it's helpful to do exercise every day.(physics)

闵行区 45.These Christmas cards look very .All of us want to buy some.

A)nicely B)lucky C)beautifully D)lovely 48.David turned his back on me and I knew that he was with my words.

A)angry B)connected C)satisfied D0familiar 60.The breakfast in this area includes bread,cakes and eggs.(tradition) 崇明县 38.Paul has a voice and his dream is to become a pop singer some day.

A)happily B)quietly C)beautifully D)lovely

48.Mr.White is satisfied with what Simon has done for him.The underlined word means " ".

A)careful B)pleased C)familiar D)busy

61.We are supposed to finish all this work by tomorrow,but it's .(possible) 64.Jacky Cheung is a famous singer.It is for young people to be his fans.(nature)


37.Granny Li looks again,and she can even have a walk with her dog after supper.

A)well B)pretty C)lovely D)nicely 51."O.Henty's stories often have unexpected endings"The underlined word means " ".

63.The old woman feels because only a few young people would like to learn paper cutting.(happy)

杨浦区 36.Everyone agrees that the food in our school cafeteria tastes .

A)well B)good C)nicely D)wonderfully 61.Carry around a lot of "real"money is not as as paying with a credit card.(save)

63.Let's donate something more to the people through the Red Cross.(home) 奉贤区 49.Entering a key senior high school sounds .I hope to succeed.

A)terrible B)wonderfully C)terribly D)wonderful

54.We can find fewer cormorant fishing activities in the modern society.The underlined word means " ".

A)recent B)simple C)perfect D)real

61.Teachers and parents often teach their children to be to others.(friend) 64.It's to improve our English without enough practice.(possible)



胆战心惊 魂飞魄散 惊心动魄 心惊肉跳 心惊胆寒 欣喜若狂 心花怒放 忐忑不安 心慌意乱 心乱如麻 七上八下 大发雷霆 火冒三丈 怒火中烧 怒气冲天 迫不及待 心急如焚 心神不定,心肌梗塞,心旷神怡,心想事成,胆战心惊,心乱如麻,心心相印,心如刀割,一剑穿心,心花怒放。

神经意乱 百思不解 不此之图 长虑顾后 殚精竭虑 匪夷所思 机关用尽 急中生智 兼权熟计 困心衡虑 冥思苦索 前思后想 清心寡欲

忐忑不安,心惊肉跳,心神不定,心慌意乱,心急如焚,七上八下,心烦意乱,心粗胆大,心乱如麻,心如刀割 横眉冷对 憨态可掬 面红耳赤 喜上眉梢 落落大方 斗志昂扬 意气风发 威风凛凛 容光焕发 神采奕奕 悠然自得 眉飞色舞 喜笑颜开 欣喜若狂 呆若木鸡 喜出望外 垂头丧气 勃然大怒 开怀大笑 哄堂大笑 捧腹大笑 前仰后合 大发雷霆 火冒三丈 怒火中烧 怒气冲天 心如刀绞 泪如雨下 胆战心惊 魂飞魄散 惊心动魄 迫不及待 心急如焚 燃眉之急 垂头丧气 气宇轩昂 欣喜若狂 左顾右盼 神采奕奕 精神抖擞 容光焕发 神采飞扬 满面红光 精神焕发


心急如焚 忐忑不安 心猿意马 高兴:兴高采烈、兴致勃勃、喜出望外、喜气洋洋、喜上眉梢、喜笑颜开、喜形于色、笑逐言开、神采飞扬、神采焕发。




心神不安 心慌意乱 七上八下 心神不安

慷慨激昂,悲喜交加,念念不忘,依依不舍,刻骨铭心,心花怒放,乐不思蜀,忐忑不安 心惊肉跳 心神不定 心猿意马 心慌意乱 七上八下 心急如焚 横眉冷对 憨态可掬 面红耳赤 喜上眉梢 落落大方 斗志昂扬 意气风发 威风凛凛 容光焕发 神采奕奕 悠然自得 眉飞色舞 喜笑颜开 欣喜若狂 呆若木鸡 喜出望外 垂头丧气 勃然大怒 开怀大笑 哄堂大笑 捧腹大笑 前仰后合 大发雷霆 火冒三丈 怒火中烧 怒气冲天 心如刀绞 泪如雨下 胆战心惊 魂飞魄散 惊心动魄 迫不及待 心急如焚 燃眉之急 垂头丧气 气宇轩昂 欣喜若狂 左顾右盼 神采奕奕 精神抖擞 容光焕发 神采飞扬 满面红光 精神焕发


欣喜若狂 心灰意冷 心灰意懒 回心转意

灰心丧气 喜从天降 心旷神怡 怒气冲天

怒气冲冲 怒气攻心 怨声载道 杞人忧天

举棋不定 忐忑不安 心急如焚 七上八下

六神无主 心神不定 眉飞色舞 挤眉弄眼

眉开眼笑 心甘情愿 心花怒放 心有余悸

心照不宣 心悦诚服 垂头丧气 勃然大怒

噤若寒蝉 胆战心惊 魂飞魄散 心如刀绞

心急如焚 忐忑不安 心猿意马 兴高采烈

兴致勃勃 喜出望外 喜气洋洋 喜上眉梢

喜笑颜开 喜形于色 笑逐言开 神采飞扬

神采焕发 怒不可遏 怒发冲冠 怒火中烧

怒气冲天 愤愤不平 燃眉之急 暴跳如雷

横眉怒目 勃然大怒 大发雷霆 愁肠百结

愁眉不展 愁眉苦脸 垂头丧气 椎心泣血

悲不自胜 悲痛欲绝 心如刀绞 泪如雨下

潸然泪下 胆小如鼠 胆战心惊 心胆俱裂

心慌意乱 心惊肉跳 心乱如麻 心有余悸

诚惶诚恐 战战兢兢 惊恐万状 心神不安

心慌意乱 七上八下 心神不安 慷慨激昂

悲喜交加 念念不忘 依依不舍 刻骨铭心

心花怒放 乐不思蜀,忐忑不安 心惊肉跳

心神不定 心猿意马 心慌意乱 七上八下

心急如焚 横眉冷对 憨态可掬 面红耳赤

喜上眉梢 落落大方 斗志昂扬 意气风发

威风凛凛 容光焕发 神采奕奕 悠然自得

眉飞色舞 喜笑颜开 欣喜若狂 呆若木鸡

喜出望外 垂头丧气 勃然大怒 开怀大笑

哄堂大笑 捧腹大笑 前仰后合 大发雷霆

火冒三丈 怒火中烧 怒气冲天 心如刀绞

泪如雨下 胆战心惊 魂飞魄散 惊心动魄

迫不及待 心急如焚 燃眉之急 垂头丧气

气宇轩昂 欣喜若狂 左顾右盼 神采奕奕

精神抖擞 容光焕发 神采飞扬 满面红光

精神焕发 大喜过望 心平气和 平心静气

暴跳如雷 心有余悸 惊魂未定 心安理得

心如刀割 心如死灰 心驰神往 心旷神怡

心乱如麻 心胆俱裂 心神不定 心神恍惚

心悦诚服 心惊肉跳 心花怒放 心慌意乱

心烦意乱 心惊胆战 心猿意马 心潮澎湃

乐不可支 乐以忘忧 百感交集 感慨万端

欢天喜地 欢欣鼓舞 悲痛欲绝 忧心如焚

忧心忡忡 闷闷不乐 欣喜若狂 怏怏不乐

胆战心惊 柔肠寸断 悔恨交加 惊喜交集

喜不自胜 喜出望外 愤愤不平 悲喜交集

提心吊胆 悲不自胜 悲愤填膺 痛不欲生

痛心疾首 痛快淋漓 痛哭流涕 七上八下

忐忑不安 胆颤心惊 惊魂未定 惊恐万状

惊慌失措 心有余悸 心惊肉跳 不寒而栗

魂不附体 失魂落魄 七上八下 怒不可遏

怒火中烧 急不可耐 迫不及待 垂头丧气

怒发冲冠 心花怒放 失望透顶 慷慨激昂

悲喜交加 念念不忘 依依不舍 刻骨铭心

心花怒放 乐不思蜀 忐忑不安 心惊肉跳

心神不定 心猿意马 心慌意乱 七上八下

心急如焚 横眉冷对 憨态可掬 面红耳赤

喜上眉梢 落落大方 斗志昂扬 意气风发

威风凛凛 容光焕发 神采奕奕 悠然自得

眉飞色舞 喜笑颜开欣喜若狂 呆若木鸡

喜出望外 垂头丧气 勃然大怒 开怀大笑

哄堂大笑 捧腹大笑 前仰后合 大发雷霆

火冒三丈 怒火中烧 怒气冲天 心如刀绞

泪如雨下 胆战心惊 魂飞魄散 惊心动魄

迫不及待 心急如焚 燃眉之急 垂头丧气

气宇轩昂 欣喜若狂 左顾右盼 神采奕奕

精神抖擞 容光焕发 神采飞扬 满面红光


心急如焚 忐忑不安 心猿意马 高兴:兴高采烈、兴致勃勃、喜出望外、喜气洋洋、喜上眉梢、喜笑颜开、喜形于色、笑逐言开、神采飞扬、神采焕发。




心神不安 心慌意乱 七上八下 心神不安

慷慨激昂,悲喜交加,念念不忘,依依不舍,刻骨铭心,心花怒放,乐不思蜀,忐忑不安 心惊肉跳 心神不定 心猿意马 心慌意乱 七上八下 心急如焚 横眉冷对 憨态可掬 面红耳赤 喜上眉梢 落落大方 斗志昂扬 意气风发 威风凛凛 容光焕发 神采奕奕 悠然自得 眉飞色舞 喜笑颜开 欣喜若狂 呆若木鸡 喜出望外 垂头丧气 勃然大怒 开怀大笑 哄堂大笑 捧腹大笑 前仰后合 大发雷霆 火冒三丈 怒火中烧 怒气冲天 心如刀绞 泪如雨下 胆战心惊 魂飞魄散 惊心动魄 迫不及待 心急如焚 燃眉之急 垂头丧气 气宇轩昂 欣喜若狂 左顾右盼 神采奕奕 精神抖擞 容光焕发 神采飞扬 满面红光 精神焕发

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