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2016-03-26 10:15:09 编辑:chenxiaoling 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 昨天世纪君推送了第21届中国日报社21世纪·可口可乐杯全国英语演讲比赛总决赛冠军、上海交通大学朱雪的现场演讲视频。 招生考试网小编收集 ...

昨天世纪君推送了第21届中国日报社“21世纪·可口可乐杯”全国英语演讲比赛总决赛冠军、上海交通大学朱雪的现场演讲视频。 招生考试网小编收集了该演讲稿,让大家一睹了精英选手风采。今天,给大家继续送上季军、香港中文大学李泽翰的现场演讲视频,一起看看他的精彩表现~
  The World is Too Much With Us
  Ladies and Gentlemen,
  Do you still recall the first time that you explored the nature? When I was growing up, I had a lot of precious moments in the wilderness. I still remember the night camping in the middle of nowhere with my friends. As we were gazing at the sky, we were mesmerized by the vast, spectacular space filled with glittering stars. I felt that the nature was so powerful yet peaceful, and mankind was just a dust in the gigantic galaxy. Sadly, time and again, the development of civilization is driving us away from nature. Let me tell you why.
  We are living in the era of consumerism- when people are too used to the idea of “out with the old and in with the new”. This is the time when our values are expressed in terms of how much consumable we own rather than our on virtues. The belief that we must keep up with the latest trend is deeply rooted in our mind. It seems effortless to press the “purchase” button on an online shopping mall, but at the same time, we lay waste to nature by creating piles of trash and leaving carbon footprints. Consumerism is not just a first-world problem, but a genuine concern shared by the entire human race. The world is too much with us, and there is too little humanity left in our souls.

  We are living in the era of Internet- the greatest invention of all time that is supposed to make people closer and more connected with each other. There is no doubt that we can reach out to other people in a cheaper, easier and quicker way. But the irony kicks in when we are more willing to spend time in front of computer screens and mobile phones instead of having face-to-face interaction with real people.
  One day when I was on the MTR, I saw a couple hugging and throwing their arms around each other’s neck. Just when I thought they were the cutest couple on earth, I saw that they were actually texting on their own cell phone. This is a strange world- our eyes are fixed on electronic devices and our fingers are busy scrolling down Facebook news feed mindlessly like a robot. At the end of the day, we are just prisoners of a free cyberspace.
  The world is indeed too much with our greed, arrogance and recklessness. But this is not the end. We can still fix the situation and turn things around.
  Let us begin by realizing that nature is not only ours to enjoy and explore, but also ours to protect and preserve.
  Let us begin by demolishing the invisible wall between you and me. We need more real friends than Facebook friends. We need more chitchat than Wechat. What matters is to create a deep emotional bond to bring us all together.
  Ladies and Gentlemen. We are just a little lost in this confusing world. Human beings have never experienced such a rapidly changing time. But that’s what we are truly about- we make mistakes, we rectify them, and we will always come back stronger than ever.
  Today, I stand here confident as I have ever been that we can make the world a better place. Thank you very much.

李泽翰总决赛演讲相关热词搜索:总决赛 李泽翰


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