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2017-06-03 11:52:21 编辑:huangtingting 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   相信大家都听说过这几年的韩国大势男子团体——EXO吧,你喜欢的明星是EXO吗?下面是招生考试网www chinazhaokao com小编是为大家分享我 ...



  Don't know when to start I like acting and music, the music in my mind is what can change the mood letting a person. It does not belong to a particular form, like a sad listen to some light music can always make me feel calm. Music is a kind of spirit, give people infinite fantasy unlimited enjoyment...

  Since last year I like South Korea a day - exobiology, it is made up of 12 men. The existence of them like a god man out five days alone has tens of millions of fans, they grow very beautiful look beyond ordinary human. But I believe that is not just because of handsome appearance to attract so many fans.

  I like their songs, like their dance like them all. They have already into my heart in my heart, into my flesh.

  Among them there are very good ability to take me into the infinite daydream, dance excellence brought me to no crazy hi now.


  EXO are my favorite singers.The group composes of several Korean singers and the rest are Chinese.They are trained in dancing and singing in Korean Entertainment Company.Korean Pop music is now famous around the world and EXO soon win the hearts of many Chinese fans since their debut.They are very hard-working and kind to their fans.From them I learned how to love other people and always try my best at school.EXO,they are my heart,my soul and my life.


  My favorite band EXO is a Korean Boy Band. There are 12 members in total and equally divided into to bands, EXO-M which stands for EXO-Mandarin, and EXO-K which stands for EXO-Korean. They are two bands when seperate and one whole band when thery're altogether.

  I like them not only because they're good looking, they're also very talented as well. Dancing, singing, rapping and even things that are not related to their career. They're alwasy really nice to the fans and they're also very respectful. I love their songs and my favorite song is. The 12 boys are all well trained in SM Entertainment and they put a lot of effort into their dreams.

  I love watching them because they make my happy. They're the ones that made me smile when I was upset. Even though they're stars, but they're still cute boys whom are still not grown up yet.

  EXO is the shining star in my world, so no matter what happens I'll still support them, guard them and love them forever.

  I love EXO. We are one!

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