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2016-02-21 10:18:19 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 关于科学句子篇一《关于科学的名言警句》 ...


















●在马克思看来,科学是一种在历史上起推动作用的、革命的力量(恩格斯) ●它(科学)是社会变革的力量(贝尔纳)







●科学与艺术属于整个世界,在它们面前,民族的障碍都消失了----(歌德) ●科学是为了那些勤奋好学的人,诗歌是为了那些知识渊博的人----(约瑟夫·鲁)

●科学是脑力劳动,是脑力劳动的产物;而诗歌只能看成是它的消遣(培根) ●艺术是活的科学(科克托)


●艺术和科学的价值在于没有私欲的服务,在于为万人的利益服务(罗斯金) ●在科学的入口处,正像在地狱的入口处一样,必须提出这样的要求:“这里必须根绝一切犹豫,这里任何怯懦都无济于事。”----(马克思)



The insight about risks is limited by the randomness inherent in nature and the lack of sufficient information related to the chances of risk occurrence and the potential consequences of such occurrence. As a result, risk assessment is inherently linked with uncertainty.

Further factors triggering soil erosion as a major geogene threat lie in the enforced slope instability by artificial water-level fluctuations, deforestation, and increase in agricultural land use on extremely steep sloping areas combined with improper management practices

At the same time, the vegetative soil cover highly contributes to a protection of topsoils against erosive processes.

The conventional MCDA approach typically expresses all inputs as deterministic, however, in a real world groundwater remediation system, imprecise and vague information may exist [13–19]. It is thus desired that a systematic assessment approach for combining inputs from contaminant concentrations obtained by simulation model, health-risk guidelines, system costs analysis and stakeholder views be advanced to accomplish a sound analysis of available remediation options under uncertainty

these uncertainties may be derived from aquifer heterogeneity and physical, chemical, and biological properties of the contaminants being released and transported, which finally results in variations of the criteria performance values in MCDA matrix. In addition, the modeling and decision-making processes through MCDA techniques are complicated with a variety of uncertainties.

the results show the advantages of the proposed approach in terms of cost and sustainability

Therefore, a question whether or when the vehicles should leave the waiting line and directly to other coal-mine sites To do and to simultaneously do would be encountered to balance the purchase cost and waiting cost to minimize the total cost.

The hydrology of the basin is the main driving force for the transport of nutrients, sediment, or other properties.

The problem confronting decision makers is how to optimize agricultural activities

such as land use, water use, crop cultivation, livestock breeding and manure/fertilizer application under the given economic, environmental, social and technical


The excessive nutrient loading from agricultural activities is considered to be the principal source of NPS pollution, triggering unprecedented eutrophication to water bodies of China in recent decades. A regional electric-power system is proposed for demonstrating the developed

QIF-EPS model based on representative cost and technical data from electric-power systems planning literatures.

The system is complicated with multiple processes and activities as well as

uncertainties related to various economic and technical parameters, which may affect the relevant optimization analyses and the associated decision making.

In this study, a stretch of river approximately 51 km long (from the town of Gufu to the estuary) with two tributaries (Baisha and Gaolan Rivers) is examined.

The study system is complicated with uncertainties related to various economic and technical parameters as well as the process of energy demand/supply, conversion, transmission, consumption, CO2-emission inventory control measures.

Obviously, model (1) can deal with uncertainties in the right hand sides presented as random variables when coefficients in the left-hand sides and in the objective function are deterministic. However, in many real-world problems, results produced by

optimization techniques can be rendered highly questionable if the modeling inputs cannot be expressed with precision. When only limited or imprecise information is available while the MSP method is used, the detailed probabilistic distributions will need to be generated based on unrealistic assumptions, resulting in potential errors with the modeling inputs. Moreover, uncertainties in stream inflows may contain not only randomness with probability distributions but also fuzziness in individual events (of the realized inflows) with varied probability levels. This leads to dual uncertainties existing in the stream inflows.

However, in many real world practical problems, it is often difficult to build a

probability distribution due to the lack of data or the high cost for getting the data. Uncertainties may be related to the errors in acquired data, the variations in spatial and temporal units, and the incompleteness or impreciseness of observed information (Freeze et al., 1990). For example, in water-resources management systems, the storage capacity of a nonregulated reservoir may have statements expressed as ‘‘probably 45010 6 to 47010 6m3 ’’ or ‘‘possibly 45010 6 to 470106m3 ’’. This may lead to dual uncertainties of randomness and fuzziness due to the fact that decision makers express different subjective judgments upon a same problem.


Of particularly interest is the total nitrogen (TN) loadings whose contribution from the land surface to the North Atlantic Ocean, has increased from 5 to 20 folds in

comparison to the pre-industrial/natural level

force the forecasted streamflow with a nutrient load estimation (LOADEST) model to obtain daily TN forecasts加强 The main difficulty is response of both systems’ interactions and develops

management strategies that can address surface water and aquifer regulation simultaneously, particularly for many semiarid and arid regions.

Fuzzy analysis approaches were effective for addressing uncertainties from expert judgment or subjective interpretation of available information

In general, the FMP methods are classified into three categories in view of the forms of uncertainties: (i) fuzzy flexible programming (FFP), (ii) fuzzy possibilistic programming (FPP), and (iii) robust programming (RP) (Inuiguchi and Ramik, 2000) Concretely, the risk-neutral two-stage stochastic programming model takes the expected system cost as the objective function without considering risk-averting issues which may lead to excessive waste when the waste generation rate is in an extra-high condition.

Conditional value-at-risk (CVaR), having appealing features such as sub-additivity and convexity, can effectively quantify risks based on known probability distributions of random variables

Interval solutions, which are stable within the obtained decision space with varying levels of constraint-violation risk, can then be generated by solving the two submodels sequentially.

The developed RSOMS will be applied to a real case of Xiangxi River watershed for mitigating agricultural NPS pollution through effluent trading scheme, where various uncertainties in the effluent trading system will be tackled and trade-offs between the agricultural benefit and water quality concern will be analyzed.

For example, benefit and cost parameters as well as annual NPS loadings from cropped lands can be easier to be presented as interval values rather than PDFs.

The manager can formulate the problem as maximizing the expected value of economic activity in the region over the planning horizon.

The model simulates the rainfall-runoff process by continuously accounting for the water content in four different and mutually interrelated storages that represent different physical elements of the catchment.

RONSO is developed by coupling SWAT model with …. Approach.

Regional air pollution has been a major concern for almost one century since it not only directly relates to human activities and economic development, but also poses a serious threat to public health.

It improved upon the flexible FLP method by enabling the modeling of independent uncertainties for fuzzy constraints.

Willingness to accept a low economic revenue will guarantee satisfying water quality requirements; a strong desire to acquire a high benefit will run the risk of violating environmental criteria.

Farmers want to know where they stand by providing foreseen information that is needed to make decisions for various activities and investments.

Such uncertainties can lead to interactive and dynamic complexities in terms of water allocation and diversion over a multistage context.

Uncertainties may be related to the errors in acquired data, the variations in spatial and temporal units, and the incompleteness or impreciseness of observed information (Freeze et al., 1990)

Given the county’s demands for economic growth and its reliance on the river for water resources, the problem under consideration is how to generate desired decision schemes in order to mitigate the adverse influence of the TGR and maximize total benefit under the given water quality restrictions.

The SWAT model has been gained international acceptance as a robust

interdisciplinary tool for modelling agricultural NPS pollution on catchment scale.

The proposed model will be applied in Xiangxi River watershed located in China for agricultural NPS pollution control such that various uncertainties within the effluent trading system will be tackled and trade-offs between the agricultural benefit and water quality concern will be analyzed.

Precipitation patterns in the tropics are characterized by extremely high spatial and temporal variability that are difficult to adequately represent with rain gauge


Therefore, it is desired that parameter uncertainties and predefined policies be

incorporated within irrigation planning problems so that water could efficiently be allocated among cropping farms to bring maximum possible benefits to the local economy.

所以,参数不确定性和预先确定的政策应该和灌溉规划结合,这样水资源才能高效分配,带来最优效益。 Agricultural sector being one of the major water users is also facing water scarcity challenges associated with increasing pollution and changing climate.

作为用水大户,随着污染和气候的加剧,农业同样面临水资源短缺的问题。 After being applied to agricultural lands, the atrazine can transport to water bodies by being dissolved in runoff and/or adhering to eroded soil.

施用后,除草剂通过溶解在径流中或附着在流失的土壤中而进入水体。 The distributed ones divided the watershed into multiple homogeneous units and routed up the flows with the horizontal and vertical interactions being reflected.


Distributed model usually has more advantages than lumped one in reflecting the actual fate of pesticide transport and providing more accurate forecasting.

分布式模型比集总式好,好在。。。 The developed simulator was also enhanced through incorporation of GIS and RS technologies within its framework to facilitate effective data acquisition and

management, as well as input/output presentation.


The pesticide runoff includes dissolved and sediment-adsorbed pesticide transported by water from a treated land surface.


要经历多少,才能够宠辱不惊,闲看堂前花开花落;去留无意,漫随天外云卷云舒?1999年陈升提前一年预售了自己演唱会门票且仅限情侣购买。一人价格两个座位各执一张,但一年后两张券合在一起才能奏效。当初门票很快销售一空。一年后演唱会开场却空了好多好多座位……这场演唱会的名字叫做:【明年你还爱我吗】?人生在世,能够疯狂一场,为爱,为梦想,皆是幸事。遇见你的那一刻 我知道 这辈子都活在你的生命里 这辈子再也容不下别人我们最不怕的就是距离,拥有异地恋是幸福的,因为你拥有了一个可以跟你一起坚持的人,一颗能和你相同执着和梦想的心,一份强烈到可以挑战距离的爱不再因为任性而不肯低头,不再因为固执而轻言分手。你敢天长,我就敢地久。最后地坚信一次,一直走,一直走,就可以到白头。如果爱一个人至深 你会努力挽留 还是 就这么放手我希望有这么一个人、     不嫌弃我的坏脾气、     不嫌弃我的长相、      不嫌弃我的坏习惯、    不嫌弃我的家境怎样  无论自己是怎样的人、  都会一直陪在我身边拉着我走下去!一天,爱情遇到友情,然后问它“你有什么用啊?” 友情回答说,“用来擦掉因你流的泪。”分手时,最伤人的一句话:你什么都好,是我不好.......多亏日子还有难过和失落,感激了生命必须放弃或选择,让我们在一场场身不由己里努力进化成更好的自己。别给我说对不起,不原谅你好像还是我的错你终于还是后悔了,可惜,我再也不稀罕你的挽留。找不到对的人,其实很可能是,改不掉错的自己。那么多当时你觉得快要要了你的命的事情,那么多你觉得快要撑不过去的境地,都会慢慢的好起来。就算再慢,只要你愿意等,它也愿意成为过去。而那些你暂时不能战胜的,不能克服的,不能容忍的,不能宽容的,就告诉自己,凡是不能杀死你的,最终都会让你更强。没有电话,没有问候,没有按时赴约。你太忙,我明白。如果有一天我不爱你了,就轮到你明白了。我常常告诉自己,受委屈时、泪水要往肚子里咽,泪水是流给自己的、不是流给别人看的坚强这种东西,往往是逼出来的。没什么靠山,又经常被伤害,唯一能做的,当然只有坚强,这叫做抗击打能力。而那些有依靠的,受伤后能够找个肩膀哭。那些有背景的,受伤后能够一刀捅回来。人真的有别的方法解脱,鬼才要坚强呢。谁不想在精疲力竭后,找个爱人的肩膀大哭一场呢。早安午安晚安,你不知道没有你我很不安如果有一天,你开始后悔放弃我,请记得,我

曾经像乞丐一样求你留下过分手快乐,祝你快乐,你找不到比我更好的。这年头。只有不伤手的立白。哪有不分手的恋爱.....钱,让多少相爱的人不能在一起.钱,让多少不想爱的人睡在一起.你有没有想过。其实因为不小心喜欢上一个人。所以最后连朋友都做不成。不管嘴上说其实还是可以做好朋友。但是怎么样都会尴尬。最后变陌生人。如果当时能忍住。说不定能一直做好朋友。能肆无忌惮的陪在你身边。我想。我会一直不说。一直喜欢你吧。我不需要你有多完美 我只需要你让我感觉到 我就是唯一我渴望爱情里有这样一个人 在他心里 知道我的逞强和脆弱 给我需要的呵护和安慰 清楚我所有的缺点 然后用温暖细腻的爱来包容我不想伤心的最好办法就是假装自己没心没肺有一种爱 明知无前路 心却早已收不回来风不懂云的漂泊 天不懂雨的落魄 眼不懂泪的懦弱 你不懂我的选择 更不懂我的难过我发现,我根本没有勇气离开他。我不想再花时间,去习惯另外一个人,去接受他的好与不好,然后,又再互相伤害,重复又重复。到最后,你会发现,连自己都不知道谁真正爱过自己人生至少有一次,为了某个人丢掉矜持,放下自尊,毁掉自己的全部原则你有没有突然遇见某人 感觉像想了他一辈子 就像一场梦 你突然醒来了我想问,如果我回头了,想和你好好的在一起,你还愿意回来陪我么?女人最大的骄傲不是她的长相有多出众 而是她的男人有多疼她如果结局不是我想要的 那么我宁愿不去参与这个过程 我有我的骄傲 凭什么为了你去卑微自己总有那么一个人 你说不爱了 却在听到关于他的消息的时候 心狠狠的抽了疼我说:Mon amour eternal 你说:Te quiero. 我说:我离不开你。 你说:那就不离开。﹏ 勇敢去爱吧。趁我们还年轻。不怕流言蜚语。不怕遍体鳞伤。去爱吧。勇敢点。拿这辈子去赌一次。我不怕受伤。我只怕我错过最爱的你?何必委屈自己呢。?一个人如果真心爱你。绝对不会对你忽冷忽热。一个人如果真心追你。绝对不会跟你玩暧昧。没有哪种感情。需要放弃尊严作贱自己。与其卑微的恋爱 不如选择单身 每次你望向我的时候,我都会望向一边,每次你望向一边的时候,我都会望住你。..当一个女人的嘴里反复出现一个男人的名字的时候,无论是夸那个男人还是骂那个男人,潜台词都是:我爱他。..女人记住了:选男人没别的,就是选疼你的!不管他再有钱,再有才华,再帅,再有口才,再有智慧,再有能力,再孝顺,再大爱助人,要是不疼你,一点屁用都没男人最痛心的是-为女人掏心掏肺却不能掏老二!

女人最痛心的是-为男人掏心 掏肺他只会掏老二不要轻易把伤口揭开给外人看,因为别人看的是热闹,而痛的却是自己……很多时候,我们说放下了,其实并没有真的放下,我们只是假装很幸福,然后在寂静的角落里孤独地抚摸伤痕 很多时候,我们说放下了,其实并没有真的放下,我们只是假装很幸福,然后在寂静的角落里孤独地抚摸伤痕为什么暗恋那么好。因为暗恋从来不会失恋,你一笑我高兴 很多天; 你一句话我记得 好多年。遇见你是命运的安排,成为了朋友是我的选择,而爱上你是我无法控制的意外据说:你梦到了一个人,是因为那个人在想你追求爱慕的异性是很常见的说法。其实对方不喜欢你,你再怎么追也没用,对方喜欢你,根本不需要挖空心思去追。或许真有一天他被你的诚意所打动,可最终大多还是会分手的。因为爱情不是感动,你不是他心目中的理想伴侣,即使一时接受你,将来碰上他心仪的那一位,一样会离开你。对不起,我不再等你了,看到你闪亮的qq头像,不会再徘徊是否要say hi。对不起我不再等你了,看到通讯簿里你的名字,不会再犹豫是否要发想念的短信!对不起我不再等你了,看到你的讯息,我不会再放下手边的事情,只为不要让你等太久。对不起我不再等你了,想起过去的点滴,我会适可而止你会偷偷爱上一个人么,你会关注她的动态,看她头像来猜测她的心情,看她疼了会哭,看她美了会比她还幸福,你不会抱怨关心她的信息她从来没有回复,你更不会问自己值得不值得,她是否知道,显然已经很不重要,你只知道,你会想像超人一样保护她,陪她吃双棒,压大马路,只是,你却没胆儿让她知道。发现没?那些喜欢你但你不喜欢的人.条件其实特别好.你还发现没?那些你喜欢但是不喜欢你的人.长的都TM特别丑.在遇到真命天子之前,上天也许会安排我们先错误地遇到其他一些人;所以当我们终于遇见心仪的人时,我们便能够心存感激。你说你爱我 却一直说 说我不该一直窝在角落 策划逃脱 这也有错 连我脆弱的权利都掠夺什么时候想嫁人了就告诉我,我娶你当情侣满街时 单身才是最拉风的.我希望我跟你的名字能写在一起。                                             不管是在婚礼的喜帖上,还是在葬礼的墓碑上。. 有 没 有 这 么 一 个 人 , 你 会 在 听 到 他 的 名 字 时 突 然 变 得 沉 默.如果你对ta说:“我想和你一起睡觉。”那你就是流氓。但是如果你说:“我想和你一起起床。”那你就是徐志摩了下雪了



 日常会话属于非正式口语。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,是练习英语会话的不二法门。可聊天毕竟是为了学习口语,当然也要注意方法,即科学聊天法,方法实际上也很简单:1)方法:a.聊天前做好主题准备工作,包括了解话题、查找所涉及的单词、准备能套几十个常用句型备用。b.身上装上一本15000词左右的英汉小词典和一本1万词条左右的汉英小词典。c.聊天过程中不要怕在对方面前查字典。无关紧要的话可以想法用其它句子说清楚,关键的词则一定要查字典。d.聊完天后应对从今天聊天中学到的单词、表达法、句型进行登记总结,并背下来。2)注意事项:a.复习预习工作一定要做,只有这样每一次聊天才会有较大的收益。b.不要怕丢面子。成年人学英语最大的敌人是自己,尤其是自己的"面子"。c.自我对话与口头作文也是一种很好的口语训练法。一般会话,非正式口语就足够了,可要参加技术交流、商务会谈、正式会议等,练好正式的口语就很有必要了,这就是句子库法。方法如下:a.在阅读过程中、从书本例句中、从对话中看、听到地道、标准、典型、或优美的句子摘抄下来。b.将每一个摘抄的句子分别记在不同卡片或纸条上随身携带。c.随时取出尽量做到大声、快速、清晰地读几遍。d.经常回忆所记的句子。e.积累到一定量后分类总结设立"自己"的句子库。注意事项:a.一定要是"自己"的句子库,现有的这类辞典由于你未背熟所以不是你"自己的",不过可利用它来对句子进行分类摘抄,以便查找。b.一定要对句子达到随口而出的地步。c.背诵的诗歌、文章也?quot;句子库"范畴。d.对自己背的句子、文章还可采用复述的方式来锻炼自己的表达能力,这对自己的语法、单词量、反应速度都是很好的考验。在实际生活中,在各种不同的情景或场合、对不同的对象表达某一意念时常使用的习惯用语并不太多。这些用语大多具有固定的句型,往往不能用汉译英的方式直译出来。一个对口语句型熟练的人,只要掌握了2500~3000个常用词和短语,就能较自由地表达自己的思想。在学汉语时,我们知道"熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟",英语学习也是这样,可以这么说,如能熟背英语三百句,口语交骰?久晃侍狻8?慰瞿切┯琶赖木渥踊够岣?舜?疵赖南硎苣兀』剐枰?⒁獾氖牵??撕芎玫亟?锌谟锘峄埃?枰?且湟恍┕?尚浴⒆笆涡源视锖筒迦胗锞洹? 对话总是双向的,除了说得出,还要能听得懂。想练好听力,只有*多听。需要提醒大家的是,由于英语已经成为一种国际性语言,大多数国家的商务、技术人员都会说,



科学的不朽荣誉,在于它通过对人类心灵的作用,克服了人们在自己面前和在自然界面前的不安全感。 ——爱因斯坦

●只有有效地继承人类知识,同时把世界最先进的科学技术知识拿到手,我们再向前迈出半步,就是最先进的水平,第一流的科学家。 ——温伯格

●天才跟科学结合,才能产生最大的效果。 ——斯宾塞

●科学家的成要是全人类的财产,而科学是最无私的领域。 ——高尔基

●数理科学是大自然的语言。 ——伽利略

●科学是我心中的温暖和愉快,你使我无所畏惧,视死如归。入狱者虽难得重见天日,你却能把锁链和铁窗粉碎。 ——布鲁诺

●科学就是整理事实,以便从中得出普遍的规律和结论。 ——达尔文

●科学是人类智慧的结晶和硕果……展望科学的未来,人类将高举科学的火炬登上宇宙的天堂。 ——霍金

●什么知识最有价值?一致的答案就是科学。 ——斯宾塞

●科学是人们生活中最重要、最美好和最需要的东西。 ——契诃夫

●没有科学和艺术,就没有人和人的生活。 ——列夫·托尔斯泰

●人民需要科学,不发展科学的国家,必将沦为殖民地。 ——约里奥·居里

●科学是我们时代的神经系统。 ——高尔基

●科学是埋葬形形色色褪了色的思想的坟场。 ——乌纳穆诺密

●科学是对狂热和狂言最好的解毒剂。 ——亚当·斯

●不管过去还是现在,科学都是对一切可能的事物的观察。所谓先见之明,是对即将出现的事物的认识,而这认识要有一个过程。 ——达·芬奇

●所谓科学,包括逻辑和数学在内,都是有关时代的函数,所有科学连同它的理想和成就统统都是如此。 ——穆尔

●科学是没有国界的,因为她是属于全人类的财富,是照亮世界的火把,但学者是属于祖国的。 ——巴斯德

●在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才能希望达到光辉的顶点。 ——马克思

●书本要服从科学,而不是相反。 ——培根

●科学本身就具有伟大的美。一位从事研究工作的科学家,不仅是一个技术人员,并且他是一个小孩,在大自然的景色中,好像迷醉于神话故事一般。 ——居里夫人

●科学研究是探索未知,科研人员既要有严肃、严密和严格的学风,又要有敢想、敢干和敢闯的精神。二者不可缺一。 ——朱兆良

●进行科学研究时,我一向比较重视对最终结果的预测。 ——卢嘉锡

●大胆设想,小心求证。看来大胆还是必要的,当然大胆要建筑在扎实工作基础上。 ——赵金科

●科学规律的本身是客观真理,是不会陈旧的。人们运用这些规律的方式和作出的相应设计方案,却是日新月异的。 ——王竹溪

●科学的真正的、合法的目标说来不外是这样:把新的发现和新的力量惠赠给人类生活。 ——培根

●科学、科学知识总是假设的:它是猜想的知识。科学的方法是批评的方法:寻求和消灭错误并服务于真理的方法。 ——卡尔·波普尔

●科学精神在于寻求事实,寻求真理。 ——胡适

●科学需要一个人的全部生命。 ——朱冼

●科学技术发展到今天,已是综合的、大规模的、集体的事业。 ——王方定

●科学知识的积累是科学发展的必要前提,至于最后由谁来总其大成,也许带有偶然的、幸运的色彩。 ——谈家桢

●进步不是什么事件,而是一种需要。 ——斯宾塞

●前进是生活的法则,不然人就不能称作为人。 ——勃郎宁

●科学本身就有诗意。 ——斯宾塞

●任何科学的结论都不该看成是永恒不变的。 ——邓拓

●搞科学、做学问,要“不空不松,从严以终”,要很严格地搞一辈子工作。 ——华罗庚

●对全人类来说,只有一种共同利益,那就是科学的进步。 ——圣西门

●科学是系统化了的知识。 ——斯宾塞

●科学是一种强大的智慧力量,它致力于破除禁锢着我的神秘的桎梏。 ——高尔基

●科学常是在千百次失败后最后一次成功的。 ——徐特立

●独立思考,实事求是,锲而不舍,以勤补拙。 ——周培源

●任何科学上的雏形,都有它双重的形象:胚胎时的丑恶,萌芽时的美丽。 ——雨果

●向一切成功者和失败者学习思想方法。 ——何祚庥

●科学事物,必须不断研究,认真实验,得寸进尺地深入、扩展,通过韧性的战斗,才能可能获取光辉的成就。 ——陈佳洱

●科学是“无知”的局部解剖学。 ——霍姆斯

●人们喜欢猎奇,这就是科学的种子。 ——爱默生

●一切伟大的科学理论都意味着对未知的新征服。 ——卡尔·波普尔

●科学在今天是我们的思维方式,也是我们的生活方式,是我们人类精神所发展到的最高阶段。 ——郭沫若

●各种科学发现往往具有一个共同点,那就是勤奋和创新精神。 ——钱三强

●科学经历的是一条非常曲折、非常艰难的道路。 ——钱三强

●科学技术体系本身是一种现代社会组织,必须以一种现代精神原则作为运动动力,仅仅依靠增加资金与人员的投入,并不能获得所期待的科技产生。 ——何家栋

●科学和民主,它们取消了人和自然的差异,也取消了人和人的差异。 ——王安忆


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