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2016-03-31 11:49:40 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 关于合租房的句子(共4篇)房屋出租的常用句子房屋出租的常用句子据360教育集团介绍:中介租房询问常用的句子: Hi! Welcome to Rental Property Management How may I help you? 您好! 欢迎来租房中心,我能为您...




据360教育集团介绍:中介租房询问常用的句子: Hi! Welcome to Rental Property Management. How may I help you? 您好! 欢迎来租房中心,我能


What kind of apartment are you interested in? 你对哪种公寓感兴趣?

I‘m interested in renting a two-bedroom apartment. 我想租一间两居室。

I’m looking for a two-bedroom apartment. 我想租一个两居室公寓。

I‘m looking for an apartment. 我想租一套公寓。

I want to rent an apartment. 我要租一套公寓。

I’d like to share a flat with a girl. 我想与一个女孩合住一套公寓。

I want to share an apartment with a female. 我想和一位女性合租一套公寓。

Okay. Take a seat, one of our rental agents will be with you in a moment. 没问题。请坐,


What price range were you interested in? 您想要多少钱范围内的呢?

Somewhere between $400-$450 a month. 400-450美元一个月吧。

Okay. Did you have a specific location in mind? 好的,那地理位置呢?

Well, I would like to live somewhere near the university. Or at least on a bus line. 嗯,离大学近一点的,至少要距离公交车很近。

When do you need it? 你什么时候需要呢?

Sometime around next week. 下周吧。

Are you trying to find a furnished house? 你是想找一间有家具的房子吗?

Do you want a furnished house or an unfurnished house? 你想要带家具的还是不带家具的?

Are there any other amenities which you would like to have? For example, a dishwasher, a balcony, a swimming pool or central air conditioning? 有什么其他设施需要吗? 比如:洗衣机、阳台、游泳池


I would definitely like to have them. 我全要。

Is that apartment furnished? 那栋房子里有家具吗? It has all the furniture necessary for daily use. 日常用的家具都有。

Here are photos of the apartments we have available which fit your preferences. 这是我们这里提供的房屋图片,您可以选择喜欢的。

Would you please show me the floor plan of this house? 你可以让我看看这间房子的平面布置图吗?

Dose the back door have a lock on it? 后门有锁吗?关于合租房的句子

This one looks nice. I would like to see that one. 这个看起来不错,我想去看看。 When would you like to see it? 你什么时候去看看?

When do you think is convenient to see the room? 你认为什么时候看房方便?

Let me get the key and we will go look at it. 让我取钥匙咱们去看看。


I‘ve been told you might have a vacant room 听说你有空房间

I’m looking for a room 我正在找房间租

Yes, I have a spare room 是的,我有一间空房

I‘ve got a small room 我有一间小房子

What can you tell me about the apartment? 你能和我说说这间公寓是什么样的吗?

Can I see the room now? 我现在能看看房子吗?

Would it be OK to look at the room now? 现在能看看房子吗?

Would you come here in 20 minutes? 你20分钟后过来好吗?

Well. Take your time 好的,不着急

This apartment looks nice 这房子看上去不错

This seems like a pretty nice room, I should say. 应该说房子还是相当不错的。

It has two bedrooms. That’s convenient 有两间卧室,比较方便关于合租房的句子

As you see, the apartment has been recently renovated and comes completely furnished 正如你所看到的,这房子已经装修过了,而且其他家具也都齐备

The bathtub is large enough for two people 这个浴缸很大,足够两个人同时使用了

The living room is really large! 这个客厅真大呀!

It‘s a well furnished eat-in kitchen. 厨房设施很全,可以在里面吃饭。

The stove and the icebox are in good order, and the plumbing is OK, too. 炉灶和冰箱均正常,管道也没问题。

The roof has leaks in it, and the front steps need to be fixed. 屋顶有漏洞,前台阶需要维修。

The house needs painting. It’s in bad condition. 这间房子很破旧,需要油漆。

We‘ll rent this flat. 我们就租这个房子了。

I do love this house. 我喜欢这房子。

When can I move in? 我什么时候可以搬进来?

When would you like to move in? 想什么时候搬进去呢?

I’ll move in tomorrow. 我明天就要搬进来。

On the first half of the month. 这个月上旬。

Next wednesday, if you like. 如果你愿意,下周三就可以。


I‘d like to find a cheaper one 我想找间便宜点儿的

The rental housing area is? 这套出租房面积究竟是多少?

How much do you charge? 租金是多少呢?

How much do you pay for rent? 你交多少房租?

How much is the rent? 房租多少钱?关于合租房的句子

How much is the rent for a month? 每月租金多少?

How much is the monthly rent? 每个月的租金是多少呢?

What’s the rent? 房租多少钱?

What sort of price are you asking? 你要多少房租?

2,500 yuan a month 每月2500元 The monthly rent is $650, with a $300 security deposit 月租金650美元,300美元押金 $35 a week, but don‘t allow smoking 35美金一周,但是不允许抽烟

Is that all the money that I have to pay a month? 这包括每个月所有的钱吗?

Are the utilities included in the rent? 房租中包括水、电和煤气费吗?

Are utilities included? 房租包括水、电、暖气等费用吗?

Does that include utilities? 房租包括水、电、暖气等费用吗?

Only gas is included 只包括煤气

Gas and water is included 煤气费和水费都已经包括房租里了

You still have to pay electricity in addition 你额外还需要付电费

You have to pay for the electricity and water 你需要支付水电费

I can not afford the rent. 我负担不起这个租金。

OK. Anything else? 好的还有其他要求吗?

Also you can’t have visitors. That‘s all 也不许把外人带回来,就这些

When is the rent due? 什么时候付房租?

When is the rent due? 房租截止到什么时候?

How much security do you want? 押金要多少?

Do you require a deposit? 要付押金吗?

Do you require a security deposit? 要付押金吗?

Two months’ rent. You‘ll get the money back when you move. 两个月的租金。离开时退给你。 He is delinquent in paying his rent 他拖欠房租

They fell behind with the rent 他们拖欠了房租

He had to lower the rent of his house 他不得不减低了房租


Let’s sign a lease. 我们签个租约吧。

Looks like a standard lease. 这看上去是标准的契约书。

I usually only sign one year leases. 我通常签一年的契约。

Well, one year would be fine. I‘m not planning on leaving the area anytime soon. 可以,一年挺好。我不打算近期内搬离这个地方。s

You don’t worry about the security deposit. If everything‘s all right when you move out, you’ll get it back. 你不必担心押金,当你搬出的时候如果一切无恙,我会退还你的。

Ok. Just sign and date it here? 好的,在这儿签字和日期吗?

Yes, thanks. You can move your stuff in tomorrow. 是的,谢谢。你明天就可以把东西搬进来。 Wonderful. 太好了。




The Pearl River Hotel. anything I can do for you? 这是珠江宾馆,我能为您做什么? Room Reservation. Good afternoon. 客房预约部。下午好!

Advance Reservations. Can I help you? 这儿预订房间,需要效劳吗?

I‘d like to reserve a room. 我想订一间房。

I’d like to make a reservation. 我想预订房间。

For what time, Madam? 小姐,请问什么时间入住?

Which date would you that be? 要订在哪个日期?

For the night of April 18th for one night. 订4月18日一个晚上。

I‘d like to book a single room with a bath from the afternoon of February 5th to the morning of february 11th. 我想订一个带洗澡间的单人房间,从2月5日下午到2月11日上午。

I’m calling from Nanjing. I‘d like to reserve a single room from tomorrow for six days, please. 我从南京打来电话。我想预订一个单人房,明晚开始,共6天。

I’d like to book a double room for next Tuesday. 下星期二我想订一个双人房间。

That‘s fine. A double room for Tuesday, September 12th. 好的。星期二,9月12日,一个双人间。

How long will you be staying? 请问您要住多久?

We’ll be leaving on Sunday morning. 我们星期日早上离开。

That will be five night. 那就是五天。

Could you hold the line, please? I‘ll check our room availability for that day. 请别挂断? 我要查一下那天的空房间。

Thank you for waiting, Sir. We have a vacancy for that period. 让您就等了。我们这段时间有房间。

What’s the price? 房间的价格是多少?

What‘s the rate, please? 请问房费是多少?

It’s two hundred and twenty yuan per night. 每晚220元。 The current rate is 180 yuan per night. 现行房费是每天180元。

That sounds not bad at all. I‘ll take it. 听起来还不错。这个房间我订了。

OK. Your name, please? 可以,请问您的名字?

Could you tell me your name, Sir? 能告诉我你的名字吗,先生?

What’s your name, please? 请问您的名字?

Yes, it is Carl. 好的,我是卡尔。

How do you spell it, please? 请问怎么拼写呢?

It‘s C-A-R-L. C-A-R-L

And your telephone number, please? 请问你的电话号码是多少?

My telephone number is 3367-7856. 我的电话号码是33677856。关于合租房的句子

By the way, how would you like to pay for it? 另外,您准备怎样付款呢?

This hotel prefers cash. 本宾馆主张现金付款。

I see. When can I receive your confirmation? 明白了。我什么时候可以得到你们的确认? Not until you have paid a 10 percent deposit. 您只要支付10%的预订金,我们就予以确定。 I’ll log in to the Internet to find out about you. I know your address. 我还是上因特网去看吧。我知道你们的网址。

OK. We look forward to your visit. 好的,我们期待您的光临。

OK. Thank you and we look forward to your arrival. 好的,谢谢您,我们期盼您的到来。 We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday. 我们盼望下星期二见到您。


I‘d like reserve a room facing the sea 我想订个临海的房间

I am afraid that all the room with a view to the sea have been booked 恐怕所有看得到海的房间都已经被预订了

I’m afraid our hotel is fully booked on that night. 本店那晚恐怕已经登记满了。 That is really disappointing 真让人失望

And now you want to change the booking, do you? 你想变更一下入住时间吗?

Is it possible for you to change your reservation date? 你可不可以改变预约日期呢? No, that‘s not possible. 不能。

We might have cancellations. Could you call us again closer to the date? 或许有人会取消预约,请您接近哪个日期时再打电话好吗?

Sure, but if you do have any cancellations, could you let me know as soon as possible? 好的,如果真有人取消,能不能尽快让我知道呢?

I’m very sorry, Sir, but we are unable to do that. We would appreciate it very much if you could call us instead. 先生,非常抱歉,我们不能那样做,如果您能打电话来,我们将会非常感激。 We hope you understand. 希望您能谅解。


Room Reservations. May i help you,sir? 客房预定。先生有什么需要我帮忙的吗?

Yes, my name is Alice, and I made a reservation for two nights from October 5th. I‘d like to extend it for two more nights until the 9th. 是的,我的名字是爱丽丝,我预订了房间从10月5日保留两个晚上,我将延长两个晚上直到9号。

For 4 nights from October 5th until October 9th. 从10月5日到9日四个晚上。

Will there be any change in your room type? Your reservation is for a twin room. 您需要变化你的房间类型吗?你预定的是一间双人床的。

No. 不。

Thank you, sir. We will extend the reservation for you. 谢谢,先生。我们将为您扩大保留。 取消预订常用的对话:

Room Reservations. May i help you, madam? 客房预定。需要我帮忙吗,夫人?

I’d like to cancel a reservation. 我想取消预订。

In whose name was the reservation? 用谁的名字预订的?

Jack Bruder. 杰克布鲁德尔。

How do you spell that, please? 请讲一下是怎么拼写的?

B-r-u-d-e-r. B-r-u-d-e-r。

What was the date of the reservation? 保留的日期是什么呢?

From October 2nd for 3 nights. 从10月2日三个晚上。 Excuse me, but is the reservation for you? 对不起,是您预定的?

No, it‘s for my friend. 不,是我的朋友。

May I have your name and phone number, please? 能告诉我你的名字和电话吗?

Yes, it’s Mary Calson and my number is 365-7071. 可以,我叫玛丽凯撒和我的电话365-7071。 Thank you, ma‘am.I’ll cancel Mr.Bruder‘s reservation from October 2nd for 3 nights.My name is Jason and we look forward to another chance to serve you. 谢谢你太太,我们将取消布鲁特尔从10月2号三个晚上的预定,我的名字叫杰桑,我们下次一个机会为您服务。




























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相关热词搜索:合租房合同 上海合租房


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