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2018-01-04 10:48:29 编辑:zhangyanqing 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   优秀作文Creativity  Creativity  When it comes to talking about creativity, I cannot emphasize its importance t ...



  When it comes to talking about creativity, I cannot emphasize its importance too much. There is no doubt that the contemporary society increasingly pays attention to creativity whose significance is as follows.

  For one business, creativity is to the progress of the society what water is to the fish. Only by facilitating creativity constantly, can social productive forces improve. For another, some issues stunt scientists' explorations can't be solved effectively without creativity, which contributes to the standstill of scientific research. Especially in the age of rapid development, creativity is essential to success.

  Now that creativity is vital, are there some measures to encourage it? I hold the view that the fundamental solution is to put the quality education into effect. Meanwhile, not only do we require stimulating our imagination, but also we are supposed to have the passion for innovation. Above all, the essentiality of creativity ought to be approved.

  061173 余天平



  In contemporary society, creativity plays a dominant role and it has attracted increasing concern.

  For one factor, creativity is essential to the success and fulfillment of youngsters. As is known to all, some issues can't be solved unless we find new ways to figure them out. For another, creativity is of great significance to the vitality of our communities and to the long-term health of the economy. Without creativity, everything is in a rut.

  Furthermore there comes a question —— how to encourage creativity? First, we can learn something innovative in order to acquire some inspirations. Second, listening to the music and doing exercise can boost brain's excitability. Last but not least, the most crucial matter is to have an appetite for discovery and a passion for the work itself-the real driver of creativity. At any rate, the power of creativity can't be underestimated and everyone needs creativity.

  083171 王语涵



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