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2020-06-22 16:45:32 编辑: 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 春节是人人喜爱的节日,举国上下,热闹非凡。家家都处于忙碌之中,买年货、包饺子、贴对联等。而就在这家家欢乐的氛围之中,病毒趁虚而入。The Spring Fest...


  The Spring Festival is a festival that everyone loves. The whole country is very busy. Every family is busy, buying new year's products, making dumplings, pasting couplets, etc. And in the happy atmosphere of this family, the virus takes advantage of the situation.


  The novel coronavirus was the most serious virus found at the end of 2019. But its arrival, let us greatly disappointed, the bustling new year did not have the past bustling, should have reunited the family member to be broken by it.www.zuowenla.cn


  Now, the new virus is in a high incidence period, mainly in Wuhan. And related to the surrounding provinces and cities, there are tens of thousands of cases and hundreds of deaths. The new virus exists not only in China, but also in 23 other countries.


  The novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV is the name of the virus. The virus can spread through respiratory droplets. The infection of the elderly will be more serious. According to experts, the main source of infection is a contact with a wild animal, the Chinese chrysanthemum bat. The virus has a latent period of about 14 days, and there is still contagion in the incubation period.


  Human viruses are infectious diseases caused by viruses that can parasitize and reproduce in human body and cause disease. In order to prevent us from being infected by the virus, we should pay attention to the following items: 1. Open doors and windows regularly for ventilation. 2. vaccination. 3. Develop good hygiene habits. 4. Exercise more. 5. Life should be regular. 6. Pay attention to the details of clothes and food. 7. Don't shy away from medical treatment. 8. Don't go out. Wear a mask.


  Novel coronavirus strain was successfully isolated from the Key Laboratory of the National Key Laboratory of the national health and Health Committee of China, Li Lanjuan, member of the Chinese Academy of engineering and National Health Protection Committee of the high level expert group in January 28th.


  So, we should stay away from the virus now. I don't know that our delicate action will make the staff on the front line fall short. But in recent days, I found that there are many more cases in China, which makes me very upset. I'm afraid the staff on the front line can't tell.


  Fight against the virus, from me. The fight against the virus is not about one person, or two people, but about all of us. On the contrary, we should be more like ourselves and let everyone look like me.


  I believe that we will win the victory of the base station of the virus. Come on!

肺炎疫情的高中英语作文案例抗击新型冠状病毒英语作文中英翻译相关热词搜索:新型肺炎死亡人数 新型冠状病毒肺炎英语翻译


3、"肺炎疫情的高中英语作文案例抗击新型冠状病毒英语作文中英翻译" 地址:http://www.chinazhaokao.com/zuowen/youxiu/960998.html,复制分享给你身边的朋友!