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2016-01-11 10:28:05 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 2007年九月pets英语二级真题篇一:2013年9月公共英语二级真题及答案 ...







1、What do we know about the man?

A.He gets up late every day. B.He likes collecting clocks.

C.He has difficulty waking up.

2、 What does the man like about the restaurant?

A.Its food. B.Its service. C.Its environment.

3、How does the woman probably get to work?

A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By bike.

4、What will the man probably do?

A.Go to a bar. B.Stay indoors. C.See a doctor.

5、When will the woman be able to use her car?

A.Right now. B.In three hours. C.The next day.


6、What seems to be the man’s problem?

A.Keeping his room clean every day. B.Getting along with his roommate.

C.Having trouble making friends.

7、 What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Try to get more sleep. B.Buy some music CDs. C.Talk to Charlie.

8、 What do we know about Steve?

A.He’S seeing a doctor. B.He’S absent from work. C.He’S on a business trip.

9、 How does Steve feel now?

A.Weak. B.Tired. C.Bored.

10、 What is Sue going to do next week?

A.Travel on business. B.See her manager. C.Visit SteVe.

11、 Whv does the man have the talk with the woman?

A.To get into a sch001. B.To join a sports team. C.To get a job.

12、 What did the mall learn from playing on the football team?

A.How to manage his time. B.How to compete with others.

C.How to ask for advice from teachers.

13、 What are the man’s strengths?

A.Friendly and kind—hearted. B.Supportive and ready to help.

C.Hardworking and eager to learn.

14、 What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Buying holiday presents. B.Making a Christmas plan.

C.Sharing opinions on friendship.

15、 What does the woman always give to her friends?

A.Fruit. B.Chocolate. C.Coffee.

16、 What does the woman say about Mary?

A.She prefers fruit to coffee. B.She is trying to lose weight.

C.She usually goes abroad during holidays.

17、 How does the woman feel about Tim’S suggestion?

A.Doubtful. B.Surprised. C.Satisfied.

18、 What does the Go Group do?

A.Offer support to businesses. B.Promote peace in the world.

C.Do research on education in the UK.

19、 What may the“Big Freeze’’mean to others?

A.A false smile. B.A quick smile. C.A broad smile.

20、 How can one make a good impression according to the research?

A.Smile widely. B.Smile naturally. C.Smile readily.

第一节 单项填空


21、—I have two tickets for the musical Cat tonight.Can you come with me?

—oh,__________!I’m going to visit my uncle today.

A.how wonderful B.well done C.that’S nothing D.what a shame

22、 On weekend,the park is full of people__________themselves in the sunshine.

A.to enjoy B.enjoying C.enjoy D.enjoyed

23、 The storm in__________early summer caused__________heavy damage to the crops ready to be harvested.

A.the;/ B.an;the C./;the D.an;a

24、 __________going to French evening classes twice a week,Ann does T’ai Chi on Wednesdays.

A.Because of B.Except for C.Against D.Besides

25、一Why are you SO busy these days?

一We__________trees.Why not join us?

A.have planted B.will plant C.are planting D.planted

26、 Admittedly,I could have tried__________but I still don’t think all this blame is fair.

A.hard B.harder C.hardest D.hardly

27、 Please remain__________until the airplane comes to a complete stop.

A.seating B.seat C.seated D.to seat

28、 The Pyramids of Egypt were built more than three thousand years a90,and no one knows__________.

A.how B.when C.what D.where

29、 __________I like Carter personally,I don’t think what he’S doing is fight.

A.If B.As C.While D.Unless

30、 After the argument Colin ran away and__________since.

A.isn’t heard of B.wasn’t heard of

C.hasn’t been heard of D.hadn’t been heard of

31、一Who can that be at the door at this hour?

—__________my neighbor.He often calls this late.

A.This is B.He’S C.It’S D.There’S

32、 It was__________lovely weather that the boys all went swimmin9.

A.such B.that C.how D.what

33、 The door is open but nobody is in.Susan__________have forgotten to lock the door.

A.should B.must C.would D.could

34、一Would you mind helping me with my suitcase?


A.I hope SO B.Not at all C.That’S nothing D.Go ahead

35、 Dick only had some Coke at the party,because he always__________asleep after drinking wine.

A.falls B.becomes C.feels D.lies

第二节 完形填空



A thief dropped a winning lottery ticket(彩票)at the scene of his crime,but he has been given a lesson in36.The man whom he robbed(抢劫)____37______the ticket and won the£25,000 prize,but he managed to find the thief,and handed over the____38______.

The robbery happened when Professor Sabbatuccci was changing a tyre(轮胎)on a highway. Another motorist,who stopped‘t0_____39_____ ’,stole a suitcase from his car and drove off.The pr0—fessor found the_____40_____ticket and put it in his pocket before___41_______ home.

Next day,the professor saw the lottery____42______0n TV and realized it was a

winner.He___43______the£25,000 prize.Then began a___44_______with his conscience(良心).In the end,hedecided he could not keep the money____45______ he had been robbed.He then put a____46______in news—papers and made an announcement on the radi0,___47_______:I'm trying to find the man who robbed me.I have£25,000 for him—a lottery____48______.Please meet me. The professor received hundreds of____49______from people who were hoping t0___50______him into handing them the cash.But there was one voice he____51______—and he arranged to meet the man in a park.

The robber gave back the___52_______and burst into tears.He could not____53______what was happen’ing.‘Why didn’t you_____54_____the money?’he asked.The professor replied:‘I couldn’t because it’S not mine.Then he walked off,turning down the thief’S_____55_____tO share the prize.

36、A.friendship B.honesty C.bravery D.adventure

37、A.sent B.took out C.bought D.picked up

38、A.crime B.ticket C.cash D.evidence

39、A.repair B.rest C.watch D.help

40、A.left B.dropped C.forgotten D.damaged

41、A.running B.walking C.driving D.riding

42、A.results B.story C.loss D.sales

43、A.presented B.took C.donated D.shared

44、A.battle B.business C.lecture D.quarrel

45、A.since B.while C.even though D.as if

46、A.review B.request C.show D.notice

47、A.joking B.saying C.wondering D.replying

48、A.number B.luck C.win D.receipt

49、A.notes B.emails C.letters D.calls

50、A.trick B.persuade C.lead D.draw

51、A.recognized B.remembered C.recorded D.recovered

52、A.car B.suitcase C.money D.check

53、A.imagine B.blame C.believe D.realize

54、A.keep B.return C.give D.earn

55、A.deal B.promise C.payment D.offer

第三部分 阅读理解


Text 1

What would you do if you were a fifth grader facing a huge homework load every night,and you found out that there was a machine that would do all the work for you?T hat’s the situation presented tO Sam,Kelsey,Judy and Brenton in Dan Gutman’s entertaining new book for young readers,The Homework Machine.

The four children.all fifth graders in Miss Rasmussen’s class at Grand Canyon School,are as different as any four 11 year-olds could be,but they have one thing in common—all are somewhat separated from their classmates。Sam is a newcomer and has had his share of school trouble before:Kelsey quietly carries her pain at losing her father;Judy’s sense of justice(正义感)always annoys others;and Brenton…well,he is another story entirely.Brenton is easily the Smanest child in school, so smart mat even his parents and teachers have trouble keeping up with him.When Bren— ton and his three classmates are put into the same study group by their teacher,me others discover that Brenton has made a time-saving gadget(装置)to do his homework for him.While the boy genius(天才)is perfectly able to do the homework himself,Sam,Kelsey and Judy could use the help.

Having perfect grades is something new for these three,and as they meet every day to“ do homework”,they find that they’re learning a lot—about each other.Such a good thing Can't last though,and when a secret man starts trying to get in touch with them,the children begin to get nervous. Soon there’s an even more frightening problem--why can’t the Homework Machine be turned off?

Told in different voices(as all the children make statements to the Grand Canyon Police),the story develops in an interesting fashion.Gutman is a gifted writer who has written dozens of children’s books,each with a funny and impressing tale that should be equally liked by boys and girls.

56、What type of text is it?

A.A book review. B.A school report.




姓名: 准考证号:

第一部分 听 力


第二部分 英语知识运用

第一节 单项填空


21. ?DAre we supposed to take off our shoes before we enter?

?DNo, you .

[ A ] shouldn ' t [ B ] needn ' t

[ C ] mustn ' t [ D ] can' t

22. Tell him he should stop __________ and get some sleep.

[ A ] worry [ B ] worrying

[ C ] to worry [ D ] from worrying

23. How are you feeling now? Should I send __________ the doctor?

[ A ] off [ B ] to

[ C ] with [ D ] for

24. Shanghai is a big city. It is __________ the southeast of China.

[ A ] in [ B ] at

[ C ] on [ D ] to

25. ?DCan you lend me a pen?

?DSorry, __________ .

[ A ] I haven' t [ B ] I haven' t got that

[ C ] I haven' t got it [ D ] I haven' t got one

26. I' m used to driving in Hong Kong now, but it __________ hard at the beginning.

[ A ] was [ B ] is

[ C ] had been [ D ] has been

27. These windows need __________ . Can you do them?

[ A ] clean [ B ] cleaning

[ C ] to clean [ D ] cleaned

28. Did you see the film on __________ television or at cinema?

[ A ] -; the [ B ] a; -

[ C ] a; the [ D ] the; -

29. If you' re going to the airport by car, can you give me a __________ ?

[ A ] lift [ B ] seat

[ C ] drive [ D ] hand

30. ?DWhich will you have then, the white one or the blue one?

?DI' ll take __________ to give myself a change sometimes.

[ A ] one [ B ] two

[ C ] both [ D ] either

31. She is a stranger in this village, __________ anyone knows where she came from.

[ A ] Hardly [ B ] Almost

[ C ] Never [ D ] Nearly

32. I was just coming out of the sea after a swim __________ I stepped on a sharp stone and cut

my foot.

[ A ] when [ B ] as

[ C ] then [ D ] while

33. I want to buy a new tie to __________ my brown suit.

[ A ] agree with [ B ] wear

[ C ] match [ D ] keep with

34. How nice to see you again! You should have told me you __________ .

[ A ] are coming [ B ] were coming

[ C ] will come [ D ] have come

35. Would you be __________ to lend me your bike tomorrow morning?

[ A ] as kind as [ B ] very kind as

[ C ] so kind as [ D ] very kind so

第二节 完形填空


Body language is a personal thing. It says a lot about a person, such as whether he 36 respect for others to whom he is talking, and whether he pays proper 37 to someone else' s ideas.

Think about your own body language. It is important to pay attention to it. ___38____, when you meet someone, don't stand too ___39____ . An uncomfortable nearness is very ___40____to the other person, ___41____ keep your physical distance (体距),___42____ he' ll have to keep backing off from you.___43____ , two feet will do.

Some of the ___44____in which your body will tell the other person you are ___45____carefully are :

Sit attentively(专注地) in your chair.___46____you slump(垂头弯腰地坐) down on your backbone, your ___47____straight out in front of you, your body is saying, "I don' t care what you' re ___48____, I'm not interested. "

___49____ the face of the person speaking and do not let your eyes roam(漫游) around. It' s ___50____to give the person speaking your___51____attention. Keep your legs ___52____ .Do not keep changing your position. Crossing and uncrossing your knees shows either aching legs or the___53____that you can___54____ wait to get away. It is the way you may feel, but you should certainly.___55____that fact. 36. [ A ] shows [ B ] expresses [ C ] passes [ D ] proves

37. [ A ] effort [ B ] attention [ C ] thought [ D ] care

38. [ A ] In fact [ B ] At least [ C ] In general [ D ] For example

39. [ A ] long [ B ] close [ C ] still [ D ] straight

40. [ A ] exciting [ B ] necessary [ C ] annoying [ D ] shameful

41. [ A ] but [ B ] yet [ C ] still [ D ] so

42. [ A ] and [ B ] or [ C ] when [ D ] since

43. [ A ] Normally [ B ] Especially [ C ] Gradually [ D ] Nearly

44. [ A ] words [ B ] meanings [ C ] ways [ D ] rules

45. [ A ] listening [ B ] looking [ C ] sitting [ D ] speaking

46. [ A ] If [ B ] Unless [ C ] Although [ D ] Since

47: [ A ] hands [ B ] chest [ C ] head [ D ] legs

48: [ A ] calling [ B ] telling [ C ] shouting [ D ] saying

49. [ A ] See [ B ] Stare at [ C ] Watch [ D ] Glance at

50. [ A ] exact [ B ] comfortable [ C ] acceptable [ D ] polite

51. [ A ] full [ B ] extra [ C ] equal [ D ] real

52. [ A ] straight [ B ] bent [ C ] low [ D ] still

53. [ A ] reason [ B ] purpose [ C ] situation [ D ] fact

54. [ A ] almost [ B ] only [ C ] hardly [ D ] nearly

55. [ A ] cover up [ B ] talk about [ C ] think over [ D ] fight against

第三部分 阅读理解



After losing her job and home in 1984, Lynn Carr was living on the streets of St. Charles, Montana, with her five-year-old son. "We slept in our car for about a week," she said, "but then it was sold. "

As she moved from one friend' s house to another, Carr began working toward a high-school-equivalence diploma(高中同等学历证书), listening to self-help tapes and making cheesecakes.

After developing some new methods which she thought were pretty good, she offered her cakes to a restaurant. They sold out in a matter of hours.

The following year, she met a man at a church service and before long, they married. Carr began selling the cheesecakes out of their home. Later she opened a cheesecake company. As business became better and better, Carr didn't forget where she came from. All the women she hires are mothers or high-school dropouts(退学者)--workers most other employers wouldn' t like to hire. Her dozen workers make 100 to 150 cakes a week and Carr owes her success to her employees. She says, "We're going to have a learning center and a day-care center in the company. Part of the workday will be spent studying for high-school-equivalence diplomas. "

Recently, a 33-year-old woman with three children to raise was referred to Cart. She

hired her at once. “It has been a real blessing (恩赐), ” the woman said.

56. The text suggests that Lynn Carr

[ A ] had to sell her car for a new one

[ B ] had few friends to turn to for help

[ C ] was once a school dropout herself

[ D ] didn't work hard enough to keep her job

57. Which of the following can be learned from the text?

[ A ] People like Lynn Carr' s cheesecakes very much.

[ B ] Lynn Carr' s cheesecakes are sold to high school dropouts.

[ C ] Lynn Cart learned to make cheesecakes by taking courses.

[ D ] Without finishing high school, one cannot even make good cakes.

58. "Carr didn' t forget where she came from" (line 3, paragraph 3 ) means that Carr_______

[ A ] remembered what she used to be

[ B ] kept in mind her friends who had once helped her

[ C ] would not forget where her hometown was

[ D ] remembered all the places she had been to

59. According to the last two paragraphs, Lynn Carr is trying

[ A ] to turn her home into a learning center

[ B ] to hire more moms and high school dropouts

[ C ] to develop more new methods to make better cakes

[ D ]1 to help people who have the familiar background as she did


The banana "tree" is actually not a real tree. This is because there is no wood in the stem(树干) rising above the ground. The stem is made up of leaves growing very close together, one in-side the other. The leaves spread out at the top of the stem and rise in the air, Banana plants need a lot of care and attention. They must be provided with water if the normal rainfall doesn't supply enough. The area around the plants must be kept free of weeds(杂草) and grass.

About nine or ten months after planting, a flower appears on the banana plant. This flower is at the end of a long stalk(茎), which grows from the base up through the center of



第一部分 听力理解

第二部分 英语知识运用

第一节 单项填空


1.-Your sister looks beautiful. Is she a model or a film star -______. She's a doctor.

A.Whatever you say

B.Forget about it

C.You bet

D.Far from it

2.I'11 send you my address______ I find somewhere to live.





3.-Who is late this time -______you ask Susan, of course.





4.Mack is very busy; he is a full-time student, while______ a part-time job.

A.to hold

B.being held



5.-Harry treats his secretary badly. -Yes, he seems to think that she's the______ important person in the office.





6.Alice was about to______, when she suddenly found an answer to the question.

A.make up

B.look up

C.turn up

D.give up

7.It was a big celebration-______people gathered at the city square.

A.five thousands

B.five thousand


D.thousand of

8.______ if he'd ever been fined before, Mathew replied, "Only for speeding. "



C.To ask

D.Having asked

9.Although it was not named______ 1782,this kind of metal was used as early as 5300 B.C.





10.Just think, in three months it'll be summer again.





11.Tony couldn't go to university but______ his education through evening school courses.

A.has continued



D.had continued

12.It is said that Sally's been painting for years since she was a little girl,______

A.isn't she

B.hasn't it

C.hasn't she

D.doesn't it

13.-"Do you mind if I smoke" -"Well, actually,______. "

A.I'd rather you didn't

B.go ahead

C.it doesn't work

D.never mind

14.John and Sue______ computer games for hours before their parents came home from work.

A.are playing

B.have been playing


D.had been playing

15.Please give me more time;______ I shall not be able to finish the paper by next






第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Amanda is careful about anything that touches her lips. She (16) instructions on every food 禁止) nuts from the (21) . Going too far Not when you have food allergies (过敏症) that can put your in danger.“I’11 waiters that even amount of peanuts could kill me," says Amanda knew she had to (33) to hospital fast. "I'm going into shock," she said breathlessly to

when she arrived. They gave her intramuscular adrenalin (肾上腺肌肉注射) , which 16.A copies B collects C reads D knows

17.A keep off B ask for C depend on D try on

18.A tells B teaches C tests D questions

19.A as B if C unless D until

20.A required B struggling C willing D guided

21.A plane B visitors C airport D tourists

22.A food B party C party D life

23.A regular B tiniest C same D limited

24.A common B quick C serious D heavy

25.A Even so B In addition C Instead D Therefore

26.A as B when C where D which

27.A served B removed C shared D offered

28.A medicine B secret C position D distance

29.A pretended B stopped C emembered D began

30.A air B water C rest D warmth

31.A Staying B Driving C Leavin D Missing

32.A move B breathe C sleep D speak

33.A talk B return C get D write

34.A doctors B her parents C the clerks Df riends

35.A cured B changed C improved D saved第三部分 阅读理解



At first, I thought it was just useless e-mails. It was the end of the weekend and I hadn't checked my e-mails since late Friday afternoon. There was a long list of messages. Some I removed without reading. Others were from friends-I saved those to read later when I had more time.

One stood out from the rest for two reasons. The first was the name, Maher Nawaf, which I didn't recognize. The second was the subject line: "pleas papers. " Clearly, the e-mail was仕om someone who did not have a complete mastery of the English language.

The message was from an Iraqi, a university research scientist in Mosul who wanted permission to reprint a research paper I had written. As a scientist, I' m used to getting these kinds of requests; it' s part of the give and take among researchers that I especially like. I wrote back the next day, asking for more information about the type of work he was doing. I also wished him and his family best for their safety and well-being during this dangerous time in his land.

A couple of days later, his reply appeared in my inbox. It read, in part: "hi dear Dr. I'm very happy to hear good news from you and your help, also I' d like to thank you for your feelings towards me and my family . .. thank you very much for help I want to tell you that I' m ready to help you in mosul university/iraq if you need that. "

Maher also explained in his broken English that he was interested in a paper I' d written on the use of lactobacillus acidophilus (a healthy product that can be found in yogurt (酸奶) and other foods). It was his hope that he could use my findings to help find a treatment for gastrointestinal (消化系统的) illness. He signed off:" warmest regards to you and lovely family. "

Despite his difficulty with the language, he had painted a picture for me由at was far more than a simple request for information. The humanity displayed (流露出的) in his message made me want to both smile and cry.

36.Why did the e-mail from an Iraqi catch the author' s attention?

A.The subject line was not written in standard Englis

B.It was not completely written in Englis

C.The sender's name seemed familia

D.It had a short subject lin

37. What does the author like to do as a scientist with other researchers?

A.Reprint research paper

B.Exchange research finding

C.Chat with them on the Interne

D.Wish each other the best of luc

38.Besides work interest, the Iraqi and the author's e-mails also delivered______.

A.heart-warming friendly feelings

B.medicine to treat certain disease

C.news about each others' family

D.their opinions on wars

39.What can we infer from the text?

A.The author of the text is a language teache

B.Iraqi people are much happier now than befor

C.The Internet can bring people closer to each othe

D.Even knowing a little English can help you learn a lot


Businesses put lots of time and money into new plans, programs and excellent employees with the hope things will change. Yet, at the end of the effort, not much changes. What happens In most cases, those new plans, programs and employees enter a company with an existing culture (文化). And plans, programs and new employees have a way of conforming to(顺应)the existing culture. The culture of your business is the result of a particular mindset , or a particular way of thinking and the general feelings about certain things. Most often, it is the mindset of the founder or people managing the business.

The founder has gotten to where he is because of his skill sets, knowledge base and personal beliefs, which unfortunately all come with inherent (固有的)limits. Why Skills, knowledge and beliefs come from what he or she already knows or has experienced. In other words, it comes from the past. We ( people) try to make the past fit the future. Just because something worked in the past, doesn't mean it is suitable for the future. As the saying goes, if you do and think what you have always done and thought, you will have what you have always had.

Therefore, lasting changes have to start with the way people think. To make changes in the way you think, you will be required ta set goals beyond your basic abilities and continuously think them through. It is a way to train yourself and people to get out of the comfort zone where you feel happy with your knowledge and skills.

40.Which question does the author try to answer?

A.What past experience is useful for businesses

B.How much time is needed for making plans

C.How can changes be made in businesses

D.What kinds of employees are the best

41.Where does the business culture mainly come from?

A.The founde

B.The progres

C.The new employee

D.The collective effor

42.What does the author think about the mindset of the company leader?

A.It can prevent the enrichment of experience

B.It is useful far skill and knowledge learnin

C.It is important for personal beliefs build-u

D.It may limit the company's developmen

43.What plays a key role in making changes in a company?

A.Making a breakthrough in the way people thin

B.Training people to be able to face hardshi

C.Setting clearer goals for employee

D.Making the past fit the future


It' s not much , but it' s home. Francis Chan, an engineer, lives in Hampstead, north London, in a flat that's just 4ft wide by 21ft long. He loves it.

Tiny though it is, it has got all the comforts. Peter Baynes, Chan’s architect (建筑师),has achieved a clever piece of design,according to architectural experts.

The Chan mini-house was built on what was once a path down the side of a big Victarian





1. What are the speakers talking about?

A. When to announce the news.

B. Who will attend the meeting.

C. What to discuss on Wednesday.

2. What will the man do?

A. Make tea for Christine. B. Have a cup of tea. C. Boil more water.

3. Why is Sheila late?

A. She argued with her boss. B. She had to finish work. C. She forgot the time.

4. What is the weather normally like?

A. Rainy. B. Warm. C. Cold.

5. What does the man mean?

A. He likes his professor. B. He wants a new task. C. He needs more time.




6. What happened to the man?

A. He lost his way. B. He broke his phone. C. His car broke down.

7. Why did the man fail to call the woman?

A. He had no coins. B. He had no time. C. He forgot the number. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至10题。

8. How many pieces of clothing need to be cleaned and ironed?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.

9. How much is the extra charge for the quick service?

A. 5%. B. 15%. C. 50%.

10. When can the man pick up his overcoat?

A. Tomorrow afternoon. B. Nine o’clock today. C. Sunday morning. 听下面一段对话,回答第11至13题。

11. What do we know about the woman’s old job?

A. It offered better pay. B. It was farther from her home. C. It provided computer training.

12. What do we learn about the training?

A. It is paid by the woman.

B. It is partly done on work time.

C. It runs from Wednesday to Friday.

13. How does the woman feel about her new job?

A. Satisfied. B. Confused. C. Anxious.


14. What do we know about the man?

A. He smokes less than ten cigarettes a day.

B. He gave up smoking three years ago.

C. He is probably a long time smoker.

15. How often does the woman go to the doctor for a check-up?

A. Once every year. B. Twice a year. C. Once every three years.

16. How many test questions are discussed in the conversation?

A. Four. B. Seven. C. Eight.

17. What change will the test probably bring to the speakers?

A. They will exercise more. B. They will work harder. C. They will rest more.


18. Why does the man always carry his iPod touch?

A. To talk with his friends. B. To pass time enjoyably. C. To work while travelling.

19. What do we know about life ten or fifteen years ago? C

A. People enjoyed life more.

B. The Internet first came into use then.

C. It was harder for people to get in touch online.

20. Why does the man think the sun is very important for his life? C

A. It makes him more active.

B. It allows him to think over.

C. It gives him a feeling of comfort.


Text 1

W: Are you announcing the news today or tomorrow?

M: I’ll do it at Wednesday’s meeting.

Text 2

M: Hello, Christine. Do you want a cup of coffee? I’ve just made some.

W: No, thanks. I’ll make myself a cup of tea in a minute.

M: Oh, let me do it for you. The water is just boiled.

Text 3

M: Shelia, over here!

W: Hello! Tony, sorry, I’m late. My boss asked me to finish some important work. M: It’s OK. I only got here a couple of minutes ago.

Text 4

W: I’m going on a business trip to New York. What’s the weather like there?

M: Well, it’s usually warm at this time of year. But last week it was cold and wet. So don’t forget to take an umbrella with you.

Text 5

M: If Professor King gave us one more week, we would be able to complete the task. W: Hm, that would make a big difference.

Text 6

W: What happened? I’ve been waiting for almost an hour.

M: I’m sorry, but I had car trouble.

W: Oh, that’s too bad. Couldn’t you have telephoned?

M: I was going to, but I didn’t have any change for a pay phone.

W: You could’ve gotten some change in a store.

M: But I was out on the edge of town. There wasn’t any place to get change.

W: Well, at least you’re here now. No need to wait any longer. So, let’s get started. Text 7

W: Let’s see. That’s two pairs of trousers, one lady’s dress and one man’s overcoat. M: And this sports shirt too, all cleaned and ironed. When will they be ready? W: Is Sunday morning soon enough?

M: Well, yes, but I need that coat earlier.

W: We do have a special quick service at an extra charge of 15%.

M: When will it be ready?

W: Tomorrow afternoon. Any time after four o’clock.

M: How late are you open?

W: Until 9 o’clock in the evening, sir.

M: Fine. That leaves me plenty of time to pick it up after work.

W: OK. You can come for the coat any time after 4 o’clock.

M: Good. Thank you.

Text 8

M: What do you like most about your new job?

W: Well, I get better paid and the distance between work and home is shorter. But the best part is that they have training programs to improve our work skills. And they run partly on company time, usually from four to six on Wednesdays and Fridays. M: That sounds great. I wish my company did that.

W: It really is a good thing. And even though the company has to pay for the training, it’s worth it in the long run. Because with a greater understanding of the computer programs I use every day, I do my daily tasks more quickly and effectively.

Text 9

M: Hey, Jessica, there is a new fun test in the paper. I love to fill these things out. W: What’s this one about?

M: It’s about health.

W: OK. Read it to me. I’ll keep score.

M: OK. No. 1: Do you smoke more than ten cigarettes a day?

W: That’s easy. I gave up smoking three years ago.

M: Right. You know, I should too.

W: Yeah, I’ve heard that before.

M: No, No, really. I’m going to. But for now I’d have to say, yes. OK. No. 2: Do you have a check-up at your doctor’s office at least once a year?

W: Yeah, the company makes us go to the doctor every year. How about you? M: Well, I went to the doctor… let’s see… about three years ago.

W: You should go more often.

M: Well, let’s move on to No. 7: Do you work more than ten hours a day?

W: No, but you’ve been working a lot lately.

M: I’m really tired. I should work a lot less. But we’ve been busy though.

W: You really should slow down.

M: It’s not that easy. Last question: Do you worry a lot in your life?

W: Worry a lot? Yeah. I guess I’d have to say yes. I should rest more.

M: I definitely should rest more. You know what? It’s surprising I’m not dead already. Text 10

M: Well, I guess there are three things that I cannot live without. You saw me playing with my new toy just now. It’s my iPod touch and it is great. I often take long bus

journeys at the weekend. And on this little thing I can watch a movie, and that just makes bus journeys fly by. It also has wireless Internet so I can carry it around, and in a coffee shop I can check my email. And it is also able to play music, although I don’t listen to music much. That’s one. My iPod touch is with me all the time. It’s kind of connected to my No. 2. No. 2 is the Internet. I couldn’t live without the Internet. I’m online every day reading newspapers, checking out information about things I want to do or see that day, keeping in touch with family and friends, although I don’t do that as much as they would like. The Internet is such a huge part of my life. I can’t imagine what it was like ten or fifteen years ago when nobody was online. No. 3, I suppose, is the sun which sounds a bit meaningless because everything on earth requires the sun. But for me, it’s not so much about getting what plants and animals get from the sun. It’s just being able to enjoy the soft warmth, lying by the pool, letting my mind be empty and clear. Those are my three. How about you?


1-5 AABBC 6-10 CABBA 11-15 BBACA 16-20 ACBCC



第一部分 听力


第二部分 英语知识运用

第一节 单项填空


21. —— Where is John?

—— He has been busy ______________ his homework. A. to do B. doing C. do D. done

22. —— I’m afraid I’ve broken the window. —— ___________. I can easily get it fixed. A. Not at all B. Never mind C. What a pity D. How dare you

23. When we met Mr. Smith last year, he ___________ in that school for ten years. A. taught

B. was teaching C. had taught D. would teach

24. News writers know their readers have limited time and usually give the

________________ developments of an event first.

A. newest B. latest C. nearest D. earliest

25. My present job is __________ too much of my study time. A. taking up B. getting away C. giving up D. holding on

26.This radio is not working.I'll have it_________________. A. repairing B. to repair C. repaired D. be repaired

27. Perhaps you _________________ leave now. Your friend may be waiting for you outside. A. must B. could

C. should D. will

28. I know that you are extremely busy, so I won’t ____________ any more of your time. A. bother B. spend C. waste D. cost

29. Bob had yet___idea for a successful, New Year party, the third one that evenin9. A. other B. another C. the other D. other one

30. —— I think I'd take the doctor’s advice and start running every morning. —— Really? ______________. A. Good for you B. That’s something C. That’s OK D. What a pity

31. My friend Mr. Black has come to China every year __________ he was a boy. A. since B. when C. before D. after

32. —— Could you give me a lift home, please? —— Sorry, ___________________. A. I have visited my sister B. I visited my sister C. I am visiting my sister D. I visit my sister

33. It is not clear how much English students can learn_____________-the Internet. A. in B. with C. by

D. through

34. Fighting has stopped and things are changing for___________________. A. better B. the better C. the best D. best

35. What I want to tell you is _____________: Paul will come to work as your assistant. A. it B. these C. that D. this

第二节 完形填空


In 1941, when my father joined the U.S. Army, he was told that, on a written test, he had All went well he had to deal with spinach(菠菜). Because spinach is good for end of the meal, he was throwing all of it away. To save time and effort, he decided simply to One day an army officer saw the spinach in the rubbish. He blamed my father, 财产 Later, one officer told him that fresh spinach was government property, but cooked spinach government did not have its property thrown out, and the soldiers did not have spinach on their plates.

36. A. a skill B. an interest C. a gift D. an advantage 37. A. wondered B. understood C. accepted D. admitted

38. A. take part in B. carry on with C. catch up with D. stay away from 39. A. chance B. records C. experience D. grades 40. A. until B. as C. when D. so

41. A. prepared B. supplied C. checked D. ate

42. A. Carefully B. Unwillingly C. Certainly D. Unfortunately 43. A. even B. still C. only D. just

44. A. realized B. agreed C. allowed D. considered 45. A. favoured B. hated C. new D. expensive 46. A. dry B. clean C. cold D. fresh

47. A. saying B. telling C. warning D. punishing 48. A. While B. Since C. Although D. As

49. A. showing B. causing C. saving D. leaving

50. A. correcting B. punishing C. forgiving D. refusing 51. A. For example B. In this case

C. In other words D. Under this condition 52. A. could B. would C. had to D. should 53. A. bought B. kept C. hid D. cooked 54. A. turned B. made C. put D. knocked 55. A. happy B. healthy C. safe D. quiet

第三部分 阅读理解




There are many shops in Singapore where customers still bargain, although prices are clearly you to and will be surprised if you accepted their prices immediately. We know that the prices in some stores are a bit higher than those in Change Alley, but we also realize that to keep a store like Robinson’s is by no means cheap. Besides, in such places we shop in air-conditioned(空调)comfort. For all these, we pay a little extra.

It is not always true to say that things in Change Alley cost less. I once bought a Czechoslovakian glass butter-dish from Robinson’s for a little under two dollars. I then went on to Change Alley and just by chance saw an article of the same shape, design and size, in one of the shops. I then asked about its price, and was surprised when the man demanded more than four dollars for it. “How much can you offer?” he shouted at me. I offered him exactly the same price I paid for the article and his reply was shockingly rude(粗鲁). I opened my bag, showed him my receipt, stared at him and walked out of his shop.

A buyer in England expects to find the price of goods clearly shown, or, to be told exactly what the price is. He knows this is the lowest price that will be accepted. If he thinks the price is beyond what he can afford, he shrugs(耸耸)his shoulders and walks away. He does not attempt to bargain with the shopkeeper. Even if he showed annoyance or surprise, he would expect to be told that if the price was unacceptable, he should try elsewhere.

56. The underlined word “hagglin9” (1ine 2, para.1) in the text most probably means _________.

A. accepting the prices immediately B. fixing the right cost for some goods C. arguing about the price of something D. paying extra for comfortable shopping

57. We can learn from the text that Robinson’s is a store which sells. A. expensive goods B. air-conditioners

C. Czechoslovakian goods D. goods at a bargain price

58. The writer asked about the price of a glass butter-dish in Change Alley because he wanted


A. buy it at a lower price

B. change his dish for something else C. find out if the shop assistant is polite

D. compare the prices of the dish in two stores

59. Which of the following words best describes the feeling of a British customer when “he

shrugs his shoulders and walks away” (1ine 3, para.3)?

A. Frightened. B. Worried.

C. Annoyed. D. Disappointed.

60. What would probably happen if a customer does bargain with a shopkeeper in England? A. The customer would be advised to shop in other stores. B. The customer would get the goods at a lower price. C. They would discuss and then reach an agreement. D. They would quarrel about the price of the goods.


We all believed that words of a language evolve (进化) gradually over the centuries, rather as animals and plants evolve over millions of year. Sometimes the change is so slight as to be almost unnoticeable-finger, for example, means the same today as it did 1, 000 years ago. Other words have changed out of all recognition. For example, modern English “lord”, a person with high social positions, comes from Old English “hlaford”. It used to mean “guardian of the bread”, a person who protects the bread. But not all word meanings change like this. Just as new and different types of animals and plants can be reproduced, we can call completely new words into being.

Anyone can make a word. The difficult part is to make it stay in the language. To stand the best chance it should probably relate to a particular and fairly specialized subject. That cuts down the number of people who need to agree to use it. Chemists are often having to find expressions for new findings. Once that is achieved, there may be a chance for wider recognition if the expression comes to be of interest to the general public.

Ordinary people can make long-lasting words, though. In 1924, a competition (比赛) was held to make a word for a drinker of illegal liquor(非法出售的酒). A prize of US $200 was offered, and there were reportedly over 25, 000 suggestions. The winners were Henry Irving Dale and Kate L. Butler, who both came up with “scofflaw”. And that word exists in American English to this day, in the rather wider sense “someone who disobeys the law”. 61. What can we learn from the text?

A. It is the duty of specialists to make new words. B. People are encouraged to make new words. C. Words evolve faster than animals and plants. D. New words are usually made by chemists.

62. New words are usually not accepted until they__________. A. can express common ideas B. are included in school subjects C. are proved useful by scientists D. gain public agreement

63. According to the text,making a new word is less difficult than. A. determining how to pronounce it B. having a new chemical product C. organizing a competition D. making it long.1asting

64. The underlined word “scofflaw” (1ine 4, para.3) originally meant the person who _________.

A. drinks illegally


二O 0七年九月全国英语等级考试、




二O 0七年九月

Section I Listening Comprehension( 30 minutes)


This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions thai accompany them. There are THREE parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C.

Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.

If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.

Now look at Part A in your test booklet.

Part A

Directions :

For Questions 1--5 ,you will hear a report on a survey recently done in Britain. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word or number in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below.

Part B


For Questions 6--10, you will hear an interview with Rosemary , a self-employed dog trainer in Hong Kong. While you listen, complete the sentences or answer the questions. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below.

Part C


You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one ,you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A ,B , C or D . After listening, you will have 10 seconds' to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece once only.

Questions 11--13 are based on the following talk about prodigies, kids with unusual natural abilities. You now have 1.5 seconds to read Questions 11--13.

11. What was John Stuart Mill?

[ A ] A historian. [ B ] A composer.

[ C ] A philosopher. [ D ] A mathematician.

12. What has been found about children of unusual talent?

[ A ] Many of them are from middle-class families.

[ B ] There are more girls than boys among them.

[ C ] They are mostly born by natural childbirth.

[ D ] Their parents are usually ambitious and humorous.

13. What can be inferred from the talk?

[ A ] Material wealth goes hand in hand with mental emptiness.

[ B ] Environment plays a decisive role in the development of prodigies.

[ C ] Success has not always brought happiness to prodigies.

[ D ] Public praise will help prodigies to find the value of their lives.

Questions 14--16 are based on the interview with British singer and songwriter Beth Orton.You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 14--16.

14. When did Beth Orton begin singing?

[ A ] After she met William.

[ B ] Before she went to acting classes.

[ C ] After she dropped out of school.

[ D ] Before she joined a traveling group.

15. When is the best time of a woman' s life, as Beth Orton was told?

[A] In her 60s. [B] In her 40s.

[C] In her 30s. [D] In her 20s.

16. What does Beth Orton want to do in the next year or so?

[ A ] Improve her skills in playing the drums.

[ B ] Learn how to play the violin.

[ C ] Try some strange musical instruments.

[ D ] Train herself in coordination.

Questions 17--20 are based on the following discussion with Dr. Jane Richard about premarital contracting. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 17--20.

17. How do people see premarital contracting in general?

[ A ] It is unfeasible and unnecessary.

[ B ] It has no effect on true love.

[ C ] It is only effective for someone rich and famous.

[ D ] It suggests distrust between the two partners.

18. What does the woman think of premarital contracting?

[ A ] It helps a couple know more about each other.

[ B ] It makes a couple' s relationship more stable.

[ C ] It helps to develop genuine love in a couple.

[ D ] It makes a couple feel more comfortable with each other.

19. What is the divorce rate, according to the interviewer?

[A] 50%. [B] 30%.

[C] 20%. [D] 10%.

20. What is essential in premarital contracting, according to the woman?

[ A ] Financial status. [ B ] Legal documents.

[ C ] Attitude to marriage. [ D ] Communication.

You now have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.

This is the end of Listening Comprehension.

Section II Use of English

Directions :

Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,


Believe it or not, airlines really are trying to do better. They promised to improve customer service last year 21 pressure from a Congress which was 22 stories of nightmare flights.

So why is it that flying is getting 23 for so many passengers, 24 airlines are spending billions of dollars to improve service, 25 in new equipment such as mobile check-in stations and portable phone 15anks so travelers can quickly 26 a flight when it is delayed or canceled? The fact is that air travel has 27 been such an annoyance, and customer complaints to the Transportation Department doubled in 1999 28 1998.

It seems Mother Nature would 29 people by bus this year. An unusual run of bad weather, 30 long walls of thunderstorms, has crippled airports lately and led to widespread delays and cancellations. After similar problems last summer, the FAA promised to work more closely with airlines 31 weather slowdowns--for example, FAA and airline representatives now gather at a single location in Herndon, Va. , to 32 the best way to allocate the available airspace. But even the FAA 33 the new initiative has fallen 34 of expectations, and many passengers complain that the delays seem 35 Part of the problem is overcrowded planes. 36 the strong economy, U. S. airlines are expected to carry a record 665 million passengers this year, up 5 percent from last year. On 37 ,planes are about 76 percent full these days, also a 38 . That' s good news for the Transport Department, which are profitably loading more passengers _ 39 each flight, and bad news for passengers, 40 irritations build rapidly in tight quarters.

21. [A] under [B] below [C] beneath [D] beyond

22. [A] held back by [B] fed up with [C] taken in by [D] filled in with

23. [ A] inferior [ B] worse [ C] desperate [ D] fatal

24. [A] as if [B] so that [C] even though [D] now that

25. [A] upgrading [B] purchasing [C] installing [D] investing

26. [A] reclaim [B] reserve [C] recall [D] rebook

27. [A] never [B] often [C] also [D] always

28. [A] since [B] upon [C] over [D] from

29. [A] persist [B] presume [C] prefer [D] permit

30. [A] featuring [B] capturing [C] distinguishing [D] characterizing

31. [A] charged with [B] responding to [C] replying to [D] abiding by

32. [A] draw in [B] follow up [C] figure out [D] set aside

33. [A] admits [B] allows [C] reveals [D] claims

34. [A] lagging [B] lacking [C] scarce [D] short

35. [A] absolute [B] arbitrary [C] plentiful [D] superfluous

36.[A] According to [B] Except for [C] Thanks to [D] Based on

37. [A] calculation [B] average [C] estimate [D]total

38. [A] fantasy [B] monument [C]legend [D] record

39.[A] at [B] for [C] over [D] on

40. [A] since [B] although [C] unless [D] if

Section II1 Reading Comprehension( 60 minutes)

Part A

Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Text 1

The future of space exploration depends on many things. It depends on how technology evolves, how political forces shape competition and partnerships between nations, and how important the public feels space exploration is. The near future will see the continuation of human space flight in Earth' s orbit and unpiloted space flight within the solar system. Piloted space flight to other planets, or even back to the moon, still seems far away. Any flight to other solar systems is even more distant, but a huge advance in space technology could drive space exploration into realms currently explored only by science fiction.

The 1968 film 2001 : A Space Odyssey depicted commercial shuttles flying to and from a giant wheel-shaped space station in orbit around Earth, bases on the moon, and a piloted mission to Jupiter. The real space activities of 2001 will not match this cinematic vision, but the 21st century will see a continuation of efforts to transform humanity into a spacefaring species.

Perhaps the most difficult problem space planners face is how to finance a vigorous program of piloted space exploration, in Earth' s orbit and beyond. In 1998 no single government or international enterprise had plans to send people back to the moon, much less to Mars. Such missions are unlikely to happen until the perceived value exceeds their cost.

One belief shared by a number of space exploration experts is that future lunar and Martian expeditions should be aimed at creating permanent settlements. The residents of such outposts would have to "live off the land," obtaining such necessities as oxygen and water from the harsh environment. On the moon, pioneers could obtain oxygen by heating lunar soil. In 1998 the Lunar Prospector discovered evidence of significant deposits of ice, a valuable resource for settlers, mixed

with soil at the lunar poles. On Mars, oxygen could be extracted from the atmosphere and water could come from buried deposits of ice.

The future of piloted lunar and planetary exploration remains largely unknown. Most space exploration scientists believe that people will be on the moon and Mars by the middle of the 21st century, but how they get there, and the nature of their visits, is a subject of continuing debate. Clearly, key advances will need to be made in lowering the cost of getting people off Earth, the first step in any human voyage to other worlds.

41. A flight to other solar systems will be made more possible by

[ A ] technological breakthroughs.

[ B ] international co-operation.

[ C ] market competition.

[ D ] public pressure.

42. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that human society will become increasingly

[ A ] worded about life on other planets.

[ B ] dependent on space tourism.

[ C ] accustomed to long-distance flights.

[ D ] associated with space exploration.

43. According to this text, piloted space missions will need to be

[ A ] more exciting than earlier film versions.

[ B ] supported by international organizations.

[ C ] more cost-effective than they appear to be at present.

[ D ] financed by individual governments.

44. It is predicted that people who will live on other planets would have to

[ A ] appreciate the harsh conditions they encounter there.

[ B ] depend on the natural resources available there.

[ C ] take most dally necessities along with them.

[ D ] engage in scientific research.

45. It is difficult to send people to other planets because of.

[ A ] lack of capacity of space exploration vehicles.

[ B ] the financial expenditure involved in space travel.

[ C ] controversial nature of space travel.

[ D ] the uncertain future of space exploration.

Text 2

Empowering workers constitutes the first step toward a stronger economy and stronger citizenry. It is a vital step toward overcoming inequality in American society. During the 1980s, the need for better wages for all workers increased as women, traditionally secondary earners, assumed greater responsibility for their own and their children' s well-being. Yet the ability to raise families to a decent living standard through wage work decreased; real wages fell for most workers. And the Federal Government enacted no new policies to facilitate the integration of work and family, as working women and working families suffered a loss in political power as well.

Black or Hispanic women are four times as likely to be low-wage workers as are white men with comparable skills and experience. White women are more than three times as likely as white men to be low-wage workers, and black or Hispanic men more than one-and-a-half times as likely. More than half of all low-wage workers are the only wage workers in their families, or live alone. Employment no longer provides an escape from poverty. More than eight million working adults are poor; two million of them work full-time, year-round. More than seven million poor children have at least one working parent. When that one working parent is a low-wage worker, the children have no better chance of escaping from poverty than if the parent were not working at all ; more than two-fifths of such children are poor.

Even if generous income assistance were available, the wages employers pay would be held to a minimum. In addition, policies such as tax credits for working parents do nothing to increase the political power of working women and men.

Our research shows that unionization is among the most effective strategies for raising pay, especially for women and minority men. Being a union member, or being covered by a collective-bargaining agreement, raised 1984 wages by $ 1.79 per hour for Hispanic men, $ 1.32 for black men, $ 1.26 for Hispanic women, $ 1.01 for black women, $ 0.68 for white women, and $ 0.41 for white men, when all other factors, such as occupation, industry, firm size, education and experience were held constant. In percentage terms, the union increase was more than 15 percent for blacks and Hispanics, 11 percent for white women, and 4 percent for white men.

46. During the 1980s, women started to play a more important role in

[ A ] demanding political rights. [ B ] improving social welfare.

[ C ] supporting the family. [ D ] earning better wages.

47. According to Paragraph 2, who are most likely to be poor?


第一部分 听 力 略


第一节 单项填空

从[A]、[B]、[C]、[D]四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将 该项涂黑。

21. --Did Tracy allow you to stay in herhouse free?


[A] I do

[B] I know

[C] I Wish

[D] I agree

22. She was so tired that she fell asleep_________in her chair.


[B]to sit

[C] being sat

[D] to have sat

23. I would like to say a big thank-you toeveryone_________ has helped to make our meeting a great success!

[A] which

[B] that

[C] who

[D] whom

24. I_________ far too hard today and I'vegot such a headache now.

[A] had worked

[B] have been working

[C] shall work

[D] work

25. It is difficult to design_________ programthat will meet _________various needs of all our users.

[A] the;the

[B] a; the

[C] /;the

[D] /;/

26. --Would you mind carrying this book forme for two seconds, please? --Oh_________,

[A]go ahead

[B]it's all right

[C]let me see

[D]with pleasure

27. I think he'd like to stay at home thisevening rather than_________ out.

[A] goes

[B] going

[C] gone

[D] go

28. Can you hold the bag for me _________ I open the door?

[A] because

[B] since

[C] while

[D] for

29. The company is losing money and _________have to close down.

[A] should

[B] would

[C] must

[D] need

30. He is certainly an _________ lawyer butpeople say that he lacks a human touch.

[A] official

[B] experienced

[C] ordinary

[D] unknown

31, Allen guided us_________ the narrow streets to the station and saidgood-bye to us there.

[A] through

[B] between

[C] into

[D] off

32. Before going out, Linda_________ aquick look at herself in the mirror on the wall.

[A] will be taking

[B] was taking

[C] had taken

[D] took

33. The idea of opening a new cinema herewas not wise, as there are two here

already, _________ usually half-empty.

[A] neither


[C] either

[D] both

34. It was extremely cold. _________ , it began to snow.

[A] To make matters worse

[B] After all

[C] In any case

[D] As a result

35. I can't stand around chatting--I've gotthings to do this morning.

[A] a million

[B] million

[C] a million of

[D] millions

第二节 完形填空


"We are here, "my morn said. This was the first time I hadcome with my mother to a homeless shelter(救助站).We unloaded the food from the car and went 36 tothe dining area. My job was to offer 37 to everyone.

As I filled the large bowl with apples, oranges and bananas, I 38 myself for the task. How would I 39 them? "Mom,"I whispered. " 40 do 1 say to them? Can't somebody else do this?"She 41 her head. "Just treat them like people,Caroline. Just treat them like you'd treat 42 else. "I got up, held my bowl 43 , and left the kitchen. Many people crowdedaround me waiting to 44 their fruit. They were very polite, 45 me with smiles and kind words."Thankyou, ma'am," or "God bless (保

佑)you"immediatelytook away all of my 46 . It was almost a shock to 47 so many thankful words.

As I walked outside, one man caught my eye. He reminded me of SantaClaus, 48 his sweet eyes and rosy cheeks. "Sir,would you like some fruit?"I asked. He looked at me and smiled. He lookeddown at his 49 . He was holding coffee and an empty plate. Helooked back at the fruit, 50 if he had room in his hands to carry it. 51 , he took a banana into the hand that held thecoffee, but then spilled(溅出 ) some of the coffeewith his nervous 52 . He thanked meand slowly 53 away.

As we drove away from the shelter that afternoon, I remembered my mornsaying,"I think we 54 over a hundred people today. "All Icould do was think of the faces I had seen, and I 55 how much they looked like mine.





[D] freely


[A] meals


[C] fruit

[D] clothes


[A] prepared

[B] held


[D] introduced


[A] smile at

[B] talk to

[C] look at

[D] walk to


[A] Why

[B] Where

[C] When

[D] What


[A] turned

[B] raised

[C] touched

[D] shook


[A] everybody

[B] somebody

[C] anybody

[D] nobody 43.

[A] silently

[B] tightly

[C] happily

[D] lightly 44.

[A] load

[B] offer

[C] receive

[D] eat 45.


[B] filling

[C] showing

[D] catching 46.

[A] words


[C] fears

[D] tiredness 47.

[A] say

[B] hear

[C] repeat

[D] remember 48.

[A] apart from

[B] except for

[C] because of

[D] instead of 49.

[A] feet

[B] plate

[C] hands

[D] bananas 50.



第一部分 听力


第二部分 英语知识运用

第一节 单项填空


21. —— Where is John?

—— He has been busy ______________ his homework.

A. to do B. doing C. do D. done

22. —— I’m afraid I’ve broken the window.

—— ___________. I can easily get it fixed.

A. Not at all

B. Never mind

C. What a pity

D. How dare you

23. When we met Mr. Smith last year, he ___________ in that school for ten years.

A. taught

B. was teaching

C. had taught

D. would teach

24. News writers know their readers have limited time and usually give the

________________ developments of an event first.

A. newest

B. latest

C. nearest

D. earliest

25. My present job is __________ too much of my study time.

A. taking up

B. getting away

C. giving up

D. holding on

26.This radio is not working.I'll have it_________________.

A. repairing

B. to repair

C. repaired

D. be repaired

27. Perhaps you _________________ leave now. Your friend may be waiting for you outside.

A. must

B. could

C. should

D. will

28. I know that you are extremely busy, so I won’t ____________ any more of your time.

A. bother

B. spend

C. waste

D. cost

29. Bob had yet___idea for a successful, New Year party, the third one that evenin9.

A. other

B. another

C. the other

D. other one

30. —— I think I'd take the doctor’s advice and start running every morning.

—— Really? ______________.

A. Good for you

B. That’s something

C. That’s OK

D. What a pity

31. My friend Mr. Black has come to China every year __________ he was a boy.

A. since

B. when

C. before

D. after

32. —— Could you give me a lift home, please?

—— Sorry, ___________________.

A. I have visited my sister

B. I visited my sister

C. I am visiting my sister

D. I visit my sister

33. It is not clear how much English students can learn_____________-the Internet.

A. in

B. with

C. by

D. through

34. Fighting has stopped and things are changing for___________________.

A. better

B. the better

C. the best

D. best

35. What I want to tell you is _____________: Paul will come to work as your assistant.

A. it

B. these

C. that

D. this

第二节 完形填空


In 1941, when my father joined the U.S. Army, he was told that, on a written test, he had showed ___36___ for preparing food. Army officials offered him a course in becoming a cook. My father ___37___ because he thought he could ___38___ the battles. As things turned out, he got good ___39___ and became head cook of an army kitchen. All went well ___40___ he had to deal with spinach(菠菜). Because spinach is good for health, the army ___41___ it several times per week. ___42___, the soldiers refused ___43___ to look at spinach on their plates. After hours of cooking spinach, my father ___44___ that, at the end of the meal, he was throwing all of it away. To save time and effort, he decided simply to throw away the ___45___ vegetable before it was cooked.



考生姓名:__________考号:________ 学校:______________ 班级:________ 第一部分:听力理解


例:你将听到: M: Well, I wonder why the office is still not open.

W: But it's not yet eight. In fact, it's only a quarter to eight.


1. At what time does the office open?

A. 7:45. B. 8:15. C. 8:00.

1. What can we conclude from the woman’s reply?

A. She thinks John is joking.

B. She is sure John is selling his shop.

C. She thinks John likes business.

2. What does the man mean?

A. The new teacher is sick. B. He hasn’t met the teacher yet. C. He didn’t like the teacher.

3. What time is it now?

A. 7:55 B. 7:05 C. 8:05

4. What does the woman mean?

A. She thinks they shouldn’t go to French restaurants.

B. She’s recommending a good place to go for dinner.

C. She’s inviting them to dinner.

5. Which of the following can we know from the dialogue?

A. The woman is going to have a trip this summer vacation.

B. The woman is going to stay at home this summer vacation.

C. The woman hasn’t decided how to spend the summer vacation.



例:你将听到:W: Can I help you?

M: Yes. I bought this radio two days ago, but I'm afraid it doesn't work. I'd like to change it for another one.

W: Oh, dear. Yes, of course. Have you got your receipt?

M: Yes, here it is.

W: Thank you. Just a moment, please.


1. Where does this conversation take place?

A. In a store. B. In a factory. C. In a museum.

2. What is the most probable result of the conversation?

A. The man got his radio repaired.

B. The man got a new receipt.

C. The man got a new radio.


6. What was the weather like yesterday according to the two speakers?

A. Colder than today. B. Warmer than today. C. Fine.

7. How did the man feel about the weather at the end of conversation?

A. Afraid. B. Sad. C. Relieved.


8. What are there in the briefcase?

A. Some jewelry. B. Important papers. C. Money.

9. Why will they go back to the hotel?

A. To look for his wallet. B. To look for his important letter. C. To look for his briefcase.


10. What was Mary doing at the beginning of the dialogue?

A. Going home. B. Waiting for bus. C. Waiting for someone.

11. Where was Mary going?

A. Home. B. To the bus stop. C. To the park.

12. Why did Bill feel surprised when he first heard Mary was going for a walk?

A. Because it was a cold day.

B. Because she was going alone.

C. Because she had not told him about this before.


13. Where has Ann been?

A. Her brother’s. B. Beijing. C. Her uncle’s.

14. How far is it from Ann’s home to her uncle’s?

A. About eight thousand miles away.

B. About eight hundred kilometers away.

C. About eight hundred miles away.

15. Who went there with Ann?

A. Her friend. B. Her father. C. Herself.

16. How did she go to her uncle’s?

A. On foot. B. By bus C. By train.


17. When is Mary’s birthday?

A. August 15th. B. August 16th. C. August 12th.

18. What time will the party begin?

A. At 2:00 p.m. B. At 2:20 p.m. C. At 1:40 p.m.

19. Will Jean come to the party?

A. No, She won’t. B. Yes, she will. C. Not sure.

20. Where will Jean’s sister come from?

A. The station. B. The party. C. Shanghai.


第一节:单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

例:1. Paul doesn't have to be made _________. He always works hard.

A. study B. to study C. studied D. studying

21. Neither her parents nor she __________ the two _____________.

A. remember… room number B. remembers… room numbers

C. remember…room numbers D. remembers…room number

22. China has _____________ population.

A. a large B. a great deal of C. many D. much

23. I’d like to thank you for the_________ you did me to clean my house.

A. favor B. help C. aid D. assistant

24. __________ of them are not students. Some of them are teachers.

A. One B. Both C. All D. None

25. The earth is 49 _____________ of the moon.

A. time size B. time the size C. times size D. times the size

26. There was a bird ____________ in the sky.

A. fly B. flies C. flying D. flied

27. He ______________ here half an hour ago, but he is still on the way now.

A. had been B. would have been

C. could have been D. should have been

28. You won’t be discouraged as _________ as you are still hopeful.

A. long B. well C. soon D. far

29. Seldom _____________ such a good movie in that small cinema.

A. we do see B. do we see C. we see D. see we

30. That was the second time I ______________ this country.

A. visited B. had visited C. would visit D. has visited

31. Eating vegetables, _________is a good habit, is always a suggestion for keeping healthy.

A. which B that C. it D. what

32. Every year many people ___________ hunger in Africa.

A. die with B. die of C. die from D. die to

33. She went home immediately, ___________ about her baby who was home alone.

A. worry B. worries C. worried D. worrying

34. – Who is this letter written __________? -- My mother. I haven’t been writing her for a month.

A. to B. by C. with D. in

35. This is not a good topic to _____________.

A. talk B. be talked C. talk about D. be talked about



If an American is 36 with you, he will put his thumb and forefinger into a 37 . That means OK. But in Brazil, the very sign is 38 to be rude. In Poland, a guest usually present flowers to his hostess. The number must be an odd(奇数) one. 39 , the hostess isn’t expected to 40 the cover of the bunch of flowers. And usually, red rose is a sign of love.

Usually we nod to express our agreement and shake our heads to show disapproval. To our 41 these body movements mean the 42 in Bulgaria. (保加利亚) Arabs often greet 43 kissing on both cheeks. And the 44 of putting a hand on a person' neck is different 45 Chinese and Americans. Crossing 46 legs in the United States is a sign of 47 relaxed. But in Korea, it's not allowed. In Chinese, people hand 48 with both hands to 49 their respect, but for Muslims, they think the left hand is 50 and do not eat or pass anything with it.

The 51 in customs and cultures in the world are really 52 . We should learn 53 about them to avoid 54 . Then, would you please remember: When in Rome, do as the 55 do.

36. A. satisfy B. satisfying C. satisfied D. satisfaction

37. A. circle B. round C. ball D. ring

38. A. consider B. considers C. considering D. considered

39. A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for

40. A. receive B. repeat C. review D. remove

41. A. surprise B. surprises C. surprising D. surprised

42. A. wrong B. opposite C. same D. different

43. A. with B. to C. by D. as

44. A. pose B gesture C. action D. movement

45. A. for B. from C. at D. in

46. A. one B. ones C. one’s D. ones’

47. A. be B. being C. to be D. to being

48. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

49. A. show B. present C. display D. demonstrate

50. A. clean B. unclean C. tidy D. untidy

51. A. different B. difference C. differences D. differ

52. A. acceptable B. available C. notable D. noticeable

53. A. more B. many C. less D. fewer

54. A. embarrass B. embarrassing C. embarrassed D. embarrassment

55. A. Rome B. Romes C. Roman D. Romans




Most people agree that fencing (击剑) is one sport in which a person must be at least 30 years old before he learns all he needs to know about the sport. But Clark

Summers of the University of Detroit has shown that this doesn’t always have to be true.

Clark is a different kind of fencer in a lot of ways. He is American, while most fencers are from the countries of Europe. He is black while most fencers in the past have been white. And he is only 22 years old.

Many people think that Clark is the most promising fencer in this country today. Although he is young, he has been able to master the necessary skills. Already he has won a number of fencing contests (竞赛) against older fencers. He is almost certain to become a member of the U. S. Olympic (奥林匹克) fencing team!

”There is no real danger in fencing, today,” Clark says. “But I never forget that fencing was not always a sport. In the old days, People fenced to settle a quarrel. Each match was a matter of life and death. If that came true in the matches I play in today,

every touch against me would mean that I had been wounded or killed. So I try to play as if l were fencing for my life. I don’t like the idea of being killed!”

56 Most people think that ___________ can do fencing.

A. kids B. teenagers C. adults D. senior citizens

57. Clark Summer is NOT probably from _______________.

A. Detroit B. Boston C. Seattle D. Manchester

58. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. All the fencers are from the countries of Europe.

B. Clark has won few fencing contests against older fencers.

C. In the past, people fenced when they disagreed with each other.

D. Today, many fencers will get wounded or killed.

59. We can judge from the passage that Clark works very hard because


A. there is no real danger in fencing B. he doesn’t like the idea to be killed

C. he wants to settle all the quarrels D. each match is a matter of life and death


Reading is not the only way to gain knowledge of the work in the past. There is another large reservoir (知识库) which may be called experience, and the college student will find that every craftsman (工匠) has something he can teach and will generally teach gladly to any college student who does not look down upon them . The information from them differs from (不同于) that in textbooks and papers chiefly in that its theoretical (理论的) part -- the explanations of why things happen -- is frequently quite fantastic (神奇的) . But the demonstration (示范) and report of what happens , and how it happens are correct even if the reports are in completely unscientific terms (术语). Presently the college

student will learn, in this case also, what to accept and what to reject. One important thing for a college student to remember is that if Aristotle could talk to the fisherman, so can he.




(总分70, 考试时间90分钟)

第一部分 听力理解

第二部分 英语知识运用

第一节 单项填空


1.-Your sister looks beautiful. Is she a model or a film star -______. She's a doctor.

A.Whatever you say

B.Forget about it

C.You bet

D.Far from it

2.I'11 send you my address______ I find somewhere to live.





3.-Who is late this time -______you ask Susan, of course.





4.Mack is very busy; he is a full-time student, while______ a part-time job.

A.to hold

B.being held



5.-Harry treats his secretary badly. -Yes, he seems to think that she's the______ important person in the office.





6.Alice was about to______, when she suddenly found an answer to the question.

A.make up B.look up C.turn up D.give up 7.It was a big celebration-______people gathered at the city square. A.five thousands B.five thousand C.thousands D.thousand of 8.______ if he'd ever been fined before, Mathew replied, "Only for speeding. " A.Asking B.Asked C.To ask D.Having asked 9.Although it was not named______ 1782,this kind of metal was used as early as 5300 B.C. A.for B.in C.until D.since 10.Just think, in three months it'll be summer again. A.other B.another C.these D.those 11.Tony couldn't go to university but______ his education through evening school courses. A.has continued B.continued C.continues D.had continued 12.It is said that Sally's been painting for years since she was a little girl,______ A.isn't she B.hasn't it C.hasn't she D.doesn't it 13.-"Do you mind if I smoke" -"Well, actually,______. " A.I'd rather you didn't B.go ahead

C.it doesn't work

D.never mind

14.John and Sue______ computer games for hours before their parents came home from work.

A.are playing

B.have been playing


D.had been playing

15.Please give me more time;______ I shall not be able to finish the paper by next Monday.





第二节 完型填空


Amanda is careful about anything that touches her lips. She (16) instructions on every food pack and does all she can to (17) "forbidden" foods. She (18) everyone about the things being used in cooking. Before a trip to Australia, she phoned every airline (19) she found one (20) to ban (禁止) nuts from the (21) . Going too far Not when you have food allergies (过敏症) that can put your (22) in danger.“I’11 waiters that even the (23) amount of peanuts could kill me," says Amanda. With (24) allergies topeanuts and shellfish, Amanda has to play by the rules. (25) , she still gets in trouble. A few years ago, she went to a New Year's Eve party (26) there were bowls of peanuts on the tables. They were (27) when she arrived, but still she kept her (28) in a side room. At midnight, as people came in to wish her happy new year, she (29) to feel short of breath and was dying for (30) . "I took some anti-allergy medicine, then left," says Amanda. " (31) home I was struggling to (32) and my head began aching uncontrollably. "

Amanda knew she had to (33) to hospital fast. "I'm going into shock," she said breathlessly to

(34) when she arrived. They gave her intramuscular adrenalin (肾上腺肌肉注射) , which probably (35) her life.

16.A copies B collects C reads D knows

17.A keep off B ask for C depend on D try on

18.A tells B teaches C tests D questions

19.A as B if C unless D until

20.A required B struggling C willing D guided

21.A plane B visitors C airport D tourists

22.A food B party C party D life

23.A regular B tiniest C same D limited

24.A common B quick C serious D heavy

25.A Even so B In addition C Instead D Therefore

26.A as B when C where D which

27.A served B removed C shared D offered

28.A medicine B secret C position D distance

29.A pretended B stopped C emembered D began

30.A air B water C rest D warmth

31.A Staying B Driving C Leavin D Missing

32.A move B breathe C sleep D speak

33.A talk B return C get D write

34.A doctors B her parents C the clerks Df riends

35.A cured B changed C improved D saved

第三部分 阅读理解



At first, I thought it was just useless e-mails. It was the end of the weekend and I hadn't checked my e-mails since late Friday afternoon. There was a long list of messages. Some I removed without reading. Others were from friends-I saved those to read later when I had more time.

One stood out from the rest for two reasons. The first was the name, Maher Nawaf, which I didn't recognize. The second was the subject line: "pleas papers. " Clearly, the e-mail was仕om someone who did not have a complete mastery of the English language.

The message was from an Iraqi, a university research scientist in Mosul who wanted permission to reprint a research paper I had written. As a scientist, I' m used to getting these kinds of requests; it' s part of the give and take among researchers that I especially like. I wrote back the next day, asking for more information about the type of work he was doing. I also wished him and his family best for their safety and well-being during this dangerous time in his land.

A couple of days later, his reply appeared in my inbox. It read, in part: "hi dear Dr. I'm very happy to hear good news from you and your help, also I' d like to thank you for your feelings towards me and my family . .. thank you very much for help I want to tell you that I' m ready to help you in mosul university/iraq if you need that. "

Maher also explained in his broken English that he was interested in a paper I' d written on the use of lactobacillus acidophilus (a healthy product that can be found in yogurt (酸奶) and other foods). It was his hope that he could use my findings to help find a treatment for gastrointestinal (消化系统的) illness. He signed off:" warmest regards to you and lovely family. "

Despite his difficulty with the language, he had painted a picture for me由at was far more than a simple request for information. The humanity displayed (流露出的) in his message made me want to both smile and cry.

36.Why did the e-mail from an Iraqi catch the author' s attention?

A.The subject line was not written in standard Englis

B.It was not completely written in Englis

C.The sender's name seemed familia

D.It had a short subject lin

37. What does the author like to do as a scientist with other researchers?

A.Reprint research paper

B.Exchange research finding

C.Chat with them on the Interne

D.Wish each other the best of luc

38.Besides work interest, the Iraqi and the author's e-mails also delivered______.

A.heart-warming friendly feelings

B.medicine to treat certain disease

C.news about each others' family

D.their opinions on wars

39.What can we infer from the text?

A.The author of the text is a language teache

B.Iraqi people are much happier now than befor

C.The Internet can bring people closer to each othe

D.Even knowing a little English can help you learn a lo


Businesses put lots of time and money into new plans, programs and excellent employees with the hope things will change. Yet, at the end of the effort, not much changes. What happens In most cases, those new plans, programs and employees enter a company with an existing culture (文化). And plans, programs and new employees have a way of conforming to(顺应)the existing culture. The culture of your business is the result of a particular mindset , or a particular way of thinking and the general feelings about certain things. Most often, it is the mindset of the founder or people managing the business.

The founder has gotten to where he is because of his skill sets, knowledge base and personal beliefs, which unfortunately all come with inherent (固有的)limits. Why Skills, knowledge and beliefs come from what he or she already knows or has experienced. In other words, it comes from the past. We ( people) try to make the past fit the future. Just because something worked in the past, doesn't mean it is suitable for the future. As the saying goes, if you do and think what you have always done and thought, you will have what you have always had.

Therefore, lasting changes have to start with the way people think. To make changes in the way you think, you will be required ta set goals beyond your basic abilities and continuously think them through. It is a way to train yourself and people to get out of the comfort zone where you feel happy with your knowledge and skills.



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