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导读: 五四制鲁教版英语八年级上册unit1(共5篇)鲁教版五四制八年级英语上第一单元测试题鲁教版八年级英语(上) UNIT 1单 元 测 试 题时间:60分钟 满分:100分 第 I 卷 选择题(共60分)一.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(...


鲁教版八年级英语(上) UNIT 1单 元 测 试 题

时间:60分钟 满分:100分 第 I 卷 选择题(共60分)



( )1. —Could you please your room, Tom? —_____________ .

A. cleaning, No problem B. clean, Certainly C. to clean, Of course D. clean, No I couldn’t ( )2.—Do you like to_______ your bed? —No,I hate to_______ chores.

A.do;do B.do;make C.make;do D.make;make

( )3._______ you tell me how I_______ get to the No.168 Middle School? Ado,can B.Can;could C.Could;can D.Could;could

( )4. Miss White, I’m going out, could you _______ my child for a while? A. look for B. look over C. look at D. look afte ( )5.__________ you like a cup of tea? A. Would B. Do C. Are D. Could

( )6. It is a year of ox. My parents gave _____a nice toy ox on New Year’s Day. A. I B. me C. mine D. my

( )7. —Meimei is _____the difficult math problem. — I’m sure she’ll _____. A. working on; work it on B. working out; work it out C. working out; work it on D. working on; work it out ( )8. Could you _____the window? I feel a little cold.

A. please not open B. please not to open C. not please to close D. please not to close ( )9. Many kids like ________ very much, but they are not good for their health. A.singers B. chores C. snacks D.watching TV

( )10. —Could I use your computer, Dad? —Sorry, you _______. I’m going to work on it. A. wouldn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. don’t have to ( )11. ─ _____ do you do the dishes? ─ Every day. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. When

( )12. —Could you buy us _________ drinks? —Sorry, I don’t have _____ money. A. any; any B. any; some C. some; some D. some; any

( )13. Excuse me, Peter. There’s something wrong with my car. Could I ________? A. go for a drive B. get a ride C. give me a ride D. go for a walk

( )14. There are still a few hamburgers. Would you like to have ______one, Julia? A. the other B. other C. others D. another

( )15. My dad tells me not to ________ too late in the evening. He says it is dangerous. A. stay out B. grow up C. come out D. get up


阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 They take turns (轮流)

from the market on Sunday mornings. Besides (除了)

these, the boys also know how to cook easy meals 22 their parents are not at home.

Now I’mlls and responsibility (责任)."

( )16. A. must B. can C. may D. will ( )17. A. elder B. taller C. younger D. shorter ( )18. A. with B. as C. for D. by ( )19. A. likes B. finds C. hates D. helps

( )20. A. hands B. dishes C. fruit D. clothes ( )21. A. borrow B. cook C. buy D. sell ( )22. A. when B. how C. what D. why ( )23. A. two B. three C. four D. five 24. A. work on B.live in C.look at D. take care of 25. A. difficult B. good C. bad D. boring



(Rose and Ann are talking about chores.) Rose: Ann, could you please get me some water? Ann Rose: I’m sweeping the floor. Ann: Do you like it?

Rose too boring, but I have to do it. How about you? Ann: I hate sweeping the floor, too, but I like other chores. Rose: I like to make the bed and water the flowes. RoseAnnRose: I agree. I often help my mother do the dishes.

四.阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)



Do teenagers in small villages do chores at home? How about the teenagers in big cities? Here is a survey. We asked 4,000 teenagers in China several questions. Half of them come from big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.The others are from small villages. We made a diagram of the result of our survey. Let’s have a look at it.We found out that teenagers from small villages do more chores than those from big cities. Maybe it is because they live a harder life. Our advice to parents in big cities is that parents should give their children some chores to do. Doing chores teaches teenagers to take care of themselves.

( )31. They surveyed ______ teenagers from small villages. A. 1,000 B. 2,000 C. 3,000 D. 4,000

( )32. There are 1,000 teenagers from the cities who ______. A. take out the trash B. do the dishes C. make the bed

D. fold

the clothes

( )33. Fewer than ______ teenagers in big cities sw

eep the floor and make

the bed. A. 500 B. 1,000 C. 1,500 D. 2,000

( )34. The number of teenagers ______ in big cities is bigger than that in small villages. A. making the bed B. taking out the trash C. folding the clothes D.doing the dishes ( )35. Why did they make the survey?

A. Because they don’t want teenagers in China to do chores at home. B. Because they thought it will help teenagers to take good care of themselves to do chores

C. Because they wanted to know if teenagers in China do chores at home. D.Because they thought it

is not necessary for teenagers to look after themselves.


An exhausted(筋疲力尽的)looking woman came into the doctor’s office. She said, “Doctor, there are a lot of dogs all over my neighborhood. They bark(犬吠)all day and all night, and I can’t get a good sleep.”

“I have good news for you,” the doctor said, taking out a small bottle. “Here are some new sleeping pills(安眠药)that work like dream. A few of these and your trouble will be over.” “Great, thank you.” the woman was very glad to go back home with the pills. A few weeks later, the woman came again, looked worse than ever. She said“Doctor, your pills are not good at all. I’m more tired than before“I don’t understand how that could be,” said the doctor, shaking his head, “Those are the strongest pills on the market.” “That may be true,” answered the woman, “but I’m still up all night running after those dogs and when I finally catch one, it’s hard to get him to eat the pills.”

( )36. The woman came to see the doctor because _____. A. her dog was ill B. she was bitten(被咬)by dogs C. she couldn’t sleep well D. her son was ill

( )37. The doctor gave some pills to the woman for _____. A. the dogs B. herself C. her son D. her neighbors ( )38. The woman got _____ in a few weeks.

A. worse B. healthier ` C. better D. stronger ( )39. Which of the following is RIGHT? A. The doctor gave the woman wrong pills. B. The woman liked to run with the dogs.

C.The woman took the pills but the pills didn’t work at all. D. The woman might feel better if she took the pills.

( )40. When he heard what the woman said, the doctor might think that _____. A. he gave the woman the right pills

B. the woman was a very clever person C. the woman was very foolish(愚蠢的) D. he should give the woman the pills again 第II卷 非选择题(共40分)


A)根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。 41.Children shouldn’t d_________on their parents too much.

42.John often helps his mother do c__________like folding the clothes 43Alice h________to do the dishes, but she likes sweeping the floor. 44.Playing computer games too much is a w________ of your time. 45. My bike is broken. Could you l________ (借给)me yours, please? B) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

46. My father often asks me___________(sweep) the floor.

47.You’d better learn to take_____________(careful) of yourselves . 48.He often fell ill and his grades__________(drop) .

49Doing chores can let children to understand the idea of______(fair 50.Some people are good at__________(borrow) but bad at giving back. 六、句型转换(每空1分,计15分)

1. Could you help me clean the living room? (作肯定回答) ____________________, ____________________.

2. Remember to clean the bed. (改为同义句) ________ ________ to clean the door. 3. close the door. (变否定句)

________ ________ the door. 4. I need some help. (改为一般疑问句) ________ you ________ ________ help?

5 I like to wash the plates because it’s relaxing. (就划线部分提问) ________ ________ you ________ to wash the plates? 6. Can you lend your pen to me?=Can ________ ________ your pen? 七.书面表达 (共1小题;满分15分)

目前中学生学习任务重,压力大,而丰富多彩的业余生活,有利于开拓视野,调节身心,提高学习效率。请以“My Spare Time”为题,写一篇作文谈谈你的业余生活,如看书、看电视、玩电脑、做运动、做家务等。(80个词左右)My Spare Time



41. depend 42. chores 43.hates 44. waste 45. lend 46.to sweep 47.care 48.dropped 49. fairness 50.borrowing 六、句型转换:

1. Yes, Sure. 2 don’t forget 3. Don’t close 4. Do, need any 5. Why do, like 6. I borrow 七、书面表达: One possible version: My Spare Time

I am a middle school student.Though I ’m busy with my lessons,my spare time is still colorful. After school I usually play sports.I like basketball and football very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often do some reading in the evening.I think books are our best friends.They give us much knowledge that we can’t learn at school.So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time.Sometimes I watch TV or surf the internet.I find it’s a good way to relax myself.At the same time it can also help me to open up my eyes to the outside world.On weekends, I often help my parents with the housework..I sweep the floor,wash the clothes and learn to c


Unit 1 I’m watching TV 单元备课

一、 教学目标 1.语言知识:

要求学生掌握以下词汇mall, pool, TV show, cleaning ,reading, shopping, swimming, playing, watching TV, doing homework, eating dinner, talking on the phone) 2.语言功能:学会谈论人们正在做什么, 能就发生的事做 现场报道 3.语言结构(日常交际用语):现在进行时和一般疑问句及简单的答语 What are you / they doing?

I'm / We're / They're watching TV/doing homework. Is he/ she watching TV?

Yes, he/ she is. / No, he/ she isn't. Do you want to go to a movie? Yes, I do.

When do you want to go? At three o'clock 4.德育:

关心他人,了解他人正在干什么 二、 知识结构


(2)能掌握现在进行时态及一些表示具体动作的词组搭配,如:watch TV, read books,

play soccer, talk with/ to , be boring, go to the movies, want to do sth.等

(3)能在日常生活中恰当理解和运用本单元的话题范围内的单词和习惯用语 三、 教学重点. 难点: 重点:---What’s he doing ?

---He’s reading.

难点:现在进行时的用法和动词V-ing 形式的构成在交际中准确地运用现在进行时来描述


四、 教学策略:

(1) 充分利用学生已有的知识和生活经验,创设生活化的真实情境,引导学生在运


(2) 开展多种类型的任务型活动,提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生为


五、 学生情况分析


学生来说都不是很容易掌握,虽然老师觉得不会很难。必须多加练习,而且要给学生消化语法的时间 六、 课时划分

第一课时 Section A 1a-1c 第二课时 Section A 2a-3b 第三课时 Section B 1a-1c 第四课时 Section B 3a-4

第五课时 Section B and self-check






鲁教版五四制八年级上册英语复习题纲Unit 1 Will people have robts【考试必备】

1. 在家用电脑学习 2. 在将来 3. 100年之后 4. 活到200岁 5. 更少的污染 6. 更少的树 7. 更多的空闲时间 8. 更多的人 9. 更少地使用地铁 10. 在大学 11.上大学. 12 一张纸 13免费,空闲

14 乘坐火箭去月球 15 居住在太空站 二句型


2. 人们将不会使用钱。 3. 一切都是免费的。


5. 将只有一个国家。

6. 100

7. 染。


9. 10

11.你认为五年之后会干什么? 我认为她会成为一名医生。 12.我认为将有更多的高楼。 13我坐火车去上学了。 14.我要当一名宇航员。 15.我要乘火箭去月球。 16.我要住在空间站里。


18.我认为我10年后成为一名记者。 19.将有更多的空余时间和更多的高楼。

1.study at home on computers 2.in the future 3.in 100 years

4.live to be 200 years old 5.less pollution 6. fewer trees 7..more free time 8.more people

9.use the subways less 10. in college 11 go to college 12 a piece of paper 13 be free

1. Do there will be robots in

2. People won’t use money 3. Everything will be free.

4. Books will only be on computers, not on paper.

5. There will only be one country.

6 Will people use money in 100 years? No , they won’t.

7. Will there be less pollution ? No , there won’t. There will be more pollution . 8.. Kids won’t go to school.

9.Kids will study at home on computers. 10.Cities will be very big and crowded.

11.What do you think Sally will be in five years? I think she’ll be a doctor.

12 .I think there will be more tall buildings. 13.I took the train to school. 14. I will be an astronaut.

15.I will fly rockets to the moon. 16.I will live on a space station.

17.What will your life be like in 10 years ? 18.I think I will be a reporter in 10year

19.There will be less free time and more tall buildings .


2..爱上 3独自居住 4养一只宠物鹦鹉 5.去滑冰/游泳 6.看上去精神 7.在周末 8能做某事


10去香港度假 11.穿制服 12实现 13看见演员们谈论 14看见某人做了某事, 看见某人正在做某事 15 飞往月球

16 最大的电影公司之一 17很多著名的预言 二、句型



4.5.我甚至养一只鹦鹉做为宠物。 6.在周末,我将能穿的更随意。

7.10 8 9.10.. 11.

12. 13.当我大一点我想为我自己工作。 我的朋友在他自己家养了一只宠物猪。 15..我们必须穿校服去上学。

16.将来有一天人们将飞往月球度假。 17.预测未来可能困难。

18.你认为你下个月的生活是什么样? 19.我的生活将比下个月好得多。 20 每天喝奶对你的健康有好处


1.live in the apartement 2. fall in love with 3 live alone

4.keep a pet parrot 5 go skating/swimming 6. look smart

7. on weekends/ at the weekends 8.be able to do sth. 9 one day

10. go to Hong Kong on vacation 11. wear a uniform 12 come true 13 see actors talk 14.see sb.do sth.

As a reporter ,I will meet lots of interesting people . I don`t like living alone .

I will live in an apartment with my best friends. I might even keep a pet parrot .

At the weekends ,I will be able to dress more casually .

I will be an engineer in ten years .

I think France will win the next World Cup . What will the weather be like tomorrow ? I need to look smart for my job interview . Which movies will win awards next year ? which country will win the next World Cup ? My friend keeps a pet pig in his house . We have to were a uniform to school .


One day people will fly to the moon for vacation . Predicting the future can be difficult .

What do you think your will be like next month ? My life will be a lot better than it is now ,

Drinking milk every day is good for your health. What will tennages do for fun twenty years from now.



3和我们做同样的事情 4在将来


6上百年 7二百年

8让某人做某事 9醒来

10反复地,再三地 11想做某事

12无聊 13一些。。。另一些 14寻找,找到

15在一些科幻电影中 16帮助做家务活

17做大部分令人不愉快的工作 18花费成百年的时间

19 做这样的工作 20地震以后

21 帮助寻找建筑物以下的人们 22好像可能


1 23.




7.他们一次又一次做简单的工作。 8在将来到处都有更多的机器人。 9人类将有更少的工作去做。 10新的机器人将有不同的形状。

11我们永远不会知道在将来会发生什么? 12她好像很生气

be like /look like

help sb with sth./help sb (to) do sth. do the same things as us in the future

It takes sb. some time to do sth. Sb spend some time doing sth. Sb spend some time on sth. hundreds of years two hudred years make sb. do sth. wake up

over and over again

would like to do sth./want to do sth./feel like doing sth. get bored some…in some science fiction movies do the most unpleasant jobs do such jobs

after an earthquake

help look for people under buildings seem possible

Do you think you will have your own robots? These robots are like humans .

Scientists are now trying to make robots look like people and do the same things as a people .

It’s easy for a child to wake up

Robots will be able to talk to people in 25 to 50 years .

There are robots working in factories . They do simple jobs over and over again . There will be more robots everywhere . Humans will have less work to do .

New robots will have many different shapes . we never know what will happen in the future .

She seems angry.

She seems to be angry. It seems that she is angry




Unlt1 卷曲的 直的 高的 中等的 身高;高度 中等身高 瘦的 重的 身材 中等身材 在今晚;在今夜小的 一点;少量 电影院 眼镜 以后 英俊的 演员 女演员 人 鼻子 金黄色的


嘴 圆形的 脸 眼睛 歌手 艺术家 犯罪活动 罪犯 放 每个;各自 方式;路线 描述 不同地 另一;又一 结尾;尽头 最后;终于 真正的;真实的牛仔裤 约翰尼(男名)迪安(姓) 蒂娜(女名) 杰克逊(姓)


Unit 1 Good morning!随堂练习

第一课时 Section A (1a—3)

一、写出下列字母左邻右舍 1. _____B______ 4. ____ E_____ 7. _____e______

2. ______c ______ 5. _____ g _____ 8. _____G______

3. _____f______

6. _____C______ 9. _____b______

二、写出下列大写字母的小写字母 1. BEE ________ 4. HB _______ 7. AD _______ 10. FACE _______【五四制鲁教版英语八年级上册unit1】

2. BAG _______ 5. CD _______ 8. CAAC _______

3. BED _______

6. ABC ________ 9. BEC _______

12. ARE

11. THANK【五四制鲁教版英语八年级上册unit1】

三、你知道这些字母是什么意思吗 1.HB__________ 四、单项选择

1.早上或上午见面说:“_______” A. Good morning!

B. Good afternoon!

C. Good evening!



2.熟人之间打招呼时应说:“_______” A. Hi!

B. Good morning!

C. Good afternoon!

3.傍晚遇见你的好朋友说:“_______” A. Good morning!

B. Hi!

C. Good evening!

4.当别人对你说Hello, Frank!你应说:“_______” A. Hello, Eric!

B. Good morning, Eric!

C. Good evening, Eric!

5. 早上老师进教室时,同学们应对老师说:“____________ ” A.Hello!

B. How are you?

C.Good morning,Mr./Miss„!

6. 你在路上遇到一位认识的人,你应该说:“__________”

A. I'm Han Mei. B. My name is Lucy. C. How are you?

7. —Good afternoon . —_____________. A. Thank you

B. Thanks you very much

C. Good afternoon

第二课时 Section A (4a—4c)

一、用大写字母写出下列单词 1.bed 2.abc

3.deed 4.dad 5.chick 6.bike 7.cake


9. am

10. are

11. you

12. map

二、你认识下面名字吗?将它们搭配在一起 1.Alice A.戴尔 2.Helen



C.海伦 4.Frank D.辛迪 5.Cindy E.弗兰克 6.Dale

F.埃里克 7.Grace




三、读下列字母,在含有相同音素的前面打(√)不同的打(×) ( )1.C E ( )2.F A ( )3.A D ( )4.d e ( )5.B C ( )6.a c ( )7.g e

( )8.f b

( )9. a b


1. —Good evening, Eric. —_________, Cindy. A. Good morning

B. Good afternoon C. Good evening

2.一Good morning! —_________ A.Thank you

B.Good morning!


3.一Hello! 一_________ A.Hello!

B.Thank you

C.I’m fine

4. —Hi! Beth. —______________. A. I'm Amy

B. Hi, Ben

C. Morning, Tom

第三课时 Section B (1—2b)

一、比较下列每组字母或单词的读音,相同的用(S), 不同的用(D)表示 1. b, a ( )

2. c, e ( )

3. a, e ( )

4. b, d ( )

5. a, c ( )

6. Dale, Alice ( )

7. Frank, thanks ( ) 8. evening, Helen ( ) 9. A, H ( )

10. E, F ( )

二、把下列大写字母改成小写字母,把小写字母改成大写字母。 1. BEE ______ 2. bag ______ 3. BED ______ 4. cd ______ 5. ABC ______

6. ad ______

7. CAAC ______ 8. face ______


10. fine


I II ( )1. Good morning!

A. Good evening!

( )2. Hi, Ann! B. Good morning! ( )3. Good afternoon!

C. Hi, Tom!

( )4. Good evening! D. Good afternoon! ( )5. How are you? E. Fine.


1. 跟同学打招呼,你可以说_________ A. I’m Grace. 2. -How are you? -______________

A. I’m Ben. 3. -Nice to meet you . -_______________. A. Hello

第四课时 Section B (3a—5)



________________ 2.you, hi, how, Grace, are

________________ 3.name,my,Jim,is

________________ 4.sit,Please,down

________________ 5.fine,you,thank



B. Hi

C. Nice to meet you, too

B. How are you?

C. Fine, thanks.

B. Hello, Helen.

C. My name is Frank.

B: ________________ 2. A: Hello,Jim.How are you? B: ________________ 3. A: Hello! B: ________________ 4. A: Good afternoon. B: ________________ 5. A: Good evening. B: ________________

Unit 1 Good morning! 第一课时 Section A (1a—3)

一、1. A, C 2. b, d 3. e, g 4. D, F 5. f, h 6. B, D 7. d, f 8. F, H 9. a, c 二、1. bee 2. bag 3. bed 4. hb

5. cd

6. abc 7. ad 8. caac 9. bec 10. face 11. thank

12. are

三、1. 硬黑

2. 激光唱片

3. 英国广播公司

四、1—5 AACAC

6—7 CC

第二课时 Section A (4a—4c)

一、1. BED 2. ABC 3. DEED 4. DAD 5. CHICK


7. CAKE 8. BAG 9. AM 10. ARE 11. YOU

12. MAP

二、1—B, 2—C, 3—H, 4—E, 5—D, 6—A, 7—G, 8—F 三、1. √ 2. ×

3. ×

4. √

5. √

6. ×

7. √×

9. ×

四、1—4 CBAB


五四制鲁教版英语八年级上册unit1相关热词搜索:鲁教版五四制初中英语 鲁教版八下英语unit2


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