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2018-02-02 11:27:28 编辑:zhangyanqing 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   《辛德勒的名单》观后感  战争给世界的每一个角落都带来了死亡与恐惧,那些执政党派为了维护自身的利益不惜发动战争,完全不顾人民的 ...



  The war has brought death and fear to every corner of the world. War has distorted human nature, and it has also shown the kind of humanity.


  As the film begins, the main tone becomes black and white. With its dark hue, it was the cruel, dark side of society and the cruelty of war.

  他们举起屠刀残杀无辜的犹太百姓,他们用冷酷无情的面庞将法西斯的特有的残暴展现的一览无余,我忘不了那些为了躲避纳粹党追杀而躲在地板 衣柜和床 底下瑟瑟发抖的妇孺,忘不了德国士兵在发现有幸存的犹太人后蜂拥而上举枪一个不留,一个绅士般的军官坐在犹太人的钢琴前优雅的拨弄琴键,莫扎特的乐章伴随着如爆豆般的枪声如同是死神的舞曲。

  They were killing innocent jews, they showed the brutality of the fascists, and I could not forget the women and children who were hiding in the floor, the wardrobe, and under the bed in order to escape the Nazi party. German soldiers kill the surviving jews. A gentlemanly officer sits in front of a jewish piano, elegantly fiddling with the keys, and Mozart's music is accompanied by a bean-like gunshot which like a death dance.


  The little girl's red dress is one of the few colors, a little bit of life under the cruel and fierce. But as the colors faded, the life of the original was transformed into a corpse in the thousands. This is undoubtedly a blow to the hearts of the audience. Because of the Nazi's self-confidence and racial discrimination. life has become a plaything in their eyes. The stillness of the morning was also broken by the sound of gunfire.

  有这样一个镜头:当纳粹士兵攻进医院时 ,两个医士将调配好的毒药一个个的倒入病人口中,并合上他们的双眼。士兵冲进房中,看到死去的病人,十分气愤。而这时,医生的嘴角却微微上扬。

  There's a scene where two doctors pour the poison into the patient's mouth and close their eyes as the Nazi soldiers get into the hospital. The soldier rushed into the room and saw the dead patient, they were very angry. But at this time, doctors raised their mouths slightly.


  What is saving lives? It seems to me that is when you can't return the life, let life go gracefully.


  Schindler's greatness is not in the save the lives of more than 1200 jews, but in the cabin, he can put the names of all the people, he not only saved their lives, but also he saved their dignity.Schindler's respect for human rights contrasted sharply with the Nazis.


  In the endless slaughter of the night, the ashes of the gas Chambers show the cruelty of war and the death of humanity.


  But in this group of germans, a businessman who was thinking of a windfall from the war, schindler, bribed his officers with his own assets, built a factory and saved lives. On his list is not only the name, but the hope, the life. A businessman who wanted to get richdid his best to make the jewish people go through the night which like hell to greet the fall of the Nazi. In the end, only one car was left and he was still upset that he could have saved more. Let us, on the other hand, be the redeemer who will be the man that no one have ever been. Will not seek to save the bottom line, even if they have nothing to do with you. Whether it is possible to give up small profit to benefit the society, whether can really put personal interest outside......


  The film finally returned to colour, the redeemed man came to schindler's tombstone, place blocks of stone that represent eternal life, just like the ring that was sent to schindler on that night. For schindler's gratitude, the spiritual prayer is more important and richer than the essence.


  Everyone can be the greatest person in the world, and everyone can prove their greatness in their own way. Schindler's greatness lies not only in his salvation, but also in his respect for human rights.

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