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Unit 7

Mom Knows Best

妈妈 懂得 最多

When I was a tiny baby crying , my mom sang to me and stayed by my side.

当 微小的 婴儿 哭 整夜 唱歌 呆在 我身边

When I was tired and hungry, she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in.

当 疲惫 饥饿 给 食物 温暖的 怀抱 睡

When I was two running through the field, she I was safe and kept me from danger.

二 奔跑 穿过 田野 确保 安全 保持 从 危险

When I fell and hurt myself, she gave me a hug and me .

跌倒 受伤 我自己 给 拥抱 举起

When I was seven coughing badly, she said no ice-cream for me.

七 咳嗽 厉害 说 没有 冰淇淋 我

But I loudly, “ I should eat some ! Give it to me now!”

顶嘴 大声地 应该 被允许 吃 一些 给 我 现在

When I was nine watching scary movies, she said it’d give me awful dreams.

九 看 恐怖 电影 说 给 恶 梦

But I shouted back angrily, “ I should watch it ! I’m not a baby!”

叫喊 (回应) 生气地 应该 被允许 观看 小孩儿

When I was a teen with friends, she said, “please be back by ten!”

青少年 出去 和 朋友 说 回来 10:00之前

But I again— “ I should not be told ! I’m seventeen now!”

顶嘴 再次 应该 被 告诉 做什么 十七 现在

Now I’m an adult, to those times.

现在 成年人 回想 那段 时光

I coughed after eating that ice- cream.

咳嗽 几天 在…之后 吃 冰淇淋

And had scary dreams after watching that film.

做恶梦 观看 电影

I school from staying out past ten.

迟到 上学 自从 呆 外面 过 10:00

I regret , not Mom.

后悔 顶嘴 听 妈妈

Mom knows best, and for me she wanted only the best!

妈妈 懂得 最多 对 我 想要 仅仅 最好


应该 被允许 做 我的 自己的 决定

Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these can their

很多 青少年 有 爱好 有时 这些 妨碍 他们的

schoolwork, and parents might their success at school. Teenagers often think they

功课 父母亲 可能 担心 他们的 成功 在学业上 青少年 经常 认为 他们

should practice their hobbies they want.

应该 被允许 实践 爱好 尽可能 他们 想要

Liu Yu, a fifteen-year-old boy from Shandong, is a running star. He is on his school team 刘 宇 15 岁 男孩 来自 山东 赛跑 明星 在 校 队

and has always wanted to be a professional runner when he . However, his parents

一直 想要 成为 专业的 赛跑运动员 长大 然而 父母

won’t allow him to train so much. “ we want to see him achieve his dreams,” says

不 允许 他 训练 过多的 当然 想要 看见 实现 梦想 说

Mr. Liu. “ And we know he loves running. My wife and I have supported every one

知道 多么 喜欢 跑步 妻子 支持 每 一

of his races. We have nothing against running! But we think our son needs to 比赛 不 反对 赛跑 认为 我们的儿子 需要 考虑

other possible jobs. He’s getting older now, so he needs to what will happen if he

其它的 可能的 工作 渐渐长大了 现在 因此 需要 考虑 什么 将 发生 如果

doesn’t as a professional runner.”

最终成为 专业的 赛跑运动员

Liu Yu doesn’t really agree. “ Well, I think I should decide for myself,” he

刘 宇 真的 同意 认为 应该 被允许 决定 我自己

says. “ My parents have always taught me how important it is to school and enter

说 我的 父母 一直 教 我 如何 重要的 努力学习 在校 进入

university. I understand this, but I’m serious about running. It’s the only thing I’ve ever

大学 理解 这 严肃的 关于 赛跑 唯一的 事 曾经

wanted to do.”

想要 做

His parents believe that Liu Yu should in the evenings so they don’t allow him

父母 相信 刘 宇 应该 努力学习 在 晚上 因此 不 允许 他

to practice running . “ Maybe he thinks it’s too strict or unfair,” says Mrs. Liu. “But we

练习 跑步 在晚上 或许 认为 太 严厉 不公平 说

think we’re doing the right thing. He needs to spend more time on his homework because it is

认为 做 正确的 事 需要 花 更多的 时间 在 他的 家庭作业 因为

difficult to become a professional sports star.”

困难的 成为 专业的 运动 明星

But Liu Yu still disagrees. “ I know my parents me. They always

刘 宇 仍然 不同意 知道 父母 关心 我 总是 谈论

what will happen if I don’t succeed. But I will ! I’m a quick runner! I think I should 什么 将 发生 如果 不 成功 但我会成功 快速的 跑步者 认为 应该 被允许

make this choice myself. Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.”

做出 这 选择 我自己 只有那样 有 机会 实现 我的 梦想








武威第十九中学2014-2015学年度第 一 学期



九 年级 英语 学科 全 册第 七单元(章)


2014—2015学年度第一学期集体备课教学设计 九 年级 英语 学科 全 册第 七单元(章)


九年级英语复习教学案(Unit 7)


一、Write down the words and phrases:

1累人的_________ 2教育的_________ 3和平的_________

4迷人的_________ 5令人激动的_________ 6不紧张_________

7旅行_________ 8瀑布_________ 9游客很多的_________

10公众注意中心_________ 11思考_________ 12充满活力的_________

13名胜 14包括 15塔楼

16教堂_________ 17方便的_________ 18地下的_________

19一般事物_________ 20大体上_________ 21酒_________

22翻译_________ 23把…打包_________ 24轻的_________

25东部的_________ 26提供_________ 27给…提供_________

28公司_________ 29地点_________ 30孔子_________

31航行_________ 32太平洋_________ 33发现物_________

34尽快的_________ 35继续_________ 36编程_________

37翻译员_________ 38乐意做某事 39 相当多

40梦想 41结论_________42坚持_________43态度_________

二、Make up sentences using the following words and phrases: 1. consider doing

2.one of +形容词(最高级)+ 名(复数)

3. include/ including

4. be convenient to do sth

5. provide sb with sth

Provide sth for sb

6. continue doing

Continue to do

7. dream of / about

8. as soon as possible

9. be willing to

10. hold on to

三、Writing practice:

1. 重点突出、特征鲜明。本单元话题涉及到了记叙文和描写文,如记一次旅行经历是记叙文,而介绍城市或景点则是描写文。写作记叙文要交代清楚时间、地点、人物、事件、经过、结果等要素。首先要确定讲述的重点,然后根据重点对材料进行选择整理,再确定要使用的词汇、句型等表达方式。写作描写文则需要对描写的对象进行细致的观察。有选择性的把城市或景点的与众不同之处作为写作的重点,给人留下深刻的印象,避免流水账式的介绍。

2. 顺序得当。无论是记叙文还是描写文,都忌杂乱无章,一定要有恰当的顺序。记事时一般按照一定的时间顺序写作。按照人们的习惯,介绍城市的一般顺序是地理位置、人口、气候、交通、文化教育和医疗和旅游。写作时应该根据写作重点进行适当的调整和增减。

3. 使用多种表达方式,熟悉常用词汇句型。写作这类作文常见的句型有:

Hangzhou is beautiful city with a population of over seven million. It has a long history.

I’d like to go to Dalian. Changsha is famous for its beautiful scenery.

The weather here is quite pleasant. Xinjiang is a place worth visiting.



Last summer holiday, I went to Hainan with my family by air. The weather

was wonderful! It wasn’t hot at all. The sky was blue more than I could describe, the sea was blue and bright more than I could believe. Walking by the sea is just like being in an oil painting. We sailed to an island called Xidao. I swam there. Swimming in the sea is quite different from that in a swimming pool, because the sea is so deep that I can dive for a long time. We also enjoyed the food there. We had a nice seafood dish. It was really tasty. I really like that place. I hope to go there again some day.


Beijing is the capital of China with a long history. There are lots of places of

interest, such as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace and so on. Since it lies in the north of China, the winter here is long and cold and it snows sometimes. Autumn is the best season in Beijing, for it is neither too cold nor too hot. As for traditional food, one of the most famous is Beijing Roast Duck.

In addition, the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, which brings a better chance to know about China and Beijing. So, welcome to Beijing and enjoy everything here.






提示:1. 想要游览的城市;

2. 那个城市的自然风光;

3. 值得游览的地方。

One possible version:

I’d like to visit places where the scenery is really beautiful. I think I will go

to Guilin by train with my parents next summer holiday.

Guilin is in the north of Guangxi. The city is famous for its beautiful scenery

in the world. The environment is very nice there. The hills are green, the water is clear and the air is fresh. Every year thousands of tourists visit the city. We can enjoy the beauty of Lijiang River by boat. We will also pay a visit to the mountains around the city. Of course, we won’t miss the Elephant Trunk Hill. I am sure we will have a good time in Guilin.


要求:2. 不要逐字翻译,可进做紧扣主题的适当发挥;

3. 词数不少于90个。


One possible version:

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Haikou City. I am your tour guide. I’d like to tell you something about Haikou. Haikou is the capital city of Hainan Province. It’s in the northeast of Hainan, and it has a population of 1,500,000. The weather here is very pleasant. It’s cool in summer and warm in winter. So Haikou is a nice city to go on vacation for many people. We can enjoy the fresh air, the blue sky, the endless sea and the long beaches. There are many tourist attractions here. We can go to the Holiday Beach to relax, visit the Tomb of Hairui and some other interesting places. You have many choices. Now the city attracts many visitors every season. I hope you will have a wonderful time in Haikou




Yes, I’ d love / like to.

否定: I’ d love / like to. But ……

eg: ——你想今天下午和我去爬山吗?——我想去,但我还有许多工作要做。

2. want (sb) to do sth

eg: 我妈妈要我多喝牛奶。

3. hope to do sth; hope that

eg: 我希望将来有一天去马尔代夫旅行。Maldives

4. wish to do sth

eg: 我希望把这件事做的更好。

5. feel like doing sth

eg: 晚饭后我想出去散步。



看点一: through across cross over

▼——Would you please the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes? ——Of course I will.

A. look around B. look through C. look up D. look into ▼选词填空

The soldier trekked the forest. Can you jump the wall?

Be careful when you go the street.


consider doing sth

consider +n. / doing consider that……

eg: ▼我认为他是个自私的人。selfish


Why not 【拓展】consider A as B. consider A with B

看点三: including include

选词填空:1. They have many pets, three dogs.

2. The price both the house and the furniture. 看点四:lively alive living



看点五: provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb offer sb sth=offer sth to sb eg: ▼他给我倒了杯茶。

▼——Are you going to Tibet for vacation?

——Yes. I want you to me with some information about it. A. offer B. give C. show D. provide

看点六: please pleased pleasant pleasure

▼——Andy,you were the only person that was late for the meeting, why?

——Sorry, sir. But I really had a time finding the meeting hall. A. enjoyable B. funny C. difficult D. pleasant ▼Miss Li is very with what we have done this term. A. pleased B. pleasant C. pleasure

The longest love story is probably the love for oneself.


焦点一:be away 与 leave

be away: 持续性动词 leave: 短暂性动词

1. Mary has A. left B. leaving C. been away

2. Could you please tell me ? (这本书我可以借多长时间) 焦点二:Why not do sth = why don’ t 主语 ……

eg: ——Look! It’ s raining heavily. take a raincoat with you? ——Well, I’ ll take one right now.

A. Why not B. Why don’ t C. Would you mind D. Would you like 焦点三:

be willing to do sth



例句:①We all want to visit the factory Uncle Wang worked.

②We don’t know the reason why she didn’t come to school today.

③I still remember the days when I lived in that village.


which / where

I still remember the park _____________we first met.=_________________ I still remember the park _____________ we love.

which / when

I will never forget the day____________ we spent together.

I will never forget the day ____________ we stayed together. =_________________

We can’ t find the reason __________ he left here.

1. We are going to visit my hometown I grew up? A. when

B. who

C. where

2. The foreigner visited our school is from Canada. A. which

B. whom

C. who

3. I enjou the life is relaxing. A. who

B. which

C. where

4. I can’ t forget the school and the teachers we visited last year. A. who

B. which

C. that

5. He showed me around the school he studied three years ago. A. that

B. when

C. where

6. I don’ t believe the reason you were late this morning. A. because

B. why

C. if

7. ——What are you looking for?

——I’ m looking for the pen I bought yesterday.


A. who B. which C. whoes

8. Have you found the answer to the question

I asked you this morning? A. when

B. what

C. that

9. The place interested me most was Jiuzhaigou. A. which

B. where

C. what

10. There are many works of art in the museum we will visit tomorrow. A. where

B. who

C. which

1. 2. My dream has already 3. I 2 days ago.


5. Scientists know more than us.


( )1、Why not consider _________ Kunming next holiday?

A.visit B.visited C.visiting D.visits ( )2、I want to go_________

A.relaxing somewhere B.somewhere relaxing C.relax somewhere D. somewhere relax ( )3、--Would you like to go out for a walk with us?

--_________,but I must a letter to my pen friend now。

A.Of course not B. That’s all right C.I’ d love to D.Yes,I do。 ( )4、In the United States,you aren’t supposed _________with your hands。

A.to eat B. eating C.eats D.ate。

( )5、October12th was one of ______days in 2005,for Shenzhou VI was sent up into the space A.exciting B.more exciting C.much exciting D.the most exciting ( )6、What would you do ______ you want to be thinner?

A.though B.unless C.but D.if ( )7、---I hope ______play basketball tomorrow. ----Yes,I ______.

A.him not to ;hope not to B.he won’ t ;hope it too

C. he won’ t ;hope so too D.him to not;hope that too ( )8、This is _____nice horse.

A.very a B.quite a C.much a D.quite an。 ( )9、My uncle has a new car now. He ______ 99,000yuan for it


2015年九年级英语第7单元教案篇八:新目标九年级英语7单元教案-Unit7 SectionA

新目标九年级英语7单元教案-Unit7 SectionA

一、Teaching goals:

1、To learn to talk about places students would like to visit.

2、To leran and use the words: thrilling, fascinating, peaceful, tiring, educational, boring.

3、To train students’ listening and speaking skills.

二、Focal and difficult points

1、Focal points

To learn and grasp the key vocabulary words and learn to talk places students would like to visit .

2、Difficult points

To train students’ communicative competence.

To train students’ listening and speaking skills.

三、Teaching process

Step 1: leading-in

T:Goodming,boys and girls.

Ss: Good ming,Mrs Chen.

T: Today we’re going to learn Unit7 “ Where would you like to visit?”(write it on the blackbord.) First,let’s learn some adjectives together.

T: (write tired — tiring on the blackbord.)How do you pronounce “tired”?

Ss: /'taiəd/

T:What’s its meaning?

Ss: 累的。

T: And how do you pronounce “tiring”?

Ss: /'taiəriŋ/

T: Who can make sentences with these two words?

S1: Yesterday I did chores so I was tired. Doing chores is an tiring job.

T: Yes. Good. These two sentences tell the differences between these two words.

T: (write education -- educational on the blackbord.) Can you pronounce these two words?

Ss: Yes. /,edju′kei∫∂n/,/,edju′kei∫∂n∂l/

T: What do they mean in Chinese?

Ss: 教育,有教育意义的。

T: (write fascinated,fascinating on the blackbord.) How to pronounce the two words? Ss: /′fæsineitid/, /′fæsineitiη/

T: How to pronounce thrill -- thrilling. And how to pronounce peace -- peaceful. Ss: /'θril/ ,/'θriliŋ/ ,/ pi:s/ ,/′pi:sf∂l/

T: Very good. OK. Now let’s read the adjectives in 1a together.Read after me first. Step 2: presentation

T: Good! Now, let’s listen to the tape and finish 1b.(After listening to the tape.)

T: Look at the chat and answer my questions, Wang Jinxia. Where would Sam like to visit? W: He would like to visitBrazil.

T: Why?

W: Because he likes exciting vacations.

T: Good! Chen Junlu,can you tell me where Gina would like to visit?

Chen: She would like to visitFlorida.


Chen: Because she has been stressed out. She wants to relax herself.

T: Good! Look at the pictures in 1b. And describe the vacations with the adjectives in 1b.(5 minutes later.)

T: ZengXueliu,have you finish?

Zeng: Yes.

T: Please tell us what your answers.

Zeng:Vacation 1:relaxing,fascinating,fun,relaxing,peaceful, interesting.

Vacation 2:tiring,educational,thrilling,dangerous,exciting.

Step 3: consolidation and extension

T: Next. I want to ask you some questions. Han Zhuangbo. Do you like travelling? Han: Yes, I do.

T: Where would you like to visit?

Han: I would like to Sanya.

T: Can you tell me the reason?

Han: Because the weather in Sanya is fine. And there are long beaches there. It’s a fascinating place. It can make me relaxed.

T: Good! How about you,XieLiurong?

Xie: I’d like to go toTibet. Because there are many beautiful buildings there. I think it’s an interesting place.

T: Good. What about you,SuHanxiang?

Su: I would like to go to Zhonghe. Because it has a Dong Po Temple. I think it’s an educational place.

T: Now,please discuss which vacation do you like? Why? You can talk freely.

Zhang Guobin: I like vacation 2. It’s kind of dangerous.But it’s educational. We can learn something.

Li Biqiu: I like vacation 1.Because I have a lot of homework to do every day. I want to have a relaxing vacation.

Step 4: Homework

Write an article about where you would like to take a vacation with your

Family. And give the reasons.


Unit Seven How much are these pants?

该单元的主题是shopping, 主要词汇有socks, T-shirt, pants, shoes, shorts, sweater, bag, dollar, black, small, short, long, numbers 10-31, 两个语言点是how much question 和指示代词 this, that, these, those, 语言目标是How much is the blue T-shirt? It’s 10 dollars. Ok, I’ll take it. Thank you. You’re welcome.语言目的是通过大量的反复的对话练习, 掌握如何询问价格, 谈论衣服, 表示感谢。与这个单元相关的知识有hat, I like …Do you like…? Do you have…? numbers 1-9。计划本单元教学课时为6课时。其中,Section A 计划用三个课时,Section B 计划用两个课时,Selfcheck计划用一个课时。教学策略是设计大量的对话以及结队活动、小组活动等任务型活动,让学生在重复、模仿中学会对话,进行简单的分角色表演,在完成任务中完成语言学习任务。





内容为Section A 的1a,1b,1c三个部分。包括单词socks, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, bag, hat, pants, shoes以及对话How much is this T-shirt? It’s seven. How much are these socks? They’re two dollars.

教学目的:学会使用新单词;了解如何询问价格。 I. Lead in. Greetings.

T: Hello, everyone! Do you like shopping? S: Yes, we do.

T: Do you know the names of the clothes? S: Sorry, we don’t know.

T: That’s all right. This class we will learn the names of the clothes. II. Show the names of the clothes with pictures.

III. Remember the words and then do the exercises. 1a Match the words with the pictures.

1b Listen and circle the things in the picture you hear.

IV. Watch a play. Listen carefully and let’s find out how to ask prices. V. Presentation

A: How much is this T-shirt? B: It’s seven dollars.

A: How much are these socks? B: They’re two dollars.

VI. Practice. Two Ss make a dialogue to practice the pattern.

VII. Task

Look at Meimei Clothing Store, and ask the prices with your partners. VIII. Homework.

Practice to use how to use the question: how much.

Find five more clothing names, and write them down on your workbook.



内容为Section A 部分的2a, 2b, 2c三个部分,包括单词black, white, red, green, blue, big, small, short, long 以及Grammar focus:

How much is the red sweater? It’s eight dollars. How much is this blue T-shirt? It’s seven dollars. How much is that white bag? It’s nine dollars.

How much are these black pants? They’re ten dollars. How much are those blue socks? They’re three dollars.

教学重点是如何描述衣服,继续练习如何询问价格。 教学过程: I. Lead in. Greetings.

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Do you like songs? S: Yes, we like songs very much.

T: Now I have a beautiful color song for you. Let’s learn to sing it. Ok? S: Ok.

Watch the play and sing the color song.

II. Presentation: black, white, red, green, blue, big, small, short, long.

Find out three opposite in the new words: black --- white, big --- small, short --- long. III. Practice.

1.Remember the new words with your partners.

2. Review the names of clothes and describe the clothes. We can do like this: T: What is this? S: It’s a hat.

T: What color is it ? S: It’s red.

T: It’s a red hat, isn’t it? S: Yes, it is a red hat. V. Task one.

Say the colors in our classroom and try to describe the things in the picture, such as a red flag. Let’s contest.

V. Do the exercise.

2a Listen to the conversations. Circle the things you hear. 2b Listen again and fill in the price tags. VI. Presentation

How much is the red sweater? It’s eight dollars. How much is this blue T-shirt? It’s seven dollars.

How much is that white bag? It’s nine dollars.

How much are these black pants? They’re ten dollars. How much are those blue socks? They’re three dollars. VII. Task two.

Pairwork Ask and answer questions about the things in 1a. How much …? It’s…/ They’re … VIII. Homework

Please write five sentences after the presentation.

Please find out five more kinds of color, and write their English names on your workbooks.



内容是Sections A的3a,3b, 4三个部分。单词:clerk, help, want, here。日常用语here you are, you are welcome。 重点是通过练习shopping,学会简单的购物交际。 I. Lead in.

T: Hello, everybody. Would you like shopping? S: Yes, we’d like to.

T: Ok. This class we will go shopping together. II. Watch the play about shopping.

Know how to want something in a store and how to buy something you need. III. Listen carefully and then fill in the blanks in the conversation.3a Learn the following while Listening. New words: clerk, help, want,

Sentences: (Please give more examples such as the following)

-I want a new sweater. -Here you are. (new) -Thank you. -You are welcome. (new)

IV. Practice the conversation above. Then talk about these things. V. Task.

You want a blue T-shirt. How will you do in the store? Please act it in pairs. VI. The memory game

Write a sentence. Then play a memory game. Example: The blue sweater is seven dollars. -The blue sweater is seven dollars.

-The blue sweater is seven dollars. The red socks are two dollars. -The blue sweater is two dollars. VII. Homework Read 3a.



内容是Section B的1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c部分。包括单词number 10-31和 shopping。目的是学会数字10-31,进一步练习询问价格和表示感谢。 I. Lead in.

T: Hello, everyone! Do you like the song? S: Yes, we do.

T: Let’s sing the song --- Ten Little Indians. II. Revision.

Write down the number 0---9 on the workbook.

Read the phone numbers on the cards.(教师和学生提前准备一些电话号码卡) III. Listen to the tape and repeat. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one

Let’s find out the rules in the numbers. IV. Do the exercises.

1b Write a number from the box next to the correct word below. Which two rows of numbers are in the wrong place? V. Check.

2a Listen and circle the numbers in 1a that you hear.

2b Listen and circle the things in the picture that Lisa and her mom talk about. Check[√] the thing Lisa buys.

VI. Presentation

How much are the red socks? They’re eight dollars. VII. Pairwork.

2c Practice asking and answering questions about the clothes in the picture. VIII. Task.

Here are some clothing in Meimei Clothing Strore. Please ask and answer the prices. IX. Homework

Learn the numbers by heart.



教学内容是Section B的3a, 3b, 4 三个部分。形式为广告,但主要内容是描述衣服及其价格。单词:clothing, store, sale, time, year, again, fantastic. Price, cheap, all, each, or, just, believe, come, down, come down to, yourself, cool, goods, buy, from, sell。教学目的:通过学习该部分,学生能够简单描述衣服,并为自己的服装店做个广告。 教学过程: I. Revision.

Show the pictures of the clothing. Let’s read and spell the names. Ask the price according to the pictures.

II. Do the reading practice.

3a Read the ad and fill in the price tags.

Do the ask-answer exercises in pairs according to the prices in 3a. III. Learn the new words. Listen to the tape and repeat.

clothing, store, sale, time, year, again, fantastic, price, cheap, all, each, or, just, believe, come, down, come down to, yourself, cool, goods, buy, from, sell III. Task.3b

1.You have a clothing store next to Huaxing. We go to your shop. Please answer our questions about the prices of the clothing.

2. Then write your own ad. The beginning has been given. Mr Cool’s Clothing Sale

Come to Mr Cool’s Clothing Sale. These socks are only 5 dollars. Do you like…? IV. Task. 4 Groupwork

Your group is having a sale. You each have 200 RMB. You can buy or sell anything you like.

本节课是个检测课, 是对本单元所学习的内容的全面复习和检测。包括新单词:zigzag, clothes, shop, yellow, ask, which,新短语:have a look, 日常用语:I’m sorry. 1 Key word check. Check [√] the words you know.

单词检测,可以根据实际,或由学生自己检测,或在教师的指导下检测, 由学生自己检测则可锻炼学生的自学能力。

2 Write five new words in your Vocab-builder.

词汇积累, 由学生自己独立完成, 锻炼学生的自学能力。 3为阅读检测,在规定的时间内完成后,集体批改答案。

该题含新单词zigzag clothes shop yellow ask which,短语 have a look,句子: I’m sorry.在做题过程中, 教师要对此进行讲述。

除了做好书上的题目以外,根据本单元的学习特点,我另外设置了以下题目: 1. 话剧表演 (课内完成):

分小组, 卖方一人和买方五人, 扮演售货员和顾客, 购买自己需要的物品, 先在小组内演练, 最后到前台表演。

2. 写作和书写练习 (可在课后完成, 由教师批阅): 为你的商店写一则简短的\有吸引力的广告。

教后一得:本节课是个检测课, 是对本单元所学习的内容的全面复习和检测。包括新单词:zigzag, clothes, shop, yellow, ask, which,新短语:have a look, 日常用语:I’m sorry. 学生掌握的很好。


2. Describe a process.

Be able to describe how to make fruit salad, popcorn and

tomato and beef noodles.


:Words and useful expressions in this lesson .

: How to describe a process .

Task1】 Words and phrases in this lesson.


同义词)__________ 10.两茶匙蜂蜜_________________11一茶杯酸


Task2】 Number the sentences to make a conversation.

)Put the fruit in a bowl. ( )Put a cup of yogurt.

)How do you make fruit salad? ( )Mix it all up .

( )Cut up three apples, three bananas and a watermelon.







Step 1 Warmming up

阅读 Ice Cream

Many years ago. People ate fruit with ice. Later, they began to eat cream 4

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