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导读:   演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。下面是中国招生考试网www chinazhaokao com 小编为大家带来 ...

  演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。下面是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 小编为大家带来的演讲稿试运行,希望能帮助到大家! 


  1."Don't talk to strangers."


  2.You have heard that phrase uttered by your friends, family, schools and the media for decades.

  这句话已经被你的 朋友、家人、学校和媒体重复了好多年了。

  3.It's a norm. It's a social norm.


  4.But it's a special kind of social norm, because it's a social norm that wants to tell us

  who we can relate to and who we shouldn't relate to.

  但这又是一个特殊的社会行为标准, 因为这个准则试图要告诉我们 我们应该或不应该接触什么样的人。

  5."Don't talk to strangers" says, "Stay from anyone who's not familiar to you.

  “不要和陌生人说话”的意思是, “避开那些你不熟悉的人。

  6.Stick with the people you know.


  7.Stick with people like you."


  8.How appealing is that?


  9.It's not really what we do, is it, when we're at our best?


  10.When we're at our best, we reach out to people who are not like us, because when

  we do that, we learn from people who are not like us.

  当我们意气风发的时候,我们和那些 跟我们不同的人来往, 因为这样我们可以向这些与我们不同的人 学习。

  11.My phrase for this value of being with "not like us"


  12.is "strangeness,"


  13.and my point is that in today's digitally intensive world, strangers are quite frankly not the point.

  我的意思是在今天已经电子化、虚拟化的世界里, 陌生人已经不是问题的重点。

  14.The point that we should be worried about is, how much strangeness are we getting?

  我们需要担心的重点是, 这种陌生感有多少(两者之间有多陌生)?

  15.Why strangeness? Because our social relations are increasingly mediated by data,

  and data turns our social relations into digital relations,

  为什么是陌生感?因为我们的社会关系 正在被数据量化, 这些数据又把我们的社会关系转化成虚拟数字关系,

  16.and that means that our digital relations now depend extraordinarily on technology to bring to them a sense of robustness, a sense of discovery,

  这意味着我们的数字生活 很大程度上依赖于科技 带来的一种稳定感, 一种探索感,

  17.a sense of surprise and unpredictability.


  18.Why not strangers?


  19.Because strangers are part of a world of really rigid boundaries.

  因为陌生人是这个充满 条条框框的世界的一部分。

  20.They belong to a world of people I know versus people I don't know, and in the

  context of my digital relations, I'm already doing things with people I don't know.

  他们属于一个简单的把人分为我认识 和我不认识的世界, 而在我的数字关系里, 我已经在和我不认识的人有了交流。

  21.The question isn't whether or not I know you.


  22.The question is, what can I do with you?


  23.What can I learn with you?


  24.What can we do together that benefits us both?


  25.I spend a lot of time thinking about how the social landscape is changing, how new

  technologies create new constraints and new opportunities for people.

  我花了很多时间思考 人们的社会生活在发生着怎样的变化, 新技术是如何为人类带来 新的限制和机遇。

  26.The most important changes facing us today have to do with data and what data is

  doing to shape the kinds of digital relations that will be possible for us in the future.

  今天我们面临的最重要的变化 与这些数据和它们如何 塑造我们在未来拥有的 数字关系息息相关。

  27.The economies of the future depend on that.


  28.Our social lives in the future depend on that.


  29.The threat to worry about isn't strangers.


  30.The threat to worry about is whether or not we're getting our fair share of


  我们该担心的是我们会不会得到 本应属于我们的那份“陌生感”(意为与他人产生有效联系的机会)。

  31.Now, 20th-century psychologists and sociologists were thinking about strangers, but

  they weren't thinking so dynamically about human relations,

  20世纪的心理学家和社会学家 专注于陌生人, 但是他们当年并没有料到人类关系的这种多样性,

  32.and they were thinking about strangers in the context of influencing practices.

  而且他们是在实践影响的范畴内 讨论研究陌生人的。

  33.Stanley Milgram from the '60s and '70s, the creator of the small-world experiments,

  which became later popularized as six degrees of separation,

  上世纪60到70年代的斯坦利·米尔格兰姆(美国著名社会心理学家) “小世界现象”实验的创造者, 这个实验就是以后著名的“六度分离”理论,

  34.made the point that any two arbitrarily selected people were likely connected from

  between five to seven intermediary steps.

  意思就是任何两个人 都会在5到7人之间建立起联系。

  35.His point was that strangers are out there.


  36.We can reach them. There are paths that enable us to reach them.

  我们可以与他们发生联系。 各种途径可以帮助我们建立这些联系。

  37.Mark Granovetter, Stanford sociologist, in 1973 in his seminal essay "The Strength of Weak Ties,"

  马克·格兰诺维特,斯坦福社会学家,1973年 在他的著名论文“弱连接的威力”中指出

  38.made the point that these weak ties that are a part of our networks, these strangers, are actually more effective at diffusing information to us

  这些“弱连接”(指与我们不熟的人) 是我们社会关系网络的一部分, 这些陌生人会有效的带给我们不同的信息,

  39.than are our strong ties, the people closest to us.


  40.He makes an additional indictment of our strong ties when he says that these people who are so close to us, these strong ties in our lives,

  他同时指出了我们的“强连接”的另一个问题就是 这些在生活中和我们走的很近的人, 这些“强连接”们,

  41.actually have a homogenizing effect on us.


  42.They produce sameness.


  43.My colleagues and I at Intel have spent the last few years looking at the ways in

  which digital platforms are reshaping our everyday lives,

  我和我在因特尔的同事在过去的几年里 都在观察数字平台是如何 重塑我们的日常生活的,

  44.what kinds of new routines are possible.


  45.We've been looking specifically at the kinds of digital platforms that have enabled us to take our possessions, those things that used to be

  我们主要特别观察了 某些电子平台,它们让我们 把我们自己的东西,那些曾经只限于我们自己

  46.very restricted to us and to our friends in our houses, and to make them available to people we don't know.

  和来家里的朋友, 分享给那些我们并不认识的人。

  47.Whether it's our clothes, whether it's our cars, whether it's our bikes, whether it's our books or music, we are able to take our possessions now

  不管是我们衣服,汽车, 自行车,书籍还是音乐, 我们现在都可以把我们自己的东西

  48.and make them available to people we've never met.


  49.And we concluded a very important insight, which was that as people's relationships

  to the things in their lives change, so do their relations with other people.

  而且我们总结出了一条非常重要的结论, 就是当人与生活中的事物的关系 发生改变的同时, 他们与他人的关系也在改变。

  50.And yet recommendation system after recommendation system continues to miss the boat.

  尽管这样,一代代的(智能)推荐系统 都还没有意识到这一点。

  51.It continues to try to predict what I need based on some past characterization of who

  I am, of what I've already done.

  这些系统还在根据我过去的一些特征 和我已经做了什么 来猜我需要什么。

  52.Security technology after security technology continues to design data protection in

  terms of threats and attacks, keeping me locked into really rigid kinds of relations.

  一代代的安全技术 还在设计抵御威胁和袭击的 数据保护方案, 来让我困在一些非常教条的关系中。

  53.Categories like "friends" and "family"


  54.and "contacts" and "colleagues"


  55.don't tell me anything about my actual relations.


  56.A more effective way to think about my relations might be in terms of closeness and

  distance, where at any given point in time, with any single person,

  一个更有效的看待关系的方法 可能是根据亲疏关系和距离, 也就是说,在任意时刻,和任何人,

  57.I am both close and distant from that individual, all as a function of what I need to do

  right now.

  我都和那个人既亲近又保持一定距离, 这都要看我现在需要做些什么。

  58.People aren't close or distant.


  59.People are always a combination of the two, and that combination is constantly


  这种关系是两者的结合, 而且这种结合总是在变化。

  60.What if technologies could intervene to disrupt the balance of certain kinds of


  如果科技可以打破 某些关系的平衡,结果会怎样呢?

  61.What if technologies could intervene to help me find the person that I need right


  如果科技可以帮助我 找到我现在需要的那个人?

  62.Strangeness is that calibration of closeness and distance that enables me to find the people that I need right now, that enables me to find the sources of intimacy,

  "陌生感"就是评估亲疏关系 的一个标准, 它帮助我找到那些我现在就需要的人, 帮助我找到那些我现在需要的亲密感、

  63.of discovery, and of inspiration that I need right now.


  64.Strangeness is not about meeting strangers.


  65.It simply makes the point that we need to disrupt our zones of familiarity.

  它其实就是告诉我们 要突破我们那些熟悉的区域。

  66.So jogging those zones of familiarity is one way to think about strangeness, and it's

  a problem faced not just by individuals today,

  突破这些熟悉的区域是一种认识陌生感的方式, 而且这不仅仅是个人问题,

  67.but also by organizations, organizations that are trying to embrace massively new


  也是那些想要抓住 更多新机遇的组织团体遇到的问题。

  68.Whether you're a political party insisting to your detriment on a very rigid notion of

  who belongs and who does not, whether you're the government

  或者你是一个政党 教条得用谁是同盟和谁不是同盟的简单判断 而让整个政党遭受不必要的损失, 或者你是政府部门

  69.protecting social institutions like marriage and restricting access of those institutions

  to the few, whether you're a teenager in her bedroom

  试图保护那些社会机构如婚姻 并只让很少的人可以接触到这些机构, 或者你是一个在自己房间里

  70.who's trying to jostle her relations with her parents, strangeness is a way to think

  about how we pave the way to new kinds of relations.

  和父母闹不和的青少年, “陌生感”为我们需要新的关系 铺平了道路。

  71.We have to change the norms.


  72.We have to change the norms in order to enable new kinds of technologies as a

  basis for new kinds of businesses.

  我们需要打破这些规距才能带来 新技术 并在此之上创造新的商机。

  73.What interesting questions lie ahead for us in this world of no strangers?

  在这个没有陌生人的世界里会出现 哪些有趣的问题呢?

  74.How might we think differently about our relations with people?


  75.How might we think differently about our relations with distributed groups of people?

  我们对我们与那些分散的人群的关系 又会有怎样不同的看法?

  76.How might we think differently about our relations with technologies, things that

  effectively become social participants in their own right?

  我们又对我们与那些 已经深入到我们生活中各个角落的科技之间的关系 有什么不同的看法呢?

  77.The range of digital relations is extraordinary.


  78.In the context of this broad range of digital relations, safely seeking strangeness

  might very well be a new basis for that innovation.

  在这个前提下, 安全的寻找“陌生感”很有可能是 创新的新基础。

  79.Thank you.



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