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标签: 蝴蝶梦 作文 关键词: 蝴蝶梦 作文
  蝴蝶梦作文   九一小学 六年级 张慧泽   我曾做过一个梦,那个梦美丽而梦幻。   从窗户外悄悄跑进来一个小家伙——阳光,它跑到我的脸上,我一下子醒了。我低头一看,自己的床怎么变成了一朵花?头一扭,看到了镜子里的自己长出了一双蝴蝶翅膀,我轻轻地扇动着,慢慢地飞了起来。我在天空中自由翱翔,发现世界也变大了。就这样,我开始了自己的蝴蝶之旅。   我飞出了窗外,热情地与朋友们打招呼:你好,辛勤的蜜蜂!嗨,嫩绿的小草!你好,高大的树......我非常高兴,因为终于可以和大自然亲密接触了。   我飞累了,停在了一朵丁香花上,我感受到了大自然蕴含生命的奥秘;我闻到了大自然的芬芳清新;我看到了大自然的美丽;我听到了大自然的乐章......   可是,天气说变就变,一片乌云袭来,天气变得阴沉沉的。一阵震耳欲聋的雷声传来,我吓得心惊胆颤。狂风也发怒了,它生气地把树叶都吹散了。一个个不听话的雨点也都跑了出来,声音由远而近。   啊!我慌了,如果雨水把我的翅膀淋湿,那我就没法飞了。我拼命地躲到一棵大树下,深吸了一口气,总算暂时安全了。   但是一波未平,一波又起,我刚逃离了雨点的打击,又遭到了狂风的怒吼。大风像冲动的魔鬼,加大了马力一路狂奔着。我大声疾呼,但是周围一个人都没有。渐渐地,我觉得身体一点力气了没有了。身体变得软弱无力,任由风吹雨打。又一阵狂风袭来,我再也坚持不住了,一下子撞到另一棵树上。   一阵突如其来的痛把我惊醒了,我睁眼一看,原来是我掉在了床下,而刚才只是做了一个梦。


《蝴蝶梦Rebecca观后感(英语)》蝴蝶梦英文读后感200字 第一篇 Rebecca I like this story’s heroine, the second Mrs. de Winter. Although she is so poor and doesn’t have an extremely pretty face, she has a very pure heart and she is also very kind-hearted. When she meets Mr. de Winter, her gentle and purity moves his heart deeply. Soon they fall in love with each other and even get married. Then they return to Mandalay, his large country estate. She is very sincere and kind to every servant. Mrs. Danvers, the housekeeper of Mandalay, resents her having taken the place of Rebecca, the former hostess. But the heroine politely says to her“I do hope we’ll be friend


《蝴蝶梦Rebecca观后感(英语)》蝴蝶梦英文读后感 第一篇 Rebecca I like this story’s heroine, the second Mrs. de Winter. Although she is so poor and doesn’t have an extremely pretty face, she has a very pure heart and she is also very kind-hearted. When she meets Mr. de Winter, her gentle and purity moves his heart deeply. Soon they fall in love with each other and even get married. Then they return to Mandalay, his large country estate. She is very sincere and kind to every servant. Mrs. Danvers, the housekeeper of Mandalay, resents her having taken the place of Rebecca, the former hostess. But the heroine politely says to her“I do hope we’ll be friends. Y


篇一:《蝴蝶梦Rebecca观后感(英语)》 Rebecca I like this story’s heroine, the second Mrs. de Winter. Although she is so poor and doesn’t have an extremely pretty face, she has a very pure heart and she is also very kind-hearted. When she meets Mr. de Winter, her gentle and purity moves his heart deeply. Soon they fall in love with each other and even get married. Then they return to Mandalay, his large country estate. She is very sincere and kind to every servant. Mrs. Danvers, the housekeeper of Mandalay, resents her having taken the place of Rebecca, the former hostess. But the heroine politely says to her“I do hope we’ll be friends. You must b


蝴蝶梦英文读书笔记篇一《《蝴蝶梦》读书笔记》 《蝴蝶梦》读书笔记 在图书馆的一排排书架间漫不经心的转着,眼神粗略扫过一个个书名,突然站住,定睛,《蝴蝶梦》,好美丽的名字,一本精致的小书,最近几日得功夫便读几业,... 在图书馆的一排排书架间漫不经心的转着,眼神粗略扫过一个个书名,突然站住,定睛,《蝴蝶梦》,好美丽的名字,一本精致的小书,最近几日得功夫便读几业,虽读的不甚细致,但还是粗评一篇,毕竟我们结缘是如此偶然。 这是一本无须细品的小说,作者是英国女作家达夫妮-杜穆里埃,她的小说因多以英国西南部大西洋沿岸的康沃尔郡的社会习俗与风土人情为主题或背景,故有“康沃尔小说”之称。 在《蝴蝶梦》中,作者成功塑造了一个颇有神秘色彩的女性吕蓓卡的形象,虽然她在小说刚开始时就已经死去,却有时刻存在,通过女主人的感情色彩的变化,通过故事情节的发展,她的形象从一个极端到另外一个极端,似乎是由这些活人的生活一点一点挖掘吕蓓卡的全面的性格特点,由小见大,吕蓓卡放浪形骸之外的腐化生活以及她畸形的婚姻,揭露了英国上层社会的享乐至上尔虞我诈,穷尽及奢,势力伪善等现象,缠绵悱恻的怀乡忆久与阴森压抑的绝望恐怖双重气氛交叠渗透,文章如剥洋葱一般一层层显示出真相,令人意外,也加强了文章的趣味性。


蝴蝶梦英语读后感篇一《蝴蝶梦Rebecca观后感(英语)》 Rebecca I like this story’s heroine, the second Mrs. de Winter. Although she is so poor and doesn’t have an extremely pretty face, she has a very pure heart and she is also very kind-hearted. When she meets Mr. de Winter, her gentle and purity moves his heart deeply. Soon they fall in love with each other and even get married. Then they return to Mandalay, his large country estate. She is very sincere and kind to every servant. Mrs. Danvers, the housekeeper of Mandalay, resents her having taken the place of Rebecca, the former hostess. But the heroine politely says to her“I do hope we’ll be friends. You must be patient with me. This sort of life is new