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《哈利波特》讲述的是一位小魔法师的成长历程。他出生于一个魔法家庭,本应该有着美满幸福的生活,可是天有不测风云,正是因为这矛盾的出现,才让故事中的主人公有着鲜明的性格特点。随着矛盾的不断激化,故事情节跌宕起伏,令人不由自主去深入到故事中。 我希望把我从书里得到的快乐分享给大家,也希望能够把我得到的启示分享给大家。

哈利开始的生活并不好,他的父母被伏地魔杀害,他从小被寄养在姑姑家。可是他的姑姑讨厌魔法,讨厌他。但是种种的阴差阳错却让他成功到魔法学院报到,开始了一段不平凡的生活。他机智、勇敢、善良、正义、乐于助人,它拥有两个与他患难与共的小伙伴。罗恩虽然有时表现的傻乎乎,但是他讲义气,能够与哈利共同挑战困难。郝敏是一位麻瓜家庭出生的小女孩,他天资聪颖,爱读书,爱钻研,懂得一些哈利与罗恩不知道的知识,她是哈利的得力助手,能在关键时刻为哈里指点迷津。在魔法师的世界里是讲究高贵与低贱的,出生于麻瓜家庭的他虽然被别人讥笑,但她始终不放弃,走一条属于自己的道路。三位小主人公虽然总是碰壁,走的道路虽然曲折,但是,情在左,爱在右,将这一路点缀的花香弥漫,有泪可掬不觉悲凉。 魔法、巫师是已经被众多作家写过的老题材了。但是罗林无疑是写的最好的。把魔法界写的如此真实,无数的细节交织成一片魔力的网。书中最吸引人的无疑是那充满悬念的故事情节,每一次的结局都 1





这本书吸引我的还有哈利那些美好的性格:他对亲情的珍惜以及为他人着想的可贵精神,他对友情的忠诚,他在妒忌者面前的绅士风 2



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人物篇:哈利〃波特 哈利是一个不容置疑的传奇人物,同样也是一个拯救世界的英雄。他能在长达十年的折磨下仍然乐观的生活,仍充满善良和正义,他能在整个世界危亡时挺身而出,他的身上,值得我们学习的不仅仅是正义和勇敢,更多的是他的忍耐,忍耐十年的摧残,忍耐巨大的压力。

人物篇:伏地魔 伏地魔可以说是这本书中最大的反面人物,也是素来被人们害怕厌恶的角色。但是在这背后,又隐藏了多少往事?书中并没有详细的写出,但是可以想象,就算是家族基因问题,又需要多大的折磨和打击,才会使一个原本纯真的孩子变成一心想要力量的恶魔?小时候的他到底在孤儿院受到了怎样的对待?早已无从考究。但是,这也不得不让我们警醒,我们应怎样对待那些像伏地魔一样出身的孩子?这个问题永远值得深思。






法学校的格兰芬多学院。在那里他结识了好朋友赫敏、罗恩,他们一起学习,一起生活,霍格沃茨成了他们心中永远的伊甸园。 伏地魔是个想统治整个世界的黑魔头,他好滥杀无辜。人们都非常惧怕他,不敢叫他的名字,而叫他“神秘人”。要是他想杀你,那你就必死无疑。他视哈利〃波特为仇敌,因为在伏地魔杀哈利全家的时候,妈妈拼命保卫他,也就是在这时候,不知不觉哈利波特拥有了一种特别的力量,那就是爱。就是因为爱,哈利〃波特使伏地魔丧失了法力。他有着强烈的集体荣誉感,立志为自己的学院争光;也有着很强的正义感,喜欢打抱不平,当他为了追回朋友纳威的记忆球而跳上自己从未骑过的飞天扫帚去追马尔福时,我看到了他对友情的珍惜;当他真心为自己的好朋友罗恩当上级长而高兴时,我看到了他对朋友的深厚友谊;当他为了不让自己的教父小天狼星担心,而独自忍受伤疤的疼痛时,我看到了他对亲情的珍惜以及为他人着想的可贵精神。他对友情的忠诚,他在妒忌者面前的绅士风度,他对待挫折的积极态度,他在困难面前的毫不气馁,让我深深为此折服。









1年8班 李文峰




我真有点佩服这本书的作者,竟有那么丰富的想象力!然而,我最佩服的就是哈利波特和他的伙伴们(罗恩韦斯莱和赫敏格兰杰),他们面对邪恶和困难永不退缩的精神让我始终难忘。他们始终有一个信念:“我们要战胜一切,战胜邪恶,用我们学到、懂得、知道的魔法和常识来战胜我们的敌人,只要我们齐心协力,就可以战胜邪恶,正义永远战胜邪恶”。多么坚信的信念啊,有了这个信念,他们总会胜利,因为邪恶总是斗不过正义的。 让我感动得流泪的就是《哈利波特与混血王子》这本书。在这本书里才真正表露出了哈利波特与罗恩和赫敏的真实的友情。当他们在一起战胜了一切的难关时,又发生了一些事......最后哈利波特已决定他要去找他的姑妈一家人,接着再去找魂器。罗恩和赫敏知道以后,他们就决定陪同哈利波特一起战斗。从这段中我读出了真正的友谊,那就是“为了朋友、为了拯救这个魔法世界,不惜一切代价。”这才叫真正的友谊。

从《哈利波特与凤凰社》这本书中我还得知了另一件事,那就是“爱”。在《哈利波特与魔法石》这本书中,讲到哈利波特头上的那个“伤疤”。在别人看来这个伤疤是救哈利波特的魔法,其实谁也没有想到这“伤疤”的奥秘。在《哈利波特与凤凰社》一书中讲到了哈利波特“伤疤”的原因。他的伤疤是由“爱”形成的。从而我也知道了“母爱”是伟大的。 我想我应该用“牺牲”这个词来形容这部哈利波特终结篇《哈利波特与死亡圣器》。所有人都为了打败伏地魔而勇敢地献出生命,就连主人公哈利波特也是勇敢地去面对了那可怕的死亡,可是他最终还是没有辜负大家,战胜了死亡也战胜了伏地魔。

总之,这本书给我的感觉只能用一个词来形容--“神奇”。在这个世界的另一个角落里,有一个神奇的国度。在那里,有一个拥有不可思议力量的男孩--哈利波特和他忠实的伙伴们和亲人们。他们齐心协力最终打败了伏地魔,而我再次拿起书阅读时,也随之掉入了一个魔法的时空,与他们共同经历苦难、喜悦、悲伤...... 也不断地使我成长。



Harry Potter

J`K.Rowling, who is a famous writer in the world, is famous with the novel--Harry Potter.It is a series novel that attracts numbers of people in the world. As an author, J.K.Rowling has written fiction since she was a child. Born in 1965, she grows up in Chepstow and wrote her first "book" at the age of six--a story about a ribbit called Rabbit. She studied French and Classical at Exeter University, then moved to Londonto work at Amnesty International, and then to Portugal to teach Engliash as a foteign language, before settling in Edinburg. The idea for Harry Potter occured to hei on the train from Manchester to London, where she says Harry Potter

"just strolled into my head fully formed",and by the time she had arrived at King's Cross, many of the characters had taken shape. During the next five years she outlined the plots for each book and began writing the first in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stoe, which was first published by Bloomsbury in 1997. The other Harry Potter titles: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, followed J.K.Rowling has also written two companion books, Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, in aid of Comic Relief.

In the last book--Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, it is the final fighting between Harry and Voldemort. Because of the thing that Voldemort don't understand and was not spare a glance for it, he finally died. Even though it was not his mistakes not to get love, he chose to destroyed by himself. Yes, love is the most important thing. Only it can exceed magic. In Rowling's books, we can see it everywhere. Because of love, Harry survived when he was one years old; because of love, many people sacrifice their lives to rescue their families and friends, such as Lupin said about his son,"I'm sorry too. Sorry I will never know him... but he will know why I died and I hope he will understand. I was trying to make a world in which he could live a happier life." The novel shows us about the seven years since Harry knew he was a wizard, and he began fighting against the strongest black wizard in the history with love.

In the novel, there are many characters lefting deep impression on me, such as the clever Hermione, unfortunate Remus Lupin, handsome Sirus Black and so on. Form them, I want to introduce three--Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and Severus Snape.

First, Dumbledore, who is thought the greatest wizard in the world, has much merit. He was the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.He is the chief administrator of a School of Magic. he make all major decisions regarding the safety and the day-to-day functioning of the school, and have the power to

override any decision made by any other authoritative facilitator at the school From some respects, he is braver than other people. I respect him not only because of his greatness, wisdom, experience, achievement and humanity, but also because he has a comprehesive mind. He knows everything. He is able to accept, understand even including his mistakes and weakness. He is great because he sees everything brightly and leisurely went to death. He leads Harry to go to the front. Old as he is, he also don't lose the sense and became the only person that Voldemort is afraid of. But none of men are all-powerful, he is not an exception either. The difference is he accept them, understand how to correct them, never free from his fault, and even after dying, he still in struggle for justice--like those people, use their lives as bedding of another person on the way of this justice. I think he is a successful teacher and headmaster,he taught Harry understand what love means,how to insist his belief and how to use his ways to become stronger and stronger.He is an old man ,but he has unbelievable power and strong belief.I like him,even if sometimes he may feel scared,but he still believe in Harry and never have the thought of giving up fighting with devil.

Then, Harry Potter, as the dramatis personas in the novel, I think he is the most perfect one.He is a much-loved figure. He is strong, brave, kind, sincere, responsible, friendly. He and his friends Hermione Jane Granger, Ron Weasley companions, embarked on a dramatic chase battle with Voldemort. he has good talent to retrieval the world. Different from other person in the school, he has much weakness hardness. Lord Voldemort killed his parents , he lived at the home of his aunt and he must bear with the bad treatment the bad boy did.As young, he often gets impetuous, sometimes feel confused, and he also feels afraid of someting. He grows up bit by bit,and

becomes stronger and stronger, and finally becomes the hero in people's mind. On the other hand, he is only a child, who wants to have a peaceful life, to have an intact family that he can live with his father and mother, and get love from them. For that reason, when he knew the story about the Deathly Hallows, he wanted to find them, especially the Resurrection Stone,but later he realized that it is bad to own them and may course big problems, so he gave up and put them in somewhere that nobody can get them. He is so brave that he came to terms with death for others' happiness. In some places, his behave really stands for Gryffindor's spirit.Even when he was scared, he was also brave to go on. So maybe he is the brvest person in the novel. I also admire the friendship between Harry Potter and his partners, no matter what the

difficulties they face are, They never gave up the belief. They always had a conviction: “We must overcome all the difficulties to defeat evil, and we learn to get much strong power, understand and know how to defeat our enemies, as long as we work together, we can overcome evil, justice will never defeat evil." With this belief, they will win, because evil can not defeat justice.”

The other role, Severus Snape, the Slytherin who loved a Gryfindor. His image changes in my heart after I read the Deathly Hallows.when I read the first six books of the series, I hate him very much because he always looked for the bad things of Harry Potter whether Harry potter was really wrong or not. Although before the actual state of affairs has been clear, I have already guessed the Snape was not Voldemort's

servant. I admire him after I finished reading the last book. the last book, I have found all my answers: Snape never betrayed Dumbledore, he helped Dumbledore and in the end he gave up his own life to fulfill Dumbledore’s plan, to assist Harry and to tell Harry the truth, all for the love of Lilly Potter. | Before that I hated him for his prejudice against Harry, and his haughtiness. But when I read the last book, I

suddenly realize that Severus is as Harry told his son--Ablus,"He was probably the bravest man I ever knew." He loves Lily Evans almost all his life. He met her when they was only nine years old. It seemed that Snape had a family that treated him badly and he was quite ashamed of himself, so he dared not approach his angel, Lilly, for fear that she’ll dislike him, so he always hid in the shadows and watched her while she play and laughed. They went to Hougwarts together. He came close to her, made friends with her and loved her at the rest of his life. Snape was sorted into Slytherin while Lilly to Gryffindor; they were move and more apart. And in the end Lilly fell in love with James Potter, Harry’s father, maybe that’s the biggest reason for Snape’s hatred for the Potters. Lily got married to James Potter who Severus hated very much, but he still put the love in his heart.Thanks to his love for Lily, he bears everything,

dumbly protected her son for seven years. Finally, he broke his life down. His love for Lily hid so well that I knew nothing of it until I saw the part in which Harry read the memories of his. And now I understood his last words for Harry when he died:” Look into my eyes.” His last request for Harry was to look into his eyes so he could die

looking at the eyes of Harry, the eyes same as Lilly’s, the eyes of the woman he loved. His love is so great that he can sacrifice himself to protect Harry even if he hates him as he does to James.I still remember his words“I love lily,I protect him,but I do not want him know.”No mtter how Harry potter hate him,no matter how much press he must have to bear,no matter how cruel Voldemort is ,he still love Lily ,he still insist his belief,he still protect Harry Potter.As a reader said that you can not do the evaluation about Severus Snape before you have read the Deathly Hallows.

Hermione is a Muggle-born Gryffindor student, and the best friend of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Rowling states that she was born on 19 September and she was nearly twelve when she first attended Hogwarts.She is an overachiever who excels academically, and is described by Rowling as a "very logical, upright and

good" character.Rowling adds that Hermione's parents, two Muggle dentists, are a bit bemused by their odd daughter but very proud of her all the same."They are well aware of the wizarding world and have visited Diagon Alley with her. Though Rowling has described the character of Luna Lovegood as the "anti-Hermione" because they are so different, Hermione's foil at Hogwarts is Pansy Parkinson, a female bully based on real-life girls who teased the author during her school days.

Rowling claims the character of Hermione carries several autobiographical

influences. "I did not set out to make Hermione like me but she is...she is an

exaggeration of how I was when I was younger." She recalled being called a "little know-it-all" in her youth. Moreover, she states that not unlike herself, "there is a lot of insecurity and a great fear of failure" beneath Hermione's swottiness. Finally,

according to Rowling, next to Albus Dumbledore, Hermione is the perfect expository character; because of her encyclopaedic knowledge, she can always be used as a plot dump to explain the Harry Potter universe. Rowling also claims that her feminist

conscience is saved by Hermione, "who's the brightest character" and is a "very strong female character".

Hermione's name is derived from William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale; Rowling claimed that she wanted it to be unusual since if fewer girls shared her name, fewer girls would get teased for it and it seemed that "a pair of professional dentists, who liked to prove how clever they are...gave [her] an unusual name that no-one could pronounce." Her original last name was "Puckle", but Rowling felt the name "did not suit her at all", and so the less frivolous Granger made it into the books. Rowling confirmed in a 2004 interview that Hermione is an only child. Hermione later uses Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Bellatrix when the trio attempt to steal Hufflepuff's cup from Gringotts. She, Harry, and Ron join Dumbledore's Army in the Battle of Hogwarts, during which Hermione destroys Hufflepuff's cup in the Chamber of Secrets with a basilisk fang, eliminating another Horcrux. Hermione and Ron also share their first kiss in the midst of the battle. In the final battle in the Great Hall, Hermione fights Bellatrix with the help of Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood.

However, the three of them are unable to defeat Bellatrix and stop fighting her once MollyWeasley orders them to disengage.

After reading all the novel, I find it has a consummate ending--they finally have a peaceful life, such as after the fighting, Harry said"I've had enough trouble for a life time." Yes, after experiencing all of that. Peace is happiness. Story as it is, I want to believe it is true in my mind. Those men, women and other things are real. Lke Dumbledore told Harry,"Of course it is happening inside your head, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"

In the novel, I learn that love, guardianship, friendship and family are the actual meaning for life. They are far more important than power, money, longevity and anything else. I am moving by the characters in the novel and the story itself. I've just fininshed reading the Harry Potter books for about the 5th time through, and they're just as magical and affecting as they have ever been. Everything is in here: suspense, adventure, mystery, humour, danger. There's even some pretty satisfying paybacks. The characters are fantastic and fantastically realistic. There are bad people who turn out to be good guys and good people who turn out to be bad guys, just like life.

I think the thing I like best about these books is the message that it's okay to be different - to be not "normal." I would love for everyone in school to have hear that message. It would probably reduce the bullying around the school.

These books value real thoughts. Much has been made of Harry's rule breaking, but only once in the series so far does he break a rule for arbitrary personal gain. Most of the time he makes a decision that what's right is more important than what's written. And you know what? Life's like that sometimes. I think it's great that kids are getting an example of how to do what's right even when it involves breaking rules. The Potter books also show that there are consequences for rule breaking. If not getting caught and getting a detention, then a spell going wrong and someone getting turned into a cat. This shows that when you make a decision to go against the rules that things may not go as you expected and you have to take responsibility for the outcome.

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