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2016-06-03 09:17:04 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 欧也妮葛朗台英文(共5篇)欧也妮葛朗台 英文读后感 Eugenie GrandetEugenie Grandet《欧也妮葛朗台》读后感  In our life, when speaking of selfish, cold, stingy always referred to a short and fat old ma...


欧也妮葛朗台 英文读后感 Eugenie Grandet

Eugenie Grandet

《欧也妮葛朗台》读后感  In our life, when speaking of selfish, cold, stingy always referred to a short and fat old man. He is “Grandet” created by Balzac in his novel <Eugenie Grandet>.

 This is a classical story of a girl whose life is blighted by her father’s hysterical greed. Eugenie’s father is the representative of greed and money. In order to collect money he lost human nature. Miss Eugenie is a kind and humane girl. Both her mother and herself considered money as a method for helping others. She used money to help those who need it. Charles is Eugenie’s cousin who was from a rich family but his father went bankrupt so he had to go to business abroad. He was from humane, pure to self-fish. He gave up his true love, and pursued a nobleman’s daughter.

 In my thought, Money can not buy happiness . Even if has a lot of money, finally, we had to leave them and left alone. Money is only a part of the relationship between people. Love is priceless, cannot be measured by money.


Eugenie Grandet (欧也妮•葛朗台)

Eugenie Grandet is an 1833 novel written by Honoré de Balzac about miserliness. Balzac is a French famous writer in 19th century, European critical realism literature and also the founder of the outstanding representative.His display “The Human Comedy” which reflected the 19th century French social life, is a rare monument in literature history .

Eugenie Grandet was considered as the "one of the best picture "of Balzac’s “The Human Comedy”. In that time, the noble class was on the wane, and the society was full of the bourgeois upstart and omnipotent money forces.

Eugénie Grandet is set in the town of Saumur. Grandet is a former cooper who has become wealthy through both business ventures and inheritance. He is very a miserly, selfish and cold miser. In order to save money, he does not buy vegetable and meat throughout a year and not repair the bad stairs. Even worse, he makes his daughter Eugenie as bait to extort money, to lure those idiots who want her to marry him. He ignored his only child’s happiness in front of the money. However, grandet’s daughter Eugenie was very gentle and kind. In order to protect her love, she resisted the harsh control of his father's. When she fell in love with cousin Charlie who was bankrupt, she gave

her gold to help him get out of trouble. This behavior infuriated the old Grandet, and they had a fierce conflict.This occasion Frightened the timid and virtuous mother and got serious sick from then on. Sadly, Charlie finally Live up to after he made a small fortune. In the end, Grandet died in the desire of chasing money and the kind girl Eugenie donated his legacy to the churches and schools, but she still become a widow after her husband’s death.

This novel described the miser Grandet’s family life and through Grandet's greedy and miserly, exposing the destruction of human nature caused by money, family breakdown and other tragedies. The novel is very successfully portrayed an old grandet which full of viciousness, cruelty and miserliness. Money for him, but an unreal sense of satisfaction. Holding his gold, seeing the color , listening to the voice of the gold touch attack, he felt so satisfied. He even thought that money is more important than family. It showed master power of money .It revealed that money had great destruction in the family happiness and moral quality. In the surface , the old grandet ,is a lord of money ,but actually, he was a slave to money. The novel also around the daughter’s marriage,

revealed the bourgeoisie bloody history and the naked money

relations between people and people. As the author said, this is a "no poison, no knife, no bleeding ordinary tragedy."

The author mainly shaped the typical character in the typical environment and used detail description, comparison techniques, exaggerated comic style and so on. The use of these techniques made the characters lively and brought us great aesthetic pleasure.

From own perspective, surely, in present society ,money is important to everyone. Without money, we cannot buy food, clothes and other daily necessities. without money, we cannot go to school, go to cinema or other palaces. But every coin has its two sides; we pursuit money is just for better life. But it does not mean that more money can bring more happiness. It will also cause trouble or even do harm to the social stability. At the least, in the field of human feelings, the money is powerless.


欧也妮葛朗台简介 《欧也妮.葛朗台》讲述的是老葛朗台的独生女儿——天真美丽的欧也妮爱上了破产落魄的表弟查理。为了资助查理,她将自己的所有金币全部赠给了他,这一举动激怒了老葛朗台,父女俩发生了激烈的冲突。一向胆小而贤淑的母亲因此一病不起,而欧也妮这个痴情的姑娘最终等到的却是发了小财归来的负心汉。


作品还围绕着欧也妮的婚事,对金钱腐蚀人心,侵害人际关系作了深刻揭示。克罗旭和格拉桑家为娶欧也妮展开针锋相对斗争,葛朗台心里明白,他们为他的财产来,他便利用他们“钓鱼”,最后欧也妮答应了蓬风先生的求婚,他激动得哆嗦着连连表示愿做她的“奴隶”,这场赤裸裸的金钱交易,已无情地揭去了美丽而神秘的爱情面纱。 奥诺雷*德*巴尔扎克离我们虽然已有两百多年,但作品所揭示的社会现实仍然令人深思。




拿破仑执政时期,他当上区长,还得到拿破仑颁发的荣誉团十字章。一八○六年,他又从丈母、外婆、外公处得到三笔遗产,成为州里“纳税最高”的人物。在收成好的年景,可以出产七、八百桶的葡萄酒,他还有十三处分种田,一百二十七阿尔邦草原。他由原来只有二千法郎的商人变为拥有一千七百万法郎的大富翁。 葛朗台精明狡猾,他搞投机买卖,预计得“象天文学家一样准确”;论起他的发财本领,“葛朗台先生是只老虎,是条巨蟒:他会躺在那里,蹲在那里,把俘虏打量半天再扑上去,张开血盆大口的钱袋,倒进大堆的金银,然后安安宁宁的去睡觉,好象一条蛇吃饱了东西,不动声色,冷静非凡,什么事情都按部就班的。”在做交易时,他讨价还价,装口吃期期艾艾,把对方弄得晕头转向而陷入他的圈套,结果他让别人吃亏了,自己讨得了便宜。




























eugenie grandet was written by balzac。 this book demonstrates us a vivid story of a girl whose life is blighted by her father?s hysterical greed。 eugenie?s father is a rich man by doing some disgraced business, and he is money worship that he often left himself in a back room and appreciated money for a long time。 everything in his family is distributed by himself, even a candle or some sugar。欧也妮葛朗台读后感英文版。 he had a servant, who had worked for thirty years, but she never received some presents from grandet, except an old watch。 in addition, he gives his daughter and wife just a little allowance。 what?s more, with so much money, he refused to help his bankrupt relative。 what a cold blood person! and when the new year was ing, he asked his daughter to put out all her gold that he gave her before and wanted to admire it routinely。 to his surprise, eugenie had given all of her belonging to her bankrupt cousin。 it really annoyed grandet and after that he put eugenie up。 in order to collect money, he lost human nature to some extent。欧也妮葛朗台读后感英文版

grandet ?s nature of crazing for money won over his family。 paring with grandet, eugenie was so warm-hearted that she not only helped her in-troubled cousin but also did a lot of public welfare events。 she considered money as a method for helping others。 eugenie and her father in this book are far different by paring each other, and through this way, they are much prominent。 although eugenie was kind,her cousin still gave up her and pursued a nobleman?s daughter for money。 the value concept of his cousin, who was self-fish, was far away from hers。

from this book, a phenomenon of money worship es out。 from the oxford english dictionary, we know that the word ?money? has two definitions: 1。 means of payment, especially coins and banknotes, given and accepted in buying and selling wealth; total value of somebody?s property。 however, in modern american society, money doesn?t just mean cash, dollar bills and coins。 the united states is being a cashless society quickly。 nowadays, checks and credits cards work just as well as ?real money?。 this ?plastic money? allows a person spending free。 but it also gets them into a lot of debts。 just for so many types of ?money? and different usages, to some extent, the modern americans are changing their outlook on money。 they make most of americans think that money is not all, but it is most of all。

can money buy happiness? many americans think so。 americans believe life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have a certain connection。 and what does the pursuit of happiness mean? for many, it means pursuing money。 in the united states, not all americans are rich, but most concern about money。 money is a main part in modern american life。 the american?s outlook on money decides on what kind of life they want to have。

as far as i am concerned, we should regard earning money as a method for a better life but not just being infatuated with it。 if i were grandet, i will finance the people who were in trouble within my petence, even not to mention my relatives。 and i would work hard to earn enough money to provide a better living condition for my dear families rather than keep them for appreciation。 this book satirizes money worship, and i am also against blind pursuing money。 in our life, there are many other things that are much more important than money, such as a good hobby, our friends and families and so on。 although sometimes money can bring us authority and some other things we want, it can not always bring us happiness。 money is powerless in some of the field。


in our life, when speaking of selfish, cold, stingy always referred to a short and fat old man。 he is ?grandet? created by balzac in his novel <eugenie grandet>。

this is a classical story of a girl whose life is blighted by her father?s hysterical greed。 eugenie?s father is the representative of greed and money。欧也妮葛朗台英文读后感。 in order to collect money he lost human nature。 miss eugenie is a kind and humane girl。 both her mother and herself considered money as a method for helping others。 she used money to help those who need it。 charles is eugenie?s cousin who was from a rich family but his father went bankrupt so he had to go to business abroad。 he was from humane, pure to self-fish。 he gave up his true love, and pursued a nobleman?s daughter。欧也妮葛朗台英文读后感

in my thought, money can not buy happiness 。 even if has a lot of money, finally, we had to leave them and left alone。 money is only a part of the relationship between people。 love is priceless, cannot be measured by money。

相关热词搜索:欧也妮葛朗台英文简介 欧也妮葛朗台英文版


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