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导读: 马丁伊登读后感英文(共7篇)马丁伊登读后感《马丁·伊登》中的超人形象与其超人悲剧1 引言杰克·伦敦 ( 1876 - 1916)是十九世纪初期美国著名的现实主义作家 ,是进步文学“黑幕揭发者”( Muckrakers)的重要代表,曾被称作“美国无产阶级文学之父”。对于有着丰富生活经历的杰克·伦敦来说, 无论在生活遭遇和思想演变...


马丁伊登读后感英文 第一篇



杰克·伦敦 ( 1876 - 1916)是十九世纪初期美国著名的现实主义作家 ,是进步文学“黑幕揭发者”( Muckrakers)的重要代表,曾被称作“美国无产阶级文学之父”。

对于有着丰富生活经历的杰克·伦敦来说, 无论在生活遭遇和思想演变上都曾经历了一个复杂、曲折的过程,这使得他在面对十九世纪末和二十世纪初的各种思潮时毫无抗拒能力。但是,在杰克·伦敦信奉的众多思想和理论中,超人哲学对他产生了的影响极大,也成为促进他不断创作、不断超越的重要精神支柱。他的小说中 ,充满着为生活而斗争的超人思想 ,他塑造了一系列的超人形象 (包括喻意在动物身上的超人精神) ,这些超人形象是作家杰克・伦敦的信仰、知识、求和体验的艺术结晶 ,并由此形成他独具一格的哲学和美学思想 ,是他对人类生存方式的总体把握(蔡家珍,1999:65)。

说到超人哲学,便离不开尼采, 这位傲视芸芸众生的德国哲学家。在个性受到压抑甚至被泯灭的时代, 他崇拜英雄,极大地张扬个体生命的价值,主张超人哲学。尼采所宣称的“超人”是在他宣称“上帝死了,要对一切传统道德文化进行重估(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche,1994,321)” 的基础之上,用新的世界观、人生观构建新的价值体系的人。超人具有不同于传统的和流行的道德的一种全新的道德,是最能体现生命意志的人,是最具有旺盛创造力的人,是生活中的强者。





尼采认为:人有强者与弱者之分,真正的强者,他们有超越常人的特殊意志与品质。马丁是尼采哲学思想的忠实信徒,他实践了尼采的超人理论。或者更确切的说,杰克·伦敦的超人思想在马丁·伊登这一人物形象的塑造中得到了充分的体现。马丁·伊登生性坚强、刚毅,他敢想别人不敢想、敢做别人不敢做的事情,敢于挑战生命的极限(丁政,贾焕杰2005:23)。他这种超乎寻常的意志与毅力在他对往事的一段回忆中就已得到了凸显。《马丁·伊登》 中那令人难忘的斗殴是这样的:【马丁伊登读后感英文】

Then they fell upon each other, like young bulls, in all the

glory of youth, with naked fists, with hatred, with desire to

hurt, to maim, to destroy. All the painful, thousand years'

gains of man in his upward climb through creation were

lost. Only the electric light remained, a milestone on the

path of the great human adventure. Martin and

Cheese-Face were two savages, of the stone age, of the

squatting place and the tree refuge. They sank lower and

lower into the muddy abyss, back into the dregs of the raw

beginnings of life, striving blindly and chemically, as

atoms strive, as the star-dust if the heavens strives,

colliding, recoiling, and colliding again and eternally


God! We are animals! Brute-beasts!

然而即使每次马丁·伊登都被打得鼻青脸肿,鲜血直流,他也从不屈服,结果他终于在十一年后打垮了对方。在这么多次的交手中, 马丁·伊登和对手进行的已不再是力量的争斗,而是意志的斗争。他最后击败对手的杀手锏就是他那无丝毫动摇的意志乃至坚忍不拔的英雄气概(何清,2006:81)。杰克·伦敦在创设马丁·伊登这一人物的过程中,一直在全力展现马












就美学悲剧性来看, 人的本质中就有自我保存和自我超越的欲望。就自我保存而论, 在个体的生活中, 当生存受到阻碍, 情感受到压抑时, 就自然地或本能地进行抗争, 要冲决任何方式所设置地障碍; 就自我超越而论, 个体本能地有追求美好生活的欲求, 即过适合自己理想的生活。人的超越的心理意识有着旺盛的生命力和激情, 这种超越的意识形成意志, 就会促使主体用自身行为去破坏现实境况,这便是超人意志的体现。然而个体一旦发现自己不能实现愿望,或是发现所为实现的愿望与自身的欲望并不统一, 就必然同周围的环境和人物发生分裂与对立。如果这种冲突是生死攸关的, 相互否定的话, 那就形成了悲剧性冲突。个性的悲剧中凝聚着社会性悲剧, 社会性悲剧通过个体悲剧来体现(王艳斌,2002:34)。在杰克·伦敦的自传体小说《马丁·伊登》中, 作者通过男主角的恋爱、奋斗、沉浮、死亡的描写, 为大家展示了一个自诩为超人的强者, 怎样重蹈悲剧的过程。

为了改变生存环境、从而实现自我保存和自我超越的欲望, 过其认为理想的生

活, 马丁·伊登表现出的旺盛的生命激情和超越意识令每个人无不为之折服。而马丁·伊登生命意志中一个重要的部分是他对露丝的爱,是浪漫的心灵崇拜, 但露丝对马丁·伊登的爱却产生于肉体的吸引,这是悲剧的一个根本原因。

露丝在其心目中是一朵金色的娇花, 是一个仙灵。因此他愿意为她牺牲一切。当马丁·伊登依靠对美的向往引导自己走上真与善的追求时, 他一味想当然地认为凭借自身原本丰富地生活经历, 加之反复地写作摸索, 最终以创作的成功向露丝证明自己的爱情。而露丝呢? 起初对马丁·伊登感情的一个重要因素, 便是想教育和改造他。让他从贫困奋斗到成功, 成为他所崇拜的巴特勒先生式的人物。她自视为马丁·伊登的老师, 所以马丁·伊登一旦受到报纸攻击, 似乎身败名裂时, 她就觉得其无可救药, 解除了婚约。接下来, 当马丁渐趋成熟时, 露丝又已经跟他不上。甚至当马丁·伊登刻苦的阅读和写作时, 她却一心盼望其早日失败, 继而走上正道!毕竟马丁·伊登成功了。在露丝眼里马丁·伊登的飞黄腾达正所谓巴特勒先生。因此, 露丝忏悔了, 转而追求起曾经被自己唾弃的人来。尤其在夜里悄悄进了马丁·伊登的旅馆, 想向他奉献自己。两者之间巨大的反差, 最终使马丁·伊登醒悟过来(刘俊梅,2005:23)。原来他所爱的只是自己为纯洁爱情理想心造的幻影而已。他心目中的露丝其实并不存在。即使两者结合, 在放弃自己已经形成的信念, 无异于精神上的自杀。痛苦的奋斗换来的却是爱情的幻灭, 难怪马丁会厌倦了生命。






马丁伊登读后感英文 第二篇

The Adventurer

——The Reflection on Martin Eden

It is really a long story, but actually, the story itself is not that complicated. When I started reading, I guessed that Martin would have a bright future. Yes he made it at last, but after all the reputations and glories he gained; he eventually chose to commit suicide, to run away from this world. For me, it was really an unexpected ending.

Martin was a 21-year-old sailor. Once by chance, he met Ruth, who was the sister of Arthur, and soon fell in love with her. Finding that there’s a huge difference between them, he decided to do whatever he can to change and improve himself. He learned every kinds of knowledge and built a great interest in writing. He then devoted most of his time to writing. But unfortunately, seldom did the editors accept his articles or novels. His life became poorer and poorer yet he still stuck to writing. Meanwhile, he built up many radical ideas which seemed far different from those bourgeoisies. Ruth day by day became disappointed with Martin and eventually broke up with him. But Martin, with the help of his friend Breissenden (Though he had died.), finally created a great work which was wonderful in those editors’ eyes. As a result, he became famous, rich and popular. Those who insulted him or ignored him in the past all came to see him and invited him; even Ruth came to pray for Martin’s forgiveness. Martin was exhausted. He felt himself ill and could【马丁伊登读后感英文】


not accept anyone. He was tired of all the things around him and finally finished his life in the deep sea.

Although Martin made a sad choice at last, he was still a hero in my heart. First of all, he is a man who can stick to his dream regardless all the difficulties and of course he can succeed. Maybe at first he just wanted to be a man who deserved Ruth, but later he did all the things of his own will. He tried hard in order to achieve his own ideal. Secondly, he is a real man. He was strong, precipitant maybe a little bit rough, yet he still tried his best to love the people who had helped him. Sometimes he felt himself inferior, but it never stopped his courage to love those people.【马丁伊登读后感英文】

That’s why I said he was an adventurer. In that bourgeois society, he was like a square peg in a round hole. He might be afraid of other’s views but he couldn’t lie to himself. He was not that kind of man. Those so-called classy people around him were indifferent, hypocritical and snobbish. The more Martin learned from the society, the less he wanted to become one of them. He was always holding his own belief. He hoped that someone would understand him (and Breissenden was one of them). But he finally realized that people would understand you if you have reputations and money, or we can say, people would only understand your frame and wealth. That was an insult of his belief, and that was unforgivable towards a real adventurer. His dignity as a real adventurer

would never allow himself to associate with those people. I guessed that’s why he committed suicide. A adventurer is not suitable in this impetuous society.

Maybe it was an inevitable ending for Martin Eden. Martin was a writer, and as a writer, he could see more than ordinary people and as a writer, he was frailer than ordinary people. I guessed the reason that many great writers throughout history commit suicide and last is that they have something in common. They all have the true nature in their heart. As adventurers, they traveled in this complicated society, and then, return to their quiet and pure world.

马丁伊登读后感英文 第三篇



因为懒惰,仅看完第一页就放弃了, 翻其它的书,仅仅作为消遣,又后悔不该浪费时间!


马丁只是一个水手,因偶然机会进入上流社会,并爱上了上流社会的女子罗丝,在马丁心里,罗丝像仙女一样高高在上,她的世界是那么美好,他仿佛走进书里又仿佛书中的世界降临人间,上流社会不断吸引着马丁。为了爱,他摒弃从前的恶习,学习上流社会的礼仪,在他暂且简单的认知里,他觉得上流社会那种用金钱堆砌起来的奢华,就是美,就是智慧,就是人类的一切美好。 为了拉近与女神之间的距离,马丁一边卖苦力供养自己,一边苦读书,有时恨不能不睡觉。在纠正自己恼人的发音与语法时,他又渐渐的迷恋上写作。 这期间,罗丝与马丁渐渐走到一起,日子久了,马丁觉得罗丝就是一个平凡的上流社会的小姐,更重要的她不在那么高不可攀,他觉得自己与她很近。而他马丁认为别人能做的事他也能做到;别人会做的,他甚至做的更好。正是因为他身上这种野性的不被驯服的韧劲,打动着这个上流社会的女子。他们订婚了,可是罗丝的家人没有一个人不反对,因为马丁一无所有,有的只是那些曾经遭透了的生活经历,可那恰恰是马丁的财富。











马丁伊登读后感英文 第四篇

"little prince" is about to tell a story of alien children to live in a very small pla, that pla there is only one him, he has to take care of the pla, he is the pla the little prince, grown up, he went to other plas travel, has encountered all sorts of people (aliens)。 finally he came to the author encountered on earth, and then died here

look at this book, adults should not ripe to look at the mentality, to the point of view of your heart to understand it。 the little prince has a pure heart and a rich imagination。

when the little prince left his pla, on the road, when a king, and that king would just like to control all rational, this is not like us? especially when the teacher, like to go to other people,because order that other people can find themselves high up above and bee a king, others only obeys。小王子读后感英文版

the second encounter is love are people who love to be admired him, praise him anything except hear, in fact, we ourselves do they not? others as long as one to praise himself, we do not carried away on it? through this we can easily bee conceited person, but also easy for the offensive。

there drunkard, but also a businessman, even to light lamps and geographer, i think those people is equivalent to our portrayal of the real world, love the order, and love to be admired, i would like to re-occupy the possession, finally left with nothing ? ?

i think the little prince this book is a family book, in this book, i can feel that for whom fame for modern day busy round, but not know they have a deep impact on the younger generation, small prince did not understand why adults want to do that? like all children have the same do not know。 so i felt, how many more to understand the needs of children, and is no longer a random perfunctory, more children to learn about the ideas, interests, rather than restraint。

i am prince from an early age i learned one thing, the really important things, the eyes are invisible。 really important things is to look at motives。

马丁伊登读后感英文 第五篇

the first time that i touched the bible is in peter?s home。 i was introduced to an english corner by a good friend。 and before that, i have no idea about the bible and nazarenes。 until we almost went into peter?s home, she told me that peter is a nazarene and he taught us english lover something about the bible。圣经读后感英文版。 i wanted to have a try because of my curiosity。

when all of us got into his house, we all felt enthusiastic about each other。 peter prepared dinner for us, and he said to us that all nazarenes are the family of each other, and all nazarenes are equal, they help with each other, they share things with each other, and they prepare food for each other for free。 then, we new students received a book the new testament holly bible from peter; he said that we can see this bible as a story about jesus or a foreigner book to improve our english and know about some european culture。 we learned some soft songs about the bible, smiles on everyone?s face。 after that, we started our study of bible。

bible was monly described as ?a greatest book?。圣经读后感英文版。 though the bible was finished before two thousand years ago, it still has a deep effect among people in nowadays, including all kinds of people, such as leaders,sportsmen or scientists and so on。 several of them read and studied the bible。 to open the bible is always beneficial。 but, it also has some ideas that i can not accept it pletely for that i am an atheist。 i do not hold that there is someone who has the ability to survive all the people in the world。 i had an argue with peter in this question and i also ask some other friends? opinion about matter, they all considered that jesus is the most perfect existence in the world, and he rescued our world, so that we can live at present。 the nazarenes see jesus as a goddess in chinese mythology, however, in fact, we chinese people only serve the great woman as a dream, and we do not fall into the mixture of reality and dummy。 in the bible, they think all the people have sins, and the jesus was punished because of our sins。 whoever wants to go to the heaven instead of hails must go through him, this is the only way。 jesus is the only cross to the rebirth places。 all nazarenes believe that jesus is the only one who is perfect pletely and he has no sins, so, he is the only person who has the qualification to survive others and undertake their sins。 jesus rescued us, he died。 these nazarenes regard jesus as god from above, just as the bible saying, no shortings。 they obey jesus and believe in jesus totally。 whoever believes in jesus has an eternal life。 as what we old emperors did in the past, their orders must be carried out follow emperors? opinions。 that is to say, most of nazarenes live without their own thoughts and understandings; they live under others? favors, which is quite foolish and lamentable。

at the end of this book, i knew that if i do something good for others, i may get encourage and rewards from that god, otherwise, the god may punish me。 just as the old saying goes, ?what is ing not rewarded, not the time。? this are the profound consideration that i get from the bible, let religious faith bee a way of fort instead of an edged tool used by mon people。 i believe our world will be better than before。

马丁伊登读后感英文 第六篇

after i read these two different versions of cinderella, i found there are many similarities and differences between them。 first, i will go over the mon things that these two books have。 they both have very similar characteristics。 for example, cinderella is always a very beautiful and nice girl。灰姑娘读后感英文。 she has to do all the hard and dirty work under the discipline of bad characters。 bad characters are monly involved in these stories。 for example, yeh-shen had a wicked stepmother, who promoted her own child, but was very mean to her。 rhodopis, a greek slave girl living in egypt, had her panion servants who made fun of her appearance and kept distance from her。 second, they have both have a similar plot and theme。 both stories have a good ending toward their destiny。 in both versions of cinderella, they finally get great rewards and marry to the royalties。灰姑娘读后感英文。 third, there are always some belongings being taken away from cinderella。 elegant dresses, shoes, and rose-red slippers often play important roles in these stories。 for example, in the chinese version of cinderella,yeh-shen lost the gold shoes in a huge parade。 the king got the shoes and found a long way to find the right person who could fit in it。 fourth, they are all attributed to the supernatural or animals。 in the chinese version of cinderella, yeh-shen was helped by the fish spirit, and rhodopis was helped by the falcon。 fifth, the most but not the least, they are both illustrated by beautiful colors and textures to describe the story of cinderella。 this is especially true in the story of the egyptian cinderella, which presents great details of life in ancient egypt。 certainly, there are also some differences between these two books。 the egyptian cinderella was based on a true story of ancient egypt to some extent 。this is unlike other fairy tales, which use a lot of imagination。 in the history of ancient egypt, rhodopis did marry to the king pharaoh amasis。 furthermore, there is no punishment to bad characters in the egyptian version of cinderella。

i like the chinese version of cinderella better because it originated from china。 i have heard this type of story a long time ago。 it has some sort of traditional chinese culture values and elements inside the story as well。 in addition, it was illustrated by ed。young whom i have very strong respect for。 to conclude, no matter whether they are western or eastern versions of cinderella, they all tell the great fairy tales that we like。 one thing i have learned from these fairy tales is that we need to be optimistic when we encounter problems in our life。 the final oute will turn out great if we try very hard towards our goals and make it happen。

马丁伊登读后感英文 第七篇

?gone with the wind? is quite famous。 the story happened during civil war。 scarlet, the daughter of a farmer was beautiful and attractive。 before the war, her life was placid。乱世佳人读后感英文。 but when the war broke out, her life changed totally。 her husband died of disease, and she became a widow。 however, she was different from other women。 she couldn?t bear wearing dark clothes and staying at home all the time。 just at that time, captain butler came into her life。 they were very similar, both treacherous and avaricious, so they soon became friends。 scarlet had to feed the whole family, and this made her marble。乱世佳人读后感英文。 later on, scarlet had her own factory, and was gradually disliked by many people because of her arrogance。

captain butler was very wealthy and charming as well。 he loved scarlet, and before long, they got married。

on the other hand, scarlet had been loved by a man called ashley for a long time,but ashley had a wife, melanie, who was respected by everyone, except scarlet。 even after she got married with butler, she still wanted ashley。

some time later, scarlet and captain butler had a daughter。 this made butler bee a kind father。 but their daughter died。 from then on, scarlet and butler quarreled much oftener than before。 otherwise, when scarlet met ashley on his birthday at the factory, people saw them hugging, and this made butler fly into a rage。

melanie fell sick and she was about to die。 scarlet talked with her beside her bed, and she suddenly realized that melanie was her only female friend, and she loved her very much。 she also realized she didn?t really love ashley。 but everything was too late。 when she came back home, captain butler was leaving。 her tears couldn?t do any help, and she could only watch him leave。

this story figured a lady who was fortitudinous。 but the society made her play hard, and her personality was distorted。 she only cared for money, and she didn?t care about other people?s feeling。 when she finally regretted, butler?s patience had been deplenished。

in addition, scarlet had a tag, ? tomorrow is another day。? this showed that she was optimistic。 when butler left her, she also said, ?tomorrow is another day。? this sentence gave her courage, and made her feel much better。 maybe we should learn this point from her。 no matter how difficult our life is, just face it optimistically, and tomorrow will be another day。

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