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导读: could,you,please,clean,your,room课文(共5篇)2014春八年级下册Unit3Could you please clean your room课文重难点讲解Unit3 Could you please clean your room?Section A1 Peter ,could you please the trash? 彼得,你能把垃圾倒...

2014春八年级下册Unit3Could you please clean your room课文重难点讲解

Unit3 Could you please clean your room?

Section A

1. Peter ,could you please the trash? 彼得,你能把垃圾倒了吗?

【解析1】Could you please do sth ?请你(做)......好吗? 用于提出请求,希望得到对方的肯定回答,说话的语气比较客气委婉。

【常用答语】肯定回答:Sure./ Of course./ Certainly./No problem.

【2012江苏南通4】Now all of us exercise at ___ least ____ hour a day and

outside school.

A. the; a B.a; an C.不填;a D.不填;an

【解析3】finish v 结束;完成

【2013四川雅安4】8. — Can you finish ____ these books before 10 o'clock?

— Yes, I can.

A. to read B. read C. reads D. reading

4. I think two hours of TV is for you!


【解析1】two hours of TV

How time is flies! Three years _______(be) really a short time.

take up 占据 take down 拿下 take one’s time 不急;慢慢来

take one’s temperature 量体温

I sat down the TV, my mom .


【解析1】the minute = as soon as “一...... 就......”

Please write to me the minute you get there.

【解析2】 in front of

There is a bike in front of the classroom.

指在物体内部的前面 Our teacher is standing in the front of the classroom

【记】 The driver sat ________________ the car.


at table 吃饭;进餐


【解析】as...as ... 和......一样......

【2013安徽1】33. It’s said that the power plant is now____ large as what it was.

A. twice as B. as twice

C. twice much D. much twice


【2013福建2】23. The famous musician, as well as his students, _______ to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.

A. were invited B. was invited

C. have been invited D. has been invited

【解析】考查主谓一致和动词时态。题干主语中心词为介词短语as well as之前

的musician, 故谓语使用单数

9. For one week , she did not do any housework and .


【解析】neither +助动词/系动词/情态动词 +主语 “某人(主语) 也不”

⑴ neither两者都不

连接两个词做主语,谓语动词由后一个主语确定 【2013潍坊】A. all B. neither C. both 【2013鞍山】5. —even _______.

—That's so cool!

A. all B. both C. neither 【十堰】D27. -- A. Both B. Either C. None 【

⑵ 表达“…也不……” 则用 “Neither /Nor + be / V助 / V情 + 主”

( )②– I don’

— C. Neither I do D. So I do【could,you,please,clean,your,room课文】

【2013 C. Neither did I


【注】find → found →found v寻找

◆find it difficult/ hard to do sth 发现做某事很困难

( ) She found ___ hard to finish the work by herself.

A. that B. it’s C. it D. this

11. She asked .她吃惊地问道。

【解析】in surprise 惊奇地;吃惊地

→surprised adj. 吃惊的

①__________________(使我吃惊的是),he got the first prize in the exam.

②We are ____________at the _____________news.(surprise)

( ) ③ ___his surprise, she succeeded in climbing up the high mountain.


A. At B. To C. In D. On

【2011昭通】 A. excited B. amazing C. relaxing D. amazed

12. “ I’m do sorry, Mom. I finish understand that we to the housework to have a clean and comfortable home.” I replied.

A. Shared B. Shared from C. Shared with

13.Could I with my friends after the movie?


【解析】hang out 闲逛 hang up 把......悬挂/挂起

14. Could you please?你能把盐递给我吗?

【解析】pass ⑴v 给;递;走过;通过

Please pass the paper on to the other students.

2014春八年级下册Unit3 Could you please clean your room课文重难点讲解

Unit3 Could you please clean your room?【could,you,please,clean,your,room课文】

Section A

1. Peter ,could you please the trash? 彼得,你能把垃圾倒了吗?

【解析1】Could you please do sth ?请你(做)......好吗? 用于提出请求,希望得到对方的肯定回答,说话的语气比较客气委婉。

【常用答语】肯定回答:Sure./ Of course./ Certainly./No problem.

A. Take away B. Take off C. Take down D. Take out

【2013黑龙江大庆】6. You had better hurry or we’ll be late for the plane. The

plane will _______ in a few minutes.

A. take up B. take down C. take off D. take away

2. Can you ?那你可以洗盘子吗?

do the dishes 洗碗

【结构1】do the +名词: do the dishes/ laundry 洗餐具/衣服

【结构2】do the +动词-ing do the cleaning 打扫卫生

【结构3】do one’s + 名词 do one’s housework/ homework 做家务/家庭作业

【结构4】do some +动词-ing do some reading/ shopping 读写书/购物

①His mother ______________(洗碟子) in a restaurant.

( ) ② He helps his mother ______ after every meal.

A. does the dishes B. do the dish C. do the dishes D. does the dish

3. Could I finish watching this show? 至少让我看完这个节目可以吗?

【解析1】Could I do a sth? 我可以做......吗? 用于表达请求,语气比较委婉。

Could I go out with my classmate this weekend?

【解析2】at least 至少,多指数量或程度上的最低限度。

【2012江苏南通4】Now all of us exercise at ___ least ____ hour a day and

improve yourself.

A. good enough B. Enough good C. well enough

5. Could you take out the rubbish,fold the clothes and do the dishes?


【解析】take out 拿出;取出

take 的用法:

Take this medicine three times a day.

It takes me two hours to do my homework every day.

【拓展】take 构成的短语:

take a walk 去散步 take a rest 休息 take care of 照顾 take off 脱下;起飞 take up 占据 take down 拿下 take one’s time 不急;慢慢来

take one’s temperature 量体温

in hospital 住院

in the hospital 在医院(不一定看病)

【解析3】come over 过来

【拓展】 come 短语:

come across(偶然)发现 come back 回来 come up with想出 come true实现 come down下来 come from=be from来自,出生于

come in/into进入,进来 come on赶快,加油 come along走吧,过来,快点

come and go来来去去 come up上来 come out出来,(花)开,(照片)冲洗出来


【2013浙江丽水】25. The great writer has written many stories for children. It is

said that a new one will ______ at the end of this month.

A. go out B. come out C. look out D. run out

【2013浙江宁波】24. Scientists are trying their best to _______ ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9.

A. come up with B. look forward to C. talk about D. give up

7. You watch TV and never help out around the house!


【解析】all the time = always 一直;总是

( ) Man’s understanding of nature is developing ____ . It never stays at the same level .

A. at the right time B. for the first time

C. from time to time D. all the time


on time 按时 in time 及时 同时 form time to time偶尔 the first time

time and time again 一再;经常

( ) A. on time B. at times

【湖北岳阳】I knew it was impossible for 按时上班) when I

missed the last bus.

【山东东营】Tom didn’ D. at present

8. I’m just

【解析】as...as ... 和......一样......

【2013江西1】small number of people involved, possibly C. as many as D. as much as

【____ large as what it was.

B. as twice

D. much twice


【2013福建 A. were invited B. was invited

C. have been invited D. has been invited

【解析】考查主谓一致和动词时态。题干主语中心词为介词短语as well as之前

的musician, 故谓语使用单数

【2013临沂1】21. When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you

should go to an open area as _____ as possible.

A. quickly B. quietly C. loudly D. slowly

【2013玉林1】56. Liu Ying is good at singing. She sings ______the famous singer,


A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. as the best as

9. For one week , she did not do any housework and .


【解析】neither +助动词/系动词/情态动词 +主语 “某人(主语) 也不”

⑴ neither两者都不

连接两个词做主语,谓语动词由后一个主语确定 【2013潍坊】3. I have two sisters, but ________of them is a teacher.

A. all B. neither C. both D. none

【2013鞍山】5. —The teachers in that school speak either English or French, or even _______.

—That's so cool!

A. all B. both C. neither D. none

【2013浙江绍兴】6.—Which magazine do you like Reading or

Teen’s space?

A. none B. neither C. all 【十堰】D27. -- A. Both B. Either 【2013常州中考】He speaks Instead, he speaks


A either; or D neither; nor ⑵ 表达“…也不……” 则用 “Neither /Nor + be / V助 / V情 + 主”

( —

’ B. So the second was

’t the second D. Neither was the second

( –’

B. So do I C. Neither I do D. So I do

【2013黄石中考I can’t play the piano ,and _____.

A. neither can my sister B. my sister can’t , too

C. so can’t my sister D. can my sister, either

【2013绥化】— Iwent to the park yesterday.

— ____ . But I didn’t see you there.

A. So do I B. So did I C. Neither did I

10. The next day , my mom came home from work to 第二天,妈妈下班回到家后发现房间很干净、整洁。

【解析】find +宾语+宾语补足语

【注】find → found →found v寻找



Unit3 Could you please clean your room?

Section A

重点短语 help sb. (to ) d o /with sth 帮助某人干某事

go out for dinner 出去吃饭 bring a tent带顶帐篷来

stay out late 在外面待到很晚 buy some snacks买些小吃

go to the movies 去看电影 go to the store去商店

get a ride 搭车 invite sb. to a party邀请某人参加聚会

work on 从事 make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事

finish doing sth. 完成做某事 enough stress足够的压力

clean and tidy 干净整洁 waste of timedo the dishes 洗餐具 in order totake out the rubbish 倒垃圾 get good grades

fold your/the clothes 叠衣服

sweep the floor 扫地 依赖;

make your/the bed 整理床铺 clean the living room 打扫客厅

no problem 没问题

welcome sb. 欢迎某人 做某人分内的事

come home fro m school/ work放学/下班回家

throw down 扔下 ..do sth. ?

sit down 坐下 please clean your room?你能整理

come over 过来

take sb. for a walk 我必须干些活。

all the time 一直;总是 all day/evening 整曰/夜 I use your computer?我可以用一下你

do housework 的电脑吗?

shout back 4. She won’ t be happy if she sees this mess.

walk away 如果她看到这样乱七八糟的话,她会不高兴


5. For one week, she did not do any

in surprise housework and neither did I.【could,you,please,clean,your,room课文】


watch one show 样。

hang out 闲逛 6. My mom came over as soon as I sat down

pass sb. sth. 把某物传给某人 in front of the T V .

lend sb. sth. 把某物借给某人 我一在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。

get sth. wet 使某物弄湿 7. hate + ( to do/ doing) sth.

hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事 I hate to do chores.

do chores 做杂务

1.Peter ,could you please the trash? 彼得,你能把垃圾倒了吗?

【解析1】Could you please do sth ?请你(做)......好吗? 用于提出请求,希望得到对方的肯定回答,说话的语气比较客气委婉。

【常用答语】肯定回答:Sure./ Of course./ Certainly./No problem.否定回答: Sorry , I can’t

【解析2】take out 取出(v+ adv)

【注】: 跟代词做宾语,代词放中间; 跟名词做宾语,可放在中间,也可放在后边

【短语】take out the trash 倒垃圾 take a walk 散步 take away 拿走,取走

2. Can you ?那你可以洗盘子吗?do the dishes 洗碗

【结构1】do the +名词: do the dishes/ laundry 洗餐具/衣服

【结构2】do the +动词-ing do the cleaning 打扫卫生

【结构3】do one’s + 名词 do one’s housework/ homework 做家务/家庭作业

【结构4】do some +动词-ing do some reading/ shopping 读写书/购物

【拓展】take 构成的短语:

take a walk 去散步 take a rest 休息 take care of 照顾 take off 脱下;起飞

take up 占据 take down 拿下 take one’s time 不急;慢慢来

take one’s temperature 量体温

I sat down the TV, my mom .


【解析1】the minute = as soon as “一...... 就......” Please write to me the minute you get there.

【解析2】 in front of

There is a bike in front of the classroom.

Our teacher is standing in the front of the classroom

【记】 The driver sat ________________ the car.


【解析】neither +助动词/系动词/情态动词 +主语 “某人(主语) 也不”

⑴ neither两者都不 neither …nor… 既不…也不…,

连接两个词做主语,谓语动词由后一个主语确定Neither Tom nor Jim is a student

⑵ 表达“…也不……” 则用 “Neither /Nor + be / V助 / V情 + 主”

10. The next day , my mom came home from work to 第二天,妈妈下班回到家后发现房间很干净、整洁。

【解析】find +宾语+宾语补足语

【注】find → found →found v寻找 (1) find sb. doing sth 发现某人做某事

◆find it difficult/ hard to do sth 发现做某事很困难

11. She asked .她吃惊地问道。

【解析】in surprise 惊奇地;吃惊地

12. “ I’m do sorry, Mom. I finish understand that we to the housework to have a clean and comfortable home.” I replied. “对不起,妈妈。我终于理解为了拥有一个干净、舒适的家我们需要共同来分担家务。” 我回答说。

【解析1】need v 需要用于肯定句,是实义动词。

【拓展】 (1)try on 试穿(2) try to do sth 努力做某事 【侧重尽力做】

17. I 我讨厌做家务。

【解析】hate to do sth 讨厌做某事, 表示某次具体行为或动作。 I hate to trouble him. She hates smoking in her room.

18.Could I with some chores then? 那我能请求你帮我做些杂活吗?

【解析】ask sb. to do sth 要求某人做某事。

(1)ask sb. for help 向某人请求帮助 请求某人做某事



【2013 湖北黄冈3】40.—Could I borrow your camera?

— ___________,but please give it back by Saturday.

A. I am sorry B. Of course C. Certainly not D. No, thanks

【2013潍坊】3. I have two sisters, but ________of them is a teacher.

A. all B. neither C. both D. none

2013临沂1】21. When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should go to an open


Unit3 Could you please clean your room?

Section A

1. Peter ,could you please the trash? 彼得,你能把垃圾倒了吗?

【解析1】Could you please do sth ?请你(做)......好吗? 用于提出请求,希望得到对方的肯定回答,说话的语气比较客气委婉。

【常用答语】肯定回答:Sure./ Of course./ Certainly./No problem.否定回答: Sorry , I can’t

【解析2】take out 取出(v+ adv)


take 的用法:

It takes me two hours to do my homework every day.

【拓展】take 构成的短语:

take a walk 去散步 take a rest 休息 take care of 照顾 take off 脱下;起飞

take up 占据 take down 拿下 take one’s time 不急;慢慢来

take one’s temperature 量体温 I sat down the TV, my mom .


【解析1】the minute = as soon as “一...... 就......” Please write to me the minute you get there.

【解析2】 in front of

time and time again 一再;经常 last time上次 next time 下次

8. I’m just you are! 我和你一样累!

【解析】as...as ... 和......一样......


【解析】考查主谓一致和动词时态。题干主语中心词为介词短语as well as之前的musician, 故


9. For one week , she did not do any housework and .


【解析】neither +助动词/系动词/情态动词 +主语 “某人(主语) 也不”

⑴ neither两者都不 neither …nor… 既不…也不…,

连接两个词做主语,谓语动词由后一个主语确定Neither Tom nor Jim is a student

⑵ 表达“…也不……” 则用 “Neither /Nor + be / V助 / V情 + 主”

10. The next day , my mom came home from work to 第二天,妈妈下班回到家后发现房间很干净、整洁。

【解析】find +宾语+宾语补足语

【注】find → found →found v寻找 (1) find sb. doing sth 发现某人做某事

◆find it difficult/ hard to do sth 发现做某事很困难

11. She asked .她吃惊地问道。

【解析】in surprise 惊奇地;吃惊地

He doesn’【记】 I want to __________ a bike from my friend but he didn’t ____ it to me,

Because Tom had _____ it for two days.

16. I cut my finger and I’m it wet.我的手指割伤了,伤口不能弄湿。

【解析】try (not) to do sth努力(不)做某事。

【拓展】 (1)try on 试穿(2) try to do sth 努力做某事 【侧重尽力做】

17. I 我讨厌做家务。

【解析】hate to do sth 讨厌做某事, 表示某次具体行为或动作。 I hate to trouble him. She hates smoking in her room.

18.Could I with some chores then? 那我能请求你帮我做些杂活吗?

【解析】ask sb. to do sth 要求某人做某事。

(1)ask sb. for help 向某人请求帮助 请求某人做某事

You should refuse his __________(invite) .He is really friendly.

①We invited him _______(join) us to practice speaking English.

②He invited a lot of friends _________(come) to his birthday party.

2. No, you have a party. 不, 你不能举办聚会。3. I don’t understand why some parents with housework and chores at home. 我不理解为什么有些父母在家让孩子们帮忙做家务和杂务。

【解析】make sb. do sth 让某人做某事make → made →made v. 做, 制作, 使得


make sure 确信 make a dialogue编对话

make a mistake犯错误(by mistake由于疏忽)

make a noise吵闹 make faces做鬼脸

make friends (with)和..交朋友 make room for给..让地方

make tea沏茶 make money赚钱 make a decision作出决定

make the bed 整理床铺 make a living 谋生 make fun of = laugh at 取笑

4. They don’t and do housework,too 他们也没有时间来学习家务和做家务。

【解析】have time to do sth.有时间做某事have time =be free 有空

5. Housework is their time. 做家务是在浪费他们的时间。

【解析】a waste of 浪费a waste of time 浪费时间 a waste of money 浪费金钱

⑴ get+adj较多地与形容词比较级连用。The days are getting longer and longer.

⑵ become 强调变化的结果 It's becoming colder and colder.

⑶go+adj.''表示令人不快的事情 go bad变坏,go blind变瞎,go hungry挨饿

8. It is the parents’ job to clean and comfortable environment at home their children. 在家为孩子们提供一个干净、舒适的环境是父母的义务。

【解析】provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物

相当于:offer sb. sth. = offer sth to sb.



Unit3 Could you please clean your room?

Section A

重点短语 help sb. (to ) d o /with sth 帮助某人干某事

go out for dinner 出去吃饭 bring a tent带顶帐篷来

stay out late 在外面待到很晚 buy some snacks买些小吃

go to the movies 去看电影 go to the store去商店

get a ride 搭车 invite sb. to a party邀请某人参加聚会

work on 从事 make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事

finish doing sth. 完成做某事 enough stress足够的压力

clean and tidy 干净整洁 waste of timedo the dishes 洗餐具 in order totake out the rubbish 倒垃圾 get good grades

fold your/the clothes 叠衣服

sweep the floor 扫地 依赖;

make your/the bed 整理床铺 clean the living room 打扫客厅

no problem 没问题

welcome sb. 欢迎某人 做某人分内的事

come home fro m school/ work放学/下班回家

throw down 扔下 ..do sth. ?

sit down 坐下 please clean your room?你能整理

come over 过来

take sb. for a walk 我必须干些活。

all the time 一直;总是 all day/evening 整曰/夜 I use your computer?我可以用一下你

do housework 的电脑吗?

shout back 4. She won’ t be happy if she sees this mess.

walk away 如果她看到这样乱七八糟的话,她会不高兴


5. For one week, she did not do any

in surprise housework and neither did I.


watch one show 样。

hang out 闲逛 6. My mom came over as soon as I sat down

pass sb. sth. 把某物传给某人 in front of the T V .

lend sb. sth. 把某物借给某人 我一在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。

get sth. wet 使某物弄湿 7. hate + ( to do/ doing) sth.

hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事 I hate to do chores.

do chores 做杂务

1.Peter ,could you please the trash? 彼得,你能把垃圾倒了吗?

【解析1】Could you please do sth ?请你(做)......好吗? 用于提出请求,希望得到对方的肯定回答,说话的语气比较客气委婉。

【常用答语】肯定回答:Sure./ Of course./ Certainly./No problem.否定回答: Sorry , I can’t

【解析2】take out 取出(v+ adv)

【注】: 跟代词做宾语,代词放中间; 跟名词做宾语,可放在中间,也可放在后边

【短语】take out the trash 倒垃圾 take a walk 散步 take away 拿走,取走

2. Can you ?那你可以洗盘子吗?do the dishes 洗碗

【结构1】do the +名词: do the dishes/ laundry 洗餐具/衣服

【结构2】do the +动词-ing do the cleaning 打扫卫生

【结构3】do one’s + 名词 do one’s housework/ homework 做家务/家庭作业

【结构4】do some +动词-ing do some reading/ shopping 读写书/购物

【拓展】take 构成的短语:

take a walk 去散步 take a rest 休息 take care of 照顾 take off 脱下;起飞

take up 占据 take down 拿下 take one’s time 不急;慢慢来

take one’s temperature 量体温

I sat down the TV, my mom .


【解析1】the minute = as soon as “一...... 就......” Please write to me the minute you get there.

【解析2】 in front of

There is a bike in front of the classroom.

Our teacher is standing in the front of the classroom

【记】 The driver sat ________________ the car.


【解析】neither +助动词/系动词/情态动词 +主语 “某人(主语) 也不”

⑴ neither两者都不 neither …nor… 既不…也不…,

连接两个词做主语,谓语动词由后一个主语确定Neither Tom nor Jim is a student

⑵ 表达“…也不……” 则用 “Neither /Nor + be / V助 / V情 + 主”

10. The next day , my mom came home from work to 第二天,妈妈下班回到家后发现房间很干净、整洁。

【解析】find +宾语+宾语补足语

【注】find → found →found v寻找 (1) find sb. doing sth 发现某人做某事

◆find it difficult/ hard to do sth 发现做某事很困难

11. She asked .她吃惊地问道。

【解析】in surprise 惊奇地;吃惊地

12. “ I’m do sorry, Mom. I finish understand that we to the housework to have a clean and comfortable home.” I replied. “对不起,妈妈。我终于理解为了拥有一个干净、舒适的家我们需要共同来分担家务。” 我回答说。

【解析1】need v 需要用于肯定句,是实义动词。

【拓展】 (1)try on 试穿(2) try to do sth 努力做某事 【侧重尽力做】

17. I 我讨厌做家务。

【解析】hate to do sth 讨厌做某事, 表示某次具体行为或动作。 I hate to trouble him. She hates smoking in her room.

18.Could I with some chores then? 那我能请求你帮我做些杂活吗?

【解析】ask sb. to do sth 要求某人做某事。

(1)ask sb. for help 向某人请求帮助 请求某人做某事


【2013 湖北黄冈3】40.—Could I borrow your camera?

— ___________,but please give it back by Saturday.

A. I am sorry B. Of course C. Certainly not D. No, thanks

【2013潍坊】3. I have two sisters, but ________of them is a teacher.

A. all B. neither C. both D. none

2013临沂1】21. When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should go to an open

could,you,please,clean,your,room课文相关热词搜索:clean your room could you please课文



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