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导读: 八年级英语Unit,8,A,green,world,教案(共5篇)江苏新教材牛津英语八年级下Unit 8 A green world 教案新牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit 8 A green world 导学案Unit 8 A green world 导学案【学习目标】Read and learn sth about Green Switzerland【重点难点...


江苏新教材牛津英语八年级下Unit 8 A green world 教案

新牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit 8 A green world 导学案

Unit 8 A green world 导学案

【学习目标】Read and learn sth about Green Switzerland

【重点难点】How to read and know the main meaning about the passage.



1.尽力让它一直保持那样_____________________2. even old clothes_____________________ 3.一个有高山的国家 ________________________4. for recycling clothes___________

5. 被分开成不同的组________________________6.挡住某人的路_____________________ 7. keep your voice down_______________________8. 对某人有帮助____________________ 9. talk about the weather ____________________ 10. 恰当的方式_____________________ 11. all the time________________________ 12.大声地喊或笑____________________ 13 greet close friends____________________ 14.避免像年龄的话题_________________ 15. for the first time_____________________ 16. 是足够的礼貌的去等________________ 17.any other tips___________________________ 18.一些别的东西 _____________________ 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. In France, things like glass, plastic and paper are ____________ (separate) into different groups.

2. It is important for us to protect nature ______________ (wise). 3. Sorry, you’re not allowed _____________ (talk) aloud. 4. A lot of paper toys will ______________ (sell) in charity shops. 5. ______________ (luck), he didn’t pass the exam.

6. All the students are _____________ (separate) into four groups for the competition. 7. The air ______________ (pollute) is much more serious than before.8. If you park your car in a wrong place, you ______________ (fine). 【合作探究】


( ) 1. It is a beautiful building _______ a big garden and many trees.

A. with B. without C. have D. has

( ) 2. _______ people went out to see what happened. A. Hundreds of B. Three hundred of C. Hundred of D. three hundreds ( ) 3. There are many way _______ the maths problem

A. work out B. working out C. worked out D. to work out

( ) 4. The game is very _______ and she’s _______ in it.

A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interested C. interested, interesting D. interesting, interested

( ) 5 --- What should we do to reduce food waste?

--- In a restaurant only order as _______ as we need and try to eat it up. A. much B. more C. most D. the most

( ) 6. Many trees _______ on the streets every year. So the air is every fresh now.

A. plant B. are planted C. planted D. were planted

( ) 7. As one of the school rules, middle school students are not _______ to smoke.

A. ordered B. refused C. allowed D. forbidden

( ) 8. If farmers _______ trees and forests, giant pandas _______ nowhere to live.

A. cut down, have B. will cut down, will have C. will cut down, have D. cut down, will have

【巩固延伸】 四、完形填空

When you were young, who rode you around on the back of his bike? Who played football and your first difficult maths problem? Who Day. So The idea of Father’s Day came from a(n) lady called Sonora Smart Dodd in 1909. She wanted a special day to hchild. Dodd thought there needed to be a day to honour great and loving dads. Her father was , so she chose to hold the first Father’s Day celebration on his birthday in 1910. In 1924, US president Calvin the idea of a national Father’s Day. Finally, in 1966, the third Sunday in June was named Father’s Day. There your love and thanks.

a greeting card. Usually fathers prefer cards that are not too emotional(易动感情的). So perhaps choose one that will make him 12 .

make him feel like a king. the red rose is the official Father’s Day flower.

If he has a . cover his desktop with words like “I love you, Dad.” ( )1.A.with

B. to

C. for


D. by

( )2.A.old and young B. big and small ( )3.A.Mother’s ( )4.A.easy ( )5.A.British ( )6.A.when ( )7.A.third ( )9.A.liked ( )11.A.her ( )12.A.cry【八年级英语Unit,8,A,green,world,教案】

B. Father’s B. special B. Japanese

B. fourth B. disliked B. to bring B. you B. can

B. jump B. books

C. right and wrong D. long and short C. Children’s

C. Chinese

D. Women’s

D. hard D. American D. sixth D. wanted D. to say D. him D. laugh D. need D. shoes D. bike

C. strange C. after C. fifth

B. until D. before

( )8.A.on July 19 B. on May 19 ( )10.A.to take

C. on June 19

C. needed C. to show C. me

C. shout C. must C. must C. car

D. in July

( )13.A.should ( )14.A.flowers ( )15.A.watch

B. computer

牛津译林版八年级下Unit8 A green world教学案

公开课优质课牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 8 A green world教案3

Unit 8 A Green World 教案




1、 词汇:pollute, living

2、 词组:clean up




Step 1 导入:

1、 教师带领学生回顾被动语态的一般现在时和一般过去时,将下面句子写在黑板上,并将划线部分用红色标出。

(1) Trees are planted by the students in March every year.

(2) The little girl was saves by a policeman.

(3) Many tall buildings were bulit last year.

2、 教师带领学生复习被动语态的一般现在时和一般过去时。

Step 2 呈现:

1、 教师通过复习Reading部分的内容引出被动语态的一般将来时。教师问:What’ll happen if you cut down a tree in Switzerland?让学生用完整的句式回答:down a tree in Switzerland.教师继续问:What will happen if you drop litter in a public place in Switzerland?让学生用完整的句式回答:the police if we drop litter in a public place in Switzerland.教师将句子写在黑板上,并将划线部分用红色标红。

2、 教师可以举出更多的例子:

The classroom will be going to be cleaned by Tom tomorrow.

The sports meeting will be going to be held next month.

More trees will be planted by our school next year.

3、 教师引导学生朗读并体会被动语态的一般将来时的含义和用法,让学生分析并自主归纳句子用法。

4、 通过主动语态和被动语态之间的对比,帮助学生进一步理解被动语态的结构。 Step 3 操练:

1、 教师呈现多个主动语态的一般将来时句子,让学生将其改成被动语态。

2、 学生两人一组完成A部分的练习。

3、 让四位学生分别朗读四个句子,全班核对后集体朗读。

4、 向学生介绍B部分的情境,指导学生完成练习,教师说:Lisa is telling her cousin Harry about a show that will be held in this Environment Week. Help Lisa answer Harry’s questions using the passive voice.鼓励学生独立完成,然后集体核对答案。

5、 学生独立完成”Work out the rule!”

6、 学生两人一组完成C部分的练习,全班核对答案并集体朗读短文。

Step 4 活动:

1、 教师提供两个话题,让学生两人一组选择其中一个,用被动语态的一般将来时进行讨论。 (!)A field trip

(2)A charity show


Step 5 家庭作业:

1、 记忆词汇和词组。

2、 分别写出五个被动语态的一般将来时的句子。

新牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit 8 A green world 学案

Unit 8 Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit学案



1. be good for意为“对„有好处”,反义短语为“be bad for”。

e.g. Reading more books _____________________you. 多读书对你有好处。

2. be busy doing sth意为“忙于做某事”;be busy with sth意为“忙于某事”。

e.g. He __________________________his homework. 他每天忙于做他的家庭作业。

3. used to do sth意为“过去常常做某事”;be/get used to doing sth意为“习惯于做某事”;be used to do sth意为“被用来做某事”。

e.g. I ________________________ walk home. 我过去常常步行回家。


He _______________________________ every day. 他习惯于每天读书。

Computers ______________________ search for information. 计算机被用来搜寻信息。

4. remember to do sth意为“记得要去做某事”;remember doing sth意为“记得做过某事”。 e.g. ____________________ before you leave the classroom. 离开教室前,记得要把灯关了。








1. My dog is d______________ a big hole in the garden.

2. Please remember to t_________________ off the lights when you leave the room.

3. Mr Green u_________ to be a teacher, but now he is a doctor.

4. --- What is wrong with the boy? --- Nothing s__________, just a cold.

5. We should try our best to ______________ (减少) the pollution.

6. Bad weather may ________________ (引起) natural disasters.

7. It’s _____________ (明智的) to bring an umbrella with you.


8. We can save energy by _______________ (循环利用) waste.


1. _____________ (plant) trees is good for our environment.

2. Don’t worry. We still have some time ____________ (leave).

3. My brother is too young ____________ (go) to school.

4. The government should take action ______________ (protect) the environment.

5. We can reduce air pollution by _____________ (walk).

6. We can save water by taking ___________ (short) showers.

7. She is ____________ (serious) hurt in an accident in order to save a student.

8. Nothing can prevent us from ______________ (realize) our dreams.

9. The bike __________ (mend) by Uncle Li last week.

10. She tells me that she ___________ (visit) different countries next month.


( ) 1. Most of the cases can ____________ in the beginning.

A. prevent B. be prevented C. preventing D. prevented

( ) 2. Remember ____________ the letter for me on the way home.

A. to post B. post C. posted D. posting

( ) 3. __________ energy, turn off the hot water after you take a shower.

A. Save B. Saving C. Saved D. To save

( ) 4. It’s generous ____________ you to donate for the charities.

A. for B. of C. to D. from

( ) 5. We should do everything we can _____________ the environment.

A. protected B. protecting C. to protect D. protect

( ) 6. --- Is there a sports meeting in your school? --- Yes. It _______ in November every year.

A. holds B. held C. will be held D. is held

( ) 7. It’s difficult for me ___________ English well.

A. learn B. learned C. to learn D. learning

( ) 8. Nobody told us _______________.

A. what to do it B. how to do C. where to do D. when to do it

( ) 9. Students in our school can practise their English __________ joining the English club.

A. by B. in C. on D. with

( ) 10. --- I hope you can help me with my English this evening. --- ___________.

A. Certainly not B. Yes, I’m busy C. I hope not D. Sorry, I’m afraid not


一、句型转换。 对划线部分提问) ____________________________

2. The little girl can read and write. (改为否定句) ______________________________________ 3. We took the underground to Beihai Park yesterday. (改为同义句) ________________________

4. We can protect the environment. We save water. (合并为一句) __________________________ 对划线部分提问) ______________________________

6. There was a pond here in the past. (改为同义句)_____________________________________


1. 我们能够通过骑自行车减少污染。_______________________________________________

2. 当我们离开房间的时候,我们应该记得要把灯关了。_______________________________

3. 我爸爸过去常常开车送我上学。_________________________________________________

4. 越来越多的家庭拥有了汽车,这就造成了严重的空气污染。_________________________

5. 糟糕的天气引起了这起交通事故。_______________________________________________

6. 对我们来说选择公共交通是明智的。_____________________________________________


The environment is becoming worse and worse. There are many kinds of pollution that I worry

(1)a_________. The most serious two are (2)n_________ pollution and air pollution, because people can’t live (3)h__________ with polluted air. Animals can’t live in the world, (4)e________. More and more people are becoming (5)i_________ because of polluted air.

I think factories should not (6)p_________ dirty water into rivers directly. We’d better go on foot or by bike (7)i___________ by bus. (8)F_________, everyone must pay attention to rubbish pollution. If everyone makes so much rubbish, one day we may live in a world (9)f_________ of rubbish. How terrible it will be! We should take (10)a________ to make our world cleaner and

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