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奥巴马独立日演讲: 让世界知道我们是最好国家!

2016-07-04 16:43:41 编辑:zhangyanqing 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   奥巴马利用每周讲话时间纪念美国独立日的到来,他提醒大家牢记美国历史上无数为国家做出贡献和牺牲的人,这包括建国的国父们,一直到当 ...

  奥巴马利用每周讲话时间纪念美国独立日的到来,他提醒大家牢记美国历史上无数为国家做出贡献和牺牲的人,这包括建国的国父们,一直到当今在海内外为国服役的男女将士们。中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 小编为大家整理的相关的奥巴马独立日演讲: 让世界知道我们是最好国家!供大家参考选择。

  奥巴马独立日演讲: 让世界知道我们是最好国家!


  Hi everybody, and Happy Fourth of July weekend. On Monday, Michelle, Malia, Sasha, and I will celebrate the Fourth like most of you – in the backyard. We’ll hang out with family and friends, throw some burgers and dogs on the grill, and watch the fireworks show.

  Of course, we’re fortunate enough to have the South Lawn as our backyard. So we’re also going to fill it with hundreds of our troops, our veterans, and their families. Over the past seven and a half years, it’s become one of my favorite traditions. We get to celebrate our freedoms while doing what we can to honor all those who serve and sacrifice to make that freedom possible.

  And I know that honoring our service members, our veterans, and their families is something that so many Americans try to do every day, without fanfare, or expectation of anything in return.

  For the past five years, Michelle and Dr. Jill Biden have tried to follow the example of so many of those Americans with their Joining Forces initiative. They’ve rallied businesses to hire more than 1.2 million veterans and military spouses, and helped reduce veteran homelessness. And just this week, Michelle and Jill announced a breakthrough on a concern they’ve heard again and again from the military spouses they spend so much time with – and that’s the issue of professional licensing.

  This is something that most Americans aren’t familiar with. But for military families, it’s a big challenge. Here’s why. Our troops are often transferred from base to base. It’s part of the job. And because their families serve with them, that means their spouses move ten times more often than the rest of us. Ten times more often. That’s tough on a career. And more than one in three of these spouses works in a profession that requires a professional license or certification. Nurses. Childcare providers. Accountants. Social workers. And lots of other jobs.

  And until recently, when these spouses were asked to move across state lines, they often needed to re-certify for a job they’re already qualified for. A nurse with years of experience might have to take entry-level classes, or pay a fee, or wait months for paperwork to be processed before he or she could get back to work on the job they love and that lets them support their families.

  It didn’t make any sense. So we changed it. When Michelle and Jill took up this cause five years ago, only three states had taken action on military spouse licensing. But they rallied governors and state legislatures to action. And this week, we reached a milestone. Today, all fifty states have acted to streamline many of these licensing issues. This is a big step forward, but we’re not done yet. We’re going to keep working with states to make licensing simpler for more jobs and reach more qualified workers. But we can finally say to so many of our military families – when you move, you’ll no longer be forced to put the career you love on hold just because you and your families have chosen to serve this country.

  That’s what this is about – serving our men and women in uniform as well as they have served us. But you don’t have to be a governor or a First Lady to make a difference. So this holiday weekend, take a look at JoiningForces.gov to find out how you can serve the troops, veterans, and military families in your community.

  And to all our brave men and women in uniform – you represent the best of who we are as a nation. On this day and every day, we thank you.

  Thanks everybody. Have a great Fourth of July.


  Hi, everybody. I hope you're all having a great Fourth of July weekend.


  I want to begin today by saying a special word to the U.S. Men’s Soccer Team, who represented America so well the past few weeks. We are so proud of you. You’ve got a lot of new believers. And I know there’s actually a petition on the White House website to make Tim Howard the next Secretary of Defense. Chuck Hagel’s got that spot right now, but if there is a vacancy, I’ll think about it.


  It was 238 years ago that our founders came together in Philadelphia to launch our American experiment. There were farmers and businessmen, doctors and lawyers, ministers and a kite-flying scientist.


  Those early patriots may have come from different backgrounds and different walks of life. But they were united by a belief in a simple truth -- that we are all created equal; that we are all endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights; and that among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


  Over the years, that belief has sustained us through war and depression; peace and prosperity. It’s helped us build the strongest democracy, the greatest middle class, and the most powerful military the world has ever known. And today, there isn’t a nation on Earth that wouldn’t gladly trade places with the United States of America.


  But our success is only possible because we have never treated those self-evident truths as self-executing. Generations of Americans have marched, organized, petitioned, fought and even died to extend those rights to others; to widen the circle of opportunity for others; and to perfect this union we love so much.


  That’s why I want to say a special thanks to the men and women of our armed forces and the families who serve with them -- especially those service members who spent this most American of holidays serving your country far from home.


  You keep us safe, and you keep the United States of America a shining beacon of hope for the world. And for that, you and your families deserve not only the appreciation of a grateful nation, but our enduring commitment to serve you as well as you’ve served us.


  God bless you all. And have a great weekend.



  Hi everybody. I hope you all had a safe and happy Fourth of July, filled with parades, cookouts, fireworks and family reunions.


  We celebrated at the White House with a few hundred members of the military and their families. And we took a moment amid the festivities to remember what our Independence Day is all about – what happened 237 years ago, and what it meant to the world.


  On July 4th, 1776, a small band of patriots declared that we were a people created equal – free to think and worship and live as we please. It was a declaration heard around the world – that we were no longer colonists, we were Americans, and our destiny would not be determined for us; it would be determined by us.


  It was a bold and tremendously brave thing to do. It was also nearly unthinkable. At that time, kings and princes and emperors ruled the world. But those patriots were certain that a better way was possible. And to achieve it – to win their freedom – they were willing to lay it all on the line. Their lives. Their fortunes. Their sacred honor.


  They fought a revolution. Few would have bet on our side to win. But for the first of many times to come, America proved the doubters wrong.


  And now, 237 years later, the United States – this improbable nation– is the greatest in the world. A land of liberty and opportunity. A global defender of peace and freedom. A beacon of hope to people everywhere who cherish those ideals.


  Generations of Americans made our country what it is today – farmers and teachers, engineers and laborers, entrepreneurs and elected leaders – people from all walks of life, from all parts of the world, all pulling in the same direction.


  And now we, the people, must make their task our own – to live up to the words of that Declaration of Independence, and secure liberty and opportunity for our own children, and for future generations.


  I want to say a special word of thanks to the men and women of our military, who have played such a vital role in the story of our nation. You have defended us at home and abroad. And you have fought on our nation ’ s behalf to make the world a better, safer place. People in scattered corners of the world are living in peace today, free to write their own futures, because of you. We are grateful for your service and your sacrifice, especially those still serving in harm’s way and your families here at home.


  So, God bless you all. And may God bless the United States of America.


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