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todd was rather looking forward

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todd was rather looking forward篇一:2011上海中考二模卷第三部分 回答问题

E. Answer the question(根据短文内容回答下列问题):(14分)

Quite a few people believe that the phases of the moon(月相)affect the behavior of human and other creatures. That is known as the lunar effect(月相效应). The lunar effect has been around for many centuries. The power of the moon is often used to explain a wide range of events, such as human insanity(精神错乱), and increases in violent crimes(暴力犯罪) and traffic accidents. According to some traditions, for example, before the coming of modern techniques, surgeons(外科医生) would refuse to operate on the full moon nights because of the increased risk of death of the patient through blood loss. The idea behind the lunar effect ahs even found its way into the news. For example, it has been said that the full moon may have influenced voters‟(选民)behavior in the 2000 U.S. presidential election(总统大选).

Does the moon affect our behavior at all? Some people say it does. They say the moon causes the tides, so surely that the moon has an effect on people and we ourselves are full of the water, too. But scientists point out that the moon only affects unrestrained(不受控制的) waters, such as oceans. The water in our bodies isn‟t even comparable(可比较). And over fifty years of research has shown nothing to prove the existence(存在) of a causative(引起联系的) link between the moon and areas such as mental illness, birth rates, crime, or accidents.

There is an explanation for why people link the full moon to unusual human behavior. The reason is that people have

selective memories(选择性记忆). When something unusual happens and there is a full moon, people might notice the moon and think it is to be blamed.

99. What do quite a few people believe?

100. What is used to explain wide range of events?

101. Why would surgeons refuse to operate on the full moon nights?

102. Do some people say that the moon affect our behavior?

103. Scientists hardly agree that the moon affect people‟s behavior, do they?

104. How long has the research on the lunar effect been done?

105. Why do people link the full moon to unusual human behavior?

This letter was sent to a newspaper in Germany

13 October

Dear editor

I am writing to ask what has happened to our youth. They are not as polite, hard-working or clever as my generation(一代人)。 I will give you two examples.

Last Friday, I got on the underground at 9.15a.m. It was very busy so there were no free seats. There were some teenagers sitting on the seats nearest me. I don‟t know why they were not at school. They were talking loudly and laughing. It was difficult to read my newspaper with all the noise. A heavily pregnant(怀孕的) woman and her daughter got on at the next stop, with lots of shopping bags. I expected the teenagers to let them sit down. They saw the woman but did nothing. I had to ask them to give her a seat. They reluctantly(勉强地)did so but give me a rude look. I got off at the next stop and was glad that the teenagers didn‟t follow me.

Last Saturday, I had dinner with my friend‟s family. I was looking forward to meeting his children, who I hadn‟t seen for ten years. During dinner, we started talking world politics. It soon became clear that they didn‟t know much. They couldn‟t tell me the name or the King of Spain or the President of Italy. All they knew about was the internet and which singers were the most beautiful. In my day, students knew the kings, queens and presidents of every country in Europe.

I worry about the future of Germany. How could these young people become responsible workers and parents? They sit around Macdonald‟s after instead of going the library like I did at their age. Maybe they have too much money. Perhaps another reader can give us an idea about what to do with this „lost generation‟.

Franz Vogts


99. In what three ways dose Mr.Vogts think young people today are worse than young people before?

They are not as as young people before.

100. What were the teenagers near Mr.Vogts doing?

They were .

101. What did Mr.Vogts think should happen when a pregnant woman got on the train?

He thought the young people

102. How do you the teenagers were not satisfied with Mr.Vogts?


103. Who did the writer have dinner with?


104. Was Mr.Vogts satisfied with his friend‟s children?

, .

105. Why did Mr.Vogts write the letter?


Annie Oakley was born in 1860 in Ohio. Living on a farm, she quickly learned to shoot (射击). When only 9 years old, she brought in small animals to the family table. By 16, she was selling some of the animals she shot for food. Thus she helped pay off the mortgage (按揭) on the family farm.

One day in 1876, Annie heard of famous Frank Butler. He was travelling about the country performing his shooting on stage. He often accepted challenges(挑战)from people who thought they could outshoot him, but they almost never did. When Annie heard about him, she became excited. "I'll bet I can beat him," she thought. There was only one way to find out. She would challenge him. But would he accept a challenge from a girl? A girl who was only 16? He did accept. It was a close match, but Annie won by a single point. Impressed with Annie's skill, Butler asked her to join his show. She did, and she soon became not only the star of the show but also Mrs. Butler.

Some years later, Annie and Frank joined the famous Buffalo Bill Wild West Show. The cowboys, Native Americans, Pony Express riders, bucking broncos, and stagecoaches each gave their performance. But the favourite of the audiences was usually Annie Oakley. Annie's fame (名声)spread far and wide. To show her excellent skill, she shot in half a playing card from 30 paces and consistently shot a dime flipped in the air. Most breathtaking of all was her shooting off a cigarette held between her husband's lips.

Many stones grew about Annie s shooting ability. The following story is rather exaggerated(夸张). One afternoon, Annie saw a raccoon(浣熊)alone up a tree. She quickly clapped her gun to her shoulder and was about to shoot when the raccoon lifted a paw and said, "Is your name Annie Oakley?

"You're right," .Annie said.

“Then,” said the raccoon, “you can let down your gun. I may as well come down.” With that the animal walked right down from the tree because he considered himself shot.

99. How did Annie Oakley help pay off the mortgage on the family farm? She did it by____________________________________________. 100. How old was Annie Oakley when she challenged Frank Butler? 101. Did Annie Oakley beat Frank Butler in the close match?

102. What was the relationship between Annie Oakley and Frank Butler later?

103. How many show items did Buffalo Bill Wild West Show put up for their audience?

104. Why did she shoot off a cigarette held between her husband's lips?

105. What does the story about the raccoon tell us?

Todd was rather looking forward to his first journey by underground in London. He had heard a great deal about it from his friends who had already been to England. They all advised him not to travel alone the first time. But Todd is the kind of person who never listens to anyone's advice.

Todd entered the station shortly after five in the afternoon. This is a bad time to travel in London, by both bus and train,

because crowds of people go home from work at this hour. He had to join a long queue (队伍) of people waiting for tickets. When at last his turn came, he had some difficulty making the man understand the name of the station he wanted to go to. The people behind him began to complain impatiently at the delay. However, he got the right ticket in the end and, by asking several people the way, he also found the right platform, which was already packed tight with people. He did not manage to get on the first train, but he was able to move nearer to .the edge of the platform so as to be in a better position to get on the next one. When later train came, Todd was swept forward onto the train by the rush of the people from behind. The doors closed and the train moved off before he was able to get his breath back. He was unable to see the names of the stations where the train stopped, but he had counted the number of stops so that he knew exactly where to get off. His station was the sixth along the line.

When the train reached the sixth station, he got off, feeling relieved that his journey had been so easy. But he was surprised to see that he had got off at a station that he had never heard of! He explained his difficulty to a man standing on the platform. With a look of amusement on his face, the man told Todd he had traveled on a train going in the wrong direction.

99. Was Todd's first journey by underground successful?

__________, ________________________

100. Why is it a bad time to travel shortly after five in the afternoon in London?


101. What difficulty did Todd have when he was buying the ticket?

102. How was the train which Todd got on?


103. How did Todd know where to get off?

104. The man on the platform looked amused when Todd told his difficulty lo him, didn't he?

105. What do you learn from Todd's experience?

__________, ________________________

The hardworking blacksmith(铁匠)Jones used to work all day in his shop. The son of Mr. Smith, a rich neighbour, used to come to see the blacksmith every day and for hours and hours he would enjoy himself watching how the blacksmith worked. “Young man ,why don‟t you try your hand to learn to make shoe tacks(铁钉),even if it is only to pass the time?” said the blacksmith. “Who knows, one day, it may be useful to you.”

The lazy boy began to see what he could do. But after a little practice he found that he was becoming very skilled and soon he was making some of the finest tacks.

Old Mr. Smith died and the son lost all his things because of the war .He had to leave home and live in another country. It happened that in this village there were many shoemakers spending a lot of money buying tacks for their shoes and sometimes even when they paid high prices they were not always able to get what they wanted, because in that part of the country there was a great need of tacks for soldiers‟ shoes.

Young Mr. Smith remembered that he had learned how to make shoe tacks before, so he had a talk with the shoemakers. He told them that he would make the tacks if they would help him to found that he was making the finest shoe tacks in the village.

“How funny it seems,” he used to say, “Even by making shoe tacks, one can become rich. My business is more useful to me now than all my riches in the past.”

98. What was Jones‟ job?

He _____________________________________________________.

99. Young Mr. Smith was Jones‟ son, wasn‟t he?


100. Why did Jones ask young Mr. Smith to learn to make shoe tacks?

Because Jones thought it ____________________________________.

101. Where did young Mr. Smith live after his father died and he lost all his things?


102. What did a lot of shoemakers in the village need?

They ____________________________________________________.

103. What would young Mr. Smith do if they helped him set up his workshop?


104. What do you learn from this story?


More than 50,000,000 people live in the rainforests of the world and most of them do not hurt the forest they live in. They eat the fruits that grow on the forest trees, but they do not cut them down. They kill some animals to eat, but they do not destroy them. When we cut down the rainforests, we destroy these forest people, too. In 1900, there were 1,000,000 forest people in the Amazon forest. In 1980, there were only 200,000.

The Yanmomami live along the rivers of the rainforest in the north of Brazil. They have lived in the forest for about 10,000 years and they use more than 2,000 different plants for food. But in the later 1950s some strangers came and began looking for gold. They cut down the forest to make roads. They made more than a hundred airports. The Yanimami people lost land and food. Many died because new diseases came to the forest with the strangers. The Yanimami people tried to save their forest, because it was their home. But the people who wanted gold were stronger.

Many forest people try to save their forests. Chico Mendes was famous in Brazil because he wanted to keep the forest for his people. “I want the Amazon forest to help all of us—forest people, Brazil, and all the earth,‟ he said. A few months later, in December 1988, people who wanted to cut down the forest killed Chico Mendes.

In Boreno, people were cutting down the forest of the Penan people to sell the wood. The Penan people tried to save their rainforest. They made blockades(堵塞)across the roads into the forest. In 1987 they closed fifteen roads for eight months. No one cut down any trees during that time. In Panama, the Kuna people saved their forest. They made a forest park which tourists pay to visit. The Gavious people of Brazil use the forest, but they protect it as well. They find and sell the Brazil nuts which grow on the forest trees.

99. Most people do not hurt the forests they live in, do they?

100. How many people left the Amazon forest from 1900 to 1980?

101. Why did the strangers come to the forest in the late 1950s?

102. What happened to the Yanimami people when new diseases came with the strangers?

103. Why did Chico Mendes become famous in Brazil?

104. How did the Penan people try to save their rainforest?

105. Whose way of protecting the forest do you prefer, the Kuna people‟s or the Gavious people”? Why?

Soon computers will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The program works because everyone's eyes are different. So in the future you won't have to remember a number when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. You'll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.

The eye-recognition(眼睛识别)program has already been tested in shops and banks in the USA, Britain, Spain, Italy and Turkey. Soon this technology will take the place of all other ways of finding out who people are.

However, scientists are also working on other systems, machine will soon be able to know you from the shape of your face or hand or even your smell! We already have machines that can tell who you are from your voice or the mark that made by your finger.

Eye-recognition is better than other kinds because your eyes don't change as you get older and don't get dirty like hands or fingers, and ever twins have different eyes. So the eye-recognition program can be up to 94% correct, depending on how good the technology is. However, some other programs may only be 51% correct at present. In Britain, it was found that 91% of people who had tried it said that they liked the idea of eye-recognition.

In the future your computer will be looking at you in the eye. So smile!

99. What kind of machine will soon be able to remember you by looking at your eyes?

100. How does the eye-recognition program work?

101. How many countries has the eye-recognition program been tested in?

102. Who is working on other system besides the eye-recognition program?

103. Why can the eye-recognition program be up to 94% correct?

104. Are some other programs better than the eye-recognition program nowadays?

105. What is Paragraph 4 about?

Edward Sims was born in 1892. He was the fifth child and only son of Herbert and Dora Sims. Herbert was a carpenter(木匠) , and did a successful business making furniture. He decided that his first-born son would be a carpenter just like him. For this reason, Edward was kept away from school and worked with his father.

However, Edward was not born to be a carpenter. Although he had a fit body, he didn't have strong arms like his father. When he tried to find another job, he found it difficult because he had never learnt to read or write.

One day, he went for an interview at a law office. The job was a runner, taking papers from the office to other offices in the city. The lawyer was pleased to see that Edward was physically fit, but when he discovered that the young man couldn't read or write, he decided not to employ him. "How can you deliver documents to other offices," he asked, "if you can't read the addresses on them?"

Greatly disappointed, Edward left the building and went to wait for a bus to take him back home. Next to the bus stop, a man was selling newspapers from a stand (摊位) .

"Excuse me, young man?" he said. "Would you look after my stand for a moment?"

For the next 20 minutes, Edward sold newspapers, lots of them. When the man came back, he was so happy to see his new assistant's honesty that he offered him a job. Edward took it immediately. .

In the next few months, the two men progressed from working on newspaper stands to selling newspapers, cigarettes, candy and other goods in a shop. Then they opened a second shop, and a third. Finally, they had a chain of 25 shops in three cities.

Edward became very rich, so he employed a private teacher to teach him read and write. The teacher was amazed at what Edward had achieved. "Imagine what you could do if you were able to read and write when you were younger!" he said.

99. What was Edwards' father?


100. Why was Edward kept away from school?

Because his father______________________________________ .

101. Was it easy for Edward to find another job?


102. How did Edward feel when he was refused by the lawyer?


103. What did the man selling newspapers ask Edward to help him?

He asked Edward___________________________________________.

104. How long did it take the two men to progress from working on newspaper stands to selling newspapers and other goods in

a shop?

105. What do you think Edward could do if he was able to read and write when he was younger?

Mark Twain was a famous American writer. He wrote many stories and many of them were very funny stories. These stories are still read by many people all over the world. Besides writing, he also liked hunting and fishing very much, so one year he went to Maine for a holiday and spent three very pleasant weeks in the woods there.

Hen he had to go back home, he drove to the station with his luggage. There he asked a porter to put into the train. Then he got into the smoking car and sat down in one of the comfortable seats there. The car was empty when he got in , but a few minutes later, another man got in and sat down on the seats opposite his. Mark twain looked sat the man and thought that this man looked quite unpleasant. However, it would be impolite to say nothing in that situation, so he said good morning to the man and they begin to talk.

First they talked about the weather and then they talked about Maine. The stranger said, “We have some beautiful woods

todd was rather looking forward篇二:2011黄浦区初三英语二模(含答案)


Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar

V. Choose the best answer

31. The boys are talking ______the football match between Class One and Class Three.

A) about B) in C) from D) with

32. Miss Liu often encourages ______to take part in physical activities after class.

A) we B) our C) us D) ours

33. I suppose we should meet earlier and then we will have______ time to know each other.

A) little B) plenty of C) few D) many

34. Nowadays people can get ______on everything by surfing the internet

A).importance B) knowledge C) news D) idea

35. Jane is ______among the girls of her family. She learns things very quickly.

A) smart B) as smart as C ) smarter D) the smartest

36. The British people feel quite ______while expecting their prince's wedding.

A) excited B) excitedly C) exciting D)excitement

37. The doctor tried his best to save the young man's life ____he knew it was hopeless.

A) if B)but C) though D)and

38. Don't give up working hard, ______you will never achieve anything in your life.

A) so B)or C) because D) after

39. At that time the twins were at home. One was washing clothes while ______was reading.

A) other B) the other C) another D) others

40. By 2010 we ______around ten countries in Asia.

A) have traveled B) had traveled C) are traveling D) travel

41. The government will ______billions of yuan building a Disneyland Park in Shanghai.

A) cost B) pay C) take D) spend

42. I always ask Ben ______me with my bike. He is good at fixing things.

A) to help B) helping C) help D) helped

43. The audience stopped ______at once when the performance began.

A) talk B) to talk C) talked D) talking

44. It is said that the train will be delayed, so we ______ be in a hurry.

A) mustn't B) may not C) needn't D) shouldn't

45. Soon we will graduate from junior high school., ______time flies!

A) What B) How C) What a D) What an

46. Don't worry. Tommy will send an email to us as soon as he ______in Shanghai.

A) arrive B) arrived C) will arrived D) arrives

47. John can ______why the weather is getting warmer and warmer. He is an expert on climate.

A) excuse B) explain C) exchange D) examine

48. Jack has made up his mind to live in the country. The underlined part means _______.

A) agreed B) promised C) decided D) hesitated

49. You will be independent some day, so you should rely on yourself. The underlined part means _______.

A) care for B) deal with C) depend on D) look after

50. Look! Two beautiful birds ______in our garden.

A) fly B)flied C) have fly D) are flying

51. Marty big ships, houses, trucks and cars______ in the terrible tsunami (海啸) in Japan on March11. 2011.

A) washed away B) are washed away

C) were washed away D) have been washed away

52. Jack used to work on a farm,_______?

A) didn't he B) doesn't he C) did he D) does he

53. I am_______ Miss Clerk's plan. It fits everyone.

A) strict with B) in favor of C) ready for D) full of

54. I ______my bicycle to Ben this morning. He has not returned it yet.

A) borrowed B) lent C) kept D) showed

55. —Oh, dear. You did so well in the performance. I'm really proud of you.

A) Thank you, Mum. B) That's nothing.

C) Yes, I am. D) No. I will work harder.

56. —Sorry for keeping you waiting for me so long.

—____________ .

A) Don't mention it B) All right C) That's OK. D) Not at all.

VI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.

57. I have several __________ to answer this evening. (letter)

58. Linda is using my computer, __________ is broken. (she)

59. The __________of Jin Mao Building is 340 meters. (high)

60. __________ computer games is a very popular way for people to relax. (play)

61. A lot of fish __________when the lake is polluted. (appear)

62. Bob has a bad memory. He can never recite a text __________ .(complete)

63. Joe is a __________ man. He seldom makes a mistake in doing anything, (care)

64. If you want to __________ in the future, you must work hard from now on. (success)

VII. Rewrite the following sentences as required.

65. Joe works on the farm every other day. (改为否定句)

Joe _________ _________ on the farm every other day. 对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ does Mum go shopping in the supermarket nearby?

67. The government has built a new library in our neighborhood. (改为被动语态)

A new library has __________ __________in our neighborhood by the government.

68 Sandy said, "I will sec the film with my girl friend." (改为含宾语从句的句子)

Sandy said that _________ __________ see the film with his girl friend.

69 Now I know how I can make him be satisfied with my work. (改为简单句)

Now I know _________ _________ make him be satisfied with my work.

70. It's so cold that the children can't play outside. (保持基本句意不变)

It's _________ ________ for the children to play outside.

Part 3 Reading and Writing

VIII. Reading comprehension

A. True or False

According to Forces magazine, Oprah Winfrey is one of the richest women in America. She has worked as a news reporter, movie actress, and writer, but she is best known for her popular television talk show, Oprah.

Life has not always been easy for Oprah. When she was young, her parents did not live together and she often moved house. Her family was poor, and Oprah did not have her first pair of shoes until she was six years old. But Oprah was smart, she learned how to read before she started school. And even from her young age, Oprah loved to talk.

After graduating from high school, Oprah got a job as a newsreader at a television station in Baltimore Oprah was very different from other reporters. She laughed when she made mistakes, and cried if the story was sad. Her style ( 格式) was not right for the news reporting, so she lost her job.

Oprah's boss at the television station offered her a job as a co-host of a morning talk show called People Are Talking. She was very popular on that show, and in 1981 Oprah moved to Chicago where she was given a larger studio audience. Five years later, her show Oprah was broadcast nationally for the first time.

Every day, 14 million people watch Oprah in the USA and 130 other countries. She interviews not only famous people but also ordinary people, who she asks to talk about their personal problems. When a guest's story moves her, she cries and opens her arras for a hug. People throughout the USA and around the world feel close to Oprah because of her communication style.

71. Oprah is a popular television talk show of America.

72. Oprah used to be very poor but now she is one of the richest women in the USA.

73. Oprah was quick to learn and she loved to talk after graduating from high school.

74. Oprah lost her job as a news reporter because she often made mistakes.

75. Oprah became popular on a morning talk show called People Are Talking.

76. Oprah shows the personal lives of well-known people and provides good ideas.

77. The passage is mainly about Oprah Winfrey's success story.

B. Choose the best answer.

In the past twenty years, riding bicycles has become increasingly popular among people of all ages. Bicycles have long played an important part in the lives of American youths. But today an even greater number of adults pedal along roadsides and bicycle paths. These new riders are often trying to become fit or lose weight. They have found that bicycling is a pleasant way to stay healthy.

This is certainly good for health. But it has also brought some problems. With all these added people on the road, bicycle safety has become a matter of real importance.

Bicycle safety is mostly a matter of common sense. People should ride only on bicycle paths, where they will not be badly hurt. There are also a number of rules that riders should follow, especially when riding on streets or highways. Bicyclists should never ride against the traffic, nor should they carry other people on their bicycles. It is also wise to ride in single line on busy streets and to walk bicycles across the busy intersections (交叉路口). By following these rules, bicycle riders will not only stay healthy but also be safe.

In one recent year, the National Safely Council reported that 34 thousand bicycle riders were hurt in highway accident. In that same year, another six hundred riders were killed. Since the. introduction of crash helmets (头盔) in 1980, the number of injuries (伤者) and deaths from bicycling accidents had gone down. Today, more and more riders realize the dangers of bicycling. They arc wearing helmets and paying closer attention to cycling rules.

78. In America, ______ played an important part in the lives of young people in the past twenty years.

A) staying healthy B) riding bicycles C) losing weight D) being pleasure

79. The underlined word pedal in the first paragraph means "______"

A) walk B) cycle C) rush D) run

80. Nowadays many adults ride bicycles because they have found it ______.

A) a good way to be fit and fun B) helpful to be good-looking

C) interesting and exciting D) possible to make friends

8I. With added people riding on the road, ______has become the most important matter.

A) the number of bicycles B) a good road and highway

C) bicycle safety D) a traffic rule

82. Bicyclists should not ______when riding on streets.

A) ride in single line B) carry people on their bicycles

C) ride only on bicycle pats D) walk bicycles

83. Since the introduction of crash helmets, ______.

A) 34 thousand bicycle riders have been hurt in highway accident

B) the number of cycling injuries has gone down

C) the new riders have become fit and healthy

D) many adults have found cycling pleasant

84. The writer's main purpose (目的) in this passage is to ______.

A) explain the job of the National Safety Council

B) advise people of all ages to ride bicycles

C) encourage companies to produce more better bicycles

D) make people more concerned with (关心) bicycle safely

C. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage .

An agriculture expert in West Africa once wrote about methods of how to kill mice without a lot of money. These methods are used by some local farmers. This expert in Mali said his gardener set four traps(陷阱)with this method—and caught one hundred and fifty ___85___ in just one night.

The trap is easy to make. You need a plastic bucket (桶) that is empty and uncovered. Dig a hole in the ground and place the bucket inside. The top should be the same level with the ___86___ of the ground. Fill the bucket with water to within eight centimeters of the top. Add small pieces of food wastes. These food wastes should float (漂浮) ___87___ . Also put some wastes on the ground near the trap.

During the night, mice will come out to ___88___ food wastes. They will fall into the trap.

If you don't have enough food to float, you can try another way. Put two pieces of cloth over the top of the bucket or the hole in the ground. I-cave a small opening where the pieces of cloth meet

Put a little food wastes on the cloth. When mice walk onto the cloth to eat, they will slide through opening into the water.

At one time or another, most farmers have problems with mice. Mice cat a lot of rice. They also carry diseases. People get ___89___from eating or touching the rice that mice have got into.

There are other ways that farmers can ___90___ these problems. One way is to use buildings specially designed to keep mice out. Another way is to use poisons(毒药) to kill the mice. However, both of these methods can be costly.

Farmers must buy die materials to build the buildings. Or they must buy chemical poisons to Jail the mice. But these poisons can also be ___91___ to other living things—including the farmers who use them.

85. A) cats B) mice C) dogs D) chickens

86. A) surface B) cover C) part D) halfway

87. A) on the trap B) on the top C) on the water D) on the ground

88. A) drink B) eat C) make D) hide

89. A) a fever B) a cold C) sick D) a headache

90. A) deal with B) get on C) take care D) cut down

91. A) various B) dangerous C) nervous D) precious

D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words

Cindy wanted a job. She thought that if she had a job after school, she could e___92___her own money. Then she wouldn't have to ask her parents for money.

Some of her friends worked when school was finished for the day. So Cindy went to some of the stores and asked for work. She f___93___ got a job in a cafe. She was very happy.

She came home and told her parents,-"Mum, Dad, I got a job at a cafe. Now I will have my own money.

“Congratulations!” they said. They asked her lots of questions about the job and about people who owned the store. "Don't worry. Mum" Cindy said, "I think they are n___94___ people and I will be happy there." Her parents allowed her to take the job.

After the first day, they asked her if it was good.

"It was w___95___" said Cindy "The owners were very friendly. They showed me how to do things and helped me all the time."

Two days later, Cindy's parents saw her come home from job. She looked u___96___.

"What's the matter?" they asked her.

"I am tired." she said. "The owners of the cafe" arc making me work too hard. When I started, they were very friendly but now they are bossy. They watched me all the time and complained when something goes wrong, even if it isn't my fault. Sometimes they even criticize (批评) me in front of c___97___.Today a friend from school came to the cafe and I was telling her what was on the menu, and the owner told me to stop talking to my friend and get on with my work. It isn't f ___98____"

"Don't you like working there now ? " asked her mother.

"Yes, I do like working there," said Cindy. "I don't like the owners working there!"

E. Answer the questions

Todd was rather looking forward to his first journey by underground in London. He had heard a great deal about it from his friends who had already been to England. They all advised him not to travel alone the first time. But Todd is the kind of person who never listens to anyone's advice.

Todd entered the station shortly after five in the afternoon. This is a bad time to travel in London, by both bus and train, because crowds of people go home from work at this hour. He had to join a long queue (队伍) of people waiting for tickets. When at last his turn came, he had some difficulty making the man understand the name of the station he wanted to go to. The people behind him began to complain impatiently at the delay. However, he got the right ticket in the end and, by asking several people the way, he also found the right platform, which was already packed tight with people. He did not manage to get on the first train, but he was able to move nearer to .the edge of the platform so as to be in a better position to get on the next one. When later train came, Todd was swept forward onto the train by the rush of the people from behind. The doors closed and the train moved off before he was able to get his breath back. He was unable to see the names of the stations where the train stopped, but he had counted the number of stops so that he knew exactly where to get off. His station was the sixth along the line.

When the train reached the sixth station, he got off, feeling relieved that his journey had been so easy. But he was surprised to see that he had got off at a station that he had never heard of! He explained his difficulty to a man standing on the platform. With a look of amusement on his face, the man told Todd he had traveled on a train going in the wrong direction.

99. Was Todd's first journey by underground successful?

__________, ________________________

100. Why is it a bad time to travel shortly after five in the afternoon in London?


101. What difficulty did Todd have when he was buying the ticket?

todd was rather looking forward篇三:完形名词


audience观众 belief信念,看法 character性格 人格 day date 日期 fun / jokes乐趣

idea指日常生活中的想法、意见 life生活,生命

moment / time 瞬间;片刻; 指定时刻;时机 money matter mind noise

opinion 意见,见解;主张 response反应

in addition to表示“而且、除…之外还有”,in opposition to表示“与...的意见相反”,in contrast to表示“与...形成对比”,in response to(作为对┄的反应).

sight 视界,视域;看见,目睹[(+of)];景色,景象

sign 标记, 符号, 记号, 征兆, 迹

象, 征候

sense感官;官能;感觉;意识;观念[(+of)][+(that)];智慧;见识;辨别力 trouble 烦恼;忧虑;困难;困境 word/words advice

attention注意;注意力;专心 blood血

conversation会话,谈话 choice选择,抉择 darkness

environment 环境;四周状况 enthusiasm热心,热情,热忱[(+for/about)]

excitement刺激;兴奋,激动 fear害怕,恐惧[(+of)][+(that)] faith信念;信任,完全信赖[(+in)][+that] hope interest motto 座右铭

joy 欢乐,高兴;乐事;乐趣 mistake

memory 记忆;记忆力[S1][(+for)] point

process过程,进程 power权力

pattern模式;.样式,方式,样板 pain 痛,疼痛 relation


risk冒险 safety sound traffic

value 价值;价格

A. 名词的基本意义与搭配(如:名词与动词、介词的搭配关系等); B. 在特定情景、语境中名词的意义(特殊含义);


上下文内容一致关系: 如与短文前后叙述的话题、主题、中心内容相关; (通常在上文或下文的不远处即可找到该名词); D. 与生活常识有关的常识性问题;

E. 同近义名词的区分: 如名词的可数与不可数; 名词的一些习惯用法等。



◆All of a sudden I started to feel rather__1__. She wondered why I was looking for this sort I felt even more hopeless when she told me that it would be difficult to get without experience.

2. A. place

◆Behind our house is the start of a fascinating trail (小径). This trail is one of the old roads that

wind through untold miles of forest. My , Beans, and I walk the trail frequently. Normally, Beans sniffs alongside the trail to follow

the smell of a deer track or some cause known only to him.

him, but also often makes sounds as if he were trying to


36. A. deer

C. lady D. man

B.defects C.mistakes D.tests

◆Lang Lang is a world-class young pianist who grew up in Shenyang. He went to a piano

B. job

C. advice

D. help

school in Beijing when he was just eight. “You need

will come.”

36.A.exercise B.fortune C.knowledge D.wealth

◆I put my head in, expecting the (worst). But to my (surprise), the room wasn’t empty at all. It had furniture, curtains, a TV, and even paintings on the wall. And then on the well-made bed

B. classmate C. neighbor

D. companion

◆Todd was working at his

station at night when he heard over the…Todd saw the

A. directions B. repairs

D. parking

◆ A. lessons B. dreams

C. experience

◆Jim got his reward, a large piece of paper from the headmaster, who told him to write a composition on the dangers of smoking. What could Jim write about? He hadn’t listened to the

B. point C. matter

D. subject

◆One of the most remarkable things about the is our ability to imagine the

A. brains

B. senses

D. sights

◆Rock stars’ admirers (崇拜者)who love rock music spend about billion dollars a year for

3. A. copy C. singing D. performance

A. audiences

◆They planned weeks ahead of time, asking 42 what they wanted for Christmas.

B. visitors

C. travelers

to share by all five of us.

43. A. toys

◆The ________ of the earth is made of a number of different plates.

B. inside C. surface D. water

◆In Australia folds have covered an area the _______ of the whole of the Britain . A. width

B. large C. length

B. clothes D. bills



◆I would like to thank all of you who made the effort and 15 went to work. It is always reassuring(令人欣慰), at times like these, when employees so clearly show their

to their

Garth’s email was short, but I learned more from that

textbook. The email taught me that a few wordscan make a big difference.

18. A. promise

◆Garth’s email was short, but

I learned more from that 17 message than I ever did

can make a big difference. The rainstorm

made me But Garth’s words immediately

me and put a smile back on my face.

C. admiration

D. guidance

B. signals C. rules D. signs


) these special _____50_____ opportunities (机会) . They are almost always fun and interesting , and professors ______51_____ them

too because students learn so much in just a few short months.

50. A. working B, living

C. teaching


◆little daughter Lauren was giving her ___1___ concert. She had been waiting for this __2__ for years and years. “Now it is here at last,”

The song made her ___4___ to the days when she was Lauren’s ___5___. As a young


must be ___9___ to study hard and work for many years.

7. A. French

B. face

C. dress D. life D. dance

8. A. actress B. student D. dancer


-----围绕什么话题 (在文章中出现频率最多的词)

◆Every Thursday afternoon, my art history class meets not in our usual lecture hall (


open up for class ___3___.

1. A. subjects C. speeches 2. A. book

B. passage C. text

D. lectures 1. 名词做主语时,看主谓搭配或主系搭配的一致性 2.名词做宾语时,要看动宾搭配的一致性 3.介词前后出现的名词可以通过介词来判断

4. 通过已有名词判断所学选名词,依据:褒贬色彩的一致性和语体色彩的一致性。 5. 当所选的名词处在先行词的位置上,要看后面从句类型,定语从句,同位语从句。

◆A. habit

B. hobby

C. parrot

◆and fly a plane into the sky when he grows up. A. driver

C. designer

D. producer

◆The old man is used to sleeping without a ________in order to keep his back from bending. A. net

C. slippers

D. quilt

A. bags

B. chest

C. back

todd was rather looking forward篇四:《大学英语 B》交际英语

《大学英语 B》交际英语

1抱歉.- Sorry, I can't find the books you asked for.

- _________答案(C)

A Don't mention it. B It's your fault. C Thanks anyway. D I won't forgive you. 2抱歉.- You are late! The discussion started 30 minutes ago.

- _________答案(C)

A Well, I don't care. B Don't blame me. C I am really sorry. D That's great. 3抱歉.- I'm sorry I'm late.

- _________ Come earlier next time.答案(C)

A No trouble. B All right. C It doesn't matter. D I don't matter.

4抱歉.- I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me.

- _________答案(B)

A Not too bad. B That's all right. C It's a pleasure. D Thank you. 5抱歉.- I am so sorry to interrupt you again.

- _________答案(B)

A That's good. B It's all right. C I don't think so. D No way!

6抱歉.- I'm sorry I broke your mirror.

- _________答案(B)

A It's Ok with me. B It doesn't matter. C You are welcome. D I don't care. 7抱歉.- Sorry I'm late.

- _________答案(D)

A You are welcome. B It's a pleasure. C Take care. D Don't worry.

8抱歉.- Sorry to have kept you waiting.

- _________答案(A)

A That's OK. B What are you doing?

C What's wrong with you? D Where have you been?

9抱歉.- Sorry for having kept you waiting for so long. My car broke down. - _________答案(A)

A That's all right. B I don't care. C I can't bear it any more. D It's my pleasure. 10抱歉.- I'm sorry I broke your glass.

- Oh, really? _________.答案(B)

A It's OK with me B It doesn't matter C Don't be sorry D I don't care 11抱歉.- I'm awfully sorry.

- _________答案(D)

A Don't mention it. B That's right. C All right. D That's all right.

12抱歉.- Sorry to give you so much trouble.

- _________答案(C)

A I think so. B Oh, I'm sorry. C It's OK. D You are busy.

13抱歉.- Why didn't you tell me?

- _________答案(A)

A Sorry, I forgot. B I'm sorry you should wait. C I don't know. D I'd love to. 14抱歉.- I should apologize for my rudeness last night.

- _________答案(D)

A It is your fault, I think. B You are ill. C You did it. D We need to clear out our misunderstandings. 15抱歉.- You haven't paid for it yet.

- _________答案(A)

A Oh, I'm really very sorry. B Thank you. C Not at all. D Of course, I know. 16抱歉.- I must apologize to you for the delay.

- _________答案(A)

A That's all right. B No trouble at all. C All the best. D You are welcome. 17抱歉.- You don't have to have the radio so loud, do you?

- _________答案(C)

A Oh, that's nothing. B It's very kind of you to say so. C Oh, I do apologize. D Be careful. 18抱歉.- I am terribly sorry! I broke the vase.

- _________答案(B)

A I don't want it. B Don't worry. C You meant to do it. D You buy one for me. 19抱歉.- I'm sorry I lost the key to your bike.

- _________答案(B)

A What do you mean? B Don't worry. I think I've got another one.

C You are quite right. D Of course, I know you will.

20询问.- How do you like this dress?

- _________.答案(B)

A I am fine, thank you. B The price is reasonable.

C I bought this dress at a sale. D It's my sister's.

21询问.- Can I get you a cup of tea?

- _________答案(A)

A That's very kind of you. B Thank the tea.

C With pleasure. D You can, please.

22询问.- What's wrong with your car?

- _________答案(C)

A It's very expensive. B I like it. C One of the windows is broken. D It's not for sale. 23询问.- How tall is your sister?

- _________答案(D)

A She is not very well. B She is 28 years old. C She is very nice. D She is as tall as I am.

24询问.- What does Tom's wife do for a living?

- _________.答案(A)

A She is a doctor. B Tom loves his wife. C She has a happy life. D She lives far from here. 25询问.- What do you think of this novel?

- _________答案(B)

A I've read it. B It's well-written. C It was written by my uncle. D I bought it yesterday. 26询问.- Joan is supposed to be here at the meeting tonight. Where is she? - _________答案(C)

A She is busy at the moment. B She is a stranger here. C She caught a cold and has to stay in bed. D She made a mistake.

27询问.- What does Maggie look like?

- _________答案(D)

A She looks very well. B She likes parties a lot. C She likes her mother. D She is tall and pretty. 28询问.- Is Julie's husband wearing a suit?

- _________答案(B)

A He has just come back from the office. B Yes, he is.

C Yes, he wears. D He went swimming yesterday.

29询问.- How many languages does Peter speak?

- _________答案(C)

A Many languages. B Pretty well. C Four languages. D With his roommates. 30询问.- Do you know the girl over there?

- _________答案(C)

A How can I know? B Yes, I remember it now.

C It's Sam, my teacher's daughter. D She is a good girl.

31询问.- Excuse me, when will the 17:15 train arrive?

- _________答案(B)

A I don't tell you. B It's been delayed one hour.

C You have to be patient. D Don't ask me.

32询问.- Hey, Linda. You look so pale. What's the matter?

- _________答案(C)

A Thank you. B Are you OK?

C I'm just getting over the flu. D I'm feeling well.

33询问.- Would you like to have some coffee?

- _________答案(D)

A No, please. B Yes, I like. C It is a pleasure. D No, thank you.

34询问.- Do you know who called Tom?

- _________答案(A)

A Yes, I called him. B Yes, I know Tom well. C Yes, he called me. D Yes, he knows me well. 35询问.- May I take your order now?

- _________答案(C)

A No, I'm in trouble now. B Yes, we obey orders.

C Yes, I'd like a dish of chicken. D No, I don't have a choice of meat.

36询问.- What do you do?

- _________答案(C)

A What do you do? B Fine, thank you. C I'm a college student. D I do well in my studies. 37询问.- Do you mind if I read the text aloud here?

- _________答案(B)

A Yes, I do allow. B No, I don't. C Yes, I don't. D No, I do.

38询问.- What's the problem, Ted?

- _________答案(D)

A I don't know. B Thank you for asking. C No problem. D I can't find my keys. 39询问.- That's a beautiful cat. I wonder who it belongs to.

- _________答案(A)

A It belongs to the Browns. B The cat is my favourite too.

C Mind your own business. D I can't say anything more.

40询问.- Are you doing anything this evening?

- _________答案(D)

A Thank you for the invitation. B How about you?

C I can do nothing about it. D I don't think so.

41询问.- What's the matter with you?

- _________答案(C)

A It doesn't matter. B Not too bad. C I don't feel well. D That's all right. 42询问.- What do you think of the movie we saw last night?

- _________答案(B)

A The actress is bad. B Terrific! C The theatre is bad. D Nobody was there. 43询问.- Would you like a coffee?

- _________答案(A)

A Yes, please. B Yes, I prefer tea. C I like coffee very much. D It doesn't matter. 44询问.- Do you mind if I smoke here?

- _________答案(B)

A That's all right. B Of course not. C OK. D Yes, please.

45询问.- Do you commute to work?

- No, I work at home. _________答案(B)

A You work? B How about you? C You do not work. D You work by train.

46询问.- How did Mr. Jones get to the cinema?

- _________答案(C)

A At 10 o'clock. B To Mrs. Jones. C By car. D To the Grand Theater.

47询问.- Do you have an account with us?

- Yes, _________答案(D)

A please. B the account is wrong. C what do you mean? D the account number is 4566. 48询问.- What's the weather like today?

- _________答案(A)

A It is very hot and humid. B It is Saturday and cold. C It is 6th July. D It is very serious.

49询问.- Hello, Peter. What do you do?

- _________答案(C)

A I am fine. B I am not sick. C I am a student from Bonn University. D I came from Bonn University.

50询问.- Is that seat taken?

- _________答案(B)

A Please don't worry. B I don't think so. C Why not? D It's very nice.

51询问.- How was your final exam?

- _________答案(C)

A Take it easy. B You are right away. C I am not sure. D Let's have a drink. 52询问.- What day is it today?

- _________答案(D)

A It's March 6. B It's a fine day today. C It's March. D It's Monday.

53询问.- Did you see the ad on the bulletin board?

- _________答案(A)

A No. What's it about? B Yes. What's it about? C It's still there. D That's a good idea.

54询问.- What are you majoring in?

- _________答案(C)

A In a university. B Very hard. C Mathematics. D At nine in the morning. 55询问.- Have you been to Paris?

- _________答案(B)

A No, I didn't go there last year. B No, but I hope to go there sometime next year.

C Paris is a nice place to visit. D No, it was a long time ago.

56询问.- Are you going on holiday for a long time?

- _________答案(C)

A It was a long time. B Two weeks ago. C No. Only a couple of days. D Not long time ago. 57询问.- How do you go to work?

- _________.答案(C)

A I go to work every day B I don't go to work every day C By train D By air 58询问.- When are you going on holiday?

- _________答案(B)

A Last night. B Next week. C By plane. D With my brother.

59询问.- How did Tom learn Arabic?

- _________答案(D)

A In the morning. B Very well. C In the library. D By taking a course.

60询问.- Where is Miss Smith?

- _________答案(B)

A She's from England. B She's at home. C She's not back. D She's very well. 61询问.- What do you think of your new teacher?

- _________答案(D)

A He came to teach us last week. B He teaches us English.

C He has two children. D He is very nice.

62询问.- What does Peter do?

- _________答案(D)

A He's good at fixing things. B He can speak good German. C He does the washing-up after supper. D He's a language teacher.

63询问.- How do I transfer calls?

- _________答案(C)

A Do as you like. B It is a bit difficult. C Let me show you. D Not at all. 64询问.- How was your journey to Paris?

- _________答案(A)

A It went very well. B I flew there. C I love Paris. D Thank you for asking. 65询问.- How long have you worked here?

- _________答案(C)

A Since about two years. B I do not know. C For about two years. D Who knows. 66询问.- Are you going on holiday?

- _________答案(A)

A Not until next week. B Three weeks ago. C To Beijing. D I'm pleased to hear that. 67询问.- Do you think Tom is ill?

- _________答案(A)

todd was rather looking forward篇五:综合练习2(nn)答案



一、语法 从下列各句的A、B、C、 D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

1. --Have a nice day!


A. You, too. B. Thank you. C. I hope so. D. Sure, I will

2. She gained her ________ by printing ______ famous writers.

A. wealth/works B. wealths/works C. wealth/work D. wealths/work

3. He dropped the ________ and broke it.

A. cup of coffee B. coffee's cup C. cup for coffee D. coffee cup

4. -- What do you think of the cake?

--It's nice, I'd like to have ________.

A. some other B. another C. others D. other

5. Tom felt that he knew everybody's business better than they knew it ________.

A. themselves B. oneself C. itself D. himself

6. Can you believe that in ________ a rich country there should be ________many poor people.

A. such … such B. such… so C. so … so D. so … such

7. It is getting ________.

A. latter B. lately C. late D. latest

8. ________ friends Betty had made there were all invited to her birthday party.

A. Few of B. Few C. The few D. A few

9. --Where is Jack?

--I think he's still in ________ bed, but he might just be in ________bathroom.

A./ … / B. the … the C. the …/ D. /… the

10. --Your phone number again? I ________ quite catch it.

--It is 98573737.

A. didn't B. couldn't C. don't D. can't

11. The Olympic Games, ________ in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912.

A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be first playing

12. --There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.

--It _______ a comfortable journey.

A. can't be B. shouldn't be C. mustn't have been D. couldn't have been

13. It is generally considered unwise to give a child ________ he or she wants.

A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever

14. I don't think you've heard of him before, ________?

A. have you B. haven't you C. do I D. don't you

15. The pen I _______ I ________ is on my desk, right under my nose.

A. think … lost B. thought … had lost C. think … had lost D. thought … have lost

16. In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m., ________ many people have gone home.

A. on which B. whose time C. that D. by which time

17. _______ remains to be settled.

A. When to leave B. When leaving C .When left D. When to be left

18. The size of the audience,________ we had expected, was a thousand.

A. whom B. which C. as D. that

19. I'd just as soon ________ rudely to her.

A. that you won't speak B. your not speaking

C. you not speak D. you didn't speak

I'd as soon/sooner/rather( that)+虚拟

20. Science has brought ________ many changes in our lives.

A. out B. into C. about

D. forward Bring out 1.显示出来,说明,讲清楚

His report brought out the foolishness of the plan.

I want to bring out clearly what we are going to do next.

2. 生产,出版,提出

He brought out a new play. In this way he can cover some problems not brought out in the discussion.

Bring into 使进入某种状态

Now we have every opportunity to bring our talents into full play.

Bring forward 提出

Please bring the matter forward at the next meeting.

21. Through the years the Red Cross has inspired millions of men and women to devote time and

care _______ the service of ______.

A. with…the others B. with…others

C.. to…others D. to… the others

22. Walking _______into the forest, he was ____struck by the beautiful scenery.

A. deeply…deep B. deep…deeply C. deep…deep D. deeply…deeply

23. It is in the reception room ____we often hold meetings ______the headmaster talked to the


A. which…that B. where…which

C. where…that D. which…where 24.--________. Could you tell me how to get to the railway station? -- Of course. Bus No. 100 will take you there. A. I'm sorry B. Beg your pardon C. Excuse me 25--Isn't it perfect weather today? -- _______ A. Yes, isn't it? B. No, I don't agree C. No, it isn't D. Thank you D. I hope so

二、词汇 从下列各句的A、B、C、 D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

26.Having ________ with great difficulty from the ground. The wounded soldier rushed to the top of the hill with the red flag ________ high.

A. raised, risen B. risen, raised C. risen, raising D. raising, raised 27.--- What would you like to drink, sir? --- ________. A. Two coffees B. Two cups of coffees C. Two cup of coffee D. Two cups coffee 口语中表示杯咖啡 28. If this bike is not yours, ________can it be? A. what else B. who else C. which else D. who else’s Else 是‘别的,其他的’意思。 与连用它的所有格为who else’s 或者whose else 29.--Hello! Ma y I speak to Professor Wang? -- ________ A. Yes, you may B. No, you may not. C. I'm professor Wang. Go ahead.. D. Speaking. 30. The ______ runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes. A. common B. average C. usual D. general A. petition B. predict C. contemplate D. manufacture 32. I bought a shirt because if was good in quality and ________ in price. A. reasonable B. valuable C. comfortable D. enjoyable 33. --How ________ was Tom driving when the policeman stopped him? --Eighty miles an hour. A. rapid B. long C. far D. fast 34. These boxes are too heavy for your mother, you'd better ________ them for her. A. bring B. carry C. take D. fetch 35. Voices were ________ when the discussion became more heated. A. risen B. raised C. shouted D. improved 36.Students sometimes support themselves by ________ of evening jobs. A. ways B. offers C. means D. helps 37. He looked quite healthy though he was ________. A. in seventy B. in his seventy C. at seventy D. at the age of seventy 38. It was unsafe to walk on the floor, as some of the floor-boards had ________ away. A. wasted B. broken C. destroyed D. rotted 39. Many foreigners ________ the Great Wall as the World's Seventh Wonder. A. look at B. look for C. look around D. look on 40.These football players had no strict ________ until they joined our club. A, practice B. education C. exercise D. training

三、综合填空 在下列的短文中有A、B、C、 D四个选项, 根据上下文选择一个最佳答案。

For about twenty years scientist have tried to teach chimps(黑猩猩) to talk like people. But they have Chimps hear well. Different words do sound different to them. But chimps don't have a

to speak.

Plastic pieces of different forms and colors were used to teach Sarah the chimp. Each piece stood

Then she "wrote" her directions in the messages.

41. A. succeeded B. failed C. lost D. missed

42. A. speech B. word C. talk D. hearing

43. A. do B. will C. may D. have

44. A. rules B. speakers C. teachers D. ways

45. A. what B. which C. how D. when

46. A. the B. any C. one D. certain

47. A. friends B. parents C. visitors D. teachers

48. A. pieces B. models C. gifts D. cards

49. A. result B. answer C. speech D. exercise

50. A. But B. Instead C. And D. Till


Todd was working at his gas station at night when he heard over the radio that a bank in Long Island had been by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with $150,000. "one hundred and fifty thousand." Todd whistled. Here's a fellow who just into a band and helps so much money. Todd thought of the with which he managed to get the amount of money he to start his gas station. So many papers to sign, so much money to pay back. twenty minutes later. The gunman had a car for a ride, and then out the driver. He was possibly the Southern State Parkway in a white Ford. License plate number LJR1939. The of the announcer continued: " out for white cars. Don't pick up , and all you folks in gas stations better not do to a white Ford car."

Todd stood up and tried to see out into the cold night. It was dark but Todd knew the Southern State Parkway was out there. Just then, Todd saw the headli8ghts coming at him and a car pulled in for gas. There it was, a white Ford. He saw the , LJR1939.

"What should I do?" Todd had to make a quick decision.

"Yes, sir?" Todd asked while making up his mind for sure.

" her up," the man said sounding like any other driver.

When the tank was full, Todd quickly turned round and pointed a gun at the man.

"Hands up and get out!"

51. A. searched for B. held up C. taken over D. broken into

52. A. walks B. looks C. Marches D. drives

53. A. for B. by C. to D. of

54. A. Satisfaction B. difficulty C. disappointment D. spirit

55. A. saved B. made C. offered D. needed

56. A. continued B. lasted C. spread D. arrived

57. A. bought B. borrowed C. stolen D. stopped

58. A. sent B. found C. left D. pushed

59. A. calling from B. fleeing from C. heading for D. looking for

60. A. news B. warning C. advice D. voice

61. A. Look B. Run C. Call D. Set

62. A. guests B. strangers C. prisoners D. passengers

63. A. harm

64. A. mark

65. A. Cover B. favor B. number B. Fill C. service C. sign C. Check D. business D. name D. Tie

四、阅读理解 阅读下列短文, 然后根据短文内容,从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 ( A )

"We're more than halfway now; it's only two miles farther to the inn now," said the driver.

"I'm glad of that," answered the stranger. He meant to say more but the east wind blew clear down a man's throat if he tried to speak. The girl's voice was something quite pleasant, however, and soon he spoke again.

"You don't feel the cold so much at twenty below zero out in the Western Country. There's none of this wet cold," he said, and then it seemed as if he had blamed the uncomplaining young driver. She had not even said that it was a disagreeable day, and he began to be conscious of a warm hopefulness of spirit.

"You'll have cold drive going back," he said anxiously, and put up his hand for the twentieth time to see if his coat collar was as close to the back of his neck as possible. He had wished a dozen times for the warm old hunting suit in which he had many a day experienced the worst of weather in the northwest.

"I shall not have to go back!" said the girl, with eager pleasantness. "I'm on my way home now. I drove over early just to meet you at the train. We had word that someone was coming to the inn."

66. How far was the drive from the train to the inn?

A. One mile. B. Two miles.

C. A little over four miles. D. Less than four miles.

67. The driver was ________.

A. an old man B. a girl

C. a stranger D. we don't know from the story

68. From the story we can infer that the two speakers were in ________.

A. the west B. the east C. the northwest D. the south

69. According to the stranger, in the West the winters are _______.

A. dry and cold B. warmer than in the East

C. wet and cold D. free from extremes of heat or cold

70. The driver ________.

A. had to return to the train station after leaving the stranger at the inn.

B. Was going home after leaving the stranger at the inn

C. Lived at inn

D. Was going away on the train

( B )

The last part of this century will be an age of exploration such as man has never known. There are eight planets, at least thirty moons, and thousands of asteroids(小行星) to be explored. Their total area is about 250 times that of the earth. Spaceships will not be able to land on some of them. But that still leaves to be explored an area ten times as great as the continents of the earth.

Exploring space may seem terrifying to some people. No doubt explorers of the past were terrified by the great empty oceans that lay before them. They conquered their fears, crossed the oceans, and built the New world.

todd was rather looking forward篇六:盐城市2014年普通高校单独招生第三次调研考试英语试卷


英 语


第一节 在本节中,你将读到10个句子,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑。

Part I In this part, you will read 10 sentences. For each one there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

1. Hawking is ______ success, ______ disabled man as he is.

A. a; / B. /; a C. the; a D. a; the

2. _____ the old man’s son wanted to know was _____ the gold had been hidden.

A. That; what B. What; where C. What; that D. What; if

3. _____ you eat the correct food _____ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

A. Only if; will you B. Only if; you will

C. Unless; will you D. Unless; you will

4. --What’s that noise?

--Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine _____.

A. was tested B. will be tested C. is being tested D. has been tested

5. ______ alone in the house, the little girl had to cook dinner for herself.

A. To leave B. Leaving C. Leaves D. Left

6. ______ the diary from time to time and you’ll see how your financial situation changes.

A. Referring to B. Preferring C. Refer to D. Prefer

7. --That woman has been taking care of her three children for twenty years.

--Oh, dear! She _____ a lot of difficulties!

A. could go through B. might go through

C. ought to have gone through D. must have gone through

8. _____ we are in a relationship, there is potential for lasting happiness _____ for serious conflict.

A. As far as; as good as B. As long as; as good as

C. As far as; as well as D. As long as; as well as

9. I shall never forget those years _____ I lived in the village with the farmers, _____ has a great effect on my life.

A. which; that B. that; which C. when; which D. when; who

10. E-mail, as well as telephones, ______ an important part in our daily communication.

A. have played B. is playing C. play D. are playing

第二节 在本节中,你将读到15个短对话或句子,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑。

Part II In this part, you will read 15 short dialogues or sentences. For each one there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

11. –I’m feeling much better now, doctor. Can I go to school tomorrow?

--I’m glad you’re a little better, but you must stay at home at least for three days.

--Can I stop taking the medicine?

--_____. Starting from today, you may take it twice a day instead of three times a day.

A. I can’t agree more B. I think so

C. Of course, you can D. I’m afraid you can't


A. the hard rice and overcooked vegetables

B. the poor quality and high price of the food

C. the terrible service in the restaurant

D. the hard rice and poor service in the restaurant

13. -- ______

-- I’d love to, but I have to go and buy some meat and vegetables before my brother comes

home from school.

--What a pity you can’t come!

A. Can you stay for supper? B. Can I stay for dinner?

C. When will you have supper? D. Do you have to go now?

14. -- Can you show me the day for your basketball practice?

--Well, you see, sir. I want to stay in the basketball team, but I can’t come to practice on Monday afternoons. I’ve got to have some extra lessons because my maths is very weak.

-- _____

--Wednesday … no …

A. When is your convenient time? B. Why can’t you come on Monday?

C. How about Wednesday? D. I’m sorry to hear that.

15. --Tell me exactly what happened.

--Well, I was walking through the park yesterday when a woman knocked me right off my feet

and ran off through the trees.


--Yeah. She was about 190 centimeters tall, wearing a white and black dress, a red sweater

over it, and a pair of basketball shoes.

A. What does the woman like? B. Be careful next time!

C. Where is the woman now? D. Can you describe the woman for me?

16. --Good morning, can I help you?

--Yes, _____

--How many nights do you plan to stay?

--Three. I’ll be checking out Friday morning.

A. I’m looking for a sweater. B. Do you have a double-bedded room?

C. I’ve booked a room for three nights. D. I’d like a single room.

17. --Why not go and play basketball this afternoon?

--I’m not good at basketball, you know.

--______ We’re playing for fun. Just try and you’ll see you can do it.

A. Well, it depends. B. Take your time.

C. Come on. D. That’s OK.

18. --AST Sales Department. May I help you?

--Yes. I’d like to speak to Mr. Tuang, please.

--Oh, _____ Can I take a message?

--Well, if he’s not in, um, I always seem to have trouble contacting him.

A. I’m sorry he’s not in at the moment. B. Wrong number, sir.

C. Who is that speaking? D. Hold on, please.

19. --Waiter, ______?

--Wait a minute, sir. That’s 80 yuan altogether.

--Here you are.

A. How much did we eat? B. Would you please charge me?

C. Would you take the money? D. May I have the bill, please?

20. --I’d like a week’s holiday. I’m so tired.

-- _____; we are too busy.

--Then, when can I have a holiday?

A. It depends B. Don’t mention it C. Don’t worry D. Forget it

21. --Did you get to talk about their trip to the Caribbean?

--Oh, yes. They said they had a great time.


--They said it was cool. They suggested that we take some warm sweaters and coats.

A. What did they say the weather was like? B. What about the scenery?

C. Did they like the food there? D. What did they think of the people there?

22. --Can I help you, sir?

--Yes, _____

--Can I have your key and room number, please?

--Room14419. Here’s my key.

A. I’m checking in. B. we have a reservation.

C. I’m checking out. D. I need a room with two single beds.

23. --I’d rather have some wine,if you don’t mind.

-- ______ Don’t forget that you’ll drive.

--I’m sorry I nearly forgot.

A. I’m sorry,but you’d better not. B. Not at all,anything you want.

C. Thank you all the same. D. Yes,never mind.

A. apology B. application C. notice

D. complaint

A. teacher B. cleaner C. shop assistant D. director

第三节 在本节中,你将读到一段对话,从方框中所给的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑。

Part III In this part, you will read a dialogue with 5 blanks, and 5 choices marked A, B, C, D and E given in a box. For each blank, you should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding

M: Well, we could take them to Newport Water-world or to Oldfield Adventure Park. They’ll love that sort of thing. Which one would you prefer?

’t want to spend all day in the car.

M: Well, Newport is pretty near -about one hour away. But Oldfield will take about two and a half hours -if we’re lucky.

M: Well, Water-world has a huge pool for swimming and playing about. The Adventure Park hasn’t got a pool, but it’s got a small zoo.

W: I really don’M: Well, there aren’t any animals at Water-world. I know they’ve got restaurants but they are always so expensive. I’d rather take our own food and drinks.

’ll tell the children.

第四节 在本节中,你将读到一篇短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑。 Part IV In this part, you will read a passage with 10 blanks. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

Long Island had been broken into by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with $150, 000. ―One hundred and fifty thousand,‖ Todd whistled. Here’s a fellow who just to write, so much money to pay back.

pushed out the driver. He was possibly heading for the Southern State, Parkway in a white Ford. License plate(车牌―white cars. Don’white Ford car.‖

Todd stood up and tried to see out into the cold night. It was dark but Todd the Southern State Parkway was out there. Just then Todd saw the headlights coming at him and a car

31. A. store B. bank C. station D. house

32. A. for B. by C. to D. of

33. A. saved B. made C. offered D. needed

34. A. bought B. borrowed C. stolen D. stopped

35. A. news B. warning C. advice D. voice

36. A. Look B. Run C. Call D. Set

37. A. guests B. strangers C. prisoners D. passengers

38. A. considered B. knew C. recognised D. learnt

39. A. directions B. repairs C. gas D. parking

40. A. mark B. number C. sign D. name


第五节 在本节中,你将读到几则阅读材料。第41~43,45~47,49~52和54~57题,从题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应的字母涂黑;第44、48、53和58题,将文中画线的句子翻译成中文,并将答案写在答题卡上对应处。

Part V In this part, you will read a selection of reading materials. For questions 41~43,45~47,49~52 and 54~57, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. For questions 44、48、53 and 58, you should translate the sentences underlined in the passages into Chinese and write the answer on your answer sheet.


Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you will use our facilities(设施) to the full.

Dining Room

Breakfast is served in the dining room from 8 to 9:30 a. m.. Alternatively, the room staff will bring a breakfast tray to your room at any time after 7 a. m., if you place an order for it by

telephone. In this case, please fill out a card and hang it outside your door when you go to bed. Lunch: 12:00 to 2:30 p. m.

Dinner: 7:30 to 9 p. m.

Telephone: 48752

Room Service

This operates 24 hours a day. Phone the Reception Desk, and your message will be passed on to the room staff.

Telephone: 48759


To make a telephone call, dial 0 for Reception and Laundry(洗衣店), and ask to be connected. We apologize for delays in putting calls through when the staff are very busy. There are also public telephone booths near the Reception Desk. Early calls should be booked with Reception. Shop

The hotel shop is open for souvenirs, gifts and toiletries(化妆品) from 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.. Telephone:48687


We have a laundry on the premises(附属) and will wash, iron and return your clothes within 24 hours. Ask the room staff to phone the laundrymen to collect them.

todd was rather looking forward篇七:YOURSELF(八年级)


Ⅰ. 单项选择 (15分)

( ) 1. —Hurry up, Jane!

—Don‟t worry. The plane will _______ in two hours.

A. take off B. leave for

C. go out D. put on

( ) 2. I‟m very _______ because my best friend didn‟t invite me to his party.

A. lucky B. upset C. late D. happy

( ) 3. If you want better grades, you _______ watch so much TV.

A. shouldn‟t B. should

C. could D. needn‟t

( ) 4. —Where _______ the 2010 World Expo _______?

—In Shanghai.

A. does; hold B. was; held

C. will; be held D. will; hold

( ) 5. They say there _______ a new bridge across the river in two years.

A. will have B. is going to be

C. is going to have D. has

( ) 6. I‟m looking forward to buying MP5 player, but it‟s too expensive.

A. / B. the C. a D. an

( )7. Their teacher told them to write a ______ composition.

A. 1,000-words long B. 1,000 word long

C. 1,000-words-long D. 1,000-word-long

( )8. The number of students in our grade is about six ______ and _____ of them are girls.

A. hundreds; three-fourths B. hundred; three-fourth

C. hundred; three fourths D. hundreds; three fourth

( )9. —Where would you like to go, Jinan or Qufu?

—. I only want to go to Qingdao.

A. Neither B. Either C. Each D. All

( )10. There was a big fire (火) last night, but the firemen _______soon.

A. put down it B. put it down

C. put out it D. put it out

( )11. — What did your son say in the letter?

— He told me that he ________ Disneyland the next day.

A. will visit B. has visited

C. is going to visit D. would visit

( )12. —How clean your bedroom is!

—Yes, I am sure that my mom it.

A. cleans B. cleaned

C. has cleaned D. had cleaned

( )13. There is nothing important in today‟s newspaper, _________?

A. is there B. isn‟t there

C. isn‟t it D. is it

( )14. —His sister read the picture- book three times yesterday.


A. So he did B. So did he

C. She did so D. So did she

( )15. —The radio says that there is going to be a heavy snow this Sunday. —Oh, that is bad. _________.

A. I‟m glad to hear that B. I hope not

C. I am afraid so D. I hope so

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

Months later, Junior 3 students will take the senior high school entrance exam. They are studying hard for this big Do they have time to do something to celebrate their middle school years? Many do. goodbye messages or letters for each other. They are also swapping (交换) photos.

“Even the head teacher has a project,” said Leng. “She __put all our _.” “Before _a „lucky star‟, you write some words for the person on the paper,” said Wang. “He

In Xiao Xia's school, each Junior 3 student will get a yearbook (年刊), in which

Xiao said, “We have written a poem in the ancient style as the self-introduction!” “Our class may be not the one with the _most creative one,” said Xiao. “I feel lucky to study in such a class!”

( ) 16. A. challenge B. mistake C. school D. attraction

( ) 17. A. read B. written C. looked D. watched

( ) 18. A. pretends B. refuses C. allows D. plans

( ) 19. A. one B. all C. it D. this

( ) 20. A. parents B. students C. teachers D. classmates

( ) 21. A. from B. of C. to D. in

( ) 22. A. writing B. reading C. making D. bringing

( ) 23. A. because B. though C. before D. when

( ) 24. A. their B. our C. his D. its

( ) 25. A. loudest B. last C. worst D. best

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(40分)

A. Learning skills. B. How to write an advertisement.

C. The school rules. D. A lost and found notice.

( ) 27. What aren‟t the students in the school allowed to do?

A. Listen to music in the school building. B. Get their ears pierced.

C. Go out on school nights. D. Fight with other students.

( ) 28. What does the underlined word “quarrelling” mean?

A. 辩解 B. 吵架 C. 讲演 D. 翻译

( ) 29. Which of the following could also be in the notice?

A. Don‟t play with lighters (打火机) or fire.

B. Wash your hands before meals.

C. Get up early and eat more vegetables.

D. Don‟t watch TV before you finish your homework.

( ) 30. Students of the school are asked to ______ at all times.

A. walk to school B. wear school uniforms

C. have good manners D. show their school cards

A. One B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

( )32. The ________ World Expo was held to celebrate the opening of the Golden

Gate Bridge.

A. 1889 B. 1876 C. 1939 D. 1962

( )33. In 1876, _________ gave the Statue of Liberty to America as a present.

A. France B. Canada C. Australia D. Britain

( )34. The Golden Gate Bridge is _________.

A. orange B. black C. white D. gold

( )35. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The Eiffel Tower was built to attract visitors.

B. The Statue of Liberty is one of the symbols of the United States.

C. The Golden Gate Bridge is about 1,280 kilometres.

D. It takes about 40 seconds to reach the top of the Space Needle by elevator.


Suzanne Todd has just won the Best New Writer prize for her first book, Roadrunner. The idea for the book came from her own travels-four years ago she decided to give up her job in a bank to go round the world on her own for a year.

“I was tired of doing the same thing every day and wanted to find some excitement,” she says. “It was fun getting ready for the trip, and thinking about all the things I would do. But when the day came to leave, I was suddenly afraid, and I didn‟t want to go. I would have no job, no money, and I would be all by myself! I felt so worried sitting on the plane that I was counting the weeks until I could come back! But once the plane landed, I realized how exciting life was, and how lucky I was to be able to do this traveling. I saw many wonderful things, and in India I met Richard, who is now my husband.”

Back home, she started writing Roadrunner. This novel(小说) is about Tara Roberts, who decides to give up her job and travel round the world, and it sounds like a true story about Suzanne. “Tara goes to the same places as me and feels the same about them, but I don‟t have her crazy way of behaving or get into danger as she does,” Suzanne explains.

Roadrunner is going to be made into a film. How does the 29-year-old writer feel about her future? “I just take things as they come,” she says with a smile.

( )36. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The books written by a young writer.

B. What a writer had to do to win a prize.

C. Some background (背景) information about the book Roadrunner.

D. How to become a successful writer.

( )37. Why did Suzanne travel round the world?

A. She was preparing for her book.

B. She planned to meet her husband in India.

C. She wanted to look for a job in a foreign country.

D. She wanted to do something exciting.

( )38. How did Suzanne feel when she was leaving for her trip?

A. Happy. B. Afraid. C. Excited. D. Tired.

( ) 39. In what way are Suzanne and the heroine (女主人公) of Roadrunner similar?

A. They have similar travel experiences.

B. They have similar characters.

C. They both write books about their journeys.

D. They both lead dangerous lives.

( )40. Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?

A. Suzanne Todd won the Best New Writer prize for her first film.

B. Suzanne Todd was a bank clerk before going round the world.

C. Suzanne Todd traveled with her husband for a year.

D. 18-year-old Suzanne Todd doesn‟t worry about her future.


Collecting stamps is a hobby that interests kids and adults from all over the world. When you first decide to start collecting stamps you may find that you have nothing to start with. You can buy a packet of stamps to get you started. For a small price, you can get many kinds of stamps from different countries. The Internet shop is another great place for finding stamps where you can buy them at low prices.

When you buy or get used stamps, most of the stamps will still be on the envelope paper. You should remove them off the paper carefully instead of just pulling them down. For common used stamps, the safe way to remove them from the envelope paper is by them in water.

Fill a plate with a small amount of clean water. Place the paper with the stamp into water for about ten or fifteen minutes. Then carefully pick the stamp up out of the water and try to slowly remove the stamp from the paper.

After removing the stamps from the paper, they need to be dried (弄干) slowly and gently. After the stamps have dried, flatten (弄平) them by putting them between the pages of a heavy book, or using a special drying book. Then these dry and flattened stamps can be stored in your stamp collecting books.

( )41. You can first start your stamp collection by _______ according to the passage.

A. removing the used stamps from the envelope paper

B. buying a good album

C. asking your friends for some old stamps

D. buying a packet of stamps

( )42. What does the underlined word “soaking” mean?

A. 浸泡 B. 清洁 C. 吸干 D. 储存

( )43. Which of the following is the right order of removing a stamp from the paper? a. Take the stamp off the paper carefully.

b. Take out the stamp from the water.

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