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跳进黄河黄河面恶心善黄河归来不看川三年两决口黄河决了口九曲黄河十八湾 ,,,,,,,不到黄圣惟富也洗长江面黛眉归百年县官河不死人一不善心来不看一改活不心 出 套 清 恶 山 道 成



1.The relationship between language and culture.

It has been widely recognized that language and culture are inseparable Firstly, language is a part of culture. According to the definition of culture given by Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, We can draw a conclusion that language is a component of culture. Secondly, language is the carrier of culture and language reflects culture .Language is the base of entire culture, and it is only in language that culture can be well presented and handed down from generation to generation. Thirdly, culture influences language and shapes language.Accordingly, we can conclude that language and culture, as different as they are, are intricately interwoven and they rely on each other. We cannot separate the two without losing the significance of either language or culture.

2. The relation between culture and translation.

The close relationship between language and culture decides the close relationship between translation and cultureFirstly, culture necessarily exerts a great influence on translation. The ways of thinking, beliefs, attitudes and values of different nations give rise to failures or misunderstandings in cross-cultural communicationSecondly, translation also influences culture. It can enrich a nation's culture by absorbing foreign cultural nourishments and transplanting the outside cultures into its own cultural environments Finally, translation serves as cultural intermediation (调解 ). As the informational technology and communication develops, the communication between different countries and regions has become more and more frequent, direct and convenient. This is no denying that translation plays a vitally important role in intercultural communication.

3. The differences between Chinese and English thought patterns.

1.Synthetic Thought Pattern and Analytic Thought Pattern .Synthesis

is a kind of thought which combines the separate parts, elements of the objects into a whole while analysis is a kind of thought which separates the whole into parts. Synthetic and analytic thought patterns are not only opposite, but also unifiedIn thought, Chinese prefer synthesis, English analysis. 2.Imaginative Thought Pattern and Abstract Thought Pattern .Imaginative thought is a psychological process in which human beings remake memory presentations in brain so as to form new ones. While abstract thought refers to a kind of rational cognition that uses concept to judge and reason, and concept is the basic element for abstract thought. Generally speaking, Chinese speakers prefer imaginative thought while English speakers abstract thought. 3.Circular Thought Pattern and Linear Thought Pattern Circular thought is characterized by circumlocution(婉转曲折 ), that is, not stating opinion directly or frankly but beating about the bush at first. Linear thought is characterized by speaking of one's opinion directly and by speaking without reservation. 4.Subjective Thought Pattern and Objective Thought Pattern Subjective thought refers to the thought with which human is the center to observe, analyze and research into objects. Objective thought refers to a thought that takes objective natural world as the center to observe, analyze, research and vanquish(征服,战胜) . 5.Intuitional (直觉的)Thought Pattern and Rational Thought Pattern 6.Collectivistic Thought Pattern and Individualistic Thought Pattern

4. The differences between Chinese and English languages.

1 Thought Patterns and Sentence Structures

The most obvious difference between Chinese and English lies in the fact that Chinese is paratactic (重意合) language while English hypotactic (重形合) language. 2 Thought Patterns and Alignment of Information (1) English Peacock Pattern and Chinese Lion Pattern English speakers are accustomed to laying the important information first

declaring his intention right at the outset, coming straight to the point, and then adding other elements. Chinese, on the contrary, describes the environment outside clearly and touches the main information at last.(2) English describes the picture from the nearer distance to the farther one. while Chinese just describes one event in the time order, very methodically.(3) Chinese tend to use imaginative thought pattern and accordingly are fond of using imaginary words and metaphors in order to achieve vivid effects in writing. On the contrary, English people who lay much stress on abstract thought pattern favor the well-organized, logical structure. 3(1) It is generally accepted that Chinese thought pattern is circular. In contrast, English thought is linear.(2) Generally speaking, Chinese writers tend to be subjective and their writings are very personal. English writers are more objective, and every argument in their writings should depend on facts. (3) Parataxis plays an important role in Chinese. By contrast, unity is the first quality of an effective sentence in English.

5. The relationship between foreignization and domestication. Firstly, with the increasing communication among nations, foreign terms or customs may be accepted by the target readers sooner or later. Secondly, the the purpose of translating, say, CLCTs is to introduce cultural information to those readers who are eager to know about the Chinese cultures. Therefore, foreignization translation should take the first place in translation strategies.

Domestication is considered as a necessary complement when foreignizing strategy fails to deal with cultural elements of the source language in translation. It serves as a reasonable makeshift (权宜之计) and always paves the way for future foreignization.

6. An analysis of translationese, including such aspects as the definition, causes and features.


Translationese is an unnatural form of language in translation which carries the features of the source language structures, thus violating the habitual use of the target language within a certain period of timeCauses to Translationese firstly, the translator's ignorance of differences between the two languages; secondly, the translator's misunderstanding of "faithfulness"; thirdly, the translator does not comprehend the deep meaning of SL text features.①unsmooth language which not only violates the norm of Chinese but ruins the readers' interests and (ii) obscure meaning which confuses the readers' understanding①being unnatural; (ii) carrying the features of source language structures and (iii) being in violation of the habitual use of target language

7. A brief introduction of or a comment on Skopos theory

.Skopostheorie points out that translation first must be a kind of human behavior with a distinct purpose the translation Skopos determines the translation procedures1.Skopos rule is the top-ranking rule for any translation which indicates that a translation action is determined by its Skopos 2.Another important rule of the Skopos theory is the coherence rule, which means that a translation should be acceptable in a sense that it is coherent with the receivers’ situation 3.The third rule of the Skopos theory that a translation must conform to is the fidelity (忠实)rule. Such a kind of fidelity is embedded in the very concept of translation in the Skopos theory.The three basic rules of Skopos theory are designed to govern the whole translation process and the translator’s activities concerning the translation itself.

8. An analysis of some translation approaches

1.Transliteration means to translate an item according to its pronunciation rather than its meaning. It is a frequently adopted method to the translation of some objects particular toChinese culture

2.Transliteration with Explanation This method can roughly be divided into two subcategories: one is transliteration within-text annotation; the other is transliteration with out-text annotation

3.Literal Translation Literal translation is where the forms of the original are retained as much as possible, even if those forms are not the most natural forms to preserve the original meaning. Literal translation is sometimes called word-for-word translation or sentence-for-sentence translation

4.Literal Translation with Explanation

5.ParaphrasingThis method reproduces the content without retaining the form of the original. In other words, it is a process of rewriting in different words, emphasizing the content instead of the form of the SL.

6 Adaptation Adaptation aims at maintaining elegance and intelligibility in the TL at the sacrifice of the form of the SL but without changing the main cultural message of the original.

拳头产品"market-penetrating product" or "product with a competitive edge".凤毛麟角 a rarity of rarities谋事在人,成事在天 Man proposes, Heaven disposes. 天公不作美Heaven is not cooperative不见棺材不落泪,不到黄河不死心(Until all is over, ambition never die. 跳进黄河也洗不清There's nothing you can do to remove the stigma off your name; Be in dead lumber黄河清,圣人出(A saint appears when the Yellow River clear亡羊补牢(mend the fold (羊栏) after the sheep have been stolen; lock the stable (马厩) door after the horse has been stolen)滥竿充数(inferior candidates pass off as competent ones ),叶公好龙(professed love of what one really fears; what one does belies one's commitments. ), 班门弄斧(display one's slight skill before an expert; teach fish to swim ),名落孙山(be [come in] nowhere; failed to pass the examination ),司马昭之心,路人皆知(This Szuma Chao trick is obvious to every man in

《临终关怀 不见棺材不落泪》


觊觎 jìyú 龃龉 jǔyǔ 囹圄 língyǔ 魍魉 wǎngliǎng 纨绔 wánkù 鳜鱼 guìyú 耄耋 màodié 饕餮 tāotiè 痤疮 cuóchuāng 踟躇 chíchú 倥偬 kǒnɡzǒnɡ 另:倥侗念 kōngdòng。 彳亍 chìchù 谄媚 chǎnmèi 女红 nǚgōng 古同“工” 佝偻 gōulóu 龟裂 guīliè 微细的裂纹(如砂浆、混凝土、抹灰面上的);颜料、釉或油漆薄膜,由于老 化和瓦解而产生的短而浅的裂纹 龟裂 jūnliè 田地因天旱而裂开许多缝子;皲裂。人的皮肤因为寒冷干燥而布满裂纹或 出现裂口蓓蕾 蹀躞 迤逦 呷茶 狡黠 猥亵 猥狎 委蛇 蟾蜍 迷惘 趔趄 窥觑 肄业 徜徉 叱咤 绸缪 纶巾 咄嗟 罹难 龌龊 促狭 皈依 旮旯bèilěi 遗憾的是在人名中经常被念作 péi。 diéxiè yǐlǐ xiāchá 呷作动词,义为小口饮。呷作象声词时念作 gā。 jiǎoxiá wěixiè wěixiá (怀疑是否有这个词) wēiyí chánchú míwǎnɡ lièqie kuīqù yìyè chánɡyánɡ 也作倘佯。 chìzhà chóumóu guānjīn duōjiē 霎时 línàn wòchuò cùxiá guīyī gālá 戛然 jiárán 参差 cēncī 鳏夫 guānfū 髑髅 dúlóu 皴裂 cūnliè 妊娠 rènshēn 老鸨 lǎobǎo 东莞 dōngguǎn 孑孓 jiéjué 逡巡 qūnxún 趑趄 zīqiè 斡旋 wòxuán 弹劾 tánhé 旌旗 jīngqí 沟壑 gōuhè 交媾 jiāogòu 菁华 jīnghuá 毓婷 yùtíng 拈花 niānhuā 旖旎 yǐnǐ 褴褛 lánlǚ 蒯草 kuǎicǎo 执拗 zhíniù 匍匐 púfú 阿訇 āhōng 吮吸 shǔnxī 暴殄 bàotiǎn 拥趸 yōngdǔn 氤氲 yīnyūn 鹄的 gǔdì 整饬 zhěngchì 北京话里常念轻声。 贲临 bìlín 常被人念成 pēn 踽踽 jǔjǔ 弑君 shìjūn 舐犊 shìdú澹台 tántái 复姓 单于 chányú 尉迟 yùchí 复姓。 噱头 juétou 或 xuétóu 一般取后一种。 劓刑 yìxíng 木讷 mùnè 薄荷 徘徊 耆宿 确凿 枣核 给予 说客 腌臜bòhe páihuái qísù quèzáo 现在只有一个音。 zǎohé 念 hú 时通常后加儿化音。 jǐyǔ shuìkè āzā垚(三个土,读音 yáo,意:山高,多用於人名。 ) 犇(三条牛,读音 bēn,意:同“奔 ”,急走,跑,紧赶,逃跑等。 ) 聂(三只耳朵,读音 niè) 磊(三块石头,读音 lěi,本义:石头多) 猋(三条小狗,读音 biāo ) 贔(三个宝贝,读音 bì ) 虫(3个虫重叠,读音 chong ) (虫的繁体) 奸(三个女字重叠,读音 jian) (奸的繁体) 嘦(上只下要,读音 jiào ) 囍(两个喜字,每个喜字31口,共六十二口,读音 xǐ ) 巭(上功下夫,读音 bū) 恏(上好下心,读音 hào ) 孬(上不下好,读音 nao) 奣(上天下明,读音 wěng) 嫑(上不下要,读音 biáo,意:不要 ) 驫(三匹马,读音 piāo ) 嚞(三个吉,读音 zhé) 譶(三个言,读音 tà ) 舙(三条舌头,读音 qì ) 瞐(三只眼,读音 mò ) 馫(三只香,读音 xīn) 灥(三条泉水,读音 xún ) 靐(三个响雷,读音 bìng) 畾(

三个条田,读音 léi) 轰(三个车,读音 hōng ) 皛(三个白,读音 xiǎo) 惢(三颗心,读音 suǒ ) 尛(三个小,读音 mó) 麤(三个鹿,读音 cū ) 龘(三个龙,读音 dá ,意古同“龖”,龙腾飞的样子。 ) 票(三个票,读音 piāo,意通“飘”。轻举的样子) 鑫(三个金,读音 xīn,意旧时商店字号、人名用字,取其金多兴旺之意) 森(三个木,读音 sēn,意稠密) 被误传了几千年的俗语1,“嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗”,原为“嫁乞随乞,嫁叟随叟”意思是一个 女人即使嫁给乞丐或者是 年龄大的人也要随其生活一辈子。随着时 代的变迁,这一俗语转音成鸡成狗了。2,“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”,“皮匠”实际上是“裨将”的谐音,“裨 将”在古代是指“副将”,原意是指三个副将的智慧合起来能顶一个诸 葛亮。流传中,人们将“裨将”说成了“皮匠”。3,“不见棺材不落泪”,本是“不见亲棺不落泪”,并不是见了任何棺 材都落泪。讹变为“不见棺材不落泪”,如果不管谁的棺材,只要见到 就落泪,那就有点太莫名其妙了。4, “有眼不识金镶玉”, 本是“有眼不识荆山玉”。 荆, 指古代楚国; “荆 山玉”,是玉匠在荆山发现的玉。5,“不到黄河心不死”,本是“不到乌江心不死”。乌江,项羽他老人 家自刎的地方。乌江讹变成黄河,真是让人无从解释了。6,“舍不得孩子套不住狼”本是“舍不得鞋子套不住狼”意思是要打到 狼,就要不怕跑路,不怕费鞋。不过这个我还能理解点,因为好像四 川那边管鞋叫孩子。如果真的拿生的孩子去套狼,也太恐怖啦!7,“狗屁不通”,这个成语最初是“狗皮不通”。狗的表皮没有汗腺, 酷夏,狗要借助舌头来散发体内的燥热。“狗皮不通”就是指狗的身体 这个特点,“屁”是污浊都象征,对于文理不通的东西,以屁来喻,也 就将就吧!8,“王八蛋”这是民间的一句骂人 话。实际上,这句话的原来面目是 “忘八端”。古代是,“八端”指“孝,悌,忠,信,礼,义,廉,耻”, 此八端指的是做人之根本, 忘记了这“八端”也就是忘了基本的做人根 本,可是后来却被讹变成“王八蛋”。[转] <转>爱情最好不要顺其自然[图片 转 图片] 转 爱情最好不要顺其自然 图片分享 转载 复制地址 转发到微博 转载自 2011年02月18日 07:44 阅读(4) 评论(0) 分类:个人日记 字体:中▼小 中 大 举报我们总是以为,我们会找到一个自己很爱很爱的人。 我们总是以为,我们会找到一个自己很爱很爱的人。 可是当我们回首,才发觉自己曾经多么天真。 可是当我们回首,才发觉自己曾经多么天真。

假如从来没有开始,你怎么知道自己会不会很爱很爱那个人呢? 假如从来没有开始,你怎么知道自己会不会很爱很爱那个人呢?其实,很爱很爱的感觉, 其实,很爱很爱的感觉,是要在一起经历了许多事情之後才会发现的茫茫人海可以找到一个心爱的人,这是多么大的福气, 茫茫人海可以找到一个心爱的人,这是多么大的福气, 或许没有你想象那么好,应该也不会糟糕到哪里, 或许没有你想象那么好,应该也不会糟糕到哪里,所以要知福惜福好好珍惜,多说关怀话,少说责备话。 所以要知福惜福好好珍惜,多说关怀话,少说责备话。如果你懂得珍惜,你会发现你获得的越来越多, 如果你懂得珍惜,你会发现你获得的越来越多,如果你一昧追求,你会发现你失去的越来越快。 如果你一昧追求,你会发现你失去的越来越快。爱情合理就好,不要委屈将就,不要相信完美的爱情, 爱情合理就好,不要委屈将就,不要相信完美的爱情, 其实彼此有缺点,有一种纯朴的可爱就足够了。 其实彼此有缺点,有一种纯朴的可爱就足够了。我们拥有一只鞋子的时候,才会明白失去另一只鞋子的滋味, 我们拥有一只鞋子的时候,才会明白失去另一只鞋子的滋味, 消逝的恋情总是刻骨铭心的,珍惜或放下,都是生命中必经的过程。 消逝的恋情总是刻骨铭心的,珍惜或放下,都是生命中必经的过程。 相爱的时候需要真诚,争执的时候需要沟通, 相爱的时候需要真诚,争执的时候需要沟通, 生气的时候需要冷静,愉快的时候需要分享 时候需要分享, 生气的时候需要冷静,愉快的时候需要分享, 指责的时候需要谅解,过日子的时候需要包容。 指责的时候需要谅解,过日子的时候需要包容。一个人的生命里,擦肩而过的人有千千万万, 一个人的生命里,擦肩而过的人有千千万万, 有几个是知音?有几个是深爱自己的人? 有几个是知音?有几个是深爱自己的人? 爱情再坚固,也无法承受忙碌的侵蚀, 爱情再坚固,也无法承受忙碌的侵蚀, 你忙得天荒地乱,你忙得忘记关心,你忙得身心疲惫,你忙得无所适从, 你忙得天荒地乱,你忙得忘记关心,你忙得身心疲惫,你忙得无所适从, 爱情不能等你有空才珍惜。 但是 ------ 爱情不能等你有空才珍惜。女人不要说,你没有遇到你想遇到的人,你想嫁的人, 女人不要说,你没有遇到你想遇到的人,你想嫁的人,如果你的容貌身材姿色收入家庭条件出 生没有发生改变的话,按照常理和规律,你就应该和现在的人在一起。 生没有发生改变的话,按照常理和规律,你就应该和现在的人在一起

。 男人不要说,等我有了钱,等我成功了,等我有了权, 男人不要说,等我有了钱,等我成功了,等我有了权,如果你的相貌身材收入家庭姿色没 有发生根本转变的话按照常理和规律,你就应该和现在的人在一起。你现在能遇到的, 有发生根本转变的话按照常理和规律,你就应该和现在的人在一起。你现在能遇到的,能交往 就是你可以找到的人。 的,就是你可以找到的人。 所以,你不要想以后怎样,以后是以后的事情。 所以,你不要想以后怎样,以后是以后的事情。 人生不过百年,幕起幕落而已。 人生不过百年,幕起幕落而已。



1 “嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗”

原为“嫁乞随乞,嫁叟随叟”意思是一个女人即使嫁给乞丐或者是 年龄大的人也要随其生活一辈子。随着时代的变迁,这一俗语转音成鸡成狗了。

2 “三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”


3 “不见棺材不落泪”


4 “有眼不识金镶玉”


5 “不到黄河心不死”





7 “狗屁不通”

这个成语最初是“狗皮不通”。狗的表皮没有汗腺,酷夏,狗要借助舌头来散发体内的燥热。“狗皮不通”就是指狗的身体这个特点,“屁”是污浊都象征,对于文理不通的东西,以屁来喻,也就将就吧! 8 “王八蛋”



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