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2016-10-23 14:43:56 编辑:chenghuijun 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you,下面是中国招生考试网http: www chinazhaokao com ...

  The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you,下面是中国招生考试网http://www.chinazhaokao.com/小编今天为大家精心准备了和你一起慢慢变老英文,希望对大家有所帮助!


  The back depends on the back to sit on the rug

  Listens to the music to chat the desire

  You hoped I am more and more gentle

  I hoped you put me on the heart

  You said wants to deliver me a romantic dream

  Thanks me to lead you to find the heaven

  Even if with can complete for a lifetime

  So long as I speak you to remember do not forget

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

  Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  Also couldn't go until our old where

  You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

  The back depends on the back to sit on the rug

  Listens to the music to chat the desire

  You hoped I am more and more gentle

  I hoped you put me on the heart

  You said wants to deliver me a romantic dream

  Thanks me to lead you to find the heaven

  Even if with can complete for a lifetime

  So long as I speak you to remember do not forget

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

  Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  Also couldn't go until our old where

  You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

  Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  Also couldn't go until our old where

  You also still regard as me in the control the treasure


  I hoped you put me on the heart

  You said wants to deliver me a romantic dream

  Thanks me to lead you to find the heaven

  Even if with can complete for a lifetime

  So long as I speak you to remember do not forget

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

  Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  Also couldn't go until our old where

  You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

  The back depends on the back to sit on the rug

  Listens to the music to chat the desire

  You hoped I am more and more gentle

  I hoped you put me on the heart

  You said wants to deliver me a romantic dream

  Thanks me to lead you to find the heaven

  Even if with can complete for a lifetime

  So long as I speak you to remember do not forget

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

  Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  Also couldn't go until our old where

  You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

  Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

  I can think of the most romantic matter


  Even if with can complete for a lifetime

  So long as I speak you to remember do not forget

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

  Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  Also couldn't go until our old where

  You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

  The back depends on the back to sit on the rug

  Listens to the music to chat the desire

  You hoped I am more and more gentle

  I hoped you put me on the heart

  You said wants to deliver me a romantic dream

  Thanks me to lead you to find the heaven

  Even if with can complete for a lifetime

  So long as I speak you to remember do not forget

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

  Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  Also couldn't go until our old where

  You also still regard as me in the control the treasure

  I can think of the most romantic matter

  Is and you slowly ages together

  On a road collects the intravenous drip laughing heartily

  Will remain sits the rocking chainr to later slowly to chat

  I can think of the most romantic matter


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3、"和你一起慢慢变老英文" 地址:http://www.chinazhaokao.com/zhishi/705792.html,复制分享给你身边的朋友!