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完形填空the popular notion that答案


标签: 完形填空 答案 popular notion 关键词:
完形填空the popular notion that答案篇一:高一完形填空训练及详解 高一年级完形填空练习及详解(六) 来源: 网络 发布时间: 2009-09-05 编辑: 娟子 [ 我来纠错 ] [ 我来说两句(0) ][字号:大 中 小] Marriage is still a popular institution in the United States, but divorce(离婚) is becoming_1_as“popular”.Most American people get married, _2_,at the present time, and fifty percent of American marriages end _3_ divorce. However, four out of five divorced people do not _4_ single. They get married a second time to _5_ partners. Sociologists(社会学家)tell us that in the nex