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2016-01-09 08:35:53 成考报名 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 关于校规的英语作文篇一:校规的英语作文 ...



1. Recently,a debate about obeying school rules has been sparked.

Firstly,school rules play an important role in helping students to behave well.As society develops,more and more teenagers like to follow the fashion,they dye hair,and dresses themsevels in a strange way.So obviously,obeying school rules will be a good way to help out.And what's more, as we think we are matural enough to manage things independently,we ,of course,should treat it our duty to obey it.

2. 校规(School Rule)

1、 We don't walk on the grass.

2、 We don't pick flowers.

3、We don't destroy our tables and chairs.

4、We can't fight in the school.

5、We can't throw things in the school.

6、We can't speak other people swearword.

7、We should comity in the class.

8、We should keep the classrooms clean and tidy every day.

9、We should respect each other.

10、We shouldn't take any toys in the school.

11、We shouldn't take any foods in the school.

12、We shouldn't play dangerous games.

13、We can't run in the school aisles.

14、We can't spit saliva in the school.

15、We should observe school discipline.

16、We shouldn't pilfer things in the school





















Recently,a debate about obeying school rules has been sparked.

First and foremost,school rules play a leading role in helping students conduct themselves.As society develops,more and more teenagers like to follow the fashion,they dye hair,and dress themsevels in a strange way,which is not socially acceptble.So apprantly,obeying school rules will be a good way to help out.And what's more, as we think we are matural enough to manage things individually,we ,of course,should treat it our duty to obey it.


Recently,a debate about obeying school rules has been sparked.

Firstly,school rules play an important role in helping students to behave well.As society develops,more and more teenagers like to follow the fashion,they dye hair,and dresses themsevels in a strange way.So obviously,obeying school rules will be a good way to help out.And what's more, as we think we are matural enough to manage things independently,we ,of course,should treat it our duty to obey it.
















first, second, third, firstly, secondly, thirdly, first, then / next, after that / next, finally / last / last but not least, and equally important, on (the) one hand…, on the other hand…, besides / what’s more / in addition (to sth.) / furthermore / moreover / another / also / too, plus, as well, especially / particularly / in particular


now, at present, recently, after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days, at first, at the beginning (of sth.), to begin with, to start with

later, next, finally, immediately, soon, suddenly = all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment…, form now on, from then on, gradually at the same time = meanwhile, till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as, during


now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, in fact / as a matter of fact / actually, frankly speaking, in other words, in simpler terms, that is to say, to put it differently


but, however, while, though, yet, still, nevertheless, or, otherwise, on the contrary / on the other hand, in spite of… / despite the fact that…, even though, except (for), instead, in stead of, of course, after all, even so


or, and, also, too, not only … but also…, as well as, both… and…, either …or…, neither…nor…


原因:because, because of = thanks to… = due to… = owing to…, since = now that, as, for,

结果:so, therefore, thus, hence, as a result (of), on this / that account, so…that, such…that, in this way


as (so) long as, on condition that, if, unless


though, although, as, even if, even though, whether …or…, however,

whoever, whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, no matter how (who, what, which, where)


for example, for instance, such as…, like…, take… for example


be similar to, similarly, the same as, in contrast, compared with (to)…, just like


for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order that, in order to, so as to,


indeed, in fact, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously, above all


in a word, in short, in brief, in summary, on the whole, generally speaking, in general, in my opinion, as far as I am concerned, as what has been mentioned, to sum up, to conclude, in conclusion



1) There are some/two/many good reasons for.../to do...

2) We have two good reasons for...

3) The reason for ... is that + 从句

4) Among the most convincing reasons given by people for..., one should be mentioned...

5) One may think of the trend as a result of...

6) The change in... largely results from the fact that...

7) There are several causes for this significant growth in... First...

8) A number of factors could account for the ....

9) It is no simple task to give the reason for ...

10) The cause of /reason for higher prices was an increase in demand.

11) Because/As/Now that/Since the demand has increased, the prices are higher.

12) An increase in demand causes/results in/leads to/produces higher prices.

13) The demand has increased.

14) Therefore,/As a result,/For this reason,/Because of

this,/Consequently, the prices are higher.

15) If there is an increase in demand, then prices rise./go up. /boost./are higher.

16) Different people look at...in different ways...


1) Different people have/hold different opinions/views on the question/problem/matter. Some

believe that ...; Others argue that ... :Still others maintain that ...

2) They are quite different from each other in their opinions.

3) Some people hold the opinion that it is good to ....

4) They think quite differently on this question.

5) Opinions vary from individual to individual, from culture to culture.


1) It is important (necessary, urgent, difficult, easy, convenient, comfortable, expensive,

desirable, advisable) for sb. to do sth.

2) ...have trouble/difficulty/a hard time/a difficult time (in) doing sth. (有困难做某事)


1) A is to B what/ as C is to D(A之于B犹如C之于D).

2) Just as..., so...

3) A and B have sth in common.

4) A is similar to B.

5) The same is true of,The same can be said of(……也是如此).

6) The advantages of A are much greater than B.

7) compared with B, A has many advantages.

8) The advantages outweigh the disadvantages(利大于弊).

9) Wonderful as A is, however, it has its own disadvantages too.

10) Although A enjoys considerable advantage over..., it can not compete with B in...





School rules :wear school uniforms ,not eat in the classroom ,do cleaning three times everyday ,do eye exercise and morning exercise ,not be late for school or class .


As for the school rules ,I agree to most of them ,which are necessary ,but disagree with a few unreasonable ones .

For instance ,I think it’s good for school children to do eye exercise and morning exercise every day .Some of my classmates don’t like to do so .But we should not only study hard ,but also keep fit .So we should keep doing them .

We are expected to wear school uniforms on school days .I don’t like it .Different people have different personalities .If we could wear our own clothes ,we would feel better .

I hope all the students can enjoy their school life .



in . 英文提示词:make progress ,used to ,spend …on ,seldom ,change a lot ,take an active part

范文:Li Hua is my classmates .He has made great progress during these days .In the past ,he used to quarrel with others and throw rubbish everywhere .He spent lots of money on clothes and played computer games quite often .He never listened to the teachers carefully in class .He seldom finished his homework on time .

But now he has changed a lot .He is getting on well with us .He keeps his desk clean and never throws rubbish about .He takes an active part in all kinds of activities .He not only works hard at his lessons ,but is also ready to help others .We all love him .


假设你们班要进行一次野外旅游(field trip ),你作为班长,要对此活动进行计划安排,并向全班通知。请根据以下内容要求(具体内容自定),拟一份80个词左右的通知。开头和结尾已写出,不计入总词数。

(1) 出游时间和地点;

(2) 出游注意事项(3-5项)

(3) 出游注意事项(2-3项)

An Announcement (通知)

Now ,class ,please be quiet ,I have an announcement to make

That `s all .Thank you

范文:An Announcement (通知)

On Saturday our class is going to have a field trip .In the morning we are going to hike to Bahao Mountains .At about noon ,We are going to have a picnic at the top of the

mountain .After lunch you may play games draw pictures ,have a dancing party ,anything you like .3:30 is the time for us to come back .

Please get to our school gate at 7:00 on Saturday morning .Be sure to take some food and drinking water with you ,but don’t take too many things . 方法点拨:

这是一篇应用文:通知,内容三方面很明确,按题目要求的1、2、3、分层来写,2中可考虑in the morning 下午干什么。注意用将来时be going to 和will




Dear Li Ping ,

These days Tom Cruise ,the film star ,always comes into my mind .I think of him night and day .I just sit in my room and watch videos of his films again and again .I’ve written hundreds of letters to him and sent e-mails to his fan club ,but all I get back are only photos with his names on them .I dream that some day I’ll meet him and that he’ll feel the same way about me .I don’t want to learn my lessons any more ,and I’ll have final exams next month .

I’m thinking of running away to Hollywood (好莱坞)to meet him .Can you help me with the problem ?



Hi Lucy,


Li ling

Hi Lucy ,

Nice to hear from you Everyone has his favorite stars and there’s nothing wrong with that .I understand you .But I don’t think what you do is right since you are a student .You’d better read more interesting books and have more sports in your free time .Stop writing to him and watching his films You may also tell your problem to your parents and teachers .I’m sure they’ll help you .Running away to Hollywood is a wrong idea . Work hard on your lessons and get ready for the exams .Your future is in your hands .

Yours ,

Li Ling



(3) 方法点拨: 认真读回信 根据信的内容提建议,如 看一些有趣的书 做一些运动 告诉父母 注意用should ,may







(注意:文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。格式已给出,不计入总词数。) Monday ,June 26th ,2007 Sunny


Monday ,June 26th ,2007 Sunny

I went to a park to work with the dustmen there this morning .I helped them to clean up the rubbish there .I worked very hard .After work ,I felt very tired .Though I was tired ,I was happy while I saw the park was clean again .

I think I shall go to work there again in the future .I am sure I will do my best to make the park a good place for people to rest after a day’s work .


⑴ 审题:记叙文、日记。

⑵定格式:日记一般要写日期及天气。年、月、日、星期几写在第一行的左上角,天气写在第一行的右上角。表达天气常用的形容词有:fine /clear (晴),rainy (雨),snowy (雾),windy(风),cloudy (多云)等。

⑶定要点:①日期,天气;②事情发生的时间;③去公园参加劳动 ④帮助清洁工(dustman)清除垃圾⑤虽然很累,但看到清洁的公园,心情很好⑥.以后要经常劳动,为人民休息的场所尽一分力。






41% Be fun 52% Be fair

69% Be patient and helpful 86% Can play different roles (角色)


Firstly a teacher should be able to play different roles in school .He can care about us like a mother .He can give us knowledge like a tutor .And he can play games and discuss problems w ith us like a friend .Secondly,a teacher should be patient and helpful .When we are in trouble ,he can always help us patiently .Thirdly ,a teacher should be fair .He should have the same rule for everybody .No one can break them .Fourthly ,a teacher should be fun .He can make his class interesting and make us laugh .


⑴审题,题目已给出What’s my favorite teacher like ?Why


① 应该扮演不同的角色,父母、老师、朋友

② 应该有耐心和帮助人

③ 对每个人都公平

④ 有趣、给学生带来快乐

⑶注意should ,can

⑷可用Firstly,secondly,thirdly 使条理清晰、


假如你叫王斌,今天该你给大家作报告,你将要和大家谈的话题是英语,内容主要是谈英语的重要性以及怎样学好英语。请根据表格里提供的信息,将你的报告编写成短文。 要求:

1. 意思连贯,符合逻辑;






教师Mr Carl能在你们彩排(rehearsal)时给你们的节目给予一些指导并邀请他及他的美国同事

注意:词数100左右。 Dear Mr. Carl,


Li Hua

Hua, of close to

As Christmas is around the corner, we have decided to have an English Christmas party with

the purpose of improving our English as well as raising our cultural awareness. It will include songs,

short plays and other performances. I’m writing to ask if you could spare some time to come and

watch us rehearsal and give some advice so that we can make some improvement.Our party will be

held in our school theatre on December 24th. It will start at 8:00 pm and end at about 10:00 pm. It

would be our great honour if your and your American colleagues could join us!

I am looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua




“My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations”。请根据下列提示用英语写一篇征文稿。






第二节 写作(共1题,满分30分)


注意:1. 词数:120--150左右 (信的开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数)

2. 短文须包括表中的全部内容,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 参考词汇:攀比 keep up with the Joneses

Dear Editor,

I’m a middle school student named Wang Ping. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


A possible version:

Dear Editor,

I’m a middle school student named Wang Ping. Recently, we often have to buy presents for our classmates’ birthdays, and sometimes, we are invited to their birthday parties in expensive

hotels, which caused us to think whether students should spend so much money for birthdays. About this there are two different views. Some students think it provides us with a good chance to communicate with each other and develop our friendship, and besides, we can relax after hard work at school. However, some other students think it’s a waste of money and time and can lead us to getting into the bad habit of trying to keep up with the Joneses, which has a bad effect on our growth and studies.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s not easy for our parents to make money and keep us at school for education. So there is no need for us to do like that. We must treasure our parents’ labor and put our hearts into our studies.

What do you think about it? I’m expecting your reply.


Wang Ping

4. 保定二中10—11学年度第一学期高三年级月考



1. 和同学及朋友观看世界杯足球赛。

2. 上辅导课(学习数学、物理、化学)

3. 在餐馆打工两周,洗碗、洗菜。

4. 到敬老院做义工(打扫卫生、为老人读报)



2 Thanks for your e-


Li Hua

One possible version

I finished my homework on time, which I think was the most important. Other than that, I did a lot of interesting things. As you know, the 2010 FIFA World Cup was held in South Africa. I watched almost all the football matches with my friends and classmates. How about you? I also took training courses, including maths, physics and chemistry. I once worked for two weeks in a small restaurant near my home, where I washed dishes and vegetables. It was really a tiring job, but I think it was worthwhile since I could earn some money. I think my voluntary work in the nursing home was the most meaningful. I did some cleaning and read newspapers for the elderly there.

5. 福州三中2010—2011学年度高三上学期期中考

25] 因素对你的成长影响最大。请你以Tracking My Growth为题,按以下要求写篇英语短文:







Tracking My Growth

The process of growing up is complex for every person, for there are many influential factors in a person’s growth as well as the development of his personality.As for me, what has affected me most in my both growth and personality are family and friends, the two equally important factors. After one is born, the first surroundings is the family in which he will grow up.Family plays a significant role in shaping children’s character because it’s children’s most direct source of knowledge and experiences.Those who are brought up in good families tend to possess many pleasant characters and vice versa.

On the other hand, friends in some ways influence him more rapidly than families do.Friends have many different opinions and personalities.Discussing with them builds up his personality.Frankly speaking, I get lots of valuable things from my friends.

Family offers me warmth and care.Friends give me strength and horizons.Therefore, both of them are most influential in my growth



最近的一份调查表明中国青少年的体质明显下降,青少年的健康问题日益受到社会的关注。请根据下列提示,以“The health of Chinese youngsters—a big concern”为题,写一篇100词左右的英语短文。



3.建议:改革现行教育制度,减轻学生负担,使学生有更多睡眠和锻炼的时间。 参考词汇:肥胖 obesity 近视short-sightedness 改革 reform

The health of Chinese youngsters—a big concern


The health of Chinese youngsters—a big concern

A latest survey shows that the health of Chinese youngsters has greatly declined.Many Chinese students are facing a number of physical problems, such as obesity, and short-sightedness, etc.How has this situation come about?

Under the current educational system, marks seem to mean everything to students.To pass the college entrance examination, students have to spend most of their time in doing endless homework.As a result, they do not sleep or exercise enough.

To improve students’ health, we should reform the current educational system.Besides, we call for less homework, thus leaving students more time to sleep and take exercise.Only in this way can the health of youngsters be greatly improved.










中学生征文,标题是“My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations”。请根



有内容要点,可适当发挥; 2.短文标题与开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;



4.参考词汇:作弊 cheat(v.)

My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations

It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.


My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations

It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.

As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we

have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other

hand, some of us are lazy and don‟t work hard at their lessons. So when

taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to

please their parents and teachers.

In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the

rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results

by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. What‟s more, we

should improve our study methods and get well prepared for


Passage 7




注意:1.文章必须包括表中的全部内容。 2.词数为100左右。 3.参考词汇: 网络朋友on-line friend(s),上当受骗to be cheated


Should students make friends on line ?Some people say yes .The internet

helps make many friends .Chatting on line ,students can more freely

express their feelings and opinions ,and even get help with their foreign

language studies .

Others ,however, think students should not .They say making friends

on line is a waste of time ,which should be spent more meaningfully on

study .Besides ,some students get cheated on line.

It is my opinion that students should place their study ,health and

safety before other things .As for friendship ,we can readily find it in our

classmates and other people around us.

以下是某英文报联合你校对你市(Kangming City)1998年到2008



图表1 图表


The average family income in our Kangming City increased from


The average family income in our Kangming City increased from

8,000 yuan per year in 1998 to 20,000 yuan in 2008. In the meantime, the

structure of the average family expenses has changed, too. These graphs

show the change clearly.

The biggest part of the average family expenses is housing. In 1998,

the average family spent 25 percent of its income on housing. In 2880,

expenses on housing rose to 42 percent. Food and drink are the second

biggest part of the average family expenses. In 1998, about 18% of the

average income was spent on this item. In 2008, the figure grew to 30%.

As a result of such increase in the expenses on housing and food, expenses on other items have been reduced from 57% in 1998 to 28%in 2008.

Thus, a conclusion can be drawn that as income increases, people can improve their living step. But still the average family has to spend a

large part of income to meet the basic needs.

Passage 7


假如你是李华,将于3月15日到英国伦敦参加“International English Learning Camp”。与会代表须在会上交流自己的英语学习体会。请你根据以下提示写一篇英文发言稿。


School Rules



School Rules

Every school has its own rules for students. We are told to wear school uniforms at school. We should listen to our teachers carefully in class.Homework must be done carefully and handed in on time. We have to keep quiet in the library. Getting along well with our classmates is necessary. Besides, we must always be on time for school. I think it's important for students to follow the school rules. But we don't like to wear school uniforms all the time. Each of us is not the same and we like to be different from each other.

点评:“Every school has its own rules for students.”开头比较客观,符合实际情况。接着列举了六条校规,从作者列举的校规来看,有主动句,有被动句,让人觉得句式灵活.行文流畅。最后作者委婉地表达了自己的观点: “l think it's important for students to follow the school rules...”

译文:校 规







(二)请你根据Kids' Rules的条目完成一篇学生给校长的书信


Family Rules


俗话说:“国有国法,家有家规。”为了使子女身心健康、顺利成长,使家庭成员之间的关系更融洽、更和谐,每个家庭都会有这样或那样的家庭规矩。比如必须按时回家,不准打电子游戏等。请你结合家庭的实际情况,根据下面的提示和要求,以“My Family Rules”为题,写-篇短文。



My Family Rules

My parents are very strict with me, and they have made some basic rules which I must obey. Firstly, I must finish my homework in time.

Secondly, I cannot play computer games, even in my free time or on weekends. Thirdly, I have to do some houseworks, such as making the bed,tidying my bedroom, and so on. If I break one of them, I will be punished.But thanks to these rules, I can live a healthy and regular life.

I think the second rule is unfair to me. I hope sometimes I could be allowed to play computer games for a while, it will make me relaxed.

点评:本文作者在向我们倾诉“家规家法”的同时,避免了一味地埋怨,让我们看到了“家规家法”下一个健康成长的青少年。 “But thanks to these rules.I can live ahealthy and regular life.”是作者的真情流露,同时文章结尾也表明作者在“玩游戏”等方面希望与父母沟通,得到他们的理解的心理。给读者展示了一个用“一分为二”的观点看待“家规家法”的当代青少年。



(二)My family rules

There are many rules in my family.such as don’t eat in the bed, don’t talk loudly,study should carefully and so on. I am always busy with my lessons and I have many homework to do every night, but my parents still ask(要求) me to wash clothes and make the bedroom clean and tidy. I am tired every day ,what should(因该)I do? I ask for help from my parents, but they say to me, you are not a child, you should learn to take care of yourself. Now I (我的父母说的都是真的)and they give me all their love. I love them.

(三)My Family Rules

My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.For example,i can't go out

with my friends at school nights.On weekends, I have to go home before nine p.m. It's strict,but I think it's necessary. And I must finish my homework in time.I can't play computer games. I have to wash clothes by myself. I have to get up at six o'clock every morning.And I have to be in bed by ten o'clock.

But thanks to these rules. I can live in a good health. But I think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep! And I think play some computer games is not badly. So I think the family rules can make some change.

我的父母非常严格.因为我拥有如此多的家庭规则。举例来说,夜晚我不能去我的朋友在学校.在周末,我回家之前, 9时有严格的,但我认为这是必要的。我必须完成我的功课的时间。我不能玩电脑游戏。我要自己洗衣服。我不得不起床六点钟每早晨.和我必须在床上的十点钟。但是由于这些规则.I能够生活健康.但是我认为要在床上的十点钟是不公平的!学生需要9个小时的睡眠!我觉得玩一些电脑游戏不严重。瑞认为,家庭规则可以作出一些改变。

(四)Our school rules

School rules are very important. There are many rules in our school. For example, we (穿校服)at school and we should go to school on time. We should keep the classroom clean and tidy. We can't eat, drink or sleep in class. We must do our homework , too. We aren’t allowed to smoke. We aren’t allowed to fight in school. We aren’手机) 对....有好处) our study and school life. We must obey(遵守) the rule

(五) 根据提示,请以“School Rules”为题,写一篇短文或对话

提示:每所学校都有规章制度,下面是你们学校的一些规章制度,请你向一位新生Mary作一下介绍。 内容包括: 1. 上课不能迟到。 2. 教室要保持(keep)干净和安静。 3. 见到老师要问好。(greet) 4. 不允许在教室里吃东西。 5. 不许在课堂上听音乐,玩游戏。 6. 不要损害花草树木。(pick flowers; climb trees) School Rules

Welcome to our school, Mary. Here are some of our school rules. Let me tell you: We can't be late for class. We can't talk loudly in class. We have to be quiet in class, and we have to keep our class clean. When we meet the teachers on the way, we must greet them. We can't eat or drink in the classroom. But we can eat outside. We can't listen to music or play games in class, either. We can't pick flowers or climb trees


Dear Friends,

I have too many rules in my school.So I am very tired. I can't eat food in class, and I must listen to the teacher carefully. I can't listen to music in class. In Chinese classes, I can't drink water and in English classes I have to do some reading. Oh,I can't stand these rules, but nobody can broken them.

After class, I can't fight with my classmate, and I can't run in the hallways. Oh,no! I can't talk loudly in the dining hall, either. I can't take the wet umbrellas to the school library. I can't be late for school.I must wear a school uniform. I have to clean the classroom after school. What can I do? Oh, I can't stand(忍受) these rules. I don't like them at all! Yours,


关于校规的英语作文篇八:校园生活 英语作文







内容: 描述规定,阐述看法,改善意见

(三)单句翻译/ 造句成文

1. 每个学校都有许多校规。学生应该遵守它们。

2. 在学校,每人必须穿校服。

3. 我们不能在教室吃东西。

4. 学生不被允许把手机带入学校。

5. 我同意第一个规定。

6. 校服看起来普通。

7. 它使我们运动时轻松。

8. 我建议在不同场合穿不同类校服。

9. 在不同天穿不同颜色的校服。

10. 我相信校规会越来越完善。





them. ____________, everyone has to wear school uniforms at school. _____________, we can’t eat in classrooms. ___________, we are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school. I agree with the first one. ____________ our uniforms might look very normal, they enable us to do all kinds of sports easily.

__________, I have a piece of advice for it. I suggest that we should _________wear different styles of uniforms in different situations ______ wear different colors of them on different days. ____________, I believe the school rules will improve better and better.

I agree to the idea that cell phones can’t be brought into school

I am honored to give some advice on the improvement of some rules

We get up too early to have our breakfast. As a result, we need sth to refresh us.


School rules are of great importance for young people’s development, and all of us approve most of our school rules.

By following the rules, we take the responsibility to make our school safer and more harmonious.

It’s our duty to obey the school rules and in return the rules keep us from dangers and


I hope this idea will be taken into account and I’d like to know more suggestions, which will add color to our life at school for sure.



Home rules:

1. You are not allowed to play computer games even after you finish your homework.

2. You can’t go out with your friends on school nights.

3. You are not allowed to choose your own clothes.

4. You have to do more homework your parents give you.


作为中学生,在遵守校规校纪的同时,你既拥有紧张的学习生活,又拥有丰富的课余时光。请介绍一下你某一天的生活,包括: 最认同的校规,最喜欢的课程,课后活动,晚上时光以及你的感受。

My school life

As a middle school student, I have a wonderful school life.


中学生学习时间长、压力大( pressure),专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。在对100人的问卷调查中,不同的同学有不同的放松方式,请你根据图表说明调查结果,并说明你通过什么方式放松自己及原因,最后谈谈你的感受。

提示词: relax, music, think, proper, Students study too long every day and suffer

from to much pressure.


三年的初中生活即将结束。请你以"I will remember my school life forever"为题,为英语校刊投稿。

After the High School Entrance Examination, the three-year school life will come to an end.________________________________________________________________________



Dear Zhang Hua,

I haven't hear from you for a long time. I miss you very much.

I still remember all the things and people in your school But I know that things have changed

a lot in the last two years in Beijing. I’m going to give lessons to my students in America about Chinese school life next month. Would you please tell me something about your present school life ? For example, are there any changes in your school buildings? How are the teacher doing? What new subjects do you have now? And tell me something about yourself on the school life in the two years.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Your, Steven


假如你是李明,上周你班同学就"毕业前我们该为学校做些什么?"进行了讨论。请你根据 下面表格中的提示,将同学们的建议用英语写一封信告诉你的笔友David,并谈谈你的想法及理由。

一些同学建议 全班筹钱,为校图书馆买书或其他东西。 另外一些同学建议无需花钱;好好学习,让学校以我们为荣。你的想法及理由?

Dear David

Last week we held a discussion on what we should do for our school

Dear David,

Last week we held discussion on what we should do for our school before we graduate. The students in our class have different suggestions.

Some students think that we can collect money to buy some books for the school library or something else for the school. Others think that it's not necessary to spend money. We can study hard to make our school feel proud of us.

In my opining, we don't have to spend money. We can do something meaningful to the school. For example, we can do some volunteer work to beautify the school's environment or try to get better result in the coming exam so that our school will be proud of us.

(In my opinion, we can collect our pocket- money to buy some books for our school library. We can buy some dictionaries in English. Those don't cost much but that is wonderful. The younger students will use them. I hope other students in our school can do something else. )

I’d like to know your idea. Could you give me some advice?

关于校规的英语作文篇九:英语作文 校园生活


名词:math, favorite subject,beginning, fun, skill, sir, madam, activity, group, unit, team, joke, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, reason, test, geography, yesterday, middle school, suggestion, exam, classmate, report, article, idea, rule, hallway, classroom, Ms, dinning hall, sports shoes, gym, Dr, in class, schoolwork, physics, grade, gift, prize, visitor, monitor, umbrella, raincoat, end-of-year exam, report card, semester, disappointing result, senior high school, half the class, mistake; secret; speaking skills; writing skill, grammar

动词:pass, relax, star, teach, clean, read, study, describe, improve, stop, remember, say, did, went, stay, have, spend, discuss, said, fight, look for, talk about, do some reading, practice, have to, do one’s homework, have fun doing, study for the test, have a party, practice English, help sb. do, win, end, drive, go for a drive, sleep late, have a day off, hang out, study for a test, copy, have a really hard time with, be surprised to find, forget to do, start a bad habit, get over it, get mad at sb, be able to do, write in English, break the rule, make mistakes, laugh at; take notes, look up, work with friends, read the textbook, listen to tapes, ask the teacher for help, study for a test, watch a video, can’t understand, spoken English, find a pen pal, try one’s best, be afraid to…, succeed, achieve, stay up until 11 pm, be strict with…, talk about the rules, wear uniforms, wear our own clothes, allow sb to do…, care about, concentrate on

形容词:busy, interesting, boring, fun, tired, difficult, cool, following, regular, irregular, present, past, colorful, better, different, wet, hard-working, own, unimportant, frustrating; relaxing, strict, frustrated, serious enough, wild, old enough, calm enough

I am really busy. At … I have math.

It’s difficult but interesting. I like…/I don’t like…

We have to clean the classroom. We can’t run in the hallways.

I take the subway to school and it takes 25 minutes.

The early bus takes him to school.

The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.

In other parts of the world, things are different. In China, it depends on where you are. That must be a lot of fun than taking a bus! My favorite subjects are physics.

Last week’s talent show was a great success.

The prize for the funniest act went to Steve Tian and his dog.

I study by …; I have learned a lot that way.

Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.

First of all, …; Then…; At last…;

It is easy for me to understand …

Teenagers should be allowed to …

I am (not) allowed to…

We have a lot of rules at my school/home.

So do we. I have to…


1. 每个学校都有许多校规。学生应该遵守它们。

2. 在学校,每人必须穿校服。

3. 我们不能在教室吃东西。

4. 学生不被允许把手机带入学校。

5. 我同意第一个规定。

6. 校服看起来普通。

7. 它使我们运动时轻松。

8. 我建议在不同场合穿不同类校服。

9. 在不同天穿不同颜色的校服。

10. 我相信校规会越来越完善。






Every school has school rules. _________ students should obey them. Here are some of them. ____________, everyone has to wear school uniforms at school. _____________, we can’t eat in classrooms. ___________, we are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school. I agree with the first one. ____________ our uniforms might look very normal, they enable us to do all kinds of sports easily.

__________, I have a piece of advice for it. I suggest that we should _________wear different styles of uniforms in different situations.

____________, I believe the school rules will be improved better and better.


1. 词组搭配,

建议:suggest sb. do, suggest doing, advise ab to do, give some advice on,

同意:agree to do,agree with sb, agree that, be in agreement, approve, disagreement

允许:allow/ permit sb to do, be allowed to do, should, be supposed to do…, It’s our duty /

responsibility to do…obey /break / follow the rules

校园活动:take part in, join in club, enjoy doing, , keep/stop/prevent… from doing, set an

example,do exercise, have PE class,

学习: concentrate on , pay attention to, put one’s heart into... take notes, work out, catch up

with, by doing, get good grades, make great/rapid progress, have difficulty in doing, find it difficult / frustrating / amazing / encouraging / fantastic to do, be afraid of, work on, work out, help with, help out, ask… for…, try one’s best, get over, go over, be afraid to , can’t understand, listen to teachers

科目:Chinese, math, P.E, English, favorite subject,interesting, boring, fun, tired,

2. 句型从句 too…to, so that, not only…but also…, Let’s…make sb. adj., that/which/who

3. 非谓语结构:It’s +adj. for sb. to do, doing sth …

e.g. Every school has school rules which students should follow.

I agree to the idea that cell phones can’t be brought into school

I am honored to give some advice on the improvement of some rules

We get up too early to have our breakfast. As a result, we need sth to refresh us.

School rules are of great importance for young people’s development, and all of us approve most of our school rules.

By following the rules, we take the responsibility to make our school safer and more harmonious.

It’s our duty to obey the school rules and in return the rules keep us from dangers and distractions

I hope this idea will be taken into account and I’d like to know more suggestions, which will add color to our life at school for sure.


回想三年的英语学习历程,丰富多彩的英语课堂活动一定给你留下了许多难忘的印象。请你以“What should we do in English class?” 为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈在英语课堂上学生应该怎样做,才能使英语学习更有效。

提示:⑴ Listen to the teacher.

⑵ Take part in activities.

⑶ Be confident in ourselves.

要求:⑴ 文稿须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。

⑵ 文稿中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。

⑶ 词数:60-80个。

参考词汇: take notes, work in groups with..., not be afraid of…

What should we do in English class?

In English class,_______________________________________________


In English class, we should listen to the teacher carefully. Without doubt, the more carefully you listen, the more useful information you can get. Besides, taking notes is also a good way to make you concentrate on the class.

In order to learn English well, we are supposed to take part in all kinds of activities. We need to work in groups with our classmates and talk with them in English.

Last but not least, it is very important for us to be confident. As a proverb goes, confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. We shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes in class. Only in this way, can we improve our English.

In a word, I believe as long as we remember all these strategies, we will surely make it in English in the end.




提示词语:I, a middle school student, learn, many subjects, after class, take part in, activity, be interested in, grow up, important, be sure.



I am a middle school student. I learn many subjects at school. After class, my classmates and I often take part in different school activities. I’m interested in computer science and I often go to our school computer group. I learn to get useful things from the Internet. I think it is important to learn to use computers because they are used everywhere in our modern life. I want to work for our country with computers when I grow up.


(初三2张濡夷) I am a middle school student who is always busy with school work. Luckily, though we have to learn many subjects at school, we can enjoy a number of activities. In order to free ourselves from studying pressure, my friends and I often take part in different school activities after class. However, I showed great interest in computer science and I spent most of my spare time in our school computer group. I learned to get useful things from the internet so that I could teach my classmates how to use computers. I feel very proud and happy while helping them. I think it’s important to learn to use computers because not only are they used everywhere in our modern life, but also they help us communicate better with the world. I am keen on learning computer and I would like to put this love to good use by working for our country when I grow up. I’m sure that my dream will come true if I work hard.

All in all, I have a colorful school life.

(初三2杨越) I am a middle school student. Our school provides us with many kinds of activities. I prefer the sports club to others. Therefore, I became a member of the volleyball team and benefitted a lot from it. Fitting as much time as possible practicing playing it results in my healthy body.

As far as I’m concerned, taking part in the school activities can not only help us learn different skills, but also make us understand the importance of team spirit. Besides, we’ll feel refreshed after these activities. Only in this way, can we be energetic enough the next day. It is because the school activities have many advantages that we all like them very much. I’m sure that they will keep adding colors to our school life.


假如你叫Sally, 是Betty的笔友,你收到了她的来信。请你给她写一封回信,针对她的问题,谈谈你的看法,并给出可行的建议。

Dear Betty,

I have read your letter. _____________________________________________________


Yours truly,


Dear Betty,

I have read your letter. I can understand your feeling and I’m worried about your health and your study. Here are some suggestions for you.

First, hamburgers, ice creams and potato chips are bad for your health, so you had better give up the thought that you want to eat them at school. Second, try to eat as much school lunch as possible in order to have enough energy. Try your best and everything will be all right soon. Finally, if there is really something wrong with the school lunch, you can talk to your teachers and help improve it. It’s not only for yourself, but also for the whole school.

Good luck.

Yours truly,



Dear Betty,

I’ve read your letter. I can understand how you feel. And I’m willing to help you out. Here’s some advice for you.

Firstly, hamburgers, ice creams and potato chips are so bad for your health that your school doesn’t provide you with them. On the other hand, whether the food your school offers is delicious or not, it must be safe and nutritious. Thus, I suggest that you give up those junk food and try to eat as much school lunch as possible in order to have enough energy to keep you concentrating on your lessons. In addition, if the lunch is really bad, you need to take action. I think one of the nice things about admitting to the fact that your school lunch do has some unpleasant point is that it gives you a chance to take the responsibility to help improve it. Talking to your teacher about it may help make a difference.

In conclusion, I hope all these above can help you in one way or another. I’m looking forward to your good news.

Yours truly,



英语作文考试作弊现象-Cheating On Exams

Cheating On Exams

(1). 在各类考试中,都发现有学生作弊的现象。

(2). 作弊所带来的不利影响。

(3). 怎样制止作弊。


With the development of the society, people pay more and more attention to education. As a result, thousands of students take part in various examinations. However, some students have been found cheating on their exams. Some of them copy from each others, some took out their textbooks or reference books to copy, some copied from small pieces of paper on which they had prepared for the exam, still some used the modern communication tools such as BP, mobile phone as a way to cheat on exams.

Then, what’s the effect of cheating on exam? There are three factors for this. First, it results in an unfair competition and will destroy the creativity of those bright students. Second, it will ruin the students’ self-confidence in the long run. Third, under that kind of circumstances, the students graduated from the schools will not be the one who can meet the need of the society. However, how to stop cheating on exam? In my opinion, there are two ways we can adopt. First, a severe punishment should be put into effect to prevent students from cheating. Second, great effort should be made to make students understand what kind of person the society needs and try to improve their self-confidence.

杜绝考试作弊行为历来是考试工作中的一项重要内容 在素质教育的今天我们还是避免不了经常参加各种大大小小考试。一方面,有时考试对我们来说并不太容易,另一方面,

有些学生不努力学习,所以当他们参加考试时,为了避免老师和家长的压力而去作弊. 对我而言,作弊是不好的,既违反校规,又是不文明的体现,我们学生应当诚实,用努力学习采取得好成绩,而不是依靠作弊。还有我们要改进学习方法,为考试做好充足准备,用真实的成绩去回报父母,回报老师和社会的信赖

The stop test cheating behavior is always in test work important content We could not avoid in education for all-around development's today participating in each kind of every large or small test frequently. Sometimes at the same time, takes a test is not too to us easy, on the other hand, some students study not diligently, when therefore they participate in the test, to avoid teacher and guardian's pressure, but cheats. As it concerns me, cheats is not good, both violates the school regulation, and is uncivilized manifestation, our student must be honest, with studies diligently adopts the good result, but is not the dependence cheats. Also has us to improve the study method, prepares for sufficient for the test, repays the parents with the real result, repays teacher and society's faith

考试作弊问题(The problems of Cheating On Exams)

考试作弊问题(The problems of Cheating On Exams)

It never be explained why so many students on campus cheat in their examinations nowadays, regardless of the danger that teachers find their secret, as it did in the case of the boy student in the cartoon/photo above. What is conveyed in the drawing is most thought-provoking and should arouse our social concern.

The implied meaning of the picture is worth discussing. Firstly, the youngs always become quite illogical when they try to descide what can be done and what can not be done. In the light of this statement, some students are often willing to sacrifice their credibility for the privillage of getting more points and being regarded as outstanding students. Furthermore, some one is afired that he can't pass the final exams leading to his degree, in the fruit of being absorbed into computer games or disappointment in love. Consequently, only by cheating can they graduate and get the degree on time. Although many reasons share the problem of this drawing, one of them can be singled out for recognition: the conditions of our sociaty. Such is human nature, that we can't avoid being influenced by environment. In short, the root of cheating in examinations and credibilililess on campus is combinition of many factors.

There is no blinding at the fact that, in dealing with a challenge on such scale, some strong, effective and necessary counter-measures should be put on our agenda. To the begin with, a widespread education campaign should be launched to make students realize the importance of credibility. What's more, the government departments at different levels and related orgnizations should make joint efforts and coordination of programs to creat a more credit

environment for us. Only by this package deal, can build up a harmonious and healthy sociaty.





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