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2016-09-10 11:01:32 编辑: 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 关于性格作文(共3篇)写我的性格的作文1000字写我的性格的作文1000字 好强的我 每个人都有自己的性格,有的冷酷,有的温柔,有的暴躁,有的随和„„而我,最鲜明的性格就是好强,和谁都要比比,你也不例外哦! 跳远 一个盛夏的夜晚,我和二班的一个跳远高手见面了。平常,我们这些运动员很少见面,所以一见面就聊开...


写我的性格的作文1000字 好强的我 每个人都有自己的性格,有的冷酷,有的温柔,

有的暴躁,有的随和„„而我,最鲜明的性格就是好强,和谁都要比比,你也不例外哦! 跳远 一个盛夏的夜晚,我和二班的一个跳远高手见面了。平常,我们这些运动员很少见面,所以一见面就聊开了。 “你跳远能跳几米?一他问我。 “不知道呢!” “那我们来比一比吧!”我点点头,欣然同意。他先跳,我一看惊呆了,没想到,他竟然跳了一个2米65!太吓人了吧。轮到我跳了,才跳了1米1。他不屑地说:“小样的,你也太烂了吧,居然才跳了1米1。”那时,我心中像是打翻了五味瓶——真不是滋味,脸也火辣辣的,红得像个大苹果。当时,特别想把自己变成一只小老鼠,找个地缝钻进去。我没有反驳什么,就直接走了。 回到家里,该睡觉了,可是,我就是睡不着,翻来覆去的。我下定决心,每一天都练习跳远,我就不信我赢不了他!日子一天天过去,我跳得越来越远了。终于,我也能跳到2米65了。 一年过去了,我们又在盛夏见面。我说:“咱们再来比一比吧!”他说:“好啊!”开始了,他先跳,还跳了2米65。我不再惊骇,因为,现在的我已经能跳到3米了。他一下子愣住了,结结巴巴地说:“怎么,怎么可能,不会吧!”我得意洋洋,“怎么样,不错吧!这是我在一年的时间里跳出来的成绩。”说完,心里乐开了花。 考试 上次测试,我考了89分,就有同学嘲笑我说:“你当班长,才考这么少,还当什么班长呀!”看着他得意洋洋的神情,我心里有说不出的羞愧,大声叫了起来:“你等着!”过了不久,考试又来临了。答题时,我心里暗暗说道:这次我一定要考好,加油! 等考卷发下来时,我心里特别的高兴,居然考了95.5。于是,我对他说:“请你不要小看我了。”我终于又扬眉吐气一回了。 好强——我并不觉得是一个不好的性格,它给我带来了快乐,带来了积极向上进取的动力。





Character decided the fate【关于性格作文】

People always used to say, personality affect a person's life.【关于性格作文】

The book describes three successful people。The financier Morgan's success, is worth pondering。An American reporter to interview Morgan, asked him to decide the success of what conditions, Morgan bluntly says is" character". Visible character plays a decisive role in the success of. Then, the reporter asked him, capital and capital which is more important. Old Morgan make a pointed comment said capital is more important than the fund, but the most important is the disposition. From Morgan 's answer can know how important character to success is, his answer is always inseparable from the personality. Opens Morgan's struggle history, regardless of his success in Europe the United States bonds issued in a cipher, an insight suggested all steel trust plan, Still prevail over all dissenting views, even at the risk of his life to carry out the【关于性格作文】

national railroad Union, both due to his stubborn and innovative character.If removes this, perhaps has many capital was unable to create the great cause of investment bank.


In addition, it also said the world tycoon Buffett and Bill Gates address;When students asked" how do you become richer than God" this interest in the problem,Buffett said:" this problem is very simple, why is not IQ 。Why smart people do some obstacles to their own full ergonomics thing?Because of habit, character and temperament." Gates agrees.

Poverty itself is not terrible, terrible idea are poor, and that they are destined for poverty. Once in a poverty situation, consider their own fate on poverty, and this is clearly wrong. Although there is lot of

people were poor, but because he has confidence and brave mettle, and finally be able to overcome poverty. It seems, whether in work or in life, is decided the fate of character。Character is like a cement pillar in a body strong as iron, and knowledge and learning is the pouring of concrete。


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