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true friendship为主题的作文

2018-04-16 14:32:51 编辑:huantt 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   真正的友谊,不是花言巧语,而是关键时候拉你的那只手。以下是中国招生考试网www chinazhaokao com 分享的true friendship为主题的作 ...

  真正的友谊,不是花言巧语,而是关键时候拉你的那只手。以下是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com 分享的true friendship为主题的作文,希望能帮助到大家!

  true friendship为主题的作文

  the true friendship The bell ring the bell... ! The bell rang for class, this class is a language lesson, I thought to myself, don't know what the teacher the class who can speak the text?  Originally, the teacher in the classroom to tell us a little about "friendship", is about a man named jack Bauer students have difficulty in solving arithmetic word problems, homework often please help, some students will let jack Bauer copy his homework again. Cockroaches think this classmate enough "friends". Some classmates tell jack about problem-solving ideas and steps, only let him think independently finish the homework, he felt that classmate enough "friendship". The teacher finished, let's think about what students help jack Bauer is right? What is true friendship? I wanted to think, to help jack Bauer on topic ideas and steps of classmate is right, because only in this way, small strong in such a problem he would do it, but afterward he could slowly homework independently. And those who put their homework let jack Bauer copy again, it is not good, also not the real "friendship", if you do this, he will slowly form the bad habit of relying on.  Remember once, I was doing, I don't know a word, my deskmate Chen told me that my next time when I meet the word will be read. She often help me, so now I think it's a true friendship.

  true friendship为主题的作文

  What does friendship mean? There is no definite answer. An eternal theme in literature, friendship is also indispensable in daily life. Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help.

  true friendship为主题的作文

  My cherish friendship

  Every one need friends,me too.Beacuse friends can give your encouragement to overcome the difficulties and lend a brightness to your life.Sometime,you must be grateful to them.

  Many people forsake his friends in favor of money or power.That's absolutely wrong.You should know that money and power are temporary and that friends are everlasting .That shoule be everyone's creed.To me,without friends,I am nothing.

  There was a time when my life was broken-hearted.My friends gave me in large quantities sympathy ,joy and love------things that saved me.Then,I was aware that I was so

  blessedness and lucky!

  I owe my friends many kindnesses.How can I repay them?But,I understand they don't need me to do that.

  In my opinion,this is ture friendship and i really cherish it

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