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2016-04-17 11:08:42 编辑:hongyaping 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读: 假定你是李华交换生  下面是中国招生考试网小编整理的假定你是李华交换生,供大家参考!  书面表达  假定你是李华, 作为一名交换生(a ...




  假定你是李华, 作为一名交换生(an exchange student)刚结束在英国为期一个月的学习。学习期间, 你和房东Mr. Wilson结下了深厚的友谊。请按下列要点给Mr. Wilson发一封邮件


  1. 生活上的照顾;

  2. 学习上的帮助;假定你是李华交换生

  3. 希望保持联系。


  1. 词数100左右;

  2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;

  3. 开头语已为你写好。

  Dear Mr. Wilson,

  Time flies!I’ve been back home. __________________________________________________


  Best wishes,

  Li Hua假定你是李华交换生


  One Possible Version

  Dear Mr. Wilson,

  Time flies! I've been back home. How I miss the days we spent together! All I saw and experienced

  will be part of my memory. It was your help and kindness that made my study and life in the UK special

  and enjoyable.

  Thanks to your help, I got used to the life there soon. I still miss the delicious meals you prepared for

  me. Besides, I really appreciate your patience while talking with me. It was a wonderful time for me to

  improve my spoken English. And I also learned a lot about your country and the English culture.

  I hope we can stay in touch with each other. I am looking forward to your coming to China in the

  near future.

  Best wishes,假定你是李华交换生

  Li Hua





  Warmer Climate Will

  Bake Tropical Bugs2016年职称英语理工B类完形填空真题及答案解析

  Global warming could cook tropical insects, with unpredictable knock-on effects, say researchers who warn that rising temperatures also______(51) tropical frogs, lizards (蜥蜴).

  Temperatures are ______ (52) to increase much fasterin temperate(温和的) and polar(极地的)regions than in the tropics. But no-one had looked at how warming would affect insects and other cold-bloodedanimals ______ (53) had evolved in tropical regions with little temperature variation.

  Curtis Deutsch at the University of California at Los Angeles and colleagues analyzed data______ (54) insect survival and reproduction for 38 species in different ecosystems(生态系统), and then estimated how these values would ______ (55) with predictions of climate change for the 21st century.

  The team found that the reproductive ______ (56) of tropical insects tends to peak very close to the temperatures where they normally live, but______ (57) sharply at higher temperatures. This means that cranking up (提高)the heat only a small amountcan exert a heavy toll, leaving insects unable to reproduce ______ (58) enough to keep up their numbers.

  Temperature tolerance2016年职称英语理工B类完形填空真题及答案解析

  Temperate insects reproduce well over a broader range, and do not live as ______ (59) to their thermal(热的) limit, so they can reproduce successfully when their climate warms more than in the tropics.

  “Tropical insects do very well in a narrow band of temperatures, but move them above that______ (60) and they die,” says team member Josh Tewksbury of the University of Washington in Seattle.

  The heart of the ______ (61) is temperature tolerance temperate-zone insects have evolved to survive the much broader temperatures wings of seasonal climates, than have their tropical relatives.

  The______(62) appears worse for animals that live in hot stable climate of the lower levels of tropical forests. Lizards in clear areas can find shade to cool down, but those living in the forest are already in the ______ (63), and there's not much they can do to get cooler, Deutsch says.

  Too few tropical insects have been studied so far to______ (64) if any particular group will be particularly hard-hit, says Tewksbury. Insects play important______(65) in forest ecology(生态学), including pollination, and eating detritus to recycle carbon.

  The team are now starting to evaluate how temperature affects ecological interactions of insects with other species, including crops such as African corn.

  51.A.treat B.threaten

  C.help D.protect

  52.A.demanded B.needed

  C.promised D.expected2016年职称英语理工B类完形填空真题及答案解析

  53.A.while B.where

  C.that D.what

  54.A.on B.in

  C.at D.with

  55.A.meet B.spread

  C.decrease D.change

  56.A.rate B.value

  C.system D.type

  57.A.develops B.stops

  C.rises D.drops

  58.A.fast B.typically

  C.firmly D.jointly

  59.A.important B.possible

  C.close D.necessary

  60.A.range B.order

  C.rank D.XX2016年职称英语理工B类完形填空真题及答案解析

  61.A.proposal B.project

  C.thesis D.problem

  62.A.reason B.cause

  C.level D.effect

  63.A.cave B.shade

  C.sunshine D.open

  64.A.tell B.speak

  C.wonder D.doubt

  65.A.tricks B.roles

  C.games D.rules

  51.B 前文提到“cook tropical insects”,B选项“威胁”符合题意。

  52.D  demanded意为“要求”needed“需要”promised“承诺”,D expected,“预计”符合题意。

  53.C that这里引导定语从句,修饰前边的insects and other cold-blooded animals。

  54.A data on……固定用法,关于某方面的数据。

  55.D change意为变动、变化,符合句意。

  56.A  A. rate 速度B. value 价值C. system 系统D. type类型,根据后边句子,可知昆虫繁殖速度受温度影响。

  57.D drops意为“下跌”,与下一句符合。develops“发展”,stops“停止”,rises“升高”。

  58.A fast enough足够快”,符合句意keep up their numbers。2016年职称英语理工B类完形填空真题及答案解析

  59.C live as close to,这里是指温带昆虫的生存与它们的耐热限度没有那么紧密的关系。

  60.A range “范围”order “命令” rank“等级”,A选项符合句意。

  61.D 根据原文意思,应该选C项,即“问题的主要部分”。proposal“提议”,project“工程”,thesis “论文”。

  62.D effect意为“影响”,前一段讲到热带昆虫受温度的影响,D选项符合句意。

  63.B shade意为“树荫,符合原文住在森林里。cave“洞穴”,sunshine“阳光”,open“户外”。

  64.A 句子意思为“人们对热带昆虫的研究太少,无法辨别是否存在耐温的群体,tell“分辨”符合。

  65.B play a……role,扮演……角色,发挥……作用,属于固定搭配。



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