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how can i get to the library教案

2016-09-01 16:41:45 编辑:chenghuijun 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

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  下面是中国招生考试网http://www.chinazhaokao.com/小编为大家带来的how can i get to the library教案,希望能帮助到大家!

  how can i get to the library教案(1)

  I. Teaching Aims:

  1. Language aims:

  1) To enable the students to command the useful words and expressions.

  2) To enable the students to use the sentences to ask and give the directions.

  2. Ability aims:

  1) To enable the students to grasp the details in the listening parts.

  2) To enable the students to make dialogues about asking and giving the directions.

  3. Emotion aims:

  1) To encourage the students to cooperate with the classmates and accomplish the tasks together.

  2) To encourage the students to use English about the direction skillfully.

  II. Key and difficult points:

  1) To enable the students to grasp the details in the listening parts.

  2) To cultivate their cooperative abilities through group works.

  III. Teaching Procedures:

  1. Warming up

  Group work:Match the traffic sighs.

  The pictures are showed on the PPT and let the students do the match game.





  Turn Left! U-Turn! Turn Right! No Entry! No Parking!

  how can i get to the library教案(2)

  2. Pre-task:

  1)Look and match.

  Look at the picture and write down what the letters stand for.

  traffic lights; the second turn; turn right; road; crossroads; turn left; go across the road


  Use the Present Continuous Tense to describe what Li Xiaonian is dong.

  ----What is Li Xiaonian doing? -----He is ….

  a. Go across the road. b. Turn right.

  c. Turn left at the crossroads. d. Take the second turn on the right.

  e. Turn left at the first traffic light. f. Go along the road.

  3. While-task:

  1) Read and underline:

  Students read the dialogue individually, and underline the key sentences about asking and giving directions. Teacher asks students to tell their opinions.

  2) Read the everyday English together.

  3) Listen and complete:

  Listen to the media and complete the dialogues.

  A: Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest __________?

  B: Go along the road and turn __________ at the first traffic lights. Then take the __________ turn on the right.

  A: Is it by the roadside?

  B: Yes. It’s just beside a __________ __________.

  A: How __________ will it take me to get there?

  B: About __________ minutes. You can’t miss it.

  A: I see. Thank you!

  how can i get to the library教案(3)

  4) Listen to the media and answer the question.

  Q: Where does the woman want to go?

  What is beside the bank?

  How will the woman go there?

  How long will it take the woman to get there?

  5) Role-play

  Work in pairs.The students make the conversation according to the given situation.The students pactice the dialogue themselves.Then show the plays.

  A: Excuse me! How can I_________?


  A:Is there___________?


  A:How long will it me to get there?

  B:About ______minutes.You can’t miss it.

  A:I see. Thank you!

  4. Group work:

  Read and act: Look at the picture about our school and introduce the important places to the teacher.

  Q: Where is your classroom?

  How can we get to the playground?

  Discuss how can we go home?

  4. Summary

  5. Homework:

  (1) Recite the new words.

  (2) Finish the exercise on Page 124.

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3、"how can i get to the library教案" 地址:http://www.chinazhaokao.com/wendang/jiaoan/607432.html,复制分享给你身边的朋友!