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牛津译林版七年级英语上册my day教案

2016-12-08 16:34:34 编辑:zhangyanqing 来源:http://www.chinazhaokao.com 成考报名 浏览:

导读:   牛津市,英国最具学术气质的城市,没有围墙和校门,30多个历史悠久的学院散布城市各个角落,最有名的则是大名鼎鼎的牛津大学。下面是中 ...

  牛津市,英国最具学术气质的城市,没有围墙和校门,30多个历史悠久的学院散布城市各个角落,最有名的则是大名鼎鼎的牛津大学。下面是中国招生考试网www.chinazhaokao.com  为大家整理的牛津译林版七年级英语上册my day教案,供大家参考。

  牛津译林版七年级英语上册my day教案

  7A 第4单元 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit部分 第1课时 (练习题)


  1、叫醒 2、午饭后

  3、去睡觉 4、如何获得乐趣

  5、做早操 6、进行课外活动

  7、上课 8、是吃早饭的时候了!


  1、You can borrow my book..(改成一般疑问句)


  2、You must look after your things.(改成祈使句)


  3、It is time for English class.(改成同义句)


  4、He likes Chinese food very much.(对划线部分提问)


  5、Lily’s uncle works in this toy factory.(对划线部分提问)




  I don’t know something .


  It is 5:00pm.It’s time home.


  -- you every day?---No, .


  --- you ?---Yes,I am..[来源:Z#xx#k.Com]


  you every day?


  Today is Sunday .Daniel 1 his new T-shirt and his white shoes.He has a trip He has a trip to the Renmin Zoo. The zoo is open 2 Tuesday to Sunday.After breakfast , he 3 gooddbye to his mother and 4 a bus to the zoo.He gets there 5 9:00 and meets up with his classmates.Each of them can 6 5 yuan.There are different 7 of animals in the zoo.Time goes fast.It’s 11:30.Then they have lunch

  2012初中七年级上册英语牛津译林版教案Unit 2 《My day》Main task

  第一部分 简要提示


  二、教学内容:7A Unit 2 My day

  三、课型: Main Task



  1) 词汇:本课时的四会单词

  2) 词组:

  be good for , get ready for

  3) 句型:

  I love/ like/ dislike doing.






  1.重点: 能够在语篇层面上简单描述校园生活,表达个人喜好。


  第二部分 教学流程

  Part One Lead-in

  Step 1

  T:All the boys like doing morning exercises. Because they are good for us and they help us get ready for the day.

  T: Sam loves lunchtime very much because he can chat with his friends. Look! How happy he is!

  T: Tim dislikes having school meetings. He thinks they’re boring. ( 枯燥乏味的 )

  T: These two girls are in the Singing Club. Singing can make them happy every day.

  T: James loves drawing pictures and giving them to his classmates. This picture is for his desk-mate Ann. Do you like it?

  T: Helen loves reading. She wants to learn more about the world.

  Tony dislikes doing homework. He thinks it is hard for him and he has too much. Luckily, Tracy always helps him. She thinks homework can help her learn better.

  Do you like making cakes in the classroom? It’s very difficult but everyone loves it because they like eating so much.

  All the students love going on a school trip except Dick. He likes sleeping all the time.

  Max is a member of the Swimming Club. He is crazy about swimming. He practises swimming in the classroom like this every day.

  Step 2

  T: Millie is filling a happiness chart.Read this chart carefully and find out Millie’s likes and dislikes.

  T: Do you want to know the reasons why she likes some activities while dislikes others? Please read another form to find out the reasons.

  S: It’s good for her. It helps her get ready for the day.

  She can chat with friends and eat nice food.

  She is not very tall. It’s hard for her.

  She wants to learn more about the world.

  She likes colours.

  It is too difficult and she has too much.

  Step 3

  T: Discuss in pairs: What activities do you love

  like ?


  Part Two Outline

  Step 4

  T: Please complete your own happiness chart on Page 35 and then write down the reasons in the table on Page 36.

  Part Three Practice

  Step 5

  T: Now, you can write an e-mail to your online friend about your school life. Please complete the e-mail on Page 36.

  T: Read a sample writing first and then check your e-mail with your partner.


  Dear friend

  I spend seven hours at school. I like some parts of the day and I don’t like others.

  I love lunchtime and English class. I love lunchtime because I can chat with my friends and I love English class because it is interesting. I think these activities are very enjoyable.

  I don’t like football or basketball because I am not good at them.

  In the evening, I do my homework and watch TV.

  Part Four Homework

  1. Interview your best friend about what he/ she likes and dislikes in school life.

  2.Write an e-mail to your English teacher about your best friend’s school life according to your interview.

  第三部分 说明

  本节课是第二单元的 Main task,主要目的是培养训练学生的写作能力。这个部分的准备工作基本上在前面的各个部分已经做好了准备。为了确保有足够的多层次的语言完成书面表达任务,教师应带领学生对本单元的重点信息再次进行复习和整理,这将有助于学生更好地掌握。

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