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导读: 关于梦想的英语句子3篇  下面是www chinazhaokao com中国招生考试网小编整理的关于梦想的英语句子3篇,供大家参考!  关于梦想的英语句 ...




  In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we won’t be blind at least.

  My dream is to become a successful stateman, helping those people who need help with their rights. Of course, to be a good stateman is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone satisfied. That's my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. China is a developing country which needs good stateman,especially in the countryside and distant villages.

  Now I’m a junior student on Grade One, My dream is also that although at present I’m good at study, I’ll still try my best to be the study winner. Now everything I do is close to my dream. I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream.


  1、High expectations are the key to everything。远大理想是开启万物的钥匙。 关于梦想的英语句子

  2、Ideal is the beacon。 Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without a direction, there is no life。理想是灯塔。没有理想,就没有明确的航向;没有航向就没有生活。

  3、It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting。 梦想成真是有可能的,正是这一点,让生命变有趣了。

  4、One of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting what one is trying to achieve。人犯错误最危险的一种就是忘记自己的目标是什么。

  5、What makes life dreary is the want of motive。缺少动力将让生活无聊乏味。

  6、If you would go up high , then use your own legs! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people's backs and heads。 如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。

  7、The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today。实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。

  8、Dream without fear; love without limits。梦想无惧,爱无止尽。

  9、Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper。希望是顿美好的早餐,但却是顿糟糕的晚餐。

  10、Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass。生活没有目标,就像航海没有罗盘。

  11、To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield。去奋斗,去追求,去发现,但不要放弃。

  12、When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory。如果一个目的是正当而必须做的,则达到这个目的的必要手段也是正当而必须采取的。

  13、My hopes are not always realized, but I always hope。并不是我的所有愿望都能实现,但我依然拥有希望。


  1、“Two gates there are for dreams,” said Penelope to Odysseus after his ten years' wandering had ended. “One made for horn and one of for ivory. The dreams that pass through the carved ivory delude and bring us tales that turn to naught;those that can come through polished horn accomplish real things whenever seen.”


  2、The dream was always running ahead of me. To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.


  3、Conviction is everything in wishing. If you don't believe in your own power to make your wish come true, your wish will fly away, never to be seen again. But which leads to the most important point of all. If you're wishing for something possible, then it may be possible for you to do whatever you need to make it come true. The ultimate magic is not wishing, but doing.


  4、Dreams don't abandon a painstaking pursuit of the people, as long as you never stop pursuing, you will bathe in the brilliance of the dream.

  梦想不抛弃苦心追求的人,只要不停止追求,你们会沐浴在梦想的光辉之中。 关于梦想的英语句子

  5、Most of the time, our rich pocket, but poor head; we have a dream, but the lack of thought.


  6、When you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you finish it.


  7、The pursuit of a cause of the people, can “dream” doing higher. Although at the beginning of a dream, but as long as you keep doing, do not easily give up, dreams can come true.


  8、With a burning desire to achieve the dream as a backing, so that the desire to become enthusiastic, let it become your brain in one of the most important things.


  9、Who has the material to survive, people have a dream only talk about life. You have to understand life and life different Animal survival, while others life.


  10、The dream is the other shore, the reality is that on this side, action is the bridge connecting.


  11、Youth is to prepare the material, want to build a bridge to the moon, or on the ground and two palaces or temples. Middle age, finally decided to put up a shed.


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