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冀教版八年级下册unit4 lesson21books or computers 的说课稿

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  冀教版八年级下册unit4 lesson21books or computers 的说课稿(1)

  教材冀教版英语八年级下册授课时间主讲人授课班级总第21 课时课题Lesson 21: Books or Computers? 课时安排One 课型New 教学目标1. Master the new words and phrases, understand the meaning of text. 2. Talking about the books how to develop. 3. Ask the Ss to discuss how to read in computer or other ways in the future? 教学重点Master the new words and phrases, understand the meaning of text. Talking about the books how to develop. 教学难点Ask the Ss to discuss how to read in computer or other ways in the future? 教学方法RPCPP 教学资源Electronic whiteboard, Multimedia courseware 教学步骤教师活动学生活动教师复备栏教学过程设计Step 1.Analysis of the student.(2mins) Homework check. Review: In last lesson, we learned the computer is very helpful, and we must learn to use the computer, we can learn something interesting things from the Internet. In this lesson, we will learn how the information to travel? From books or computers easier? Step2. Lead in.(3mins)Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly. Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say. Come to “Think about It!”How many books have you read this year? Do you read e-books? Do you like them? Step 3. New lesson.(30mins)No. 1 Prepare lessons before class. Come to the vocabulary. Teach the new words and phrases. Make sure the Ss can read it correctly. No. 2Text: Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pronunciation when necessary. Greet the students as usual and make sure they can response correctly. Ask some Ss to answer “Think About It”.Before the class, ask the students to complete Let’s Do It! No.1 Make sure 教学过程设计Read the lesson and answer the questions: How did people write books in ancient times? What made it possible to print books quickly? What kind of books quickly changed people’s reading habits? At last, the teacher explains the text in Chinese, make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text. No. 3Important phrases: It was possible to print books quickly. It is easier for people to buy and sell books online. No matter what you have, a computer keeps on reading! No. 4 Culture Tip: Did you know that China was the first to invent paper? Paper was invented during the Han Dynasty. Paper is one of the four great inventions of ancient China. The other three inventions are compass, printing press and gunpowder. No. 5 Finish “Let’s Do It!”Step 4. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.(8mins) Make the Ss listen the text, then let them read follow the tape. Step 5.Summary. (2mins)Ss can read correctly and answer the following questions. Ask the students To learn the Sentences by heart Listen to the recorder carefully and repeat. 作业Finish the activity book and the practice. Copy the new words and phrases twice. 板书设计Lesson 21: Books or Computers? The new words: press, appear, modern, electronic, sell. The new phrases: pass on, by hand, printing press, keep on, write down, thousands of. The new sentences: It was possible to print books quickly. It is easier for people to buy and sell books online. No matter what you have, a computer keeps on reading! 教学反思

  冀教版八年级下册unit4 lesson21books or computers 的说课稿(2)

  lesson 21 Books or Computers?

  第21课 书还是电脑?

  The history of books is very interesting.


  In ancient times,there were no books, and peoplepassed on their knowledge by telling stories.


  Later,people learned how to write and make paper.


  With paper,people began to write down their stories.


  They wrote each word by hand.


  It took a long time to write just one book!


  Then, the printing press appeared and changed the world.


  With modern technology,it was possible to print books quickly.


  It was also possible for common people to read books.


  Recently, computers and the Internet changed the world again.


  A new kind of book appeared:the electronic book(e-book).


  E-books are quickly changing people's reading habits.


  It is easier for people to buy and sell books online.


  Information travels faster and farther.


  Nowadays, people have many ways to read books.


  No matter what you have,a computer,a tablet, a laptop,an e-reader or a real book, keep onreading!


  Which invention do you think is more important - the printing press or the Internet?


  冀教版八年级下册unit4 lesson21books or computers 的说课稿(3)

  1 Lesson21:Books or Computers Teaching aims Knowledge By the end of lesson 21, the students will be able to read, understand and use the new words and phrases. Such as appear, modern, electronic, sell, pass on, by hand, printing press, keep on Ability 1. To talk about the history of the books. 2. To know the importance of the printing press and the Internet Emotion No matter what we have , we must keep on reading. Teaching difficult points and important points To use the new phrases and to talk about the importance of the printing press and the Internet. Teaching tools PPT, radio Teacher’s activities Students ’activities Aims Step1: Lead-in and warm up Think about: How can we get knowledge? Students think about it and answer the questions. Motivate the Ss and lead in the new concept. Step2: New Concept: 1.Teach the new words 2. Read the passage and answer 3 questions. Q1: How did people write books in ancient times? Q2: What made it possible to print books quickly? Q3: What kind of books quickly changed people’s reading habits? 3. Practice Read Passage1, 2 and 3 again and fill in the blanks. The Ss learn new words The Ss read the lesson individually and then discuss the answers with partners. The Ss read it for the second time Teach the new words: appear, modern, by hand…Get to know more about the content and key information about this lesson. Students can master the lesson better. 2 1.Read the text and put the sentences in correct order. The Ss do exercise Check the students if they understand the text. Step3: Drill Retell the history of books. The structure can help the students The Ss retell the history of books. Students can know the history better. Practice oral expressed ability. Step 4:project Do you like reading paper books or electronic books? Why? Talk with your members in group. Divide the class into two parts , one talk about”I like reading paper books” , The others talk about” I like reading electronic books”. To give Ss time to practice their speaking and writing abilities. Step5: Summary No matter what we have, we must keep on reading. Emotion promotion. Home-work Do you like reading paper books or electronic books? Why? Talk with your partner and make up a dialogue. Board Design Lesson21:Books or Computers? Words: Phrases: press press printing appear pass on people passed on their knowledge. modern by hand They wrote each word by hand. electronic keep on No matter what you have, keep on reading.

冀教版八年级下册unit4 lesson21books or computers 的说课稿相关热词搜索:下册 年级

1、一、填空 1、500立方分米=( )立方米 2升=( )立方分米 2、如果自然数A是B的6倍,则A与B的最小公倍数是( ),最大公约数是( )。 3、分数单位是的最大真分数是小学五年级数学下册期末试题期末复习必备无需下载(2015-07-14)

2、古诗词 下册 教学设计 1古诗词三首 教学目标:1 读懂三首古诗,感悟每首诗中描绘的独特景色,体会表现手法。2 能用自己的话说出诗句意思,并由此想象画面。 3 会认读本课中“螺”“人教版四年级下册语文第一课古诗词三首教学设计及教学反思(2015-08-15)

3、内角 三角形 下册设计思路本案的设计较注重的是培养学生自己动手的能力。首先通过复习已学过的三角形的有关知识来引入新课题。接下来让同学们自己动手画锐角三角形,直角三角形,钝角四年级下册数学教学设计《三角形的内角和》(2015-08-15)

4、内角 三角形 下册 设计思路本案的设计较注重的是培养学生自己动手的能力。首先通过复习已学过的三角形的有关知识来引入新课题。接下来让同学们自己动手画锐角三角形,直角三角形,钝角 四年级下册数学教学设计《三角形的内角和》 (2015-08-15)

5、内角 三角形 下册 一、教学内容:义务教育课程标准实验教科书(人教版)四年级下册数学P85例5及“做一做”。 二、教学目标:、知识与技能:通过学习,掌握三角形的内角和是180度。人教版四年级数学下册《三角形的内角和》教案设计(2015-08-15)

6、内角 三角形 下册 一、教学内容:义务教育课程标准实验教科书(人教版)四年级下册数学P85例5及“做一做”。 二、教学目标:、知识与技能:通过学习,掌握三角形的内角和是180度。人教版四年级数学下册《三角形的内角和》教案设计 范文(2015-08-15)

7、内角 三角形 下册 我说课的题目是《三角形内角和》,内容选自人教版九年义务教育七年级下册第七章第二节第一课 数学是人与人之间精神层面上进行的交往。课堂教学中的交往主要是教师苏教版小学四年级下册数学三角形内角和说课稿(2015-08-15)

8、下册 图形 年级《图形的拼组》是义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学数学四年级下册,第五单元三角形的第四小节的内容。这个内容在以前的教材中是没有的,该内苏教版小学四年级下册数学图形的拼组说课稿(2015-08-15)

9、折线 图说 下册课程改革,让我们每一位数学老师强烈意识到,数学与生活紧密相联。统计与概率既是生活内容,也是数学内容。今天我说课的内容就是西师版课标教材小学数学四年级下册的统苏教版小学四年级下册数学折线统计图说课稿(2015-08-15)

10、下册 年级 数学  义务教育课程标准实验教科书(人教版)四年级下册第八单元《数学广角》第一课时。 让学生经历将实际问题抽象出植树问题模型的过程,掌握种树棵数与间隔数之间的关系。苏教版小学四年级下册数学植树问题说课稿(2015-08-15)

11、数学 下册 围棋  一、说教材:  1、教学内容:人教版教科书四年级下册数学广角第120页例3及部分练习。 2、教材分析:  大家知道,人教版的新教材都专门安排了“数学广角”单元苏教版小学四年级下册数学围棋中的数学问题说课稿(2015-08-15)

12、四则 下册 年级 1、说课内容:人教版实验教材四下第一单元《四则混合运算》例4(两个商(积)之和(差)的混合运算)例4的教学是在学生学习了加减混合运算、乘除混合运算、积商之和(差)的混合苏教版小学四年级下册数学四则混合运算说课稿(2015-08-15)

13、加法 下册 定律 教学内容:人教版(义务教育课程标准实验教科书·数学)四年级下册第27—29页,练习五的第1~4题。主要包括:加法交换律和加法结合律。 地位作用:在前三年的学习中,学生对苏教版小学四年级下册数学加法的运算定律说课稿(2015-08-15)

14、下册 年级 数学  《简便计算》这一课是人民教育出版社第八册数学第三单元P44的内容。是在学生已经掌握了乘法的意义并且对乘法交换律、结合律、分配律以及除法的定律有了初步认识的基苏教版小学四年级下册数学简便计算说课稿(2015-08-15)

15、小数 下册 意义 教师的教学方案必须建立在学生的基础之上,新课程标准指出:“数学课程不仅要考虑教学自身的特点,更应遵循学生学习数学的心理规律,强调从学生已有的生活经验出发…苏教版小学四年级下册小数的产生和意义说课稿(2015-08-15)


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